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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 106416 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Reptilian Illuminati member. Keep it secret.
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #375 on: May 27, 2008, 04:15:00 pm »

Log of Silvak Bluesabers.

Forest, Day 1
We have entered a large think forest, although we no longer have difficulty finding firewood to keep away the cold at night, the forest is making the civilians uneasy.  There are many places for an enemy to hide in this terrain, and we have begun a night guard shift.

Forest, Day 4
The night guard proved useful, on the second shift the guard raised an alarm just as a pack of dire wolves attacked our camp.  We fought them off, but one of the miners broke his arm during the attack. I killed three with my sword, the other miner buried his pick in a wolf's skull, and one of the fleeing wolves had a crossbow bolt sticking out of it's side.  The constructors didn't do too badly for a bunch of civilians, and I don't think the wolves will be back.  Still, I should of brought along another trained soldier on this trip.

Forest, Day 10
I hate forests, every movement has the whole group on edge.  The ranger is leading the group as I have no idea how to navigate this terrain.  He's making mistakes himself but at least we're going the right way most of the time.

Forest, Day 21
I'm pretty sure those little furry rodents in the trees are up to something.  The ranger says that they are squirrels and are harmless.  I don't trust them, they are everywhere, and they keep staring at us with those big black eyes...  Maybe the small ones are too small to be a threat but what about DIRE SQUIRRELS?  Once we get to where we are going and secure all this gear, I'm gonna order this whole place clearcut and I'm flying home.  I'll never walk through a forest again.

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OOC)Because of his hylophobia, Silvak forgot to put in his log that messengers are going to begin showing up at Oceantrades soon to confirm the trade agreement  and update the Vulpinians of city locations and such.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hobby: accidently thread derailment
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #376 on: May 27, 2008, 07:38:00 pm »

- Karatomca -

"Well little Dragonfly who are you and whats your message?"

The huge dragonfly has arrived this evening and the animal was still a complete Mystery to Leam. A strange milky Crystal was atached with Goldwire to the neck of the Green Dragonfly. It was clearly a messenger but Leam hadnt found any Message. Even more disturbing was that the dragonfly was one of an really old more intelligent Breed and it has found its way direct to Leam. He closed his fist around the Crystal.
"Whats your Secret?"

Suddenly images of an old Roshani and a huge fox were flashing through his mind.

"They are notorious Kleptomaniacs prepare something for them to "steal". It isnt theyr fault, it is theyr nature. Just lock away all really expensive stuff and you will have no problem with them." This last words spoken from Ters mind were maybe the most important ones in this entire message.

- Ter on Sailfin river-

"Hm we have to go further but we leave my Pirogue here for her. We should anchor somewhere and hide the little boat. Then you mark the place in the way that Cenna can find it. Your kind likes to make trouble right? Anyway we should travel by night as long this fortress is in sight."

- Rugkadest (new found(Turn 11) outpost Northwest of Karatomca) -

"Logbook of Peris Mayor of Rugkadest

After learning how to write im doing this logbook on my own. Our settlement is now established and i think till now its going well. Since we have not much wood i have decided to construct a port for our houseship and the soon coming transporters out of rough stone. By now it nearly done and we have some minor buildings too. The most of my workers have strangely decided to carve theyr homes in the tunnel we had found. Personaly i think i wouldnt do that but its warm and very humid in there. Bigger and smaler tunnels in the cliff are serving as  natural Ventilationsystem in the new quarters but something is strange about this place."  

"Lord Peris?"
"What is it?"
"We have found something."
"Yeah and what is this something?"
"Well please come and look for yourself."

Peris rolled his eyes.

"Ok lets go"

As they walked outside Peris office he noticed that the half ship was dismantled and to silent.

"Whoa when did this happen?"
"Well you work really hard my Lord. You even eat and sleep in your Office. Well  please dont misunderstand that, we like you and you are one of the best Admins we know but you have sometimes to go outside. We had done this a half Month ago"
"And what are we doing with an half dismantled Ship?"
"We thought you will like to use it as a stock for the ore."
"Ore? We have discovered Ore?"
"Yes my lord silver, cooper and a little bit haematite."
"Why has no one informed me?"
"Well you know ahmmm we were so hard working and nobody had time to deliver this message to you."

20 minutes Later Peris and his new lesser Administrator Zur were standing with the other workers in a little cave at the end of the Tunnel.

