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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 106396 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #930 on: June 12, 2008, 12:56:00 pm »

(( I just re-read the description of the Vulpinans. Are they really THAT tiny ?))


"With deep regrets I must inform you that I do not have the authority to change details of the agreement, nor am I allowed to come back without a solution. So instead, I invite you, or your representative to come and visit the Pagoda of Murakami. there we will hopefully find a compromise.

As for your interest in our magic, we are not interested in your healers as long as there is no contract between our nations. The force of the divine mother is a weapon we will not grant to someone who might not be our ally.
However, we will accept your offer for the manipulation of wind.
Let me introduce you to Tomoe, priest of the one and only godess. He is masterful in the use of magic, and will stay here, as your teacher for as long as it takes to teach you the level of magic you seek, along with 3 Hauchiwa fans, which are needed as a tool for channeling the magic. The magic includes the secret on how to produce them, but I fear with the local plants everything you could produce would be mere substitutes. For a variant strong enough to have any effect, you will need the leaves of the hauchiwa trees, which can only be found on the southern continent.
For this trade we demand samples of all poisons you mentioned as well as those you didn't mention, together with a teacher of the art of herbalism."

After teh diplomat stopped speaking, Tomoe, a Tengu of old age stepped forward, dressed in the traditional garb of the Tengu priests, a wide red skirt and a white hakama.

"I am Tomoe, it is a pleasure to meet you."



((I will explain how to use the wind magic in turn 29. In turn 30, you should be able to use the low level magic, on turn 31-32 you should be able to use the second level to some extend. Of course, it will never reach the same niveu as the original Tengu magic, you are lacking the spheres for that, but with some creativity, it should prove extremely useful))

((Ok, I will leave the Koneko alone, but the Drogar will be devastated))

[ June 12, 2008: Message edited by: Akroma ]

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #931 on: June 12, 2008, 01:24:00 pm »

From Turn 27 - The results of the incident at Romilath


The winds raged, swirling around the palace at Romilath as they whipped the water in the nearby bay into

a frenzy. With a decided crash the spray of water was sent flying high into the air, settling a vast mist across the low

brackish waters of the river. Knifing through the rain a red-scaled dracon flew, his wings throwing off curatins of water as the wind chilled his soaked toga. At his side a small hand crossbow tumped gently, the string that normally would propel a bolt severl meters unstrung in the rain. As the white-lined palace came into view the messanger swooped down and landed at the gatehouse.

The lone guard at the entrance to the palace started as the red Dracon swooped out of the mist, it's low

voice causing vibrations in the water that was pooled on his steel cap "I am here to with a message for the lord of this town."

At once he readied lifted his crossbow, pointing it at the Dracon. "Lord Kireal wishes not to be disturbed. He has pushed forward his evening schedule in light of this heavy rain and it would be unwise to meet with him."

The Dracon frowned, his voice insistant as he shifted uncomfortably in the rain. "I have a message from Commander Silvak. It is important it be received immedeatly"

The guard sneered slightly at the mention of Sivak's name, adjusting his positioning as the rain shifted in direction. "That old impotent lizard? What does he want now. Give me the message and I can relay it to him, in due time."

At once the messenger began to look angry at the disrespect of his leader, a gutteral roar creeping into his voice "It is an oral message, I am to deliver it to your leader and your leader only!"

"Then you will have to wait. Unless you wish to deliver it to his newest mistress as well. Go to the tavern and get a drink with the other petitioners, when the lord is good and ready he will meet with you there. Not a moment before." snidely the rude guard added, "Although I suppose you wouldn't mind so much, your people are quite the voyers after all."

His temper subsiding silghtly, the dracon calmly looks up at the palace and studys it casually. "Nice structure your people built here? Am I safe to assume that is the lords room up there?" He calmly points to a balcony near the top of the building.

"Er..." the guard  hesitated, remembering that the Dracons could fly, "Yes, but going up there on your own really is not a good idea. I'm not making light of my lords foibles, interrupting him right now is not a good idea.

The dracon spread his wings in preparation to take off but after the guards final warning he decided against it. He didn't want to learn anything new today. "Actually forget it, it's too dreary for this stuff. Know a good bar? I assume dracon coin is good here as long as I pay the tax."

"Indeed" the guard said, lightening slightly, "Your coin is as good as any, but really you would do  better to go to the dracon moneychanger first and trade it in for gold value. The tax on dracon coin is so high that it's really isn't worth it to have any here in Romilath, unfortunately. My wife and I were thinking of heading to Letotar for a vacation before the tax was created, but the exchange rate is so bad for Dracon coin we decided against it, less we lose out  on a good deal of money when we returned."

