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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 106426 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #735 on: June 07, 2008, 12:32:00 pm »

((I am back, reading through the last few turns now.

A few notes:

Grieger - I'm pretty sure in my standing orders I said that you got permission to complete the road from the lord of Romilath, granted he's going to tax any good passing through pretty obscenly.

Akroma/Imp - Awesome writing for the battle.))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #736 on: June 07, 2008, 01:31:00 pm »


♣♣│♣♣....⌂⌂▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
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((All right, I am caught up.

I must apologise for the issue with the ruins. Apparantly when Xotes changed his symbol I accidentally changed the ruins symbol too. That is fixed now.

Currently my first post is far out of date. Since re-reading (I read through it once, but only once so far) the last seven pages would be torture for me to get exact growth details, if everyone would be kind enough to post the current state of their towns I would be highly greatful.

Turn 16 - Graed and Ter reached the Roshinans. Trade commenced but no outstanding deals were signed. Karaman bided her time in Aveceleba, finishing preparations for her next expedition and attempting to convince Larika to join her.

Offer: Wood, Pottery, High Quality Crafts, Cloth, High Quality Clothing
Requesting: Stone, Certain medicinal herbs only found in wetlands, glass.

Romilath grew to a Town.

The road between Mutheithru and Romilath was completed. The dracon traders felt terribly treated by the nearly 30% tax of all foreign-made goods by Lord Kireal. Vulpinan traders left Romilath towards Mutherithru with food and wood (some of which came from Aveceleba)

Turn 17 - Graed left eastward alone, using the river to speed his travel back to Liliaceleba. Karaman and Larika left Aveceleba to the east to the forest's edge. At the end of the turn Graed reached the migrating group and they set up Thaciomu (Fishmarket, in honor of expected trades with the Roshani).

Karaman and Larika travel eastward two hexes towards the edge of the forest. The Valtan force-marches to keep up since this is the only time they expect to need too.

Turn 18 - <<Tengu>>

Significant debate rages across the council of lords, which is attended by Dodek.

Karaman and Larika travel south one tile, slowed by the Vulpinan over terrain that is unfamilier to her and the fact that they are keeping a low profile (sneaking). At the end of the turn they watch in horror as the forest far against the Horizen is set ablaze.

Turn 19 - One scout was sent from aveceleba southward one tile, observing the damage done to the forest there.

Karaman and Larika go south one tile, getting within visual range of Zurinth and the Tengu force.

Thaciomu grows to a Hamlet- A trade route is opened with the Roshani pending Heph's will.

Turn 20 - <<Hraph>>

Karaman and Larika stop as they witness the attack on the city. Kara attempts to persuade Larika to head northward with her to warn her people. Regardless of weather the scouts stays with her or not Karaman heads one tile northwest, then north. (If larika follows, she will only head northwest)

The scout goes south one hex as the Tengu move south to attack. He sees the fighting that occurs at Zurinth and fully assesses the cause and extent of the fire. A dracon caravan has some goods siezed after it's owners are caught "smuggling". (Actually, Kireal saw some things he liked and ordered them sized on a trumped-up charge.)

Turn 21 - Hraph was approached by a vulpinan border patrol from Liliaceleba.

Thaciomu grows to a Village

Three vulpinan couples arrive at Campcastle and request to become residents, claiming they have no wish to live under Kireal.

Lord Kireal begins training soldiers with Iron and Steel equipment made from taxed and sized caravan goods.

Turn 22 - Kara arrives at Aveceleba and relays information about the battle to the council, not too long after the aftershock from the explosion. Immediatly the vulpinans begin training a number of civilians to act as a defensive guard. Requisitions to Romilath and Liliaceleba are sent for additional troops in case of invasion.

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Malevolent Manager
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #737 on: June 07, 2008, 01:34:00 pm »

((Current is turn 23. Good to have you back. The status of my villages is in my post somwhere to the bottom of the previous page.))

