Granite ThreeLately there have been numerous complaints of the lack of sufficient seating in our dining hall. I
number among those complaining. And I have promised to address this once I was overseer once more.
Though mundane, this is my first real order of business.
Other than that I will be managing the sand collection/block construction/roof expansion work most
of my term, I imagine. The end is getting close in sight of building the exterior of our tower, so
it is shoulder to the wheel for all of us!
Granite SevenThe problem with sealing the sky is that you also seal off the resources that it brings. Past managers
have recognized this, and so we have a few holes in our cieling to keep our windmills running that
power our pumps. But there is more than just windmills to worry of! How does our "Mad Visionary",
bless his crazed hart, plan to keep any sources of water alive with the whole sky filled with impermeables!
We have no river, so our ponds are very important to me.
I am going to keep holes in the cieling, and by extention the palace floors below, in the shape of the
ponds below it. On the top level there will be no walls, but inside the palace there should be glass
walls, or maybe windows, along the edges of the holes, so that none may fall in. That's a bit ahead
still though.
Granite FourteenThe Elves have arrived! We'll see if my tour with Dain has paid off in my understanding of our traps.
Granite TwentyThrough a mix up in levers and some bad judgement, the Elves left this year. They didn't inquire about
their prior missing caravans, but they seemed a tad more shifty than usual. They have escaped and with
them the knowledge of our work. I hope word doesn't spread too far. I am sure that it will be made
up to them next year!
Slate Twenty-EightWork continues on the roof. I am concentrating right now on completing the outline of the two first
ponds before I further any massive expansions. I am also having some of our free masons (ha!) work
on the crumble tower. With our military prowess, I doubt the thing is really even needed. But no
matter how you see it, crushing goblins under thousands of pounds of stone is fun.
Felsite TenA hammerer arrived with some migrants today. Perfect, as I was just thinking of how our golden wall
still had some grime on it from last time. I will see to it that the wall is "cleaned" once more.
Felsite Twenty-TwoThe Hammerer was accidentally crused while polishing the bottom of our golden wall today.
Hematite TwelveOur conduct with the humans has not gone unnoticed! Today the caravan we get is one full of screaming
warriors wearing the large armor that they usually try to peddle to us! Yes, they have laid siege to
our home, but in surprisingly small number. Perhaps they don't fully know whether thier missing
comrades were our fault or not. Either way, none shall leave with their lives!
I am ordering dwarves indoors. Once all are inside safely I will lock down the main entrances, allow
access to the outside, and throw the lever to close the front gate bridge. Once that is done I'll
unlock the front door, order only soldiers outdoors, and assemble the troops at the gate. Then
lock the front door again, allow all dwarves outside (to allow access to the lever) and throw the gates
open and hope for the best! I have full confidence in our strength.
Hematite ThirteenWhile waiting for the bridge to close, a human wrestler decided to see what we were up to behind our
walls. He was the only one willing to come, and it is a pity for him. He was quickly torn in half
by our champions that were en route.
Hematite FourteenAnother human wrestler came, but was smashed by our hammerer and hounddwarf, Endok!
Hematite FifteenA sign that at least this particular group of humans pose little threat: One of their wrestlers was
killed by Led Ogdubamost, a war dog. The dog was, however, badly wounded in return. The gates finally
went up, but one of our champions, Iton Logemtenshed is stuck oustide. He'll have to fend for himself
if the humans start advancing before all of our champions can muster by the gates. I just recieved
word that our brave dog was pincushioned by the human archers.
Hematite SeventeenIn the midst of war, the elections were held and Archimedes was re-elected.
Hematite EighteenWe are now as fully assembled as we can hope for. Time for battle!
Hematite NineteenBridge opened, troops to rush out!
Watch the battle!The aftermath, and our troops coming home!
Hematite TwentyOnly two casualties on our side overall. The dog, and Kadol Matgoden, Champion. This Chapion died
with honor defending Skyseal. I can think of no better way to go.
The full battle report made its way to my desk today.
Id Azingoden: 3 kills
Morul Osodusuth: One Kill
Logem Omerolon: One kill
Endok Ritholkol: One kill
Zas: Two Kills
Cog Gebartosid: His first two kills!
Hematite Twenty-OneWe mourn the loss of Kadol, but work continues today.
Malachite NineOrdered the carving out of a proper office for myself, adjacent to my quarters.
Malachite Twenty-TwoThis consecutive leading seems to have gone to Archimedes head! Or maybe he's just having fun as the
figurehead of Skyseal. Either way, he wants an adamantine chest in his office. A waste to be sure,
but I'll humor him for now. When the Queen arrives, it will, of course, belong to her.
Limestone OneAutumn has arrived. Other than our little scuffle with the humans, my term has been so far fairly
uneventful. Work continues on the roof; I've got two of our most important ponds left open to the
Limestone FourteenWord from a mason on the crumble tower whose name I do not recall: Goblins are gathering at our borders.
A siege! Until we can properly asses the situation I am ordering the bridge drawn and getting everyone
Limestone FifteenThe gates went up just as the first squad was charging our entrance. Four goblins made it through
in time, but they will pose no threat alone. I am sending word to the troops to assemble at the front
gate once again. They will take care of the stray goblins on their way.
The numbers were just put on my desk: 58 goblins total. If we have to face them all at once, it could
be fatal for us. But I think they will come in spurts, as is their way.
Limestone SeventeenZas assures me that our forces are prepared for this fight. I trust his judgement. Our forces have
assembled behind the gates. We won't have to take the entire goblin force on at once; I believe the
odds are now in our favor.