"My money is all govenrment funded for travel expenses, if I don't spend it I have to give it back anyway." he flapped his wings once to throw off some water subcounciously. "When about do you think I could speak to the leader? Tomorrow? Sunup?"

"I can't tell you because I do not know. Kireal is a busy man. Your best bet would be to talk to one of his aides in town" the guard replied, raising his hand to his face to cover it as another gale sent a fresh wave of water over both creatures.

"Allright." the dracon waved and turned around, after a moment of waiting for the wind to calm  down he leaped into the air and flew towards the bars.


~Sunrise, the next day. The Lathmaile River~

Kara stretched out, enjoying the muted light of the rising sun behind the heavily overcast clouds as the edge of the western watergate of Romilth approached. After enjoying the pull of her muscles as she finished the strech, she turned back towards her sleeping companions.

The night had been difficult, the storm had made the water choppy and for a time they had been forced to erect a thick leather tarp to ward off the pouring rain. So exhaused they had been, after fighting at many points to keep the raft from capsizing and keeping the tiller steady, that every one of them had passed out from exhaustion, leaving the boat to drift downstream on it's own. Indeed, the calm river seemed almost safe after that night.

She smiled as she saw little Iten curled up against Eoris' back, and reached forward to stroke his head

when the dracon awoke. Erois yawned and looked like he was about to get up and stretch but felt Iten and slowly moved his

pillow over to keep the child comfortable, his movements not unlike a skilled tomb raider. A moment later he got up and streched replying, "morning. How much longer?"

Kara pointed downstream with a hindpaw as she crouched down to check the sleeping toddler, ensuring that he had

weathered the storm well. The heat of Eoris' special furs had kept him quite warm and dry she noted with a pleasure,

thinking in the back of her mind that she really must some day ask him where the dracon's got it. "We are at the watergates. Everything is quiet right now because it's morning, but the gates should be open since the vulpinan's here have no reason to shut them."

"Then why can't I see through them?" he asked groggily, pointing towards the closed gates. His face turned into the warm sunlight.

"Er..." Kara replied, swiftly turning around and freezing as the boat began to speed up in the current, "" Before her the gates swiftly began to loom larger.

Erois suddenly noticed the trouble like a person waking up to notice the house on fire. As the current began to increase the dracon took wing, grabbing the anchor in his claws and leaping off the back of the boat so that he could hurl the heavy stone object overboard.

At once the boat jerked to a stop as the anchor Eoris threw slammed into the muddy bottom of the river, jolting

Larika and Iten out of their beds with a cry and a shout. Karaman felt her nails dig into the boat as inertia attempted to

haul her overboard as well. Quickly recovering, Kara scooped up Iten to calm him and looked at Eoris respectfully, "Er... thank you" She said as the boat swung in the current. On the other side of the boat the voice of the Valtan rose in the morning light, "No wha' was that?"

Landing expertly, Erois calmly replied, "It wasn 't much, we just had to stop and it was a bit more suddenly than I


Kara shook her head and quickly hauled a rope out of one of the many compartments around the ship, "That's not right, the gaets should be open at all times unless Romilath is expecting to be attacked... why are they shut?"

Erois scratched the back of his head, freeing an old scale that quickly tumbled down to the decking of the bolt. For a moment he studied the gate. "Maybe they are performing maintenence?"

"I don' see any maintainance crew" Larika commented  while Kara quickly tied an end of the rope to a ring on the prow, "No, I don't think that's it." she said nervously, offering the other end of the rope to Eoris. "Could you fly this to the east shore and help pull the boat across? I'll use the tiller to guide us over while Larika can hoist the Anchor. We'll set the boat here and walk the rest of the way."


~The Palace Gates~

The frusterated voice of the dracon messenger pierced the morning light as he argued his litany for the fourth time that morning. "Look, I came by last night. I don't mind waiting a day because I am a little ahead of scheduel

but I need to see your leader. He can't possibly be buzy for 12 straight hours."

Overnight the guard detail on the gates had tripled in size, the three vulpinan's clad entirely in well-worked steel looked at each other in amusement as the red-scaled messenger tried to explain he was on official business. With a smirk the lead guard answered, "Did you try his aide in the city? Lord Kireal isn't taking visitors right now without an appointment."

"I asked around for the aide but was told he is in the palace. Look, you guys won't let me in the front door right?"

"Against orders." The lead guard replied, "Last night a new decree came out that only Vulpinan citizens may enter the palace, enforceable by a max of three months in prison for any culprit who attempts to break it."

"Holm's scales1" the dracon swore considering the balcony again. "Can I at least see the aide then? Surely he isn't too buzy." This message is time sensitive, and if it dosn't get to where it is supposed to go by the time somebody important gets here there will be hell to pay."