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #738 on: June 07, 2008, 02:21:00 pm »

Originally posted by Jamini:
if everyone would be kind enough to post the current state of their towns I would be highly greatful.</STRONG>

My Settlements:

Alchemia : 58 : Village
(the one in middle of desert)

Terra : 56 : Village
(the one west of desert)

Altus Tumulosus : 21 : Hamlet
(new settlement NE of Terra)

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Poltifar ]

<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #739 on: June 07, 2008, 02:28:00 pm »

((welcome back Jamini.))


♣♣│♣♣....⌂⌂▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
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▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲⌂..⌂⌂⌂ ♣♣≈≈δδç───Θ┘...♣ ♣≈♣♣♣♣└─┘♣.c.≈≈≈ ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈...P£.~~~
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Madara was exhausted. Victorious he was, but the price payed was high. For days and nights he together with every man that was strong enough to stand he would take care of the wounded. Getting blood on him like a commoner.
These were his people, and he couldn't help it but feel guilty. Each burn on their skin of his people was a burn in his conscience.
But his hard work payed off, and just after a few days, most of the severly injured were out of danger. But the scares would remain, a memorial for their courage and their sacrifice. For the whole time they fought for the lives of their wounded comrades, the corpses were left unattended. When they finaly had the time to bury them, the stink was enormous.
They qwere buried in just one big grave. Not having the time to build a proper tombstone, all that could be done was to put up their staffs on top of the grave.
After the burial ceremony, the Tengu started heading southwards, starting to board the ship. The reinforcements deserved to be brought home...

Mohayiga+harbour: village : 69
Eientei: village : 73
Murakami: vtown : 83
Makai : town : 89
Divine shrine : cloister : 10

Madara's army: 73 men, ready to be send home next turn

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #740 on: June 07, 2008, 02:52:00 pm »

((Oh yes, to Niph. Cenna really only knows about Liliaceleba and Aveceleba. She left before the trade route was completed and she is just a woodworker. At best she could give the giants a relitivly inaccurate guess at how many Vulpinans live in Liliaceleba as well as some of its defenses. ))

"Now what do you think that is?" Inod whispered to Meamo as the two of them watched the storm giant pass from the cover of a rest house, his green eyes meeting her brown as the struggled to keep their mounts quiet. The resting area had once been a hunting blind, now converted into a comfortable burrow along the Lathmimale Road for the merchants who regularily passed through the area.

Warily Meamo looked back at the crafts they carried to trade in Liliaceleba: bolts, bows, pottery, all neatly stacked in the back of the blind. Not expecting to move onward for the night, she had unburdened her pack-wolf. With a quick glance she affirmed that Inod had unstrung his bow as well. Neither of them had expected to be attacked in the blind, and thus neither of them were ready to approach a strange creature.  Thick rings of smocke following it's path as it continued southward. That much indicated it was sentient, at least.

Still, curiosity reigned in Meamo's mind as she saw the great beast lumbering southward. Where is it going, where did it come from? It wasn't a naitive of the forest, that much was obvious from how it kept to the road and moved slowly through the trees, so obviously it's people must be from a different area. If they didn't live in the forest, it was likely that she could broker a deal with them. Stone, Metal, Glass, Flux stone... possibly even new types of cloth! Perhaps they were amazing craftsmen or expert masons? The creature's size indicated towards great strength, compared to a vulpinan at least, if nothing else it could probably make *sturdy* and *big* things, perhaps she could arrange a contract for his people to build for the vulpinans. In exchange for food, medicine, and strong river spirits.

Inod watched his wife as she licked her lips, an expression of reserved distress falling across his face. Meamo had "that" look on her face again. The look that had led her to selling their house for a seeded flux quarry (which had been owned by somone other than who she had bought it from), the one that had led her to illegally search the goods of another merchant on a rumor that somone matching his description had stolen a few emeralds from the treasury in Aveceleba (suprisingly, that rumor was right. While she led him away to do business Inod had found emeralds matching the description of the stolen stones inside of a clay jar.). Releasing a sigh, he put a warning hand on her shoulder and locked his eyes with hers again, "Let me string my bow quickly, then we'll go."