"What is this?"
"Well we think its an Demon."
"A demon? Well what are you thinking what kind of Demon?"
"The Human kind my Lord."
"Oh not that old fairytales. You know what you are talking over right? Its just a random skeleton."
"It had an pick made from steel and as you can see it was an big Biped without a tail."
"Sure but the tales say that Humans had huge worms made from steel and diamonds for theyr mining."
"Well thats true butwe have found another tunnel too after we had cleared this cave. It leads to some Ruins but they are flooded. We think we should leave this Cursed place"
"Leaving this place? Look anything that has lived here has died centuries ago. Set up some pumps to pump the water out and make sure the lake doesnt leek in here."
"Are you sure my Lord?"
"Well look we have not enough Steel for many tools nor enough space for new emigrants. If we pump out that Ruins we maybe find some treasure but for sure we will find more tools and Quarters for the Miners."

- Irumathra -

"I think it not a good idea."
"Why? The new still is save as possible."
"Yes Aris but well i think you heard already that not all people from Irumathra like the idea of a new still."
"And you are one of them Tira?"
"Yes ... its you know the "plains Spirit" isnt good for our Town. Since the old still was burnt down the live was good again. There are no drunks on the streets our Males are working again and the Girls can live without fear."

Aris hurled her wrench into the bucket that was standing in the corner.

"What do you think i should do?"
"I think someone has to decide how much spirits are brewed and set out for trade and there have to be some new laws against drinking in public."
"Yes i think this could be a way. Do you have any idea who would do this."
"I cant imagine anyone could do this. The Man wouldnt do anything and the Woman are fearing there Husbands to much."
"What about you Tira you are unmarried."
"Me? But i have no power no one would take the word of an Barmaid as serious."
"What if i decide to make you a Prefect."
"Whats an Prefect?"
"An informal title. You would have power over the Guards in Times of peace and you can make Laws for irumathra and all People in a 10 Miles radius."
"But i know that you are leaving soon. If you are gone my word wouldnt have any weight."
"Im think i leave Han behind he can help you7."
"You are? Wasnt he a good attendant to you?"
"Yes he is a very good attendant and has a keen sense for numbers but i think he is happy here. You should have him and i think he can be Aris as long your woman are keeping this secret."




Karatomca                  : E side of W lake       : Roshanian : Town
Irumathra                  : Plains. S of Karatomca : Roshanian : Village
Rugkadest                  : NW side of W Lake      : Roshanian : Hamlet

Jamini can you post the Tiles in the west of the map i think i want to send an expedition westward in the next turns.

[ May 27, 2008: Message edited by: Heph ]

[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #377 on: May 27, 2008, 07:41:00 pm »


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Log of engineer camp:

The rest of settlement froup left several days ago after helping build a rough fort for us. The ten of us here voted and we decided that we will spend two weeks solidifing our posistion followed by two weeks of surveying. Then we can start the construction of our road. . .

The zefies had just struck camp for the evening. They had, as per usual, found a clearing and corraled the margna-turkles. Dusk was quickly aproaching and deadwood was gathered to make a fire. Several hours later the zefies were settled in. There were three gaurds posted, each armed with several of the wooden spears. Most of the camp was asleep. Elmen had decided that she would write in her journal for awhile. She eventually drifted to poetry:

"The night's great cloak
 Surrounds us nigh
 Yet darkness smote
 By our own will
 Shadows die.

 Our fire burns
 The gaurds stand ready
 Foes are turned
 Comrades snore"

Elmen suddenally remembered why she didn't write poetry. Comrades snore? It may have been an interesting observation, the blob felu was snoring peacefully cunder a wagon but it was an absoulutly horrible line. Then the attack happened. 20 wolves rushed into the firelight. Elmen screamed.

Zefies came awake and tried to grab weapons while one guard was knocked down. The wolf stood over him and prepared to bite the downed fighter. A javlin apeared in the monster's side. The zefie guard grabbed another javelin and threw it at another wolf. It missed, and in a flash a wolf was on top of him.

Elmen jabbed out with a spear side to side with another zefie. There was a very loud crash and she saw a wagon colapse into a large pile of rubble. She hoped that Felu hadn't been killed . . .