The guard hesitated for a moment, considering, "Sure, I can send someone to get the aide. But we really don't know exactly where she is so it may be some time." Behind him one of the two crossbowmen muttered mirthfully to his companion, "She's probably as *busy* as he is." he said as he lightly slugged his friend in the shoulder.

"Thank you" the messenger said, forcing a smile.

Time passed slowly as the clouds shifted over the palace, after nearly an hour of such Karaman, Eoris, and Larika rounded a corner, earning a few stares as they passed. "Ta man at the tavern said it was this way right?" The Valten said for the fifth time disbelievingly, glancing up and down the street, "You're sure this 'ent another false direction Erois?"

"Well thats what he said. he said take a right at the first food stall." Nevermind the fact that they passed three or food stalls selling corn and other such things he didn't quite recognise as food.

"I've never known a Dracon to lie to a stranger." Kara said offhandedly as she idlely looked at a nearby fish shop. "At the very least I would trust one far easier than I would trust one of Kireal's men, after some of the things I've heard in the tavern... Ah, there it is!" She pointed towards the large, opulant building not far away, with the

frusterated diplomat standing outside.

At once Erois recognised the diplomat from one of the scout squads. "Hey! Valigor! what are you doing so

far south? I thought you were part of the northern patrol." he said racubg ahead to greet his friend. Valigor looked

up at the sound of the old dracon and cheered up. "Hey Erois, ya old coot! I'm part of the messengers now. Though I'm beginning to think these mammals are too frisky for their own good."

Larika reddened at that comment while Karaman's ears went flat against her skull in embaressment, their

voices twining together in a startling "What?!"

Valigor jumped almost a foot in suprise, finally noticing the other two. "My apologies, I'm a bit exasperated by the runaround I've been getting here." he made a little laugh to try to ignore his mistake.

"A runaruond eh?" Kara said with a glint in her eyes. "Let's see about that..." Without hesitation the vulpin walked up to the gate, the look in her eyes immediatly curbing the laughter of the two remaining guards with a fierce stare "Where is your commander?"

The first guard, the one who had addressed Valigor, stood up and gave Kara a calculating look, "Mad'am, I'm sorry. Can I help you?"

The vulpinan woman withdrew a scroll from her pack, one sealed with an signet in red

wax. "Do you recognize this?"

The Guard looked at the scroll carefully, a shiver of uncertainty creeping into his voice, "That's a seal from Aveceleba...

yes, what about it?"

"This is an important document from the capital to Kireal, concerning illegal dealings between the merchants guild and the  Romilathian military. I am under direct orders by the council of lords themselves to investigate this manner, and any person caught obstructing this investigation is to be jailed, flogged, and clapped in stocks for six months. So I'll repeat myself, "Where is your commander!"

The guard began to shake, his handpaw reaching for the scroll, "H-he is not in. May I take it to him for you?" he asked meekly.

Kara slapped his hand away, shaking her head. "No, this is for the eyes of lord Kireal only. I'm under orders not to give this to anyone, especially not the military asthey may very well the ones being investigated. Now, if your commander is not here then WHO is in charge at this gate?"

Behind them Valigor wispered to Erois, "Sounds like we might be here about the same thing. I'm here to deliver a message from the commander about goods that were seized." Stuttering, the guard felt his crossbow hit the ground behind him as he turned around, his companion already having vacated the room, "Um... me, Ma'am"

With a hard glance Kara stared him down, her eyes locking into his with a fury that few people ever saw in a vulpinan, "Then will you, acting commander, open this gate? Or subject yourself to investigation of the chargest laid out in this scroll?" Very quickly the guardsman began to pull at the mechanisms the covered the gate, leaving the tollbooth and saluting as Karaman passed, the two Dracons and Valten in tow. "I apologize for my rudeness Ma'am, do you need a guide for the palace?" With a wink towards Erois and Valigor Kara smiled, "Thank you... private" she said, carefully reading his rank, "That will not be neccecary. Please resume your post." Within a few moments the party had passed out of earshot.

Valigor was impressed "Wow I wish I woulda thought to do something like that." Then to karaman "I'm guessing we are here regarding the same thing. I'm supposed to be delivering a warning of the Commander's visit in  regards to the high tax and seizing of goods. You?"

"I'm here on a rumor" Karaman said, tossing the scroll over to Valigor, "That and Kireal is late in replying to Aveceleba's request for troops. Go ahead and read it."

Valigor's eyes widened as he recognized a map not unlike those he had seen being sold in Muitheru. At once he read through it, noting a few newer marks to the west and south that he had not previously seen.[


~Kireals Chambers~

Lord Kireal sat in his favorite chair facing the balcony, mulling over his plans for the day in frustration. The Dracon messenger would mean only one this, at least this early, their leadership had received word of his caravan seizing and had sent a messenger to get him to stop. "Bah, pointless" he murmured to himself, as he sipped at his wine irritably. He would need to start seizing entire wagons and taking prisoners in order to stop word from getting back. Indeed, that messenger would need to be silenced too if he was to have any chance for independence.

