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Author Topic: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.  (Read 14571 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2008, 02:45:22 pm »

Sorry to hear that, you were quite good. I was expecting this to go along faster myself.

From the recruiting post, someone named 'Yami' was next in line as a backup. If he doesn't show up though, then the next person to volunteer can take Sav's place. Going to be rather odd storyline wise though. I suppose Sav can become ill and have some 'distant relative' inherit his responsibility?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2008, 11:47:29 pm »

Sorry if the lag in bloodline speed was caused by me. It's just that I had a few things on over last week so it took a while before I could get it all done. I just pm'd Run Comrades to inform him that it is his turn so hopefully that will speed things along.

Run Comrades

  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2008, 08:06:03 am »

No problem, the save file didn't get up in time for me to take it along with me over the weekend, but I am on it today!  :D

Run Comrades

  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2008, 07:46:52 pm »


My turn was actually over on weds.  But a super kickass powerful storm hit us, knocking our electricity out until sunday, they say.  I was going to do the write up until that happened.  But now I am out of town because we have no electricity or water (and b/c of the holiday).  I'll get on the write up on sunday if the power is back on.  If not then monday for sure.  Unless for some effed up reason they still haven't got it back online.

Everything went smoothly...except for a few things. I promise next turn of mine will be much more timely.

Run Comrades

  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2008, 10:59:15 am »

First Granite 1054

My name is Omer Tithlethcatten.  I have been deligated to manage our outpost for one year.  A
task such as this requires many different beards to see it through completion.  A little hitory:
I and Ayla Udilninur, my beardmate, were approached by Demos back at the mountainhome to join him
in creating a magnificent palace of glass covering the whole sky.  It sounded a little crazy to me
and Ayla and I argued for a while about the sanity of joining Demos, who seem a few blades short
of an axe to me.  But we were promised grand quarters and a position of honor in the palace that
we are to build ourselves.  Being not much more than a mason myself, and Ayla only a barbarian
we decided that it would be best for us, and our future children, to take a risk and be a part of
something (much) bigger than ourselves.  And so here we are, for better or (more likely) worse
toiling away at a dream of dwarf who does little more than dream.

Fortunately for me, my favorite thing is green glass! Unfortuately for me, one of the firt things
that went into our dining room was an Alligator.  I just happen to detest lizards of all sorts.
I think I might want to build a private dining room for myself.  But there are other priorities now.

Eleventh Granite
I am growing tired of eating off of stone tables and hard, coarse stone chairs to sit on.  I've
put priority on getting Sav to forge some green glass tables and thrones for our dining room.

Thirteenth Granite
A squad of goblin axemen showed up.  I ordered Vabok's Hammersquad out to deal with them.

Fifteenth Granite
Vabok and crew took care of the goblins with no injuries to speak of.  But not far behind the
goblin axemen was a squad of goblin marksmen.  Bim Sefolinod and Athel Etuneshtan, may they
rejoin the stone from which they were carved.  Vabok survived but his underlings were not so
lucky.  But they fought well, and for a good cause.

Twentieth Granite
I've decided that we have enough workers now to keep skilled workers dedicated to their tasks and
let the lesser important tasks go to the unskilled (or less skilled) dwarves.  I've heard whispering
that I am playing favorites, but I truly believe that Ayla will serve us better as a dedicated grower
than as a wood cutter.  She could die out there.

Twenty-fourth Granite
I noticed that there were quite a few injured dwarves resting in the sleeping quarters today.  I
made sure to mention the burnerator several times within earshot of the injured.  If they don't
start pulling their weight soon, that is surely where they will end.  I've been dying to see it

Twelfth Slate
Demos, Sav, and Archimedes approached me today to discuss the progress of our primary goal as
the brotherhood of Invisible Discovery.  Demos seemed a bit stressed about the slow progress of
his tower.  I explained to him the difficulties of keeping so many dwarves fed and happy.  He
doesn't listen well.  After some deliberation we all agreed that at least glass production should
become a major priority.  Our stocks are small right now, and we will need enormous amounts for his
dream to be manifested. I orderd several glass furnaces to be built to get sand collection going
while the apartments below are being completed.