As Hjolf walked a small voice called out behind him, its high-pitched inflection unfamilier to the giant. "Hail to you great creature! State your name and business here!"

((Currently Inod is hiding alongside the road, and Meomo is greeting Hjolf. If he is peaceful they'll bring him with them to Liliaceleba to talk with Raom. If Hjolf chooses to act aggressivly then Inod has no problems with shooting him. Meomo is fairly decent at determining the moods of others, and they do have a signal that indicates weather they expect violence. Both of them are mounted on wolves. (However the wolves are trained for hunting,not fair combat)

Meomo, Trader-
Competent Judge of Intent
Competent Persuader
Competent Appraiser
Novice Comedian
Dabbling Wood Carver

Very Agile

Inod, Ranger -
Skilled Ambusher
Competent Animal Caretaker
Competent Animal Trainer
Novice Bowman
Novice Comedian
Judge of Intent


Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #741 on: June 07, 2008, 02:54:00 pm »

((Good to have you back with us, Jamini.

And to answer your question, Larika will continue following Kara.

Turn pending.))

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #742 on: June 07, 2008, 03:06:00 pm »

((say Istrian, how high up in the sky is that city of yours ? Edit: nvm I saw it. 30km. Hmm, I am already getting ideas. Too bad it is way too far away to interact with it anytime soon))

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Akroma ]

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #743 on: June 07, 2008, 03:24:00 pm »

((If you were going to try to invade, I suggest you read a few pages back (page 18). The city's got AA defence    :roll: . not that your people, or the gods for that matter, would know this.))

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #744 on: June 07, 2008, 03:30:00 pm »

((Oh, I wouldn't invade before the realm rules by Madara is in direkt contact with yours. Of course, Sanae will be able to make contact with you, but she is a peaceful person, and her out post serves the purpose of trading and accumulating wealth. I'd imagine by the time Madara decides to attack, there will probably be some sort of trade agreement going on already, so with some diplomacy, hostile actions could be averted totaly))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #745 on: June 07, 2008, 03:37:00 pm »

OOC: Hjolf is a rare kind, he is quite peaceful and is more or less there out of interest and maybe some kind of a deal. He simply doesnt know yet about the more aggressive plans of Hrafn. Also, remember that hes 500 years old.

Hjolf was rather surprised to hear the voice calling. He had expected arrows.
Stopping his step calmly he turned around and looked down to the small creature riding on a... wolf? It appeared to be somekind of a fox.
Before answering he puffed out a cloud of smoke, and inhaled deeply. Sort of reassuring move for himself.
"Hail and well met... whoever or whatever ye are"

edit: Im going to sleep now too so dont expect me to answer too soon.

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]



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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #746 on: June 07, 2008, 04:00:00 pm »

((Imp, has that scout/army/whatever you have to the SE of Aveceleba moved recently? I seem to remember it staying there for a while when reading through.))

The Voices of the Lords rose and fell in a crecendo around her as Karaman stood on the podium, her words echoing through the palace. Once again she wished Larika was here, however even though the scout had proven to be a worthy companion and a trustworthy friend over the last few months... if a little unusual in her ways of thinking... the lords still held this irrational caution abour her. Their sense of fear had been hightened greatly, especially since word had come back that the fire in the southern forest had been set deliberatly, and now Kara returned with news of battle!

"We cannot sit by and do nothing!" Counciler Yori called out, his red mechanics badge flashing in the gold light that filtered through the laquar windows. The coloration giving the mosaic that was inlaid into the wooden floor a golden cast. "Our home burns! I say we immediatly raise an expdetitionary army, including

"What of the Valtan, do you think she knows anything of importance?" The Aged Lord Domi of the fishervulpi asked, placing his right handpaw to pull the younger mechanic back.

"Her people very well could have been the perpetrators. Karaman, did she not say herself that her people used heat and flame in building machines and in war?" Poi of the Woodworkers countered, shaking her greying head slightly as she looked at the explorer.

"Yes, but I can't imagine..." Kara started, shifting subconsiously as the debate raged around her central platform.