A knock on the door behind him broke him out of his reverie. It must have been his aide, come early for some time alone with him. With a whimsical sway of his glass he considered replacing her. She was competent as a lover, but her secretary skills had been faltering of late. Plus she had been appraching him in a stranger and stranger manner recently, and now coming in the middle of the day?

"Come in" he called out to her, downing the last of the wine and placing the cup on the low table in front of him.

Outside, Karaman pushed open the door and the group walked up with her as lord Kireal spoke, "It's about time Umai, I need an order for the arrest of any Dracon found outside of their wagons in the merchants orders. There is a new curfew starting at sundown I'd like to have in effect by tonight. Once we do that, nobody will notice when our soldiers lead the others away to our holding cells."

The sound of a sword being unsheathed was the next sound as Erois drew his sword in anger "What exactly are you trying to pull?!" The Dracon said loudly.

Kireal jumped out of his chair, fear on his face as he backed towards the balcony, drawing the rapier that he had strapped to his waist "More assassins? This time four of you in daylight? I thought you learned last time I killed your ilk!"

"You think I am an assassin? We don't resort to dirty tricks like you are." Erois slowly walks into the room, with Valigor beside him. Valigor was unarmed but he was in what looked like a trained martial arts stance.

"Ha, any fool could see through that bluff. Two assassins attacked me last month, local citizens. They

had a good amount of gold in their pockets, which I can only assume is from your merchants. And now, now you come to my room

armed." Kireal replied, brandishing his rapier, "Guards! Hurry here!" he called out as he rose the blade, ready to foul up

and intercept any blow.

Quite suddenly the lord stumbled backward as a heavy book hit his chest from the side, knocking the wind out of him with

a powerful whoosh of air. "That's quite enough, Settler Kireal." Kara said as she drew her bow, "I remember you now, Six years ago when we first arrived. You were a craftsman back then. A stonecrafter no? Back when Aveceleba was first founded and our people began to flee into this world? The one who belived in honesty and fair debate" Kara shook her head disdainfully, "What happened to you?"

The point of Kireal's rapier swayed as Karaman's words hit home, his voice quivered as he called back, "You... you can't understand. You were not here when we founded Romilath, to face the hardships we did. We needed a strong guiding hand to endure the hardships we faced here. While you were fraternizing with dragons and getting knocked up by some nameless bastard, I was here fighting for my very survival. Don't think we don't know about your demons Kara." While Kireal spoke, Valigor carefully snuck around behind him. All around the footsteps of heavily armored gaurds drew near to the shout of the high lord. With a flourish Kireal stepped forward, his rapier forming a sharp point at Karaman's heart. "You are NOT one of us!"

Before he could thrust, Valigor lunged at Kireal from behind, a brush of his hand disarming the lord. At the door Erois turned and set his worn shortsword to cover it.Kireal fell forward as his rapier was wretched from his grip, landing hard on his knees.

Felipe: With a snarl the vulpin lord quickly regaining his feet, his face a twisted mask of anger "Even now word of your child, blessed by a demon of blood dooms us all! Neither of your should live!" With a jerk Kireal reached into his robes, withdrawing a dagger that glistened with poison from a hidden holster and lunged forward, using the floor to propel himself towards Kara, and Iten with frightening speed.

Behind him Valigor rushed afterwords, knowing at once that he would not reach Kireal before he struck. However, it was then that Larika crashed into Kireal's side and quickly immobilized the hand with the dagger.The two of them fell in a tangle with each other on the floor, a spray of blood and fur erupting from Larika as Kireals hindpaws began to dig viciously into her stomach in an effort to throw her off.Larika rolled and threw Kireal off of her, standing warily and eyeing the two guards. behind her Valigor jumped in to the melee, and quickly placed Kireal into a makeshift submission hold.

A second later Kara broke from her hesitiation, lunging foward with her bow and slamming it down on the hand that held the weapon, breaking it and causing the glistening dagger to spin away into a nearby corner. Just as a pair of gaurds opened the door, their faces as hard as the steel rapiers they carried. Erois moves to impose himself between the guards and the fight. "Kireal is being placed under arrest, don't interfere."

The lead guard looked at Erois quizzically (that's a wierd word!), before drawing his own rapier. "Stand aside Dracon. Kireal is the lord of this fortress.

In response Erois readied his weapon, flat of the blade forward. calling back to Karaman "Kara If you have any official documents handy we could probably use them." while behind him larika carefully stood and picked up the discarded dagger, holding it at ready.

