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Author Topic: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.  (Read 14570 times)

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2008, 07:31:27 pm »

Awesome.  Another Hammerer to the golden crusher.  I'm glad that he's out of the picture since I was planning on playing Ayla.  Good to have a legendary armorer now too!

Hearing the FPS issue w/the pits makes me think I will have to run my next turn on a different machine.  My laptop was already around 13.  But I should be able to get 30-40 on my roomies comp.


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2008, 09:37:26 pm »

Don't worry I think I have the pits sorted.  ;)


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2008, 11:18:56 pm »

So much for Ayla becoming our armorer. She's going to be quite the Jill of all trades. Cook, brewer, farmer, woodcutter, carpenter, armorsmith... Legendary armorer is awesome though, especially on one of our first 7 (So glad I gave her that novice armorer in case she eventually got moody.)

Exquisite steel armor should certainly reduce our training mishaps. I'd love to see Zas in some masterpiece full plate adamantine armor. Better not use that stuff until we have Myra at legendary + X though.

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2008, 10:36:40 pm »

If the dwarves don't elect her as mayor, they are tarded. :p

Good call on setting her up to be our armorer! :D


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2008, 03:09:30 am »


8th of Limestone: The child started work on his thing today. It turned out we had no wood in the stockpile so I just ordered more to be chopped and then everything was fine.

12th of Limestone: The child has finished her work coming out with a kobold bone gauntlet. Yay another useless artifact item that the champion will wear.

16th of Limestone: An ambush. Luckily all three of our champions were at the entrance ready for the goblins. The battle that followed was one-sided and the pikegoblins didn't even stand a chance. Even Zas' war dog Sodorox or ‘Deepsword’ killed more goblins than goblins killed dogs.

25th of Limestone: One of my recruits died today. Apparently someone smashed her in the face with a hammer while sparring. The hammer damaged her neck and head with yellow wounds thus killing her. The body is still in the barracks but it hasn't deterred any of the other dwarves from sparring. They just spar right on top of her.

24th of Sandstone: I told one of the brain damaged recruits to be captain of the guard. This guy has no skill, but stupidly I forgot to take his steel hammer from him. He is now going around giving everyone yellow wounds for not completing mandates. I have tried to stop him by taking away his hammer but that didn't work. He refused to put it down. So I took away his job, but he still hunts down any mandate breakers with anger. He just walked into Ayla's bedroom, let’s hope she can talk him out of it.
Nope he still hammered her, giving her light bruising on the head. Maybe my best bet would be to tell him to pull the lever over by the magical golden wall.

3rd of Timber: I have decked all three of our powerful warriors out with adamantine shields. One is masterful, one is exceptional and one is superior. This should give them a bit of extra protection from the goblin archers.

8th of Timber: Alya is back to full health after her berating. She should now also be safe from the hammerer when he returns.

22nd of Timber: The peasant ex-fortress guard still thinks he is the almighty hammerer and is still going around punishing the week. Oh well I suppose a dabbling hammer beating the criminals is better than a trained Hammerer dispensing his justice.


3rd of Moonstone: The glass tower's progress is slow. We have run out of blocks on the 8th floor so I think I need more glassmakers working their magic.

6th of Moonstone: I got him, the ex-captain was today smashed by the drawbridge.

10th of Moonstone: Let the burning commence. I have ordered the leaver connected to the lava flood mechanism to be pulled. It will open a steel floodgate, letting loose a whole crap load of magma onto the unsuspecting frogs. Let’s just hope these frogs aren’t magma proof.

10th of Opal: After a whole month of flooding the croaks of the evil frogs have finally stopped. I ordered the Froginator burning device to stop by closing the steel floodgate. In other slightly related news, I have sent a macedwarf with non-healable spinal injuries to the burninator.

30th of Obsidian: My turn is up. I have achieved many things this year. I have mined out the adamantine successfully. We now have 24 adamantine strands and 380 stones. The recruits have reached hammerdwarf status. They all have at least proficient wrestling and an even higher hammer skill. We now have 15 armed and ready hammerdwarves. The glass tower is eight stories high and more blocks are being built. My grave is ready for me when my time is up. But most importantly I have flooded the demonic frog chambers with magma. It should now be safe to mine out any extra adamantine within these caves. The next advisor should (if possible) continue work on the tower and beef up our army with adamantine gear.

Save File:
Map :

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2008, 06:56:36 am »

Your tomb kicks ass!  :D Way to go on the adamant!