A lone zefie looked up into the eyes of a wolf, wishing she had something to fightback with. Blood gushed out. The only thing she had the impression of was a black blurr. Two gleaming specks of light caught everyone's attention. They were carried by Yankee. The zefie prince dashed past two wolves, slashing twice. He was seen as a blurr, jumping off of a treetrunk. he landed on another monster, which died howling a second later.

A wolf charged at Yankee; the zefie dodged to the side and gored it as it was running past. Three charged him, they all died. The rest of the pack attacked Yankee en masse. He was burried under the tear, furry bodies. Howls of pain were heard and in only a second it seemed, one wolf jumped away from the melee. Yankee climbed to the top of the pile of corpses. The last wolf faced Yankee down. Yankee started the last charge. His left blade slashed across the throat in a diagnal slash. Yankee spun in midair. His righthanded blade comleted the x. Stab followed slash followed cut. The wolf was obliterated.

Felu climbed from the wreckage of the wagon his sword in hand. It was time to pick up the pieces. The fight was over in less than five minutes. No zefies died that night.

Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Reptilian Illuminati member. Keep it secret.
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #378 on: May 27, 2008, 10:25:00 pm »

OOC) Nice shiny spiffy colors...  I was gonna ask you how you did it but then I noticed it's an image.

Had some spare time to kill I assume?  ;)

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hobby: accidently thread derailment
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #379 on: May 27, 2008, 10:47:00 pm »

Yes i have. I had wondered about that Magmariver in the mountains which Armoks !!elves!! had discovered. I ve done the couloring because of this M-river, we can see now the Istrians haunted areas too.
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
  • has gone stark raving mad!
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #380 on: May 27, 2008, 11:03:00 pm »

((Ha, I FINALLY have some time to type up a story.))

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Larika trudged onward, barely aware of her surroundings. What few supplies she had managed to take from her captors had run out days ago, and she was neither hunter nor fisher. She had no idea where she was or where she was going, stumbling blindly through the forest. Until at one point, she became dimly aware of a slight change in her surroundings, an odd feeling of emptiness after the almost claustrophobic closeness of the deep forest. Se subconciously recognized the sounds and smells of water, the familiar feeling of wet sand between her toes. And there, somewhere in the distance, the faint glow of something up ahead. That was what kept her on her feet, and kept her plodding onward through the night...


Admiral Aramis gazed out into the harbor and smiled. From the deck of his ship, his very own ship, he felt as if he were on top of the world. True, it was quite small - barely three times the length of the paddle-sampan pulling up alongside it - but it was his people's first proper naval vessel since their arrival in this new world. She was well armed, with a single turntable-mounted ballista in the bow, and four smaller ones along the sides, two to a side. She had only a single mast at midships, which bore no sails: the vessel was powered by a pair of large paddlewheels to aft, powered by a set of running-wheels concealed belowdecks. upon her bow stood the statue of a fair maiden gazing out across the sea. In her left paw, she held a heavy lantern, casting it's light across the bow. In her right, she clutched a large spear, sloping forward and downward along the bow to where it terminated in a large, sharp steel ram. In all, a most formidable vesel for her size. How it would fare against this new, unseen foe, who could seemingly summon mountains out of the sea at will, Aramis hadn't the slightest idea. But at least now they were prepared in some way for what lay ahead.

((Jamini, even though Valtan vessels are not wind-powered, do the normal rules for oceangoing movement still apply, or should a different system be used?))

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #381 on: May 28, 2008, 12:14:00 am »

((Well, not much happening this turn for me.  Silis's group moves as per Riet's instructions, and Omhelzingbos advances to a village.  If the Giants are in sight, then Riet moves to the west, but since Nhiphanter's gone, not much I can say about that.  However, next turn will be epic.))

Adem looked across the fire at all the young Ipetians gathered to partake in the nightly storytelling.  The village of Onhelzingbos now had quite a few of the little buggers, and it was Adem's job to teach them about the history of the Ipetian people.

Adem began.  “Many moons ago, long before you were born, before your parents were born, before even I was born,” the children giggled at this, “our people ran across the vast plains and slept in the cool forests of Vrijheid.  This was a world unlike any you have ever seen.  There were strange animals, like the hicroc, a large, ferocious beast that haunted the waters with powerful jaws and a taste for flesh, and the Falish, a bird of so great a size it could pick you up and carry you off to be eaten.  In this world, our people lived in peace with the land; we knew its rhythms, its harmonies, and its desires.  There reigned the plainshapers: powerful shaman who could talk to the Earth itself, and call forth whatever was needed.  When there was hunger, they asked the Earth for grain, and when it was cold, they asked for shelter.  Whatever they asked the Earth was given to them, and they ruled over all the people.