Breathless, Karaman called out to the gaurds in the old tounge. "Ni edinu, ade de irive ne. Ira de amaeta". At once the guard in the back to draw his own sword and pointed it at the back of his companion. "You heard her Roi, withdraw." the first guard hestitated for a moment, and then sheathed his sword and nodded his head in the customary response, "Domokud, Tali Karaman"

With a prompt from Kara, Valigor released Kireal slowly, ready to grab him again if he made any agressive moves. Behind Erois sheathed his sword and picked up the discarded rapier. At once Kireal fell forward onto his knees, his left handpaw clutching the right in agony as kara stared down at him. With a disdainful look the explorer reached forward and clutched his shoulder, her face hard as she said, "Kireal. By the power vested in me by the original seven, and by Vime, our god. I take control of your settlement." releasing the ex-lord, she looked at the door "Erois, let the guards in. They are to escort the prisoner to his dungeons as my first order, and are to free any dracon detainees as my second."

His face a mask of tears, Kireal was left his office in the custody of the two guards. As soon as the three were out of sight Kara slumped backwards, her shoulders low. "Well... that could have went better." she said wryly, looking at the spatter of blood that decorated the floor.

Erois added "Could have been worse.I'm not as young as I used to be,  I may not have been able to beat him."

"Still.. I'd almost rather be in chains than running a town." Kara replied warily, reaching into her harness and withdrawing a vial of coagulant. Handing it to Larika with a deft motion. "Thank you... for that save, by the way."

"Eh, it weren't nothin', " The Valtan replied, uncorking the vial and gently rubbing the fluid into the deep scratches across her belly.

Valigor suddenly thought of something. "Ya know I never did deliver my message..."

"Your message?" Kara asked with curiosity, "The one for the leader of Romilath?"

"Yea, though it may be mostly irrelavent now.  It was a demand for a reduction of the exorberant tax and return of the stolen goods.  Commander Silvak is on his way personally to see that it is done.

"Oh... well it will certainly be done!" Kara replied hastily, thinking carefully, "however..." her eyes wandered towards the brand-new steel rapier in Erois' grip, "I'm not certain that returning them will be physically possible or desireable for either of us however."

"Yea, seems he buffed his military as of late.  I was here for two days and the guard tripled in that time." Valigor said.  Oh well, silvaks pretty reasonable.  I'm sure he won't mind much now."

"I will need time to look over the stockpile records of Romilath, as well as a complete inventory of the siezed goods before we can know exactly how much the vulpi owe the dracons." Kara said in a businesslike manner "However, once Silvak arrives to help me quash out the finer details I can assure you that as acting leader of Romilath I intend to repay your people in full."

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #932 on: June 12, 2008, 01:37:00 pm »

(ooc: the name Akroma was used in the Cardgame MTG for an female Angel - an very aggresiv angel - so it was obvisious that you ar a Woman Akroma. As sidenote the name has special meaning which is "Colourless".

My Internet went down and i now use the Computer of my Parents so im not as fast as on other days.)

- Karatomca district Almeftikbo -
"Hail to the Vulpians. Cenna hadnt said that you are coming please move your Boats to the Traderraft. Leam our Highpriest will talk to you as soon as possible."
(The traderraft and a Big houseship would be moved 300 Metres down the river. Its the sort of security measure Leam had intended by trading with Vulpians.)

- on the Traderaft - Leam and Cenna -

"Yes sure but please leave all your bags and weapons here. We would send a Guard with you for your own security. Anyway i would be honored if i could have a dinner with you at our Temple."

Turn 27/28

My Roadworkers are moving in the New settlement of the ipetians and stay there if they are allowed to. 5 of this Raodworkers confert to Fenneth by including him in the Pantheon of the Roshani.

Stretiaslu becomes a Village.

As stated before 3 Golemoid Warhawks are moved to Irumathra 5 to Almeftikbo and 4 Ramin in Karatomca. The amount of guards at Almeftikbo is doubled because of Vulpians and theyr tendency for stealing things (I know they wouldnt but Leam believes that.)

Aris is now educated in using of Glyphs and is starting to train 4 for other Roshani in this Art including her brother Peris.  

Ter is working on a Glyph only Warhawk but this would take another 2 turns.

[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #933 on: June 12, 2008, 01:41:00 pm »

(( Oh wow, who would have guessed that anyone actually knew the meaning of this name besides me. All I ever get are referances to the card game, never to the actual meaning))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #934 on: June 12, 2008, 01:58:00 pm »

((Yes, they really are THAT tiny. If you think in terms of fantasy xenobiology, they mass only slightly more than a halfling, and are quadrupeds rather than bipedal (although they can walk on two legs with some effort))

"My place is here." The high lord said simply, shaking his head, "However, a fitting compromise on where we can meet can stand. Let us construct a neutral meeing ground for our leaders in the burnt-out forest of our lands. It can be both a memorial to mourn your dead and the destruction of our home, as well as an asylum for those who would seek refuge from the elements of the wild. To give you a sign of our word, I send will send Yori the mechanic in my stead. He is a seated lord on this council and his word carries as much weight as my own, if not more some times." The old vulpin grinned, "If things work out nicely enough, perhaps we could expand our trade still further.

