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Author Topic: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.  (Read 14572 times)


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #60 on: July 22, 2008, 04:53:59 am »

A lot of dwarves are on that 'Justice' list. We have no jails, and as long as we keep splattering the authoratays, there aren't going to be any beatings save those we produce ourselves.

...Why did he murder a dog?

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #61 on: July 22, 2008, 07:37:10 am »

That sick bastard....

Yeah, we'll make sure only the truly wicked are punished the evil traders from foreign lands trying to saturate our economy...or those self righteous dwarven hammerers...or apparently dogs.


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2008, 07:11:28 pm »

3rd of Granite, 1059

I now have what I need...three adamentine wafers, some raw green glass, and peridots.  I can begin!  I will survive!
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 10:43:54 pm by Frelock »
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2008, 10:22:20 pm »

From the Journal of Ayla Udilninur
Granite Three, Ten Five Nine
Demos has taken interest in Iton Trumpetboars.  Particularly in Iton's pending creation.  It was incredible that he was able to talk with Iton at all; this dwarf had feverishly claimed a workshop and was tearing the fortress apart looking for cut gems and raw green glass.  I steered clear of the commotion, not wanting to sustain unnecessary injuries.  But this is what I overheard: Demos calmed Iton by ordering some gems cut and promising Iton a place among the true rulers of Skyseal.  Now Iton is furiously laboring nonstop in the workshop.  This shall prove to be interesting, without a doubt. 

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #64 on: July 27, 2008, 04:15:40 am »

Is your turn going well so far, Frelock?  I'm not asking to rush you, just pure curiosity!  :D


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #65 on: July 27, 2008, 03:24:31 pm »

Yep, turn finished, just need to write it up.  I have jury-duty tomorrow, so might have to wait until Tuesday.

A few things that happened (If you're interested, I'd personally wait for the write-up):
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This one deserves a special spoiler, as it is so awsome!:
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« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 09:15:29 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #66 on: July 27, 2008, 06:27:47 pm »

Jury duty huh?  :o  Free lunches right?  :D

As tempting as it is, I think I am going to wait for the write up myself!  :)


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #67 on: July 29, 2008, 04:09:37 pm »

((No free lunch :(.  Anyways, the writing is taking longer than expected (I'm afraid I'm not very good at it) but here's the first installment:))

7th of Granite, 1059
It is Finished!  The spirits have left me, and I now hold in my hand Veshthetust, "Dustpurges," an adamantine short sword!  This is my greatest moment.  The name, of course, symbolizes the way it shall be used; to purge goblins from our midst as easily as the dust beneath our feet.  The champion who holds this will be an invincible whirlwind in battle.  None shall stand before him.  On it, I have placed an image of the coronation of the ancient king, Adil Homagearmor.  He was a brave warrior, and I hope that our current rulers will be as wise, benevolent, and as ruthless in battle as he.  Some say our great war against the goblins has come to an end, but I say we must revive it, and drive the green filth from the face of the Earth!  But that’s just my opinion.

Though the spirits have left me, and I am no longer mad (they say I was screaming at everyone to get me some raw green glass), I still remember what they have taught me.  I am now a weaponsmith without equal.  I will add a good stock of masterful weapons to our military.  I also asked Demos politely to appraise the value of my sword.  He said it was worth somewhere around 1,466,400.  Needless to say, I was shocked.  Though Veshthetust is probably my greatest work, I think that my weapons may become a major source of value for our community.  I only hope to help and serve.

Speaking of serving, apparently I had made a deal with Demos during my madness.  I’ve been offered a place among the true rulers of Skyseal.  It may not be an easy task, but it is my duty to take on the mantle of leadership, and guide Skyseal into a great and wonderful future.  I have re-accepted his offer, and will take command of the fortress starting immediately.  First thing to do is round up all those damnable dogs….

9th of Granite, 1059
Those idiotic, tree-hugging, berry eating elves have arrived.  I loathe their kind so much.  I can’t wait till they get to the trade depot; we have a surprise for them.  I also ordered for a few trees in the main walled-off area to be cut down.  The elves should see it right as they’re arriving.  I hope they enjoy the sight.  It will be the last plant life they ever see.