There was one particular plainshaper whom you know the name of, Riet.  He was, is, the child of a seer and a humble brewer.  His mother, the seer, was able to understand what would come of certain choices and decisions.  It is said that she saw only the results, never the actions themselves.  But we shall never know.  When Riet was born, she said that his purpose was to lead his people into a new and bright future.  Everyone trusted what she said, but no one knew what she meant.

The child grew up like any other: playing in the forests, learning to hunt, and listening to stories of old around a fire, just like you.  When Riet turned 5, it was discovered that he had the gift for plainshaping.  He could hear the calling of the Earth, and therefore was taken by the elders to be trained.  Again, it seemed that Riet was normal; he had talent, but was not exceptional by any means.  He learned how to call forth food when needed, how to shield himself with thorns, and how to simply be still and listen to the will of the Earth.

Riet would have lived and died completely without note, were it not for the invasion by the dark ones.  In that world, there were no other races of mind besides the Ipetians.  Across the plains, we lived in peace.  The dark ones changed all that.  They came with power beyond any which had been seen before.  They could call fire from the sky, water from the ground, and wind from nowhere.  When their presence was learned of by our people, we sent out envoys to talk with these newcomers.  No one returned.  We learned later that they had been captured, tourtured, and eventually their very life had been siphoned out of them.  This is what the dark ones did; they fed off of the life of our people and our world.

Viciously, tribe after tribe was attacked and fell.  Finally, after far too many deaths, it was decided to call together the plainshapers, who would ask the Earth what was to be done.  While all plainshapers could hear the voice of the Earth, it was always unclear and difficult to understand.  Therefore, someone would need to become the living incarnation of the Earth, who would speak with her authority.  Riet, as the son of a seer, was chosen as the channel through which the Earth would make its will known.  It was a great honor, but also a sacrifice, for it was believed that no one could hold the essence of the whole Earth and live.  Riet was willing, and so the plainshapers gathered together and began the great ritual.  

What exactly transpired is lost to us, but it is known that the Earth did not speak.  Instead, new face appeared next to Riet.  It was the god Fenneth, who is peace, joy and knowledge.  He told Riet many things, most of which Riet has neglected to share with us, for good reasons I’m sure.  The truly important revelation was that the war was not only amongst mortals, but also within the heavens.  There, the old gods battled against the gods of the dark ones.  According to Fenneth, the old gods were losing.  Already three had fallen, and more were weakening by the day.

However, Fenneth offered a gleam of hope.  He told of a portal.  It would lead the Ipetians away from the war into a new land, peaceful and joyous.  There was only one problem; the portal was in the same place as the source of the dark ones.  It seems that the portal from their home world had weakened the very space around it, which would allow for another to be made.  It would take the efforts of all the Ipetian tribes to size this piece of ground for long enough so that the plainshapers could open this new portal.  Then, as many as possible would flee to safety, leaving the rest to die defending their brethren.

It was a difficult choice, to be sure, but the hope of escape was far better than the sure death that awaited them if they stayed.  And so, the Ipetains gathered for war.  The plainshapers were to follow the army as it fought its way to the dark portal.  As the army fought off the enemy, the plainshapers would create a new portal of life; it would lead to the promised land, away from the death and war that Vrijheid had become.  The best military minds were brought together, and they planned for three days and three nights.  Then came the greatest charge of the Ipetians.

There were over a million Ipetians who charged into the front defenses of the dark ones.  Only half made it to the dark portal.  By the time the plainshapers had completed their work, only a thousand remained.  A mere fifty moved through the portal, while the rest fought on to give more time.  Riet was the last to cross over into the new world.  As he looked back, he saw the brave Ipetians falling back, dying unto the last man.  A voice beside him said ‘A shame, isn’t it?’  There stood the god Fenneth.  He went on to say, ‘I have decided to accompany you on your journey.  You, Riet, for your bravery and courage, shall be my champion.  I have only one last test for you: close the portal.’