Twenty-fifth Slate
Digging of bedrooms complete.  The building of new glass furnace has been ordered.

Third Felsite
Erush Avuzsarek, one of our fine woodcutters, told me he saw some movement along the border earlier
today.  Sure enough, the Dungeon Master Urvad Olilled from the mountainhomes has arrived along with
some migrants.  We'll see how many she brings along.

Eigth Felsite
Talking with Urvad the Dungeon Master has been surprisingly pleasant.  She seems nice enough. Although
she was a tad demanding about quarters and such.  I explained our situation, and she seemed to be
able to tolerate waiting a little while to be set up.  She's not the king, after all.  The last of
the migrants trickled in today.  Our total population is up to 81.  This is good for our workforce
but we are now in danger of the goblins becoming more interested in our activities.

Eleventh Felsite
The new glass furnaces are complete.  The old one I kept for Sav to use for himself.  I gave a few
of our new friends the honor of being glassmakers as well.

Fifteenth Felsite
I asked the miners to start digging out some proper rooms for the workshops in the main hall area.

10th Hematite
AMBUSH! A squad of goblin lashers snuck up on us.  Our security in general is pretty lacking this
is something that we need to take care of before our goblin neighbors decided to lay siege to us.

Eleventh Hematite
Our Sword General was capable of dispaching the goblins single handedly.  Praise Nomal Ottantekkud!

Twelfth Hematite
A goblin pikeman squad made the mistake of trying to ambush us.  If they had heard the screams of
the previous squads, I doubt they would have came.  They were defeated uneventfully.

6th Galena
It has been very peaceful lately.  I have been making sure the green glass production keeps up, as
well as finishing up the apartments for all of us.  I have declared that any dwarf working in the
stone to block room that reaches a high level of proficiency will be moved to glassmaker.  This seems
to motivate them a little more.  Anybody that creates a masterpiece or artifact will be promoted.

Tenth Limestone
We have a serious issue with stone blocks.  I went down there to check on my old co worker and it
is an unmanageable clutterf@#$ down there.  I ordered some blocks dumped to relieve the clutter
but I don't think it will help much.

Twelfth Limestone
All of those mentions of the Burnerator in the sleeping quarters must have done something, because
it seems as if most of our injured comrades are feeling better.  That is good to see.

Sixteenth Limestone
The liason and the dwarven caravan from Zimdumat has arrived.  I have sent out the rest of our mugs
to be traeded.  Hopefully we can get some things for them.

Twenty-second Limestone
During a sparring session put on to impress the merchants, our oaf of a swordsdwarf Kosoth
Melbiluvar had his throat ripped out and he suffocated.  This is utterly embarassing.

Twenty-seventh Limestone
I spoke with the liason today.  I requested more wood.  I have had to chop down lots of wood to be
able to outfit our apartments with beds.  There is no way that our forest will be able to keep up.
I foresee barrel production and bin production to be problematic.

Demos informed me today that trading went very well.  We got rid of all of our mugs and also were
able to get lot of wood, bars, and leather from the traders.

Third Sandtone
Ingih Bufutmeng was reported to have the aspects of one fey.  I was told that he claimed a masons
workshop in the block room.  He must really want that promotion.

Tenth Sandstone
It must be all the reflective green glass doors and furniture.  Ingish Bufutmeng has created
Ingish Bufutmeng, a marble statue!  As promised, he is now among the ranks of glassmakers.  From
stone blocks to glass blocks!  How exciting!

Twenty-third Sandtone
I finally had the dwarfpower and time to set our Urvad up in her own room.  She' got an artifact
cabinet which we hall move when the King arrives.  The mayor's quarters have almost been completed
as well.

Tweny-fourth Sandstone
MOre migrants have arrived.  The mountainhomes have faith in our cause, it seems.  A few shall be
drafted into the military to increase our ranks.