12th of Granite, 1059
I’ve ordered the drawbridge raised, and the elves are now trapped.  Now we wait for hunger, thirst, and weariness to take its toll.  Or we could use the ballista.  I haven’t quite decided yet.  Either way, they end up dead.

Apparently, though, no-one has informed our dear mayor Lorbam Erithuzol, the old swordsdwarf, of our intentions.  I got a notice today of his mandated ban on green-glass exports.  Obviously we aren’t going to export the glass needed to build the great project that rises above us every day.  But furthermore, we aren’t going to trade with any elven hippies! 

16th of Granite, 1059
I’ve decided, it’s to be the ballista for those elves.  I’ve ordered Archimedes to get it ready for operation.  On another note, the miners have gotten started on my first great contribution for Skyseal.  It will be a military training facility.  If I simply drafted dwarves now and sent them to the barracks, well, the others would kill them without a drop of sweat.  Already we have several dwarves with nervous system injuries, and I don’t want any more.  I have decided not to dump them in the burninator, though; I never liked that thing anyways.  It shall stand unused during my tenure as ruler.

Anyhow, the new training facility will be entirely self-sufficient.  It will have, in order from highest level to lowest: A barracks for the recruits to practice in, a barracks to sleep in, a mess hall with an adjacent hall of heroes to inspire the troops, a weight training room, where dwarves will operate dry pumps to increase their strength and endurance, and a heavy weapons facility, where they will learn the fine art of using siege weaponry.  Quarters for the civilian personnel along with the farms, kitchen stills, and stockpiles will be on the same level as the mess.

I’ve also thought through these new dwarves’ training regimen.  First, they will use the pumps to gain strong bodies, along with the siege engines to gain strong minds.  (I’ve also been thinking about giving them swimming lessons, but that would take more water than we currently have)  Then, they will receive steel armor and shields, and practice for months on end, until they are legendary wrestlers, armor users, and shield users.  Only then will they be given copper weapons to spar with.  Finally, after what will most likely be several years of training, they will be given adamantine weapons and placed in the regular military.  When this happens, no goblin in the world will be able to stand up to them. 

If I see a dwarf that shows himself worthy enough, I will let him use Veshthetust.  For now, though, I don’t trust it in the hands of our current military.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re great fighters, and defend Skyseal without any problems.  But these are outpost guards, trained rough and tough, with only the strongest surviving.  Most of them don’t even have sufficient wrestling training; it seems they were just given weapons and told to spar.  We need a regular military, with standardized weaponry and training.  Perhaps, eventually, we will send them out to meet the green menace where they live, but I think that unlikely for now.

Right now, I need the miners to continue digging.  I just got a message that they have struck cinnabar.  While I won’t order them to mine it out, I see it as a good omen.

21st of Granite, 1059
Somebody has slipped up.  I don’t know how, but a herd of hoary marmots was sighted on the great roof!  Somehow, they were able to slip past at least fifty dwarves and the dog tied up at the entrance.  Stupid dog; I should probably change it out for a mule…

Anyhow, Cog the Seamstress was up there, removing a few unnecessary boarder blocks.  When she saw the hoary marmots interrupting her work, I guess something came over her, and she became enraged.  She charged at them, and threw two off the roof, over fifteen stories to their deaths.  The others, she strangled to death with her bare hands.  The others who were there said she was terrifying.  I need to remember to stay on her good side.

1st of Felsite, 1059
Archimedes has informed me that the elf merchants are both dead.  Only one of their mules remains.  He should be taken care of soon.

13th of Felsite, 1059
Treachery!  Someone has opened the gate, and the donkey escaped!  I don’t know who could have done such a thing.  I suspect Endok, our houndmaster.  There’s something wrong with a dwarf who likes animals as much as she does, especially despicable dogs.  But I have no proof, so I’ll just keep an extra eye on her.  Luckily it was just a mule, so it won’t give our purpose away.

I’ve set up a new plan other than starvation or the ballista for our dear traders.  We can drown them using the water from the nearby pool.  Two pumps should be sufficient, one to take water in, one to pull it back out.  I’ve already ordered for some floodgates and hatch covers to be built, so that the water won’t flood our ballista area.  I’ve also ordered for a glass “road” to be built right up to the depot.  Little do the elves and humans know that this “road” will seal them in very close quarters.  It will also reduce the amount of water used for the death trap. 