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2008, 07:17:25 am »

Granite One, Ten Five Seven
I am Ayla Udilninur: Legenedary Grower, Grand Master Woodcutter and Carpenter, Skilled Armorsmith.  My time here at Skyseal has been difficult and educational.  Alas, methinks I am to learn more than I had planned; for in lieu of my dear late Omer, who went insane trying to manage this impossible feat, I will be overseeing Project Skyseal this year.  My duties begin today!

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2008, 08:13:54 pm »

Excerpt from letter to the King from Ayla Udilninur.
Autumn of the year Ten Five Seven is upon us.  Before long I will be sending a letter reporting in full our activities of this year with the liaison from the mountainhomes.  We hope for your eventual arrival, our revered King!

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2008, 11:41:09 am »

Granite Two, Ten Five Seven
Now that I've had the opportunity to look around the fort a little, I have a better idea of what I
need to do while managing our outpost for this year.  Of course construction of the tower will
continue, and by extension green glass production.  Requests from previous managers have been made
for constructing adamantine armor, and I will look into that.  I have a few goals of my own as well.
After the sudden and untimely death of my beloved, I suddenly feel the urge to build myself a proper
tomb.  I also have a few things in mind that could improve our defenses against goblin sieges in

Granite Six
Barely has my term begun and workers are becoming restless.  There has been a lot of tension in the
air these last few months.  Our population and wealth are at all-time highs.  I fear that we will not
go unnoticed for much longer.  Edzul Unolsolon took a mason's workshop, and is being particularly
secretive about it.

Granite Nine
Edzul has created Thikthogarban Akimonul, a gabbro coffin! The message? Grave time are surely ahead.

Granite Ten
An Elven caravan has arrived.  I ordered the haulers to clear out all of this goblin silk lying around
and take it to the depot to be traded.  We should be able to get plenty of goods for it all.

Slate One
Some joker slipped a leather bag into the pile to be traded.  The elves left after a few sour words.
They didn't have much that we needed anyway.  Besides loads of wood, of course.  But I think we can
get by for now without it.  Though it would have been nice.  I have to admit that I couldn't hold
back my smirk as they were packing up to leave myself.

Slate Three
I ordered the beginning of floor construction on the already erected tower levels.  I plan to fill the
floors out, and then to build a few levels as well.

Slate Twenty-Three
Some migrants arrived today.  I think the mountainhomes have forgotten that we didn't want any more
laborers.  I'll send word again as a reminder.  The Hammerer Zefon Kizbizdastot has come along with
them.  Apparently the mountainhomes do not trust our own brand of justice here at Skyseal.  Perhaps
these Hammerers are intended as spies of some kind?  Or maybe they just have a death wish.

Felsite Four
103 beards we number now.

Felsite Eight
I have added a few more dwarves to glassmaking, we now have 10 dedicated glassmakers.

Felsite Nineteen
Zefon, our new hammerer, was looking a little bored today in his new bedroom.  I suggested that he
do me a favor and slide out our golden wall so that we can do a periodic cleaning.  He's gone the
way of the previous Hammerers!  We'll see if the King can take a hint, or at least know when to cut
his losses. Watch what gullibility can do.

Hematite Seven
To keep up with increased glass block demands I have expanded our sand collection centers to total

Hematite Ten
Humans from Gil Imbo have come to exchange goods with us.  We aren't in dire need of anything in
particular at this point.  But I will keep an eye open for exotic caged animals, and other goods.

Hematite Thirteen
I've just been informed that a squad of goblin bowmen have ambushed us. May Armok have mercy today!
No mercy today, it seems.  Another two squads of bowmen, followed by a goblin axemen squad and a
goblin maceman squad have ambushed us.

Hematite Fourteen
I've sent our entire trained military out to meed the ambushers.  Luckily the Humans have a few
good warriors among their ranks.  They have come to aid in squashing this ambush.  Their help is greatly
appreciated today.  I will send them home rich men if we make it through this. 

Hematite Fifteen
I forgot to order our warriors to stay near their stations.  Had I done that the casualties would not
have been as great.  They are now ordered to always stay near their stations.  It is a standing order
until I or another manager sees fit to order them otherwise.

Hematite Sixteen
After eight deaths on our side we were able to scare the remaining goblin ambushers away.  On a lighter
note trading went extremely well with the Humans.  We sent them off with a generous pile of fine (second
hand) goblin silk in exchange for plenty of wood, metal bars, and food stores.

This is the aftermath of the multiple ambush.

Hematite Seventeen
I ordered the expansion of the crypt to make room for our newly departed.

Hematite Twenty-Two
I noticed one of our dogs in the pond after the battle.  It is injured, but there is no way for us
to get it out without much labor.  I guess we have an aquatic canine among us for now.