Twenty-fifth Sandstone
For whatever reason our bretheren at Zimdumat want lot of rock musical instruments.  I told them
we'd craft the finest we could.

First Timber
The last of the migrants arrived. We now count 86 beards in all.

Tenth Timber
Not a very hopeful task, but I have ordered the expansion of our crypt.  We shall be needing it.
Finally all of the bedrooms now have beds.  Sav is still forging doors for all of them.

Twenty-eighth Timber
By way of massive complaints it has come to my attention that we are dangerously low on alcohol
reserves.  I have temporarily halted production on the fields and have ordered more barrels built.
Sav, our beloved mayor, has been bugging me about menacing spikes.  I hope he likes copper.

Fourth Moonstone
Our drink supply is becoming increasingly small.  Day and night I have people approaching me to
complain about my poor management and about their intense thirsts.  People are starting to get
crazy around here.  Or maybe it's just me.[/i]

Tenth Moonstone
Our drink supply seem to be growing once again.  I haven't slept in days.  Too much.

Twelfth Moonstone
I've built another still for this emergency.  Probably should relocate it later.  Native platinum
found in cemetary...I am going to go down there, where it is more peaceful.

Fifteenth Moonstone
I am under enormous amounts of pressure and Sav mandates bismuth items.  CURSE HIM!

Sixteenth Moonstone
Our booze suppy is still low, but growing now.  I have allowed the farmers to plant again.

Eighth Opal
Booze supplies are strong again.  Everything is running smoothly in the fort now. I've got six
glasmakers working on creating glass blocks now, and Sav is on glass furniture duty.

Twentieth Opal
Booze supplies are strong again.  I urge the future managers to watch how much we grow and to
be sure to keep plenty of barrels for alcohol production.  Raw wood is certainly an issue for us.
I will put farming at half capacity for now.  Currently the apartments are done. At least in a
very basic sense.  Everyone has their own bed and a door.  We'll furnish them later, maybe. 
The military doesn't get rooms.  They should have a proper barracks, maybe just use the old
sleeping quarters.

No date on this entry...scribbled erratically
NEED! Rough...color, bars...metal, cloth...thread,  MUST HAVE!

From the desk of Sav Adarigoth, Mayor
As my duty as Mayor, and as Omer's friend, I will take over the remainder of his duties as outpost
manager.  The pressure of leading has worn him down, and he is now in a very strange mood.  He
keeps demanding items that we apparently don't have on hand.  He is currently skulking around a
mason's workshop.  Whatever ideas he has in his head, nobody can get through to him right now. 
Not evey Ayla.  I am very concerned about his well-being. 

While looking through his notes I found some suggestions for future managers:
1.) Glass production should remain a priority.  Try to keep it organized, and don't allow unskilled
glassmakers to create furniture until they are sufficiently skilled, if possible.  We will soon
require more space for storing glass blocks.

2.) Something needs to be done about the stone/block room. I've ordered many blocks to be dumped a
couple of times.  But there needs to be a better solution.  We should put our heads together.

3.) Keep an eye on the amount of food storage in barrels and make sure to always have enough for
alcohol.  We seem to be in a stable situation right now though, so I would not worry.

4.) One of the most important things: SECURITY.  Our system is basically nonexistant.  We have some
champions and very strong and admirable dwarves now, but we need some traps and some better defenses
in preparations for sieges.  When I manage again, I will concentrate on adding some good traps for
our enemies.

I didn't have any pictures because there wasn't much to show.  But check out the map archive for details.

Okay, that's the save!

And here's the link to the map archive.  Check out the points of interest for some commentary and suggestions.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2008, 04:25:15 pm »

Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me. I'll be able to get on this either today or tomorrow. I'll save you Omer!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2008, 04:35:24 pm »

Good update. Stormlock could you maybe change the title of this thread to tell people about the open position we have available. Maybe we could get someone to take savoks place.