As for your priest, I welcome him. Our quartermistress will find him a place to stay, as well as some of the unemployed who may wish to learn your magic. He will be paid by the parents of his students in vulpi, and should want for nothing as long as his lessons provide good.

As you wish, in exchange we will send one of our three trained herbalists, Jolimar. As well as a small sample of each poison, a dose enough to fell a horse. the poisons included will be the poison of Paralysis, Weakness, Blindness, and Death."

To the side an elderly vulpin woman stepped forward and bowed to Tomoe, offering a handpaw "If you will come with me sir, I will see you to your room. By tomorrow, I can show you a list of vulpinan's who may be interested in learning from you and we can go talk with them and..." her voice faded into the distance as she led the priest away.

((Jolimar will explain on-route that there are two final poisons, Feeblemind, and Insanity, are not stable enough to make such a trip and can only be created within a broadleaf forest or marsh. He will make them if he can get supplies however))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
    • View Profile
Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #935 on: June 12, 2008, 02:03:00 pm »

(( It suddenly strikes me that the combination of poison and wind is enormously overpowered against anything except the Golems, the Pringer and maybe the !!elves!!
Oh boy, what did we create ?))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #936 on: June 12, 2008, 02:09:00 pm »

((Heph, I need to back you up. These folks know Cenna))

"Cenna? Cenna is here?" The face of the merchant's leader registered shock as he recognized the name, "Graed said cenna left his party before he reached Karamotica! What is she doing here?"

Behind him the other five vulpi began to murmer slightly, the three guards arguing with the two remaining merchants. A moment later they divided up, the guards remaining with the merchandise with a wary look while the merchants walked forward with the delegation.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #937 on: June 12, 2008, 02:12:00 pm »

((Akroma, the only poisons that work while inhaled are the Blindness and Insanity style poisons. The rest are injury only (Suffication can be ingested). The amount of work required in order to make enough poison to have the same effect is nearly quadrupel the work.))

[ June 12, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #938 on: June 12, 2008, 02:13:00 pm »

(( Oh, it still makes an excellent strategy))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #939 on: June 12, 2008, 02:16:00 pm »

((I should also note that all of the poisons except Death have anitidotes. Which the Vulpinans did not offer or imply they have. You will get acess to them if you get medical training, however ))
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #940 on: June 12, 2008, 02:19:00 pm »

((It should also be noted that the Thelash are poison and disease resistant. Even the Death poison, unless magical in nature or very very potent, will only cause a bad illness.))


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #941 on: June 12, 2008, 02:27:00 pm »

"Yes Cenna is here. She had arrived Yesterday. I would bring you to her."

20 Minutes later.

"Lord Leam here are some vulpians who want to meet Cenna." said the Gateguard.
"Well shes still in here so they can come in."

The poison part isnt that evil atleast 2 Races and and my airforces cant be poisened and i dont think that each poison works on each race.)
I leave Leams reactions for his meeting to you Jamini because i cant use this Pc any longer but im back tomorow with my own Computer.

[ June 12, 2008: Message edited by: Heph ]

[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #942 on: June 12, 2008, 02:55:00 pm »

Raom grunted as he felt the blow of a spear get absorved by one of his bucklers, his forleg twisting inward and wrapping around the shaft long enough so that he was able to slide down it and tag the recruit with the flat of his short sword. All across the barracks similar scenes were taking place, as a dozen of dwarfted vulpinans clashed in melee while the arrows of the regular soldiers fell into the the deep trenches dug around the nearby archery range.

With a decided shove the old hunter sent his sparring partner flying, the young female giving a squeak of suprise as she tumbled in the loose sand and fell heavily to the ground. At once she was up, the spear raised between her and Raom once again, her arm slightly bloody from the hard fall.

"Enough, rest!" Raom called out, spotting his aide as she bobbed along the edge of the barracks, waving her forearms to get his attention. At his call all of the sparring soldiers broke apart and helped one another up, exhanging pats on the back and cheery catcalls.

Hobbling over  while nursing the bruise that was forming behind the shield, Raom nodded to the aide. "What is it?"

"Giants, twenty-one of them sir. They were spotted by the sentries a few moments ago." She replied nervously, "They are armed."

Raom's face became grave, a pale expressionless mask. "And Hjolf has not had the time to get back to the settlement, correct?"