"Nonesense! It's clear the Valtans are the agressers here!" Yori shouted out, pulling against Domi's grasp and lifting a hand in defiance to the rest of the council.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Yori. It may be they were attacked. If we go blaming them we may end up next on the list of targets by these people. I say we proceed catiously and investigate the situation further." Domi replied, pulling the much younger mechanic to look him in the face.

"Domi, would you have all of our home burned before you can see the danger? We must immediatly respond with full force! Whipe them out so they cannot cause such waste again!" Yori countered, shoving away the handpaw and leaving a long scratch on the fishervulpin's arm. His remaining hand rising to strike at the other lord once again.

"You will SIT DOWN Yori!" The High Lord called out, his rich voice ringing across the room. For a moment all was silent as Yori uncomfortably noticed his position. With a sheepish look the young mechanic lowered his arm "... I am sorry, High Lord. I was out of line." he replied, hanging his head and taking his seat. The moment he did the hubub and shouting resumed with full force.

'Urgh, this is going nowhere.' Kara thought to herself, looking down at her foreward handpaws in disgust. Mindlessly, she let her thoughts drift back to five months ago. Her claw idlely sketching a circle into the wooden floor as she thought of when she had first met Larika, when she had begun studying magic. Something back then, something that had continued to bother her...

Without realizing it, Kara felt herself pulled slowly into a trance. At once she felt both 'in' and 'out', this time without the effort that it normally took. Her senses swelled, blotting out the dull roar that filled the chambers behind her as she felt herself expand.

Kara was huge, immense, she felt as if she towered above everything. Her limbs reached for miles and her mind streached across the vast tract of land. She saw people, creatures of every type and description. Some working, others training. Shadows, Lizards, Winged Men, Giants, Metal Beasts... images that flashed by so fast that she could barely glimpse at them in wonder before another approached. The colors, the lights, they were everywhere. Crossing the eye of her mind, visible even behind her eyelids. For a moment that seemed an eternity she stood there, fighting against the tide of information before her mind shut down.
"Hear! Et Nithara Rena!"

Kara's voice stopped the debate, ringing across the chamber and throughout the building. Her eyes were closed, and as she spoke a halo of white light surrounded her body, lifting her from her feet and bringing her to the center of the room.

"Hear the cry of the burning willow as it is torn from it's home in the earth!" Kara shouted, her voice causing an immense silence to fall upon the council chamber,  "The birds of carrion have slain the mighty Coyote, their fearful talons rending it limb from limb as the clever beast flees it's home. The heavens cry and the earth shouts, as the crow loses four eyes and is given back yet two more, only to let it fall from it's caw onto the great basin of the sea. The mountains bring forth pain to the plains, but the plains escape the mountain's wrath and tire it with it's endless games. Still the beacon of hope flies, as steam rises from across the world, and all must shout out and die with the coming of the end of the beginning! And as all fall into nothingness those from a world long dead will find a world yet beginning again, yet as they face thier home an unfamilier face will speak to them in a tounge they know well!

So says I, Karaman: Et Nithara Rena, the Future of Truths. Let it be heard throughout the lands! The forest cries in it's pain, and seeks vengance against those who have hurt it. The husband of the monster must be sought out, his wife placated so that the people of the river can discover their place and send aid to their friends and allies. Et Adi Quinefa must be brought down, but not slain, so that his will does not destroy us all. And the last, Emuramelela must be ruined by those he chose to ruin first. The pain of those he ruined returned twice before his end!

So is Et Nithara Rena!"

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #747 on: June 07, 2008, 04:22:00 pm »

Meamo was taken back as the giant turned about, noting exactly how far she had underestiated his size. He, for it was clearly an older male, was several times bigger than her. A moment of nervousness passed her mind as she considered how thick his muscles and skin must be, how much punishment that it could take before falling, even from arrows, then she quckly dashed it aside.

"I am Meamo, a vulpinan trader. And if you keep traveling in this direction you are going to arrive in our city Liliaceleba within two days. If you are looking for a place to trade or rest that would an ideal place. We are going there ourselves, and if you would like we could probably get you an audiance with the Mayor there, if you'd like."