Something along the lines off: 'Skyseal! Dreams of  a madman. Join now, one spot left!', will work wonders.

Just a suggestion.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2008, 02:54:45 am »

1st Granite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

I've returned to my management position, and not a moment too soon. Our fortress is well stocked, but not so well fortified. I intend to remedy as many problems as possible within my year of duty. Some first orders of business: Training our stray dogs, the construction of a large number of bins to reduce the clutter of our stockpiles, and some large scale defenses. I plan to construct a number of large walls and several elevated outposts. I shall order the mass removal of all these weeds choking out our potential lumber supply as well. Unlike the last time I was in charge, we have more than enough dwarf power to spare for multiple labour heavy projects this time. Additionally, restructuring of some labour seems to be in order. Incompetants have been harvesting, reducing the efficiency of our food supplies and wasting precious barrels. The Syrup shall be cooked and refined, increasing barrel efficiency immensely. In any event, we have enough food and drink for years to come. Magma furnaces shall all be used for actual production, while standard furnaces shall manage sand collection. My work begins.

10th Granite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

I regretfully report that Omer, our head glass mason, has gone insane. It seems he was unable to overcome the demons that possessed him. I hope I do not fall to the same fate, I am ever on guard from the voices that lurk beyond the adamantine. Whilst gathering his notes, it seems the thing he was so obsessed over was silk cloth. To think such a craftsman could be driven mad for want of such a simple thing. Alas, I've not seen a spider in all the years spent here thus far, and it seems previous managers neglected to aqcuire such material from caravans. I shall endeavor to prevent such a thing from recurring.

15th Granite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

The elves have arrived again. I exchanged some of the goblin weapons lying about for a supply of lumber. With this much lumber, it should be a simple matter to clear up our stockpiles. My projects are coming along well enough, I'm expanding the dining room, which I shall soon engrave myself. A wall is being built on our eastern perimeter; and war dogs are being trained to sniff out goblin ambushes. A Road of glass is being constructed in honor of Omer; he'd have thought it a thing of beauty to be sure.

18th Granite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Curse the gods!Goblins ambushed our workers while they were constructing defenses. We first discovered axe goblins among the workers- these were quickly dispatched without incident. However, shortly after a band of crossbow wielding slime appeared upon the cliff overlooking the main field I mustered our forces and what dogs we had and fought them off. However, we lost our sword, axe and marks generals and a number of workers, totaling 6 dwarves, as well as suffering numerous casualties. I'm expanding our defensive wall to include this cliff, to prevent such a calamity from being repeated. The only bright note is that several elves were slaughtered in the confusion as well.

8th Felsite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

The past months have been uneventful. Some nobility arrived, including our ruler dressed as a peasant according to rumours. However, that is clearly impossible, as the only dwarf to arrive with the nobility was a child. The Queen couldn't possibly bear such a disguise. I must think of a way of disposing of the Hammerer that arrived with them. He reeks of trouble.

10th Felsite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

A child, Atis Itoniger, has been possessed by the demons! Hopefully all goes well. I forgot to mention in my previous report, the walls are nearly complete. I'm just working out the final details on the extra high portions near the hill- those fools must have more rock than meat in their heads, they've been building themselves into corners for weeks.

25th Felsite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

It seems the child wants the same silk that doomed poor Omer. Hopefully a caravan arrives with some soon, or I fear he will go mad. I've ordered the great statue placed in our now expanded and engraved dinging hall- hopefully it will improve morale around here. If those nobles want to get uppity about it I'll have them test the contraption I'm working on...

5th Hematite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Summer has arrived. I've ordered the clearing of some rooms for the nobility. I doubt we'll be keeping these 'nobles' for very long though. Still, it will be good to have such room prepared for anyone worth honoring in the future. I've been keeping myself busy carving our halls to resemble a true home rather than a cave; it is going quickly- so much so that the other dwarves have nicknamed me 'the chisel demon'. Hah! Perhaps after these walls are smoothed I shall pick up an axe and show them what such a demon can do.