Malachite Seventeen
Death was today's theme.  I was presented with a list of the dead from our record keeper. Sleep well:
Olin Uzdodk, Child; Reg Raledtul, axedwarf; Deduk Eraruzol, Furnace Operator; Geshud Etasdil, Hammerdwarf;
Mistem Dumatbal, Hammer Lord; Id Ralorshar, Hammerdwarf; Sodel Lisidoltar, Serf; Erush Avuzsarek,
Woodcutter.  Another grim note: I have finished my tomb.  It is in the shape of one of Omer's favorite
things: a quiver.  Constructed of green glass.  He would have adored the place.  I placed it directly
below the road that was built in his memory.  On a side note: construction of the tower continues. Production
and construction are just about equally paced at this point.

Malachite Twenty-Three
Myra was ordered to construct an adamantine suit of armor.

Galena Eight
Myra is now on her second suit of adamantine armor.

Galena Ten
sometimes I wonder about intelligence and competence of our bretheren here.  Particularly those among the
migrant caste.  They leader they elected, Lorbam Erithuzol, swordsdwarf, has mandated a ban on green
glass exports.  No problem there, to be certian, but I can't help but wonder if he even knows what we
are trying to accomplish here.  Perhaps he has never craned his neck to look toward the sky?  Don't
worry Mayor, we won't be sending any green glass away anytime soon!

Galena Sixteen
Still building the tower as fas as sand collection and block production can handle.

Galena Twenty-Six
Began construction of a floodgate wall to seal off the outer wall entrance in the even of an extreme
emergency.  I also plan to use it to make my exterior traps effective when they are ready.

Limestone Five
Began construction of my first exterior trap. A goblin Crumble Tower.

Limestone Thirteen
Ambush. Goblin Marksmen again, and Pikemen.  Morul Idashimtar, Serf, has bled to death from an arrow
wound.  That was the only death this time. Things went much more smoothly with our military staying
close to their stations.  Not that they couldn't have handled this small ambush this time, but caution
is the better part of valor.

Limestone Fifteen
The fool goblins.  They attempted an ambush again.  Perhaps these pikemen were lagging behind the other
two groups.  Anyway they were defeated handily by our standing by military.

Limestone Twenty-Four
It is good luck that we are in a stable situation now.  Because my luck with trading this year has been
poor to say the least.  I suppose it was my own foolishness.  The dwarven caravans bypassed us this year
because I was working on the emergency floodgate wall when they arrived, rendering our depot inaccessible.
They wouldn't wait for me to open it either, apparently they are quite busy this time of year, with
the coming of winter.

Moonstone One
Winter brings a dark message to my desk.  Ingish Bufutmeng (the creator of Ingish Bufutmeng) our Legendary
Mason and a Glassmaker died alongside Edzul Unolsolon, yet another Glassmaker, in a construction accident
while working on the Crumble Tower.

Moonstone Thirteen
Whilst constructing the very tower that was intended to anticipate our first siege, the masons alerted to a
gathering of goblins along our western border. A siege!

Moonstone Fourteen
Luckily this siege was not as well prepared as they probably had hoped.  They numbered only 15 swordsmen and
one bowman.  I orderd only soldiers be allowed out of doors, and threw the floodgates closed.  The corner
floodgate has not been constructed, this will create a one tile bottleneck that should allow our fighters to
easily take on this goblin force.

Moonstone Sixteen
Our military set them to retreating with very little incident.  Not even a single injury on our side.  Praise
our brave warriors!  See them in their commanding yet uneventful GLORY!

Opal Ten
After the siege things are quieting down considerably around here.  And my term is nearly up.  Work continues
on the goblin Crumble Tower as well as our raison d'tre, The Verdant Tower!  Expansion of the crypt also

Opal Twenty-Eight
Id Azingoden has given birth to a boy!  Finally some news to be happy about.

Obisdian Twenty-Three
Lokum Dodkneth has given birth to a boy!  Our population of native born children is thankfully growing.  They
will likely have important roles here when they are of age.  The true nobles of Skyseal!

Granite One, Ten Five Eight
Today I step down as the manager of Skyseal for the year of Ten Five Seven.  Accomplishments: a small amount of
adamantine armor has been crafted.  The military still needs to exchange thier equipment to ensure the most
worthy warriors get the finest of armor.  I've filled out all of the levels of the tower previously built, and
have added a few more levels.  Glass production and sand collection have been expanded.  We now have an emergency
floodgate in place should it be needed.  I've also began constructing an outdoor siege trap, the Crumble Tower.
I will complete it in my next turn. 

