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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 106407 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #315 on: May 24, 2008, 02:11:00 am »

((Jam, I noticed my move of the Koneko Champion isn't in the map thats in your turn. I'll make my turn 8 move in the morning (here in the US, MST, GMT+6), I need to get some sleep lol...))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #316 on: May 24, 2008, 02:27:00 am »

((what's with all you guys who are too lazy to write something ? Remember, this is RP, the boardgame aspect is not quite as important as what you write. Btw, I don't like the idea of the shipwreck being a special place. I mean, it is an empty shipwreck, nothing was left inside. Furthermore, the mountains fell down from the sky, I don't think there is much of a shipwreck left. I will erase it from the map))


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The day the godess gave the divine mountains to the Tengu was marked as the first day of the new calendar. For 3 days and 3 nights, the whole populance of Murakami lay down their work and lost themselves in a grand festival. With a short delay, the news reached Sanae and Koga via meditation, and they too started to celebrate. This was the greatest gift the godess has ever given to the race of the Tengu. It was a sign. The godess wanted the Tengu to make the new world theirs, and with her help, they would one day do that.

Lord Madara, inspired by the gift of the godess, decided to build a monument in her name, at the top of the mountain. Alone, he set out towards the high mountainpeak, hidden above the clouds. After 7 days of exhausting travel, he finaly reached the top of the mountain. Instead of what he thought he would find, there was no actualy peak. At the top of the mountain was a completely circular lake, a vulcanic crater that filled with water over time. The whole place had something serene and calm, but also something strange that you could not quite put your finger on.
Without hesitation, Madara started to break stone and dump them in the middle of the lake, to create the foundation of a small island.


When the news reached Koga, his hearth was filled with warmth. He hadn't heard from his father for a while, and to know what service the godess had granted them made him forget all his worries. Together with a small group of mason and architectes, he made his way southwards, towards the highest mountains of this region. He planned on building a temple for the godess, which was long overdue anyway.


The celebration on Sanae's ship didn't last the 3 day and 3 nights that were originaly planned, they were soon interupted by even greater news.


They finaly reached the shore of the new world.

With an enthusiasm that you will only understand after spending almost a year on a small ship, they brought their goods ashore, laying the foundation of Makai, the eastern settlement of the Tengu

((Madara set out to build a monument for the godess. That will take another 2 turns untill it is finished. Koga will build another special place, which will be finished in 2 turns. This special place will double as an outpost, populated by monks i.e it's size will only increase every 4-5 turns ( or whenever a in-game year is finished, when a immigration wave of spiritual followers arrives. The immigration group in the east will turn into the outpost of Makai next turn))

Mahoyiga+Mahoyiga Harbor: Combined a village: 64

Eientei                 : hamlet         : 27

Murakami                : hamelet        : 21

Makai                   : soon-to-be outpost: 14

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Akroma ]

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #317 on: May 24, 2008, 02:44:00 am »

OOC) Sorry bout that,  Weekends(counting fridays) is when I have the least amount of posting time.


The ritual really didn't seem all that complex.  There were a few stones scattered in a large circle, some with similar runes as that of the circle inside the town.  The summoner's apprentice was carefully moving around smaller rocks at after different hearing different words, though he was clearly looking at a sheet of paper for reference.  The words being chanted were unusual, it was clear they had meaning, as the other dracon present seemed to understand it whenever the high summoner rebuked the apprentice for misplacing a stone in it, but Kara could not.

After being asked Erois explained, "It's an ancient languige spoken by reptilian races from our homeland, everything from dragons to kobolds speak it.  We also learn it when we are young, but we rarely use it.  What we are speaking now is a universal languige that all races from our homeland know called 'common', it has replaced Draconic for normal use among our kind."  

After some time trying to quietly translate the words he gives up. Apologizing and saying that it  was a long time since he last had to know it. Even Kara could tell that he wasn't doing a very good job of it and he was having trouble keeping up.

After some time the apprentice placed the final stone and ran out of the circle as quickly as he could, the sand within beggining to whip up as if in a powerful windstorm that nobody outside the circle could feel.  It quickly formed itself into a massive towering tornado.  Something could be seen inside but all that could be determined was that it was huge.

There was a loud noise from within the tornado and the winds suddenly stopped, then there was a burst of wind from outside the circle blowing the sand to the south, away from the figure and all in attendance.

Even many of the Dracon were surprised by the sight.  It looked like  a horse, but with decidedly avian features, dark blue feathers covering it's entire body, a long sharp hooked beak, bright red colored feathers on it's tail and on the top of it's head and four featherless sharp taloned legs.  And it was huge, taller than the city walls, and larger than most of the buildings within.