Riet had no idea what the god was talking about.  How could he close the portal?  It had taken over five hundred plainshapers to make the thing; how could he alone close it?  He saw, on the other side, that the dark ones were closing in.  Soon they would be on this side of the portal, and all would be lost.  Riet called out to the Earth.  There was no answer, for this was not his Earth that he had known, but something new and different.  So, he reached his hands through the portal, and called again.  This time the Earth answered him.  Using the full extent of his powers, he forced the portal to become smaller.  When the edge touched his wrists, Riet cried out in pain.  But, he kept still, and slowly made the portal smaller and smaller, until at last, it could not be seen at all.
With a cry of pain, Riet pulled back his arms, and found his hands still attached.  ‘Well done,’ said the god.  ‘You handled the problem in small steps until you could solve it completely.  You might want to know, there was a dark one attempting to drain you while your hands still existed in that world.  Since you pulled yourself away from death, you have become immortal.  It is a great responsibility, but you will thrive, I think.  Guide your people well!’  and with that, the god vanished.”

Adem looked around and saw all the sleepy faces, though the children were doing their best to mask their fatigue.  “It is time for bed,” he said, “I’m getting to old to be staying up so late.  Tomorrow, I will continue the story, and tell you about the founding of Buigend Riet.”

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[ May 28, 2008: Message edited by: Frelock ]

All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #382 on: May 28, 2008, 01:02:00 am »

(( Hey this is my last post then (for a while at least). I think Strife also voluteered to control the Koneko civ. Or if you all want to take turns or just take the civ off the board that is fine also.

If you do keep playing it however, then my plan was just to spread out until the whole valley was one giant city, with the exception of the lake tiles. 70 turns is a long time though... So it will be necessary to expand beyond eventually, and the only thing regarding that is that I was imagining the Koneko to dislike deserts.

For Kira, Hanabira Champion, I planned on sending her back to Oakvale to help run the cities and lead the army. After establishing diplomatic relations with the Thelash that is.
Also, I wasn't planning on starting any fights, but they will help the Drogar, Pringers and Thelash with any if they need. (Prefer to help the defenders rather than the aggressors, but will try not to get involved if its between the three.)

Whatever you decide, its been cool to participate this far. I'll be back around August so hopefully it'll still be going. Reading through 80 new pages will be fun lol.

Have a great summer all!))



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #383 on: May 28, 2008, 02:54:00 am »

Turn 13


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On the road to from Liliaceleba to Aveceleba

Rumic and Don were ambivilent. Over the last several monsths they had been travelling along the Lathmimale Road, following the signs that the first caravan of vulpinan trader's had followed with little news or luck. Indeed, the forest seemed more wild and native than ever afte months of travelling along the low road, working their way over roots that grew in the soft loam and cutting down the rapidly expanding veigitation. More than once they had been forced to get down and lever a wheel out of a muddy rut, and at one point both of them had nearly panicked when the ditches that had been dug on either side of the road to stop flash-flooding began to seep. All of that changed when they passed the most recent caravan from Aveceleba.

They could hardly belive their ears when they heard that a caravan had reached the capitol. Finally, after months of work, sweat, and blood on the road an official trade route was opened. As time went on more and more people would be crossing, and eventually the loam ruts would be replaced by wood, or possibly even stone!

Indeed, both of them were ecastic, until the giant coyote-girl had came stumbling out of the woods.

At first both of them had panicked. Rumic had grabbed a bone spear, adorned with several rings of shad shell, and menaed the creature as it stumbled down the steep side of the path, while Don had taken off entirely, racing back down the path away from the strange creature and tripping ovef a root that had cropped up in their passing. However, their fear had been ineffective, since the stranger was certainly in no condition to fight. She had several wounds that indicated a difficult flight, long half-healed scars on her feet and hands indicating injuries that hadn't been properly treated. She was thin, gnaut even, weak and staggering.

Perhaps that was why Don had given her his bunk.

Over the last week spent on the road, she had lain there asleep. Occationally she would spout out gibberish, familier words strung together with alien ones that made no sense to the traders. And the occational comment that would freeze them to their bones as they set up camp at dusk, or attempted to sleep in the night.

Well, it didn't matter so much. Another three days and they would be in Aveceleba. The stranger could go into the care of the lords, and Rumic and Don could get paid for finding her and sell their wares under the palace.