I have no specific requests or instruction for the next manager.  I now take my leave and return to my regular
tasks and responsibilites as the Iron Hand of the fortress.  GLORY TO SKYSEAL!


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2008, 11:56:39 am »

Home sweet home: Just for fun, in 3D!



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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2008, 02:41:40 pm »

1st Granite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

The past two years have been quite eventful, I shall endeavor to make my reign similarly notable. As our tower has reached a significant height and phase of completion, I must prepare the fortress to prevent all foreigners from escaping with a report of it. The Queen has informed me that patrols have been set up about the region's wilderness to prevent spies from escaping unseen through the woods. However, as it is not in our best interests to begin a war at this time, she shall not be acting upon any visitors simply taking the roads- we must deal with these ourselves. I have hereby sworn to let not a single elf nor human escape our fortress alive. I shall construct an array of ballistae to eradicate their caravans instantly without fail. This should also deal with future sieges tidily. Our increased supply of dwarves should allow us considerable progress in glass production- I have calculated we shall need approximately 6000 blocks to cover our region of the sky, as well as additional blocks for the tower and palace. My work shall begin in earnest tomorrow.


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2008, 04:14:52 pm »

One question: Are we going to continue to use .38c as the new release is apparently very buggy. I would prefer it if we kept up with .38c


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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2008, 04:36:01 pm »

Yeah, lets just stick with 38c.

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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2008, 09:59:17 pm »



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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2008, 07:10:38 pm »

3rd Granite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

One of our glassmakers has been possessed. I suspect the the demons sealed in the adamantine will be playing many such tricks on me once again...

I've finished my initial assessment of the fortress and begun my work. The crumble tower needs to be sealed off to prevent enemy snipers from using it against us. I must move the war dogs to complete the construction of a drawbridge and place severe defenses. Adamantine armor needs to be reassigned. Zas was removed from her position as head of her squad! I am furious. Still, we have many champions now. Indeed, many dwarves. The tower is nearly complete- I shall begin the sky cover during my term. Back to work. My dream nears, and the adamantine I have been extracting beckons me...

8th Granite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

Zas has donned the armor we have laboured over so hard- A full suit of exceptional adamantine save one piece- Anam Ros "The Ages of Deciding", the very gauntlet that inspired all these masterworks. She is now surely fit to defeat an empire. Our possessed friend has begun his construction.

12th Granite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

Urdim Akathkobuk has created Urdim Akathkobuk, a Milk Quartz grate. I think that this, along with the artifact coffin in our possesion, should be used to create a suitible tomb for Omer in the sky.

13th Granite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

The accursed elves have arrived before my preparations were completed. I've sealed them into the compound with us and ordered the seizing of their goods. Useless creatures didn't even bring us lumber though.

19th Slate, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

The elves have finally gone berzerk. I sent Zas out to deal with them.

10th Hematite, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

The work of cleaning the scattered remains of our enemies seems endless. The humans have arrived today, to add to the mess. However, this time I am prepared. They shall be massacred in the finest trade depot ever constructed.

14th Limestone, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

The humans have stopped being decent target practice, having become mad and ceasing their attempts to dodge. Our seamstress has become quite a good shot however. A goblin raiding party was spotted outside. Zas has requested that she be allowed to deal with them alone. The fell bloodlust in her eyes prevented me from saying no.

15th Limestone, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

Zas destroyed our enemies with a startling fury, and not a scratch on her. The armor works better than we'd imagined.

9th Sandstone, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

I've been busy witht he construction of the tower and adamantine extraction lately. We have finally breached the clouds, construction of the highest tier has begun. Our brethren arrived from the mountain homes, and were in awe of our construction. I had them carry away most of the remains of the humans we slaughtered some months ago, as well as their garbage. Our weapon master is becoming quite skilled, soon I will have him craft an aze for Zas. I'll have to make sure she doesn't spar with it though. Such a weapon could cleave a titan in half, I'm sure of it.

10th Sandstone, 1058, Project 'Skyseal'

I've taken stock of our metal supplies. We have an abundance of iron melted down from our enemies gear now. I've begun the process of steel production, but we will need a great deal of charcoal.


Thats what I had done. The tower was finished and I had started covering up the sky. At this moment, DF is not responding and I haven't saved since about 1/3rd of the way through the year. I'm going to leave it for a few hours to see if it finishes whatever it is processing, but in the (Quite likely) event that it doesn't, would it be alright if somebody else took over my turn? I don't have the stomach to re designate a few hundred floor tiles, a few hundred human bones and clothing articles, and gathering up all the stray breeding animals and shoving them in a cage all over again. I can either wait a few days and get back to it, or someone else can finish this turn for me. You guys decide.
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