14th Hematite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

A human caravan has arrived. The fools led a group of hammer wielding goblins straight to us! They revealed themselves by attacking their diplomat. Zas Zefonkan Edtol Berim ("The Groove of Artifices"), an accomplished axedwarf, has made a name for herself by almost single handedly wiping out our foes since my reign began. I've appointed her our 6 war dogs and head of our largest squad, Akrulzafal, "The Tin Air". I intend to have her outfitted in the finest steel armor and appointed a grand bedroom as reward as well.

15th Hematite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

I've taken the time to order all the iron goblin equipment scattered about or fortress to be melted down. This should provide us with plenty of iron for a long while to come. I'll need to reassign some furnaces for the purpose of melting these pieces, as well as armor and weapon smithing. My goal is to have a suit of superior steel armor for Zas by the end of my current rule. I've assigned Ayla the task of being our head armorsmith, and she accepted.

20th Hematite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

I've reorganized the military and recruited from the ranks of our newest masons to bolster their numbers. Trading with the humans was irritating as usual. I acquired more lumber and some food for variety.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2008, 03:13:48 am »

Whoah that was fast :o, I suppose that means my turn will be tomorrow. Unless of course we allow frelock to take savs turn.

Run Comrades

  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2008, 09:20:15 am »

Put the Hammerer's "quarters" in the Burnerator??  ;)

A green glass road is a fitting tribute for our late Omer!  :D  I'll play as Ayla on my next turn, since she's next of kin.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 09:27:55 am by Run Comrades »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2008, 08:18:57 pm »

15th Malachite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

I've begun the consruction of a wall to cover our other flank, enclosing the glass road which is now nearing completion.It does not encompass as large an area as I had first envisioned, but it will suffice for now. I shall perfect it in my next reign if nobody else does. The larger rooms have been dug out, I now must finish smoothing the stone and later engraving the walls.

13th Galena, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

The road and walls around it are complete. Archimedes has thrown a party to celebrate. I'll be attending as well- it seems as though I never get a chance to speak to my comrades, so busy am I with my work. All but one of the recruits have finally attained at least some skill in their chosen weaponry, so we now number 8 soldiers. Unfortunately, our champion Hammerdwarf is still abed, thoguh his wounds have improved. I've had the dungeon master tame our alligator and had it tied up near the main entrance- hopefully it'll be well fed by the goblin thieves that keep arriving. I intend to purchase more such animals if they arrive with the caravans from now on. Our stone processing room is still quite cluttered, however, it is proving quite effective at keeping said clutter out of our hallways and bedrooms. Our food stocks are enourmous, and Myra has been churning out ever more decadent meals for us to enjoy. We've run out of lumber again, but we now have plenty of beds and bins. Glass production has been poor lately, with many of the glass masons being put to work with the construction of our defenses. Still, our stockpiles are high. We possess no fewer than 421 glass blocks by my count. The brunt of our stone is andesite- still over 2500 blocks after constructing our outer wall entirely of it. I've created an interesting contraption near the noble rooms- a golden wall that can be moved with the aid of a lever. It is quite a wonderful thing to look upon. I mentioned it to our Hammerer. I'm sure he's smart enough to understand the importance of staying near the lever while it is moving, so I don't foresee any danger.

23rd Galena, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

It seems our Hammerer friend was crushed by my golden drawbridge. How unfortunate.

13th Limestone, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Mistem Dumatbal has been taken by a fey mood and claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop. He is demanding logs, so I've sent some woodcutters out to collect for him.

18th Limestone, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'
The caravan has arrived from the Mountainehomes, bringing us more lumber and barrels. I've traded them our rock crafts and trophies from our battles with the goblins for the supplies we needed.

23rd Limestone, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Mistem Dumatbal has created a useless earring of Birch wood. I'll have him conscripted to get such foolish elven ideas as making crafts fromw out out of his head. Aside from that, I've recently began training aprentices in the art of stone detailing. I simply can't afford to be spending every moment of my time carving out our halls myself.