Kara concentrated, focusing inward while concentrating on the air between her hands. Like Dodak had instructed, she attempted to push herself *out* while focusing *in*, keeping this ambivilent state long enough to attract a spirit that she could pull *through* into this realm. It was a tiring process, one that was filled with failure after failure as either her concentration slipped or her balance faltered... or Iten cried, or somone knocked. Over the last several months she had learned much from the civilian summoner, although not nearly as much as she supposed she could have learned from Yaris she supposed.

For a moment there was nothing, then Kara felt a gentle touch. An epirmental graze, one that at once felt like a breath of wind on a warm cheek. If she hadn't know what to feel for, Kara would have discounted it was a simple draft. Now, however, she knew better.

With a decided push she punctured the barrier, creating a small, stable rift. Reaching forward and pulling inward. It was difficult, keeping those two forces stable. If the pull became too great than the barrier would close on it's own, and if she pushed too hard then the spirit she was seeking to bring out would be pushed with it. It was a circus act of balancing both the push and pull to create the stable rift, and then attracting a willing spirit along the stable barrier.

With a flicker a white whisp began to form between her hands, a perfectly white misty sphere one and a half hands in diameter. A smile came to her lips as the creature began to solidify, a faint plume of smoke and a glimmer of light appearing as it slowly faded into existance. She was almost there, just a little  more and her first sucessful summon would be...

A knock sounded on the door to her aparment, inturrupting her concentration and causing the wisp to dissappear in a dash of smoke. Kara slammed her handpaws on the table in frustration, causing Iten to jump in his chair a few feet away. Obliquly he offered one of the wooden blocks he was playing with to his parent, his one good eye watching her silently.

"Now who could that be?" she said irritably, awkwardly standing after a long time spent in her chair. She had been so close! Whoever it would be, there would be hell to pay if it wasn't deadly serious.

"This had better be for a good reason, otherwise.." Kara trailed off as she saw a number of strange vulpin in a military uniform standing on the other end,"... well what is this about?"

"Karaman, you are requested at the castle." Their leader, a male with a highly-embroidered badge that marked him as a squad captain, "We are to take you there immediatly." he paused, noting that Kara was wearing only a sleeping rope with a disdainful look and blushing slightly, "We'll give you five minutes to get ready ma'am."

Karaman frowned in frusteration, opening the door to the apartment fully to admit the officers. "Sure, sit down while I change into something a bit more appropriate in the back. Do you have any idea what this summons is about?"

The officer shook his head, his eyes on Kara as she walked into the back room. "We have no idea, but apparantly the High Lord wishes for you to talk to a prisoner, or a guest. He's in a foul mood since the rest of the council blocked his motion to have the military do it, and none of the lord's trust anyone in another guild to perform the interrogation, so you were suggested as a fitting compromise."

A ruffle of cloth accompanied Kara's reply as she put on her best tunic and her travelling harness, long mended and oiled since her previous journy five months ago. The Lords had not yet decided which direction she should explore next, and their talks with the dracon dispatch for finalizing the trade agreement had dominated her time anyway.

Finally, Kara emerged from her bedroom, grinning to the military vulpinan's as she took Iten's hand and led him over to the door. "Lead the way, we will be right behind you."


Mranna smiled at Dodek as her husband set up the small summoning circle in the living room of their small home, his quiet melodic incantation as he finished the first portion of the ritual causing her to sway slightly in response. At long last they were out from under the eyes of the thrice-accursed Yaris, blast his bumbling soul! Mranna had never thought she would get herself and Dodek out from under his scriutny, free to study their own preferred form of magic.

The vulpinan woman had been a secret blessing, coming when she did. If Mranna didn't know better she would have assumed Dodek had summoned her as a fitting excuse! However Mranna knew the tramp was genuine, and her potential high even if her standards for mating were low. Indeed, for all Mranna knew or cared about these savages it was the norm for the mother not to know the father of their children. In her five months spent in their city, (built of flimsy wood and protected by flimsy bowmen and undertrained spearmen. Bah! Did these vulpinan's think they were invunerable? It was a good thing they were well-hidden.) Mranna had seen enough vulpinan mothers with their veritable brood of children to know that the species as a whole was highly proceative. Indeed, single births seemed rare for their bitches when compared to the number of litters.

However, Mranna had her private thanks for the vulpinan woman... Kada, or whatever it was. It was because of her that she was free, so it seemed only fitting for her to allow Dodek his one luxury of training her as a proper summoner. Dodek was a softhearted fool, like all men, but Mranna wouldn't berudge him that after the amount of good that Katanan (that was right, wasn't it?) had done for her.