20th of Felsite, 1059
I received news today that the time limit has passed for the baron consort’s mandate on scepters.  Why doesn’t anyone tell me about these things!  I don’t know why our craftsdwarves haven’t made any scepters recently; they’ve made plenty of rings, earrings, and idols out of excess bones, but no scepters.  Oh well, as a victim of the justice system myself, I’ll make sure that no-one gets a beating for this.  Stupid consort, but it’s best to keep him happy…for now.

1st of Hematite, 1059
Our bone carver, Dodok has gone into a rather secretive mood.  She has claimed the workshop where we had formerly been extracting adamantine strands.  Even though this has put a dent into our adamantine production, I don’t really mind.  I know what it is like to have the spirits talk to you, to force you to create something wonderful.  I will try to give her whatever she needs.

15th of Hematite, 1059
I’m not entirely sure, but I think Dodok wants plant-fiber cloth.  She keeps drawing pictures of it.  We have plenty of silk cloth, but nothing from plants.  I don’t mind, though.  I know a little of what she’s going through.  I’ll get some plant fiber cloth if it’s the last thing I do.

Human traders showed up today.  I think I saw some cloth bins in the back of their wagons.  The death trap still isn’t finished yet, though.  We still need to hook up the floodgates and hatch-covers to a lever so that we can use the ballista, and the bridge hasn’t been connected to its lever either.  I hope we can distract them so they won’t notice our mechanics slinking about.

The guild representative also arrived, and is in Sav’s dining room.  He was told there was a delicious meal in there.  I’ve ordered the door locked, so he can’t get out.  Let’s see how long he survives without food, drink, or company.

1st of Malichite, 1059
Election season has come and gone, and Archimedes has once again been elected mayor.  His first order was that we make an adamantine item, to show our wealth and prosperity.  I was happy to oblige with another short sword.  It isn’t nearly as good as Veshthetust, but it’s still exceptional.  I just hope our new mayor doesn’t prove too much more troublesome.

On a different note, the death trap isn’t quite complete, but I don’t know how much longer we can keep the humans here.  Luckily, the bridge is operational, and the floodgate directly in front of the ballista is good too.  The hatch covers in the back don’t all work, but I’ve decided to start firing anyways.  I’m hoping that our siege crews can shoot straight, to the two hatches that do open.

5th of Malichite, 1059
I can’t believe it.  Those humans are somehow evading our ballistae.  For five days we’ve been shooting, and we haven’t hit anyone, not even the wagons!  I don’t know what’s wrong with this.  Anyhow, I think we may have to use our “Merchant-Learn-To-Swim” program.  Dodok isn’t going to last much longer.  We need some way to get her that rope reed cloth, now!

6th of Malichite, 1059
I’ve ordered the pumps to start working today.  With any luck, the humans will be dead by the end of the week, and Dodok will have her rope-reed cloth.  I am quite happy that the floodgates and hatches are working like they are supposed to, at least when closing.  The bridge is also keeping the humans contained quite handily.  They never saw it coming.

15th of Malachite, 1059
Those Humans!  Their so tall, their heads are mostly above water.  And they’ve learned to swim!  I suppose the irony in this is that the “Merchant-Learn-To-Swim” program wasn’t actually designed to teach them how to swim.  Still, at this point, there’s only one thing to do: build a roof over the trade depot, and collapse it on top of their heads.  I only hope we can do it in time to save Dodok…

((Edit: Gender mix-up))
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 04:19:16 pm by Frelock »
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #68 on: July 30, 2008, 01:41:28 am »

((The second installment.))

1st of Galena, 1059
The merchants have been watching us as the roof slowly covers their heads.  I think they know what we are going to do, for they cower in corners, trying to stay out of the shade.  But that matters not, for I have made an interesting discovery.

As I was looking though the list of all the goods we had stockpiled, I noticed that there is quite a bit of thread in one of the storerooms.  While a lot of it is of spider silk, some of it is made from rope reed.  Why doesn’t anyone tell me about these things!  I’ve ordered Cog the seamstress to get to the loom immediately, and make up some rope reed cloth for Dodok.  With any luck, Dodok will still be moderately sane when the cloth is delivered.  I can only hope it’s not too late.