15th Moonstone, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Goblins attacked today, they killed our 4 sentry animals, as well as one of our Axe dwarves. Zas annihilated both ambushes with the aid of her troops and dogs. One goblin went flying across the entire compound. The second ambush didn't even make it inside the gates, the fools thought to defeat Zas through numbers as she chased the fleeing remainder of the first ambush, however, she entered a martial trance and slaughtered them all. Glory to Skyseal!

9th Opal, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

Cog Bomrekotad, our seamstress, has begun a mysterious construction after being taken by a fey mood. Whatever she is working on, it is of legendary quality. I hope her skill is an asset to us in the future as well.

13th Opal, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

She has crafted Ethramevon, "The Ripe Lover", a rope reed face veil. It is quite frightening, being studded with iron, encircled in bands of leather and marble, and menacing with spikes of all sorts.

1st Granite, 1055, Project 'Skyseal'

My period of management has proven quite productive. Although we've lost some dwarves, none were vital to the mission, and much of our fortress has been streamlined, cleaned, and fortified. Ayla has become a competant armorsmith, our food stocks are stable, our supply of bins and barrels and lumber are all fine. We are slightly short on sentry dogs, but the puppies should grow up soon enough. I've assigned Zas a grand room with golden and glass furniture, and engraved it personally. The apartments and catacombs are nearly finished, I've perhaps a month or two of work left in them. I've assigned a number of extra masons to help clear out the stone from those places, which will take some years yet. Still, we now have many strong, able dwarves in our fortress, and although our military is not large, it is mighty. I know not what my successor intends to do next, but I wish him good luck.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2008, 08:56:35 pm » - Map. Not much to say about it. Spent most of my effort making the wall and cleaning up crap like meltable goblin armor and odd job assignments. The stone and glass block rooms are actually completely too large- bins aren't even scratching that area yet. I undesignated some of the stone block stockpiles to try and compress it into bins some more. Don't worry about space until the workshops become cluttered- thats when we need more room.

The save:

We had a lot of artifacts made and attempted in the last year, but none really useful. The seamstress at least can make bags really fast now I guess? I turned her into a mason anyways  :P The woodcrafter is now a novice wrestler. The others died. Oddly, I had no real immigration waves again. I wonder if I'm not setting the options properly or something? I changed the init file though.

My only real request is to keep an eye on the military. If they all become wounded in training or something and we get a real siege it'll be trouble. I'll see about setting up a marksman squad and some fortifications along the road in my next reign. A lot of them have brain damage from training without shields or armor vs ultra-mighty dwarves. Feel free to burninate them if you wish, I was just going to let them be guards. Speaking of ultra-mighty dwarves, Demos has become 'more experienced' at least half a dozen times after all his stats were maxxed out. I'm pretty sure he could punch a colossus hard enough to send it across the map at this point. I think I'm going to train him into a military position of some sort in my next reign. Until then, give him any job you need- he's so fast and strong and tough that he'll train up quickly on anything at this point. You could have him keep engraving too if you'd like.

For now, lets skip Sav's turn and go back to Dain. Frelock can have Sav's (Or whoever he wants to play as) next turn after mine.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2008, 09:10:18 pm »

Yay, I will begin my turn immediately.

Run Comrades

  • Bay Watcher
  • Jovian Dwarf
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2008, 11:50:57 pm »

Awesome update!  Can't wait to see what develops, and good to see our security issues are resolved (both internal (nobles) and external (gobs)).  Good call on the other glass furnaces for sand collection, I'm still pretty new to that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyseal! Dreams of a madman.
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2008, 05:54:11 pm »

Dain's journal through the events of 1056


1st of Granite: It appears to be my turn to lead Skyseal again. I shall begin immediately and as first order of business I will write a letter to the mountainhomes telling them to limit the number of migrants they send here to keep the population manageable. We need no more than 80 dwarves at the moment.