It even spoke!  Though still not in any language Kara knew, it was a different language altogether that only the high summoner and a few of the older temple folk understood.  Erois identified it as Avian, but he didn't know any words.
After a short exchange between the creature and the summoner that seemed suspiciously like a merchant bartering with a customer for goods, a small structure appeared on the bird's back that was basically just a few seats enclosed in a windowed box.

"He will take you where you want to go." said Yaris "He can understand common but lacks the correct vocal cords to speak it, he is able to speak a little draconic if he needs to tell you anything, but he does not need to sleep or eat while my energy sustains him.  He will land to allow you to rest when you need it but once you reach where you wish to go he will leave."

OOC)Whew, almost 4AM thats over an hour of writing there.  Hope the spellings good, my spellchecker kinda passes out on me when posts get long like this.  I tried to spellcheck as I went but there may be mistakes.

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #318 on: May 24, 2008, 04:39:00 am »

Shraal was reading the report from Hath. It was pleasing to know that at least something somewhere was being done right. And it was also the very first written report that he had had from Shel. Granted, it had been written by Helesh with Shel talking into his mind, but it was as good as if Shel himself had written it.


Originally thought by Shel
My Lord Shraal,

I am proud to report the completion of the task you gave me when you sent me to Hath. The outpost is now a fully-functioning, well-protected military garrison as well as a safe mining site.

As you will see on the map that came with this report, the main mining gallery begins inside the fort and goes downward. Small tunnels spread out of the central pillar. Many veins of ore were discovered in these shafts, mainly silver and iron.

As for the defenses, the outpost is established on top of a tall hill which overlooks the surrounding lands. The outpost is surrounded by walls as high as 20 Thelash and as thick 5 old trees. The approach to the fort is a winding road around the hill that can be easily covered by archers posted on the aforementionned walls.

I am also pleased to report the construction of a telescope tower sprouting from the central keep. The tower I shall claim as my own if my Lord has no objections. I also wish to make this place my home.

The fort can comfortably house 31 Thelash, 100 if we throw away some of the comfort. More if we use the mining galleries as housing, though I do not recommend it because of the heat and dampness and lack of proper ventilation. I have sent away some of the engineers, as we also have more than enough mining rams and operators for their maintenance and masonry works are finished. This will leave the fort at 6 mining personnel and 5 soldiers, including myself.

I also ask that you send enough supplies here for the Shadowfall festival.

--Shel, Leader of Shushaw Hath

While Shel was a bit young to be a Lord, it should not be much of a problem for him to be Lieutenant Commander. That would give him the right position to remain at the head of the newly-built fort, not that he needed the title since the Haadush triplets were already the main talk of the population.

With that, Shraal set off to dispatch a special delivery for Hath, as well as additionnal personnel.



Shushaw Shesh              : NE Forest              : Thelash   : Hamlet(42)
Shushaw Hath               : N of Sh. Shesh         : Thelash   : Citadel(23)


Leaders status
Shraal    : Shushaw Shesh         : Administrating site/Diplomacy preparation
Shel      : Shushaw Heth          : Administrating site
Helesh    : Shushaw Shesh         : Building walls
Thlash    : Shushaw Shesh         : Diplomacy preparatioh/Defense research

((As Hath is a purely mining/military outpost it will no longer grow and population changes only reflect personnel dispatched from Shesh. The settlement will also be called a citadel because of the defensive structures in place there.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #319 on: May 24, 2008, 04:56:00 am »

(Edited and posted my last turn now, its on the page 12, going to make this turn later this evening.

Frelock: i didnt quite mean that they would kill everything, just anything that might be scout or something. Also, they know that they're near your settlement because they are partly on a quest by Ukko, and he wants them to succeed, without helping too much. But let us play by how things have progressed now anyhow.

Jamini: I quite dont think the giants can catch your messenger, afterall, its on the tile next to village, which means its quite some distance away. Also, its a dragonfly, although big one, and i doubt my subjects will take much notice on animal they dont know as commonly used messenger being.)

edit: and by the way, how it is with the seasons suggestion i made some time ago?

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]



  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #320 on: May 24, 2008, 10:04:00 am »

((Lets see now...
I accept your points about the speed, it's annoying but it's actually realistic, and also the !!elf!! has to be careful not to start grass fires so that negates the extra elf-speed.
You are all much better writers than me, this RP is the most awesome I have ever seen.