Limestone EighteenOur troops fought valiantly for Skyseal!Limestone TwentyThe next goblin squad is advancing. We eagerly await their arrival.
Limestone Twenty-OneA baby that was brought into battle was killed in the crossfire, but our troops were
VICTORIOUS!The goblins, having a good number of their forced depleted, turned tail and left!
Our troops return home!
So now, back to the drudgery of regular fortress living! We now have a hoarde of goblin gear that
will fetch us quite a bit of goods in trading. Though I thinkthat we will most likel offer most
of it to the mountainhomes, if only to get it out of our sight!
The full report of the battle has reached my desk:
Logem Etvuthrabed: One kill
Doren Rungakiteb: Five goblins, One Kobold: Six Kills
Ingish Alodonul: One Kill
Monom Sibrekbekar: First Four Kills!
Zas: Three kills
Logem Omerolon: Four Kills
Udib Akamineth: Two Kills
Morul Osodustuth: Two Kills
Endok Inodtathtat: One Kill
23 Goblins Vanquished! One sorry kobold killed.
Sandstone TenI completed my office/dining room. One room will do for me for now. Until I can get moved up above
that is. I long for the day that I can settle myself among the very clouds! It will certainly be
Work continues: crafting more bins, hauling dead goblin armor, construction of cieling, work on the
crumble tower.
Sandstone Thirteenour crypt is at capacity right now. I've ordered the miners to continue with its expansion.
Sandstone Twenty-OneI've set the woodcutters to harvesting wood within our walls to replenish our stockpiles.
Timber OneWinter has come. Nothing new to report. Work continues in all places mentioned before. The crumble
tower is nearing completion, finally.
Moonstone SeventeenWe get no rest! A force of what looks to be 38 goblins have shown up today. This time right in front
of our open gates. I hope to get the gate closed before too many get in, but this time it is surely
unavoidable. They've caught us by such surprise this time, that I expect at least a few dwarves to
die. There are some outside the walls right now, and I can't afford to wait to call them in. I am
sending word to the army now. They will begin preparations as soon as is possible.
Moonstone EighteenSomeone got to the lever just in time! Seven goblin hammermen were able to squeeze past while closing
but the greater part of the goblin force remains without the gate. The troops will assemble as they
have before. We should dispatch these siegers without event, if all goes as before.
As I had predicted. Word just came that our mechanics that were outside were killed by the goblins.
One was shot while up on the crumble tower. The range of the goblin archers is alarming!
May you join the stone from which you were carved, comrades Bembul Nishadag and Zan Rifotast!
Moonstone NineteenThe troops have assembled. Time for battle.
Moonstone TwentyWe've lost the Hound Lord!
Olin Ushulnish, Marksdwarf, is wounded badly in the left upper arm, and the left shoulder and right
lower arm are fairly injured. He now lays unconscious on the bridge.
We've taken down the two squadsin front of the gate, and now await the final three squads.
Moonstone Twenty-TwoThe goblins seem a bit indecisive after seeing their siegemates slaughtered, but the squad of goblin
hammerers has begun to make their way toward our gates.
Word just came that we vanquished that squad as well! Our warriors are fearsome!
Moonstone Twenty-ThreeA sqad of wrestlers and macemen are now on approach, with another squad of wrestlers and marksmen
not far behind. We may see more casualties yet. While they don't pose a huge threat to us, the
marksmen seem quite capable.
Moonstone Twenty-FourImmediately following a
small scuffle with the macement, the remaining goblins saw
in living flesh how mighty our fighters are. They made the wise decision and ran away. They certainly
can run quite fast when motivated. Hopefully word of our might will get out. That could leave us
in peace for a time. But I fear, knowing the way of the goblin, that they will just return in time
in far greater numbers. We'll be ready!
The report of the battle has reached my desk:
Logem Omerolon: One kill
Stakud Stelindber:First Kill!
Id Azingoden: Three Kills
Thikut Rithasen, Marksdwarf: First Three Kills!
Cog Gebartosid:Four Kills
26 enemies vanquished!
One comrade dead, one wounded.
Opal TwoAfter the death of our mechanics, I appointed two of our peasants to fill the role. For my purposes
they are dedicated mechanics, but feel free to set them to other work next year!
Opal EightI've named Monom "Goblin Hammer!" for her impressive display of hatred toward the greens in our last
two battles with them! She is quite a deadly opponent!
Obsidian SixWork on the roof continues faster than production can handle. We are slowly but steadily sealing the
Obsidian Twenty-ThreeAs my term nears its end, one of our faithful wardogs dies of old age...
Obsidian Twenty-FiveLorbam Niralas, one of our esteemed glassmakers has been possesed!
Granite One, Year Ten Six TwoAs Lorbam is brining wood and jewels to the forge he has claimed, my term has ended. The next overseer
will be the one that Lorbam presents his creation to.
This term has been extremely eventful, and early on, nearly catastophic due to my curiosity over
an unknown lever. Maybe next time I'll consider what an adamantine mechanism fully signifies before
pullin random levers! I had an inkling, but didn't take it quite seriously enough, as Dain has
pointed out!
I only ask that future managers mind the ponds below as we expand our roof. Having no river, the
rain reaching our ponds is of VITAL IMPORTANCE!
All levers are now labeled. Well, I think I might have not labeled four of them but it should be clear
that they are associated with the not yet working crumble tower. Just refer to the "N"otes on any
lever that you are unsure of.