As Dodek finished the circle the entire room began to glow in a violet light, causing several invisible markings that crisscrossed Mranna's scales to light up in a silvery candesence. With a wary glance the female Dracon looked around the room, her eyes drifting to each curtain furtivly to ensure that nobody was spying on her though the closed windows.

With a guesture she motioned for Dodak to dump the material's on the floor. Her gaze an icy parody of that which she had shown for Kara while on the Avien. The summoner stumbled slightly as he reached down to the sack at his feet, emptying it's contents in the center of the circle with a dry clatter. Mranna stopped and stared down at her components, the first half of her first graft in this new city. The beginnings of an army, scattered across her floor.

Satisfied Mranna stepped into the circle, focusing her power into a single point. At long last she could start her work in ernest! With a powerful tug of magic she began to tear at the barrier, reaching through with tendrils of power for a soul to bind.


The first thing Larika noticed as she awoke was that she was in a bed with a stream of sunlight hitting her face though an amber-tinted window, the light reflecting from a draidle made of tree sap that hung above her head.

The second thing she noticed were the number of bandages that covered lacerations on her hands, feet, and legs. While she knew that she was injured, the pain was secondary, more null and numb than actual ache or sting. Upon closer inspection a number of herbs, some familier but many not, were packed amoungst those bandages. Each one nerly exceptionally clean and well cared-for.

The third thing Larika noticed was that a thin, but very strong rope was wound around each limb. A strong knot binding each limb just to the point where one could not reach the other without being uncomfortable. The tie was snug, but not tight, and no matter how much she pulled the knot did not loosen nor tighten.

As the Valtan slowly came to realize this third, and final, truth of her situation, she heard a female voice talking loudly to a low murmer outside of the only door to her room. "No, you can wait out here. Yes, I know nobody has talked to her yet... They told me she was bound? I'm not afraid of one bound stranger. He comes with me, now open the door."

A bief moment later the door to Lakita's right opened, admitting a creature that the scout had never seen before. It... no she, the shape of her clothing indicated a female, And if there had been any doubt in her mind then it would have been dispelled by the child at her side. She was small, slightly more than half of Lakita's size, and covered in short red fur from snout to tail. The first thought that Lakita thought when she saw this creature was is was an overlarge fox. That was, untill she remembered the speech and clothes.

Cautiously the stranger approached, walking forward on four limbs and stopping carefully to stand on the back two as she reached the bed. Her light green eyes glanced at the Valtan in a manner not unlike how Lakita was staring at her. Finally, the stranger broke the silence.

"Well, regardless of hiw the High Lord wants this to go I intend to at least try and be friendly. My name is Karaman, and this is my son Iten. We are both Vulpinan. You are in our capital city of Aveceleba, roughly translated in Dracon common as "Woodabby".

One of our caravans found you along the Lathmimale Trade Road, heavily injured. They brought you here and we have cared for your wounds.I was summoned as an intermediary between the seven guilds and the military to speak with you first, since I am a member of none of them. As the first member of the capital to met your species, I would like to welcome you to Aveceleba."

"Depends on your definition of trouble. Most of us don't like thieves however." Graed replied as he tacked the riverboat to shore, spending a short moment to tie a temporary anchor before pulling free a slender dagger and hacking at a group of nearby ferns. Piling them untill he was certain he had eough to make crafting a tarp to cover the raft during the day. Watching as Ter untied the Pirogue and set it upside-down on the bank.

"How do you plan for us to tell her how to find the Pirogue though? For all we know she got eaten by carp or wolves."

((This post encompasses both turn 11 and 12. Nothing much really happened. In Aveceleba the High Lords have finished their trade agreement with Erois and are preparing to send a messenger downstream to Romilath so as not to miss the Dracon messengers. Erois may accompany them if he wishes, the lords will leave that up to him.

On the road a merchant group found Larika, who I wrote down as too injured to talk to avoid having to have an excessivly long dialogue with throwaway characters. They basically picked her up on the side of the road and continued onward, then reached Aveceleba in the next turn.

Romilath grew and the migration from Liliaceleba continued east behind Ter and Graed. As for Cenna, I leave her fate in the hands of the storm giants.))