I don't really like the way you post moves first and then edit, I at least prefer to be able to start reading where the thread ended last time I checked and still not miss anything. So please keep editing to removing things you regret, and if you must separate moves and story then just post a new post and mention that it's for then last move in the beginning of it.

For seasons, the system I am kinda going whit for the elves is 1 turn being about 3 months, so a year is 4 turns, so every turn would be exactly a season.
If people don't want seasons we could still go whit that and say the axis of the planet doesn't tilt so it's the same temperature independent of season.))


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..≈≈δ──────┘...♣ ♣≈♣♣♣♣└─┘♣..c≈≈≈ ≈☻≈≈≈≈≈..≡P⌂.~~~
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Efil-inira: 35 !!elves!!
Total: 41 !!elves!! (the five others are spread out over the tunnels, hauling minerals or messages, or digging.)

((The scout/diplomat continues east.
The tunnel extends deeper in the mountain, and is now about 20km long or so(?). (the reason for this high speed being that it is the equivalent of a DF tunnel one tile wide whit high skill miners digging 100% of the time, it's fast, these elves dig whit their bare hands like a dwarf whit a pick, the walls more or less literary melts away before them.)
the settlement virtually didn't grow at all, but there is quite a bit more infrastructure, most notably the tower that can see 2 tiles away and at night can bee seen 3 tiles away as a quite visible speck of light from the !!elf!! on top. (this can naturally be turned of by not sending up an elf at night, in which case it is only visible as a tower from 2 tiles away)
There is also a bit of development in science, but they are still far below just about everyone else in that area.
This report is confused and far to full of irrelevant detail))

List of important people:
Acathiima, hero and leader of Efil-inira: Legendary organizer, skilled bow!!elf!!
Ilecaaye, ground-breaking geologist: proficient miner, grand master geologist, talanted metalworker, skilled chemist, skilled mechanic.
Fothacema, scout/diplomat: professional scout, skilled ranger, talented diplomat


Fothacema sat in the green glass shelter  he had made for the night, luckily sandpits were quite common on the plains so he had materials to build one most evenings, and looked back towards Efil-inira, when suddenly a light flared up at the top of the tower. "So they finished that one", he thought.


((Hmm, just if anyone have wondered about these I just made something up abaut the leaders personal diary and the official log of the settlement being the same thing.))

Acathiima sat down by her -bauxite desk-, took forth her ¤tungsten pencil¤ and a sheath of iron to write on, she heated the iron, sighed, took a look at the engraving of a playing child above the desk to relax, and began to write.
"Seasonal status report:
This place has changed much, I do not know if it is for good or for bad, but we seem to adapt to this life far from life after all, and even I begin to see that nature need not be alive to be beautiful.
And Ilecaaye is the one we have to thank for it all, it seems that he and his apprentices have a mineral for every possible set of proprieties you could imagine, or they can melt a few together into it.
FOr example these new compound bows that I let be made after deciding to start a militia, it sure took a few months (he says 95% was melting and processing the materials) and we still only have three yet, but they are as he promised heatproof so you won't melt of your string and on top of that the range must be something like three times that of a ordinary wooden bow. He calls the material titanium, good stuff." ((Not TO overpowered I hope because they are kinda hard and slow to make))
"We also finished the tower abut a week ago, and it works perfectly. I was up there myself looking, and you can really see far. The lighthouse function also works, and what more someone even came up whit some way of sending messages by waving their hands.
We also saw Fothacema, he's making good progress. I hope he finds something.
I have actually not seen Ilecaaye in quite a while, it takes several days to travel those miles of tunnels and he likes to keep near the end so he can study any new materials he finds, or so I have read."

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #321 on: May 24, 2008, 11:17:00 am »

((No post from me this time, although I'll probably put up a new post tonight.

I just wanted to let you all know that I've started a small mod that includes all of our races here for DF. So far i've gotten the vulpinan's working (although their adventurers tend to carry three sheilds since all four limbs have both [grasp] and [stance].

I'll be working on adding in each race as I see fit, and the mod will probably be halfway done by the time we get the first stage of the army arc released.))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #322 on: May 24, 2008, 11:41:00 am »

Ukko sat on his throne, gazing to the world beneath him. Directing small storms and winds he spent his time, causing small sorts of grief for the dwellers of the world. This time, he ruined the moment of love from two vulpinans with a short but evenmore powerful rain, that forced them to take cover. Smiling to himself Ukko turned his gaze nearer to the mountain range his own subjects inhabitated. Moreover, to the new outpost group. "Hmph... sitting around doing nothing and roasting boars. Always when i turn my back on them..." He prodded the group with his index finger...