Inod shook his head as Meamo talked with the giant. Really, that was the reason he loved her: She knew no fear whatsoever. Most other vulpinan's would be shaking in their boots, so close to a creature that would be able to send them flying with a solid kick. Not Meamo however. Here she was again, standing toe to toe with a possibly dangerous opponent, and unarmed she stood tall, proud, and friendly.

For a moment Inod wondered if she simply held that much confidence in his skill as her bodyguard and husband. If she did, she had far more confidence in him than he did.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #748 on: June 07, 2008, 05:11:00 pm »

((I think I should give more information about the structure of the Shuhalal. Some might find it slightly overpowered but remember that the Thelash aren't very numerous, even though they have strong racial abilities.

As I said before it is made entirely from iron and has the shape (and size) of a dragon. The wings are not fully made of iron. Imagine the wings as only the exoskeleton of a dragon's wings. To that skeleton is attached a sail made of shadow silk. The sail is cone-shaped and directed towards the rear of the airship so that when the wind blows in the right direction the airship accelerates.

The ship can be operated by a single trained Thelash operator. Any other race would certainly have problems since there are too many levers and other gearworks. Although mechanically inclined races would eventually find out how it works.

The wings are also articulated and they can be moved from the inside of the ship in a pattern similar to that of birds (flapping motion). This has the effect of accelerating the airship. Of course doing so requires a fair bit of effort on the part of the occupants, and since they are Thelash they can't do that for long periods of time, even with the gearwork. So that is an explanation of why forced march rules apply to the vehicle. And this also explains how the ship turns.

The hull of the airship is of course thermically and electrically isolated from the inside, to avoid injuries and material damage while flying through a thunderstorm. The tail of the dragon can be used as a lightning rod.

Now for active defenses the airship has 12 iron ballistae-like contraptions (they work like ballistae but they use metal springs instead of ropes for propulsion). Here's a schematic to show where they are located :

The Shuhalal (Shadow-Dragon)
Seen from above :
(head)   #####B#####
##      B############
##      B############

Seen from below :
(head)   #B######B##
##      #############
##      #############

All ballistae can be rotated 180 degrees in every direction.

The neck and head are also fully articulated and the "eyes" contain a wide cabin that can be used for aiming. Though the mouth of the dragon does not contain a weapon...yet.))

[ June 08, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #749 on: June 07, 2008, 05:39:00 pm »


For a name to the battle if people are still interested I suggest “The Indirect Battles of Disappointment”.

And Poltifar, that is an underground magma flow, they can’t know it’s there and even if they do they need to dig 2km underground to reach it.
Don’t worry, there will already this turn be something else to lead our peoples together…))

Turn 23:


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Efil-inira: 42 !!elves!! (hamlet) (+-0 since last turn)
Ariquemera: 92 !!elves!! (town) (+7 since last turn)
In armies/expeditions: 3 !!elves!!
Other: 22 working/travelling between Ariquemera and Efil-inira.
Total: 151 !!elves!!

((Fothacema negotiates whit Dracon.  (news on this?)
Iranineleni sobs in the giant’s fire-pit.
Amizoimi live happily whit the Zefies, and is beginning to learn some common. (ca 5000 words, basic grammar.)
Efil-inira has stagnated.
The new tower in Efil-inira is now 70m.
Some of various Buildings and science done in Ariquemera:
The great tower in Ariquemera is completed!
The great tower sees the landscape within 10 tiles or so (it is on one of the greatest mountain peaks on the board, terribly high, and has great optical equipment.). it discovers the storm Giant, the Zefie, and the Golem civs, and begin flashing the Fibonacci numbers towards them.
(Cities: Alchemia, Terra, Hrafngard, Uthargeshud, and whatever the Zefie place was called were Amizoimi is.) ))