"Yes sir, even if he ran the entire way he couldn't be more than halfway by now." the aide replied wincing.

"Well then, go find a medic and tell them to be on standby." Turning to the mob that was in the barracks he called out, "All right you mangy fur-bags! We've got hostiles on the edge of our lands. Get your gear quickly! Bowmen, hurry to the herbalists and get their new poisons, this is not a drill. You have twenty minutes to get to the gates, the lot of you." With a fierce call Raom pounded his fist into the sand, sending a spray into the air, "You are dismissed!"


A short time later the militia of Liliaceleba was ready, filtering through the forest as stealthily as a shadow at twiilght. Numbering twenty-four, all told, hardly they hardly gave a sound as each of them slipped along the dense riverbed.

Within a day, they had reached within clear sight of the giant force. It was there that they paused, six of them visible while the remaining eighteen took cover in the surrounding forest. With a careful gesture Raom hoisted a green flag edged with white over the river, a signal for parley amoung vulpinans ((Cenna may have told them that, had she been asked)). While his remaining men watched.

((Tally of Vulpinan Forces Present

1 - Elite Bowvulpi/Elite Swordvulpi with very high wrestleing skill. (Raom)
3 - Highly Skilled Hunters. (The scouts.)
9 - Decent Archers (They have been training for two turns nearly nonstop.)
12 - Moderatly Skilled Spearvulpi (Recently drafted masons and craftsmen. These guys have spent one turn training and spent another doing hard work building and digging out the moat)

Raom is equipped with masterwork steel equipment.
The hunters are equipped with masterwork wooden bows and leather.
The rest of the archers have bows of varying quality and copper chain.
The Spearvulpi have primarily a mix of copper and wood, their armor is predominantly chain mail.

The hunters have enough paralysis poison to take down a three giants each, as well as exceptional accuracy. The rest of the archers have one dose each, and only a few of them are actually accurate enough to kill on the first hit.

Raom is also equipped with three doses of paralysis poison, and two doses of suffication poison. He is exceptionally accurate with a bow, and deadly in melee with his shortsword. With a little luck he could take on one of the elites in melee, but I doubt he could take two. In melee against a common footsoldier he probably could handle three in a row or two at once, but no more than that. The rest of his soldiers would require 2-3 to take on a single giant, and twice that  to take on an elite in melee.))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #943 on: June 12, 2008, 03:08:00 pm »

((If Nhipanter decides to attack, I volunteer to write the result of the attack next turn))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #944 on: June 12, 2008, 04:29:00 pm »

((Doing another commenting post...))
((It is interesting that the Vulpi and Tengu would consider an aliance, I hae always thought of the Vulpi as good because they are so charming and abdorable, but really they are on the moral greyscale.
This makes me come up whit a new posible prediction:
golems, !!elves!!, Zefie and possibly Thelash  if the ship goes that way (they have many things in common really) against Viulpi, Tengu, storm giants and Dracon? Posibly whit other races joining whit one or the other in some way. Sounds like that's were the wind is blowing.
Really, I am quite sure this RP will end whit a northern alliance (of magitech and Progress) and a southern alliance (of economy and tradition and gods) opposing each other in a huge endless war.))
((The Thelash STILL hasn't seen the Fibonacci blinking???))
((LOTS of stuff written while I was writing...))
((Interesting to hear about your name Akroma.))
((I don't really like that the Roshani shuld bee so good at the golem magic, and I doubt a flying golem made of anything hevier than aluminium would work.))
((Ilecaaye somewhere after a few weeks of ttalking after it has become rutine comes up whit an idea:

A joint military task force that is not under the command of any authority exept themselves, a few elite combat golems that will be the crown of !!elven!! technology and be soulforged from the greatest warriors and wisest commanders of the golems. A group of 10 or so golems (and maybe an !!elf!! engineer or two to make repairs handling the materials that require their inherent semi-magic) that will protect both our peoples from all danger and roam the world doing good deeds. These chosen warriors will bow to nobody and be a bound between our peoples as well as the ultimate protection! What do you say!