"...And then i grabbed that damn giant eagle by its throat with my left hand, and lifted my axe! I was just bringing down me axe, when suddenly, that damn thing takes onto air! I managed to grab it by its legs before it could shake me off, and there i was! Dangling by my hands on a flying giant eagle, and seriously thinking if they were my last moments! Then, the cunning thing decides that its fun to fly over a forest, its legs scraping the treetops! Ye couldn believe what it was to get hit by tree after tree with such force that younguns like you would've dropped dead at the very instant! But i held on, an-"
Lighting struck just beside the old storyteller, Hjolf, and charred his white beard back to the black it had been. The giants were dumbstruck. "What in the name of the Grand god was that! A bolt from blue sky!" Hjolf knew what it meant. "Uh-huh... We better get moving... lest we get more bolts to pepper our backs"


The raidgroup had moved fast, and it had moved relentlessly. At the midday of someday in the week, they arrived in the scene what was village. HAD been village. They stood there, looking around the empty houses and buildings, sure that there had been lots of life only short time ago. "Dammit all! Men, look through the houses and see if there's anything worth taking! Look for anyone left behind or anyone around this... ghost town."
Ragndir sat on that spot, brooding over months of marching, all for nothing. He commenced all the possible food to be collected to the empty city hall, and moved there to ponder his next move. Two of the giants he commanded to look for anyone near the surroundings.

(Now frelock, i need to ask, did Ipetians have any permanent structures at buigend riet or were they able to destroy all traces that they were ever there, because in that case i need to edit my post a bit.)

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[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]



  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #323 on: May 24, 2008, 11:45:00 am »

Originally posted by Jamini:
<STRONG>((No post from me this time, although I'll probably put up a new post tonight.

I just wanted to let you all know that I've started a small mod that includes all of our races here for DF. So far i've gotten the vulpinan's working (although their adventurers tend to carry three sheilds since all four limbs have both [grasp] and [stance].

I'll be working on adding in each race as I see fit, and the mod will probably be halfway done by the time we get the first stage of the army arc released.))</STRONG>

very nice! Add in us gods too. Any work on giants yet?



  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #324 on: May 24, 2008, 12:12:00 pm »

Originally posted by Jamini:
<STRONG>((No post from me this time, although I'll probably put up a new post tonight.

I just wanted to let you all know that I've started a small mod that includes all of our races here for DF. So far i've gotten the vulpinan's working (although their adventurers tend to carry three sheilds since all four limbs have both [grasp] and [stance].

I'll be working on adding in each race as I see fit, and the mod will probably be halfway done by the time we get the first stage of the army arc released.))</STRONG>

but I thought flying races were bugged as hell ?

also, a race of elves with a body temperature of 600° will probably not work out

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #325 on: May 24, 2008, 12:40:00 pm »

Originally posted by Akroma:

but I thought flying races were bugged as hell ?

also, a race of elves with a body temperature of 600° will probably not work out</STRONG>

{{They are, thus the Tengu don't have the flier tag yet.

Actually, I'm thinking about making them nudists and creating a smelter reaction that changes stone into food for them. The only problem then is with wood,grass, and traders. Or, the !!elves!! could just be intelligent ambushing creatures like Harpies.))

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #326 on: May 24, 2008, 01:56:00 pm »

((Well, I'll stop doing the whole post now, edit later thing.  The main reason for it was that I wanted to get the Ipetians moving before the Giants could arrive, but I didn't have enough time to make an entire post.  The post has now been edited.

Nhiphanter, I am totally cool with a little divine intelligence for your group (aka, them knowing where to go).  Also, sorry for the whole assuming that they were killing every living thing.  The capital ANY sort of threw me off.  Thanks for accepting how the story is going so far.  As to your question, the Ipetians normally leave no trace when they leave an area, but since they had been settled in Buigend Riet for so long, and since they left in such a hurry, there are certainly still visible signs that they were there; however, it's unlikely the giant would find anything they would consider valuable.  I'll say it would take one turn of preparing to leave for Ipetians to completely wipe out any trace of them being there.

The Ipetians don't really have permanent structures per se; their houses are actually more of nests, with a covering made of leaves, dead wood, and dried mud to keep out the rain.  They don't build any large structures and everything is open-air, though most vital areas such as the kitchen and still have primitives roofs, similar to the houses.  If an Ipetian settlement ever becomes a city, likely they would erect a palisade around it for protection.  Perhaps, as time progresses, this will change as the Ipetians interact with other races, but for now, they are quite primitive.))