List of important people:
Acathiima, hero and leader of Efil-inira: Legendary organizer, skilled bow!!elf!! (Doing paperwork and ruling from The Seat of Authority, in Efil-inira.)
Yanenirica-Awidi, advisor and secretary of Acathiima: professional lawyer, professional diplomat, legendary organizer, master politician, legendary liar, legendary flatterer. (Doing paperwork and ruling by The Seat of Authority, in Efil-inira.)
Ilecaaye, ground-breaking geologist: grand-master miner, grand legendary geologist, talented metalworker, master chemist, skilled mechanic, master mathematician. (Making science in Ariquemera.)
Fothacema, scout/diplomat: professional scout, skilled ranger, talented diplomat (negotiating whit the Dracon.)
Iranineleni, lawyer: professional lawyer, professional diplomat, skilled organizer, novice politician, dabbling jackass, dabbling scout. (Captured and “enslaved” by storm giants.)
Amizoimi, scout/diplomat: skilled scout, skilled ranger, talented bow!!elf!!, talented diplomat, novice middlemanagement, novice cartographer. (negotiating whit the Zefies.)


((Note: this part is horribly written and confused because I am just writing anything to prove to myself I can write at all after yesterdays failure.))

Description of The Great Tower of Ariquemera:


        ¤                            ¤ 5234m above sea level
      -───-                           5223m above sea level
       ---                            Platform at 5183m above sea level
       │││            ^              ^ 5149m above sea level
       │││        #######
       ≡≡≡    ##############
       ≡≡≡ ####################       tower base 5123m above sea level
###############╚╗####### ############
################╚╗#####   ###########
#################╚═○○═     ##########    Ariquemera 3547m above sea level

#  = rock
╚╗ = tunnel/stairs
  = empty space
≈  =magma flow
│  = smooth obsidian wall
≡  = titanium reinforces thick iron plates
○  = trapped and guarded area.
-- = platform

Note: This is just a sketch to get the general feel of it, not very exact or consistent, just some ASCII art rather than a map.
If someone hasn’t read my previous posts Ariquemera is spread out along the shores of the magma flow.

Some facts:
The tower is 111 meters high and 21m in diameter at the base. It has a 360 degree platform at 60m and the main buildings lowest floor at 100m.
The walls are of meter thick continues obsidian whit no weak points and thee lowest 10m are clad in what is basically very thick tank armour, this also goes down into the ground several meters so you cant just dig under it.
Below the 60m mark the surface is 100% smooth whit no doors or windows or holes big enough for even a earthworm to crawl thought, actually it is watertight even as the obsidian has been molten into place.
Trying to climb it would be like climbing a sheer smooth polished glass surface; actually obsidian even is a glass to that’s no “like” in it.
The floors at 60m and 100+m are built from iron and titanium.
Placed around the 60m platform are 13 <<Semiautomatic>> and inside a few bins whit thousands of magnesium tipped bolts. There is also an aluminium elevator to the surface. (not the high-tech kind of elevator, just the same kind any race here would use whit a platform and a few ropes, except its made from aluminium.)
The main building is basically cylindrical 11m tall (as you have noticed if you know any math) and 35m in diameter, it has 5 floors.
Floor 1: Living quarters, dining room (whit food stockpiles) and resting quarters and library and such things necessary for living there. Also a few hatches and such necessary for dropping hot and heavy things on invaders, either at the base of the tower or somehow on the stairs.
Floor 2: Various things whit communications and optics, and also calculating machines necessary for managing those.
This is were communications whit Efil-inira are handled, aided by huge lenses and whit several transmissions at any given time. The basic system behind it is still the same as the first one used in Efil-inira however; an elf waves whit luminescent objects (originally their own hands heated up, nowadays aluminium sticks coated in a cold-light alloy is used. (the alloy works basically like the green-glowing paint used in waches before the harmful effects of radioactivity was discovered, except this is about 50 times stronger so it looks somewhat like a strong glow stick.)) in specific patterns representing letters of the elven alphabet. (The system is similar to  )
It also currently contains five contraptions blinking out Fibonacci numbers to the giants, Zefie and Golem cities.