In regards to the training program I have devised, I asked Myra to make as many suits of steel armor as she can.  These will be full suits: both chain and plate for each dwarf.  It will be heavy to carry, but it will keep them protected as they spar.  I would have wanted leather armor underneath that as well, but we need all available leather to make sand-bags for glass.  Eventually, though, perhaps some armor can be made out of dog leather.

The new training facility has been completely dug out now, and I plan on filling it with stone furniture.  Stone is the universal symbol of Dwarvenkind.  From the stone we came, and to the stone we will go.  Green glass is beautiful, yes, but still, we can’t make recruits too comfortable now can we?  Not to mention all sand is going towards the production of blocks, for the great project.  Only the doors will be made of glass, to remind the soldiers of what they are defending; also partially because we have lots of green glass portals on hand.  If it’s already made, why build more?

3rd of Galena
Dodok started on her mysterious construction today.  The cloth was what she needed.  She’s going to be alright.

7th of Galena
Today was a good day for Skyseal.  The roof was finished and collapsed upon the trader’s heads.  All the humans are dead, though three of their horses survived.  I’m taking no chances this time.  There will be a 24 hour guard at the lever to make sure they don’t escape.  Eventually, they will starve to death, I am sure of it.

On a different note, Dodok has finally completed her artifact, a turtle bone ring.  She calls it "The Shield of Calling,” representing how our military, when called to arms, has never failed to defend us against the goblins.  On it, she has carved pictures of a battle scene between our guard and the goblins from last year.  She also put a carving of the old king, Sarvesh Bridgetwinkling, who was a great war-leader of our people.  To my personal joy, she put an image of Dustpurges in cat leather.  I feel honored that the spirits would see fit to portray my work on another’s.  In any case, she too retained the knowledge from her madness.  Her bone-carving skills are legendary now.  I imagine that masterpiece bone bolts would be as good as iron.  Perhaps we should create a marksdwarf group to help our champions?  Eh, maybe a few years from now.

18th of Galena
I’ve been told that the horses have gone mad from hunger.  This is good.  They’ll be dead soon.  In other news, I’ve started on the water transfer project.  It will allow us to move water between the two pools in the entrance.  That way, we won’t make the same mistake of allowing the merchants to learn how to swim before drowning.  Also, we’ll be able to catch and use more rain, if it comes; I’m starting to doubt that it will.  It’s been dry the entire year.  Luckily, our food stores are high, but it still might become a problem.

10th of Limestone
The water transfer project has been a nightmare.  First, there was a collapse, and one of our masons, Udil Torchweakness fell into the eastern pond.  I was there at the time, and called for the miners to dig a ramp to let him out.  He proved very grateful, and I’m starting to gain a reputation as a caring dwarf.  Nonsense, of course, I just don’t want any unnecessary deaths.

Then, another dwarf walled herself in.  There are stairs built to prevent such an occasion, but apparently she stood on the wrong side of the pumping equipment and couldn’t get around.  It took us three days to realize she was stuck, but she survived without any problems.  What was infuriating was that, after talking it over with Archimedes, we realized that wall was completely unnecessary.  It’s just a big headache.

Anyhow, the dwarven caravan arrived today.  I ordered all the military out, to give them a warm welcome.  No goblins were right at their tails, but you never know how sneaky they can be.  I’ve ordered a good amount of the narrow and large clothes we have to the trade depot.  I figure that, if we basically give stuff away, they are more likely to bring more wagons next year.  I plan on dumping as much of this junk as I can on them.  Just hope it gets to the trade depot on time.  Our hauling operations are very inefficient.  I’ve clearly designated an armor stockpile in the training complex for all that steel armor Myra has created, but nothing is getting there.  It all just sits in the workshops.  Perhaps if I label it as a refuse-hauling job, it will get done faster.  I really want that thing up and running by the time we get more immigrants.

25th of Limestone, 1059
Well, we’ve bought out the caravan, save for some random barrels of cave spider venom.  The merchants are estatic; we’ve given them a tidy profit of over 10,000.  I’m still trying to get more stuff to the depot before they leave.  I want to get rid of as much as possible, and I want our merchants to be as happy as possible.  After all, happy merchants bring more wood and food.  We now have enough meat for Myra to be cooking until the end of the year.