2nd of Granite: Construction on the see-through castle has not even begun. This shall be the focus of my turn, to begin the initial tower of glass that will hold up the sky.

5th of Granite: The adamantine is calling me. I must resist the natural urge of a miner to dig out the magic.

6th of Granite: When I checked the barracks it appeared that there were only two experienced soldiers without any wounds. I think to solve this I might have to put Zas and Rigoth (the champion swordsdwarf) on duty as a permanent guard of the fortresses entrance. I have also drafted about 12 of the excess masons we had lying around to spar in the barracks.

9th of Granite: We have found more copper. This is excellent news as we can now start training the armourer by producing copper low boots.

17th of Granite: I have decided that the stone to block processing room can stop production until new bins are available.

4th of Slate: Myra, one of the original seven, has today been taken by a fey mood. The voices from the bedrooms must to have gotten to her. She snapped and claimed a magma forge. F#@4ing bitch is just skiving out of work. (Please don't take offence, Dain has a grudge against Myra and I am using this in my writing)

5th of Slate: She collected up 3 pig iron bars and a piece of balsalt before beginning her work.  She better be making a piece pig iron platemail for a champion to wear.

8th of Slate: Myra has today created Ubasison Omercerol, a pig iron high boot. Not that useful a thing but at least we now have a legendary armourer.

2nd of Felsite: What!?! Another Hammerer has arrived. This is an outrage, who deserves the right to dish out deaths for no apparent reasons... *awkward pause* ...Well except the original seven of course. I say we give him a taste of his own medicine.

8th of Felsite: Onul Zanegtad, Hammerer has been crushed by a drawbridge.


17th Hematite: The urge is no longer containable, as a miner I MUST get at that adamantine. It has been calling to me from the moment I first dug into it. I have walled my apprentice miner in next to my precious adamantine so that he can dig exploratory tunnels.

3rd of Malachite: The humans have arrived and we have now traded away all of the crafts and what-not for some alcohol, metal bars and some food.

5th of Malachite: The exploratory miner has found something! We can't actually see what he has found, but he is asking to be let out now that his job is done. I suppose that is alright, he has done a good job. I will mine him out myself in honour of his achievements.

6th of Malachite: As I neared the exploratory miner, I heard his screams. Then it went quite. Like hell I was going to dig him out of that hole. Something had happened to him in that peculiar chamber, something very bad. The croaking of frogs can now be constantly heard in the bedrooms, so maybe it was an evil underground pool?

18th of Malachite: Too many mandates from the nobles have gone unnoticed. Apparently we now have about 8 dwarves lined up for a beating. Luckily the hammerer isn't here as Alya is on that list.

28th of Malachite: I have dug out my tomb and the mosaic is complete. This place is definitely fit for a miner dwarf like me.

1st of Galena: Demos must really hate the baroness because he has engraved pictures of demons striking down dwarves all through her room. I for one would not like to sleep in there.

7th of Galena: Finally, the champion hammer general has awoken from rest. The injury to his arm is fully healed. He has taken it upon himself to quickly wound every sparring dwarf within his vicinity in anger for being cooped up for years. He has also picked up the artifact boot, now I suppose his foot will have super strength.

20th of Galena: The croaking in the bedrooms is getting to us all. I am going to have to find away to finish the croaking of those evil frogs. I would send in a squadron of champions, but they have heard stories of flaming imps associated with the adamantine so they are too scared. So my only other option is to flood the caves with magma! This shall be done as soon as possible so that we can all get a good night sleep.

Note: The reason I am not just leaving the adamantine caves to themselves is to do with FPS. Ever since I cracked open the caves the FPS dropped from a workable 35 to a painstakingly slow 13.

27th of Galena: A child was today possessed by something behind the bedrooms. He has claimed a craftsdwarf workshop and is muttering about: bones, a shell, stone, tree, blocks, and rough gems. All of which we have so I don't know what his problem is.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 06:19:21 pm by A_Fey_Dwarf »
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