Etc. etc. etc. writing this took far longer than expected so I cant do this deitail.
The important things it contains are:
A laser weapon similar to the Roshanian one, but this one works by magnesium fire light and cold-light alloy (The elves use that stuff for just about anything were they need light, be it optics, illumination, communication, or decoration)
A grand ¤titanium and diamond telescope¤ controlled by calculation machines and precision made in all ways, this have magnification and precision of Hubble or something. It is mostly used for astronomy but sometimes as when first built for scanning the terrain.
A huge high-tension ¤Titanium ballista¤, precision controlled by calculating machines, it has a fast and a slow fire mode; the fast one can fire every 10 minutes and hit anything whiting 2 km whit a precision of 10m, the slow mode takes an hour but can hit anything whiting 3 tiles whit a precision of a single metre. The bolts tend to be magnesium-napalm or tungsten stuff that can punch through 50cm iron plate or nasty stuff like that.


The Glass Golem encircled whit steel bands held up his newly made <<clear>>, it was a beautiful piece of art, he had been working on it sice morning and now it was late night and the stars were clearly visible above his outdoors workplace, a beautiful night indeed.
He almost dropped the bowl when a bright green flash of light refracted thought his glass body, and he turned around towards the southeast from wish it came.
A creature of flesh would have been stunned by the flash that came again, exactly the same strength and duration.
Then it was two flashes within an instant from each other, they seemed to come from right above a far away mountain peak.
Three flashes. Five flashes.
The strength was of lightning, but there were no sound at all.
Eight flashes.
Even his magical eyes began to get annoyed now.
13 flashes. By now it flashed on and of for several seconds each time.
21 flashes. 34 flashes.
He forced his eyes away from the transfixing light, and began running towards [whoever is responsible for the city].
55 flashes he aw as he ran, somewhere in the back of his mind, from ancient memory reserves he knew it was something special whit the numbers, they were significant somehow.


There was a great party in the Green Bubble, food and wine was plentiful, and Amizoimi ate most of his monthly uranium this day to, there was cheering and singing all around, and even if Amizoimi didn’t quite understand the words of the song his elven voice certainly helped it.
“Me we nice does party does!” he spoke in common
And everybody lighted and drank more wine, Yankee told stories about the former world and even if he didn’t understand half of it he still found them extremely exiting. All was good.
They partied into the deep of night, and had great fun all the time; this was how life was meant to be.
Moonlight shone thought the transparent green roof, and stars were visible above, the noise of the evening had worn down and all the guests except Yankee and Felu had gone home, they were lying on the floor looking up at the stars thought the window, conversing slowly about the cosmos and the meaning of life, all was piece and quiet…
Suddenly a flash lit the room and surprised everyone, the sat up and looked towards the direction it came from.
Then there was another flash, had it not been for the glass wals they  might have been blinded.
They hurried out.
There was two more flashes.
“Ariquemera plausible direction there lieeses.”
There was three flashes.
“So, seems your kind provided fireworks for us then, Amizoimi”
And they laughed, and then they sat there watching until sunrise.


Hrafn stumbled out from the castle, laughing like a maniac and drunk like a pig, what a party!
He went into the bushes beside the wall, pulled down his pants, and did what he went out to do, he made himself decent again and began to stumble bach towards the gate for more mead.
A sudden green flash made him fall flat on his face, he sat up only to be blinded by another another one.
He got up and there was two more, his eyes hurt now.
He covered his eyes whit his sleeve, which was rather drenched in mead and sauce, and began walking back towards the castle, muttering about what the hell his god found wrong about the ordinary noisy white lightning.


At day, the tower stood dark and loaming, towering into the sky like a giant tree burnt by fire, the surface as smooth as ice and as black as the obsidian it was.
At night, however, the tower was like a million coloured flower, the steam of the flower near invisible against the black sky, but the swelling crown at the top shining whit a thousand coloured light dancing a complex dance, the great tower transmitted whit this dance each second a hundred worst in all directions, each aimed towards whatever it was intended for.
And the tower sees all, day and night, and the diamond eye of Ilecaaye watches the stars at night and the earth at day.

So says Armok, God of blood.
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