6th of Sandstone, 1059
Rain!  Glorious rain!  The pools are starting to fill, I only hope it lasts long enough so they don’t evaporate as soon as it clears up.  Praise Asen the Oil of Paint!  Actually, though Asen is my god, it would be more appropriate to praise Ós, the Hale Jewel, as he is associated with marriage, birth, rebirth, death, the night, the stars, but most relevant, the sky and the wind.  Still, I never liked the images of that batman.

12th of Sandstone, 1059
The merchants left today, even though I had more junk that is somehow valuable, and they still had more room in their wagon.  They didn’t say why they were leaving so early.  I wonder…

6th of Timber, 1059
Our baron consort has demanded that we make a nickel item.  I ordered a bucket, in the hopes that he will kick it.

28th of Timber
Morul Osodustuth, axdwarf, gave birth to a boy.  Another useless mouth to feed, but we were all children once.  Perhaps, someday, he will become a great warrior, like his mother was before her neck injury.

10th of Moonstone
Id Azingoden, Champion, has given birth to a girl.  Our military seems to have plenty of time on their hands.  There have been no goblin sightings this entire year.  Perhaps they have decided to leave us alone?  Right now, our military apparently has nothing better to do than procreate.  Still, it is good to have another dwarf in this world.

We had a problem today with the water-transfer system.  Apparently, the gear assembly was connected to the windmill before the breaking lever could be installed.  The problem was fixed, but not before the eastern pond was drained.  We’ve lost a good amount of water.  The only water left is in the western pool, and it’s not even waist-high.  We need more rain, but who knows when it will come again.

11th of Moonstone, 1059
Alas, I spoke to soon.  An invasion is upon us!  Over eighty goblins are now charging up the mountainsides, and they are led by the pikemasters Smunstu Olngokob and Azstrog Ngurexuspgas.  We currently have about seven dwarves outside for various reasons.  I will order our military to the main gates, for though some goblins may escape the upcoming battle, it will give our civilians time to get inside.  I will write of the outcome tomorrow, if indeed I am still alive.

12th of Moonstone, 1059
I shouldn’t have worried.  Because our military was at the gates, all the civilians were able to get inside safely.  Endok, our houndmaster, was the first to battle.  We lost two dogs before the others could get there.  However, once Zas, Vabok, and the others reached the battle, it was all over.  Our champions routed the goblins handily.  They weren’t even winded when the fight was over. 

Unfortunately, I can’t say we were without casualties.  All the animals tied outside are dead, but, more importantly, Morul Osodustuth’s daughter, Likot, followed her mother into battle.  At only one year old, she didn’t know any better.  It is always a tragedy when one so young dies.  She was killed by the goblin Azpus who was struck down immediately after by Rigoth.  Still, her death has been partially avenged.  48 goblins lie dead at our feet, though I only wish the pikemasters were among them.  They escaped into the swamps, but they’ll be back, I can feel it in my bones.  And when they do, we’ll be ready for them.

I’ve decided to only allow men into the military from this point on.  We don’t want any more babies following their mothers into battle.

14th of Moonstone, 1059
We had the funeral for Likot today; it was a very tearful occasion.  Archimedes, as mayor, gave a wonderful speech extolling the virtues of childhood.  The girl’s parents, Morul and Domas, were there.  This is the second child they’ve lost to the goblins.  While I don’t really pity them, I have to act as if I do, to keep up with appearances.  The dwarves whose lives I saved by ordering the military to the front gate have a new nickname for me: “Don.”  I like it, simple, yet powerful.  I will begin stamping it on all weapons I produce.  Goblins will learn to fear the work of Don.

After the funeral, our tax collector came up to me and gave me a mandate for clear glass items.  I told him to go to hell.  I never liked officious authority, and I don’t think most of the people here do either.

22nd of Moonstone, 1059
We spotted a thief today.  A present whose name I can’t recall took care of him; strangled the little thing to death.  It’s funny: we haven’t had any problems until this month.  It seems that only at the end of my year-long reign do our enemies decide to descend upon us.

1st of Opal, 1059
I was told that we have run out of iron bars.  It seems that constant production of steel has used up quite a bit.  I’ve ordered a few more things to be melted, but production of steel has stopped for the time being.  However, we now have quite a few steel bars, which I’ve given to Myra to make a few more suits of armor with.  The new trainees won’t have a chance of getting injured in her work.