((I expanded the map. It's very likely that if we need to expand the size of it more that there are valleys and such hidden in the middle of the vast mountain ranges. Not that I plan to go out there, but the mountain civs are welcome too.

Akroma, if you want the map expanded southward, I'm thinking there is probably a chain of islands to the south of you.

I will update the map on the front page when I wake up.))

[ May 28, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #384 on: May 28, 2008, 04:03:00 am »

((no expansion southwards needed, but if you want to, go ahead. Also, what's the point in expanding the map, and making 70% of it mountains ?))

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Madara was getting impatient. He ordered his ninja to visit him at exactly midnight, and they were still nowhere to be seen. Didn't they get his message ?

"My lord"

Madara jumped backwards, suprised by the sudden voice that came out of the shadows.

"By the godess, you startled me. Why are you late ?"

"We aren't late. It is exactly midnight now."

"Well, at least it is good to see that you have lost nothing of your skill. To make it short, I want you to scout the surroundings. One of you will wander southwest, the other northwest. Make absolutely sure that you aren't spotted. If you are, make sure whoever spotted you won't make others notice you as well. We need to spot the locations of potential threats before we can safely expand. Now go."

With movement too quick to follow with untrained eyes, the ninja break out into the night.

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #385 on: May 28, 2008, 04:21:00 am »

Twilight was approaching on the day of Shadowfall. Thlash looked out of the balcony of Kira's residence, which was also designated to be the Koneko embassy. That month had been very busy, he had been showing the city to their guest, and also learning the language of her people. He could already inderstand what she was saying without relying on images, though he could not speak to her, obviously because he was mute. His brothers, however had been listening in and already knew the language and had taight it to others.

They had walked through the tombs -well, tomb- of the shadow Thelash. They had had audiences with the Shadow Council and the Master Council. He had pointed to Shel's tower far away. And now the evening was going to be really funny, especially since he knew what Shraal had planned for Kira.

Twilight approached and the embassador appeared. Thlash led her downstairs and outside, to the Thelash gathered there, around tables arranged in a circle with a pedestal in the middle. The Mindmaster was waiting there for everyone to be assembled. Thlash showed Kira her chair and sat on the one next to it.

The last one to come was Shraal. He sat on the other side of the Koneko embassador. Next to him was Helesh, who had the misfortune of sitting next to the Weavemistress. The table held finely decorated silver cups, empty for the moment. There were also plates which held dishes made of deer meat, fish that had been specially caught for the embassador, and forest vegetables.

The Loremaster began his tale. It was that of the old world, of which the young ones knew nothing. Only the original settlers of Shushaw had been there. The tale itself revolved around the old cities of the Thelash, their discoveries, their rise and their fall. Thlash was sending images of the tales to Kira while Shraal was repeating Helesh's translation into Koneko dialect.

Eventually the tale came to an end. The Thelash around the table took their cups and filled them from caskets set at arm's length. Shraal took Kira's cup and filled it for her. Then he took his, filled it, smelled its sweet fragrance of forest herbs, and drank its contents. Everyone around the table drank too. While Shraal could not see the faces of the hooded people around the table, he knew that everyone's attention was focused on Kira.


((To whoever assumes control of the Koneko : will she drink the contents of the cup ? ))



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #386 on: May 28, 2008, 08:40:00 am »

Originally posted by Akroma:
<STRONG>((no expansion southwards needed, but if you want to, go ahead. Also, what's the point in expanding the map, and making 70% of it mountains ?))

((Because quite frankly, I want to keep the play area small enough that all of our civ's will interact at one point. I'm not expecting a lot of people to join in from this point on (although anyone is still welcome to join, there is a lot of room on the map) establishing limits on expansion allows us to focus inward on our existing play area.

To be fair, there are area's inside of that mountain range. However, the only civ's that can realistically reach them would be the Storm Giants and !!elves!!. And quite frankly, I don't see the giants having the desire to tunnel through miles of rock to find these hidden valleys, most of which are deserts, and the !!elves!! really don't need anything *but* mountain's to survive.))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #387 on: May 28, 2008, 09:21:00 am »

I wonder, once the forum moves, will we be able to display the map in colour ?
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #388 on: May 28, 2008, 09:23:00 am »

(( :O when is the forum moving?  :O))

[ May 28, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #389 on: May 28, 2008, 09:29:00 am »

this is why I was saying that you should save the posts, just to make sure

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos
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