Golems that will be included: (open to suggestions, but not to many)
(The descriptions are just rudimentary, I will give much more detailed descriptions later)

2 st T.A.C.T. [(Tactical Assault Combat Terestial) (the ones I originally would have named C.A.R.P., I only couldn't currently think of a good name so that's kinda open to suggestion)
A 5m tall humanoid golem for all kinds of combat, has for arms that can turn into weapons and an appearance kinda like an oversized velociraptor whit no tail, frightening and kinda a combat jack-of-all-trades.]
4 S.M.I.L.E. [(Speed Miniature Intelligence Leper Element) (I am horrible at name, come up whit better ones for all of them)
A small spy/infiltration golem, stealthy, also good in hand-to-hand combat. It looks kinda like a millipede or a scorpion or a mantis. Some arthropod in any case. weights maybe 10kg and is normally maybe 1m long and 40cm high, but designed to be able to squeeze thought surprisingly small openings. Extremely fast and can jump very well. Sees infrared.]
1 Cyclops. [Optics-centred golem, has one huge eye that give it it's name, this eye can see very well, can be used for communication at huge distance, and can shot "laser" beams.  It looks like a flamingo without a head or those walking tanks from starwars or that ting that I saw in some Halo/Half-life commercial.
It has no arms and no weapon except the laser.]
2 Butterfly [titanium flying golems. Looks like butterflies and made almost exclusively from titanium (the !!elves!! don't have cloth, so that's the only thing light enough) and everything done to make them as light as possible. They are high altitude (Really high, like 40km, 4-5 times the height of mount Everest) communication-relays/spies. Almost the same usages as a satellite. they look really like giant butterflies, weight around 15kg, has a wingspan of 20m and a wing area of 350m^2. They can carry loads (bombs? supplies?) but it naturally limits their altitude, the max load is somewhere around 20kg. They have extremely long-range telescopic vision and some built in equipment for comunication, it can also emit light whit it's wings at will (as long as it is somwhat bluish, and each wing must be one solid colour.) this can be used for camoflague agains blue sky, comunication (a 350m^2 are in the sky shining brightly at night is VERY visible), or even improvised things such as iluminating the ground from low altitudes.
It can however NOT handle bad whether very well, and has a tendency to be blown away by wind, however the whether is always good above the clouds as you know.
It is rather fast even for a flyer.]
3 Coconut [Near-invulnerable tungsten sphere. Small battle golem. Basically a 1m in diameter sphere of tungsten, well, a 15cm thick shell of solid tungsten containing the soul-gem inside yet another sphere made of aluminium that is suspended by lots of springs making it invulnerable to acceleration change (like falling on something hard or such), it has two arms that can be folded perfectly into the body when not used and stubby extremely robust legs that are designed so even IF they break they wont damage the rest of the golem. the tungsten of the outer part of the shell (including outside of the arms as they are folded in) ca 1cm is improved tungsten alloy even more insensitive to heat and hardier.
It is humanoid whit two arms and two legs. The eyes are small and sunken into the shell and made of thick diamond, wide angel kinda like the fish eye looking things you have on doors. It weights ca 140kg.
So, invulnerability is the design.
The fingers are nimble and strong whit opposing thumbs, can be used as an engineer or to use most any tool. They can also dig quite well without tools.
For combat they have knives inside their wrists that fold out X-men wolverine style. Despite the sturdy build they are very fast whit their hands, espetialy in combat.]
1 Mastodont [Basically a HUGE turtle made of iron (because iron and lead is the only materials the elves have this much of.) it is 30m long, 16m wide, 9m high, and weights 60 000kg.
It has 6 pillar-like tree trunk legs, and 2 humanoid arms. Each hand of those arms weight 2 tons, the arms are designed like rams.
The most important thing is however that it is hollow, and the inside contains two floors whit ca 200m^2 of floor are. This space contains stockpiles, a large computer, living quarters for the smaller golems and !!elven!! engineers etc. A mobile field base. It is designed for "extreme of-road" and can climb even vertical cliffs of up to 20m or so or knock a path through dense forest. It is also designed to be watertight and pressureproof so it can walk on the bottom of water masses down to a depth of 500m, however it is prone to run out of oxygen if it contains creatures needing that.]

All of these contains:
Joints that can store energy in springs and so increase speed and strength, especially running, jumping, or punching.
Multiple-zoom precision diamond lenses, usually watertight etc.
A built in computer together whit the soul gem, this will integrate whit them enhancing mathematics, memory, reading optical code messages, and lots of other computer stuff, the computers can also be connected whit other standard Ariquemeran computers, or each other for quick communication or exchange of notes.
Lots of other !!elven!! gizmos and materials.

((like most things I post this took far longer than expected and the deitail of the descriptions are horribly uneven.
These are just ideas, any better Polifar?
I'll hopfully post my turn soon then, but really what they do depend on what Polifar responds to this.
I hope nobody thinks this is TO overpowered.
And before you ask Polifar the C.A.R.P. is not here because it requires magic that the Thelash have.))

(Basically, the !!elves!! make some REALLY good golem bodies, they are then sent to the golems for soulforging them into the ultimate do-gooder adventurer/guardian heroes. A few !!elves!! will accompany them to make sure the souls soulforged into them are really those of great and moral heroes.((just assume there were some fitting souls on stock, I have been planning this since I first heard of your golems.))) ))

So says Armok, God of blood.
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