11th of Opal, 1059
Fate has been kind to us, but it did not seem so this morning, when the dragon Inem Kadolsefol showed up in the mountains to our east.

I ordered our entire military out to engage him, but they were all sleeping, eating, or drinking at the time.  Only Vabok the Brave moved to the gate.  There, he stood, facing the evil dragon.  Inem raised his head and let loose a mighty roar, which would have sent any normal dwarf running away.  But Vabok stood his ground, and, letting out a great battle cry, charged the dragon.

I watched from afar as the dragon breathed flames down on Vabok, who blocked them with his adamantine shield.  Three more bursts of flame were dodged or blocked, and suddenly, Vabok found himself at the foot of the dragon.  There, he shouted out “SKYSEAL!!!”  and smote the dragon in the side with his mighty war hammer.  The force of the blow was such that the dragon (a dragon, mind you) flew over fifty meters.  It was dead before it hit the ground.  Thus ended Inem Hatchetenter, the scourge of cities, felled by a single blow.  All hail Vabok the Brave, Dragonslayer!

28th of Obsidian
My term as leader here at Skyseal has ended.  Perhaps I have done more harm than good, but the fortress still stands, the great project continues to grow, and only one dwarf was lost.  I recently found out that the ballista won’t work because the ammo area is flooded from when we collapsed the roof on top of the humans.  And here I was worrying about rain; we had water all along.  Why doesn’t anyone tell me these things!  In any case, Myra made a dwarven milk roast to celebrate the New Year.  It is a masterwork, but what makes it really good is its secret ingredient: Dragon meat!

Now that Inem is dead, it is no longer fitting to be in The Age of Dragon and Demon.  We now live in The Age of Demon!


Notes to future managers:
1. I forgot to change Vabok’s profession to “Dragonslayer,” and I’m too tired at the moment to download it, change it, and then re-upload it, so I leave this to you.
2. Steel production is currently off, it needs to be restarted once some iron is melted down.
3. The human guild rep is still alive, locked in Sav’s dining room.  Not sure how, but eventually, something will need to be done if he doesn’t kill himself.
4. If you get immigrants, and want to put them in the new training center, be my guest, just follow the training program prescribed.  If you don’t want to increase the military’s size, that’s fine too.
5. If your FPS can take it, I would suggest leaving weather on to re-fill the ponds.
6. I would suggest building the roof east and west, rather than north, to allow the ponds to fill.  Also in reguards to the roof, don't build on the map edge, otherwise, creatures can spawn up there.
7. Check out the POI’s on the map.

Sorry for taking so long.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 12:42:33 pm by Frelock »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #69 on: July 30, 2008, 02:03:31 am »

Woah, that was epic. Vabok the brave is now a one-eyed, dragon slaying, brain damaged hero.

Sooooo... who goes next? Seeing as I only had half a turn last time, I feel that maybe it is my turn. It would also be very convenient for me as I have just enough time to complete my turn before I have to start studying for my mock exams. If I have to wait another week I won't be able to take part.

Run Comrades

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #70 on: July 30, 2008, 06:46:49 am »

TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!  Yes, write ups can take a while, but you are quite good!  :D

Good plans for the military, I will follow your protocol.  Awesome job on getting us a kickass sword and weapon maker!  Things are coming along!

Fey:  Go for it!  It is your turn, after all.  We won't count filling another's turn as taking one, from now on, should it occur again.

Just checked out the map archive:  Things are looking great!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 06:56:12 am by Run Comrades »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #71 on: July 30, 2008, 12:43:33 pm »

Added images and two more suggestions.  Best of luck to you, Fey!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #72 on: July 31, 2008, 01:34:25 am »

O.k. i have just started. The FPS is killing my CPU so i think i might have to do some Dwarf Purging  ;)

I hope I don't spark any tantrum spirals with my mass executions. I am pretty sure this won't happen as most of the champion dwarves 'just don't care anymore'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #73 on: July 31, 2008, 03:36:28 am »

Truly epic. A pity Zas couldn't get in on either the artifact or the dragon. I think I'll have her start training in swordsdwarfship when my next turn comes around.

I can't believe we got to personally change the era we are in. If the army plans ever gets far enough along, I'd love to send out our two legendary heroes to end the age of the demon as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2008, 03:58:34 am »

Oops i lost Myra to a cave-in  :-[ , sorry guys.
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