All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #327 on: May 24, 2008, 01:59:00 pm »

((Actually, you shuld add uranium ore and a process that makes say 15 food from each tile.
Also, they should be able to melt ores without fuel and mine without picks, but at least the second I know is impossible.
Edit: actually, eating pitchblende might do.))

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Armok ]

So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hobby: accidently thread derailment
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #328 on: May 24, 2008, 05:07:00 pm »

-Ter on Sailfin-River with the Vulpians-

"Look what she has taken Graed, the most things are junk, out of function for many years, or just coins i had collected but there are some things that are dangerous. For instance these two Staffgrenades. I should lock my dangerous things away. Hmm i think i can repair the chronometer, it is one without powercells but it was made for an World where the day had 27 hours. That binoculars need new lenses. And there ... i didnt know i keept my Messagebird. That lucky Vixen she had found the one thing i have a need for." Ter grabs one little blade and a screwdriver. "See this little bird is made from string and wire but it could fly by itself for day and days without resting. Its Program and the message which the bird is transporting are stored in this ... " For many years he wasnt so excited like now. A little piece of metal landed on the boat. "Yes is it still intact. Where i was ahhh yes .... the program and the message are stored in this little "Mnemo-crystal". Ah how many years i had missed that sort of things. Where Issha was one of the best Magicans in the old world i was one of the best mechanics and inventors. I have done that little bird as i was maybe 21. How it was powered? Was it Powercells or Thermocrystalls? Yes it was a Powercell thats why its not working." Ter closes hist fist around the little crystal. "Hello Leam my friend, I am Ter hero of Issha. He had send me out to make contact to another Race. As you can see i have found the Vulpians. This is Ambassador Graed and another one is behind that wood we are bringing for trade. Prepare something for our arrival and get some gold and glass for trade as well." After another Moment Ter opens his hand "So this is done. Now we have to attach that Crystal to the Dragonfly and send it ahead to Karatomca."

After the Dragonfly had started her own journey to karatomca ter spokes again to Graed. "Cenna can have that junk if she wishes it. It was my fault not to lock it away and im repairing and adjusting that chronometer for you too."

-Karatomca - Leams office -

"Peris i will send you with a group to the Northwest. You have to found a new Outpost and you have to lead the mining operation."
"Me my Lord?"
"Yes you."
"But why?"
"Lets say i have faith in your Family. Your little sister does a good job at Irumathra and you older Brother serves very well as ambassador."
"But im not a inventor like my sister not so well educated like my brother. I am an ordinary fisher."
"Are you? Well lets say i need someone normal with some common sense to do this job. Choose your people well Mayor."
"Mayor my Lord?"
"Yeah why not? Now prepare for your Journey."
"Yes my Lord."
"Yes my lord?"
"Find a good name for the new outpost too."

- Northwest of Karatomca - Four weeks Later -

"Logbook of Mayor Peris forth week after leaving Karatomca.

The Houseship i had claimed at Karatomca for this journey was the best decision i have done so far. Today we have arrived the Position that was marked on Leams map and my courage had dropped. At the top of the sun tower this place has seemed like a long but dark beach. I had thought it was sand but hell its an Cliff 300 Metres high. That Cliff is made from obsidian granite and basalt as far we can see. Some Big boulders are lying in the Lake and we are setting up our settlement on them. We have also found a natural tunnel which is leading direct into the cliff. I think it is the perfect spot to start our Mining operation. I realy have to learn how to write.

Peris stopped dictating.

"I hope you didnt wrote that last statement down."
"What ... ah no sir i didnt."


Aris was working on the new still as han her attendant was coming in.

"6 Months can you imagine that?"
"Yes i want to go home too" he replied.

After a minute Han broke the silence.

"Your highness can i ask you a question."
Aris sighed. Every time in the last 6 Months when he was calling her "your highness" he was in trouble or something like that.
"Spit it out Han what is it this Time."
"Well there is an beautiful Woman and ..."
"Wheres the problemm? Ask her out."
"Well i've done that already your highness."
"And ... and ... well heh ... erm she is coming in an hour or so for dinner."
"Ok hand me that wrench. .... Wait did you say shes comming for dinner?"
"Yes i did your highness."
"That can endanger that our howl operation!"
"I cant see how this will ..."
"What if she ask how the new still works? What if you calling me "your highness" by accident? What if ... i dont want to think over that!"
"Your highness i know what you think but i not requesting your permition."
"You are not thats thats ... calm down Aris. Calm down. What are you asking when."
"Well i never learned how to cook and i thought because you are a Girl you could ... maybe ... you know?"

Aris stared in unbelieve.

- Later that evening -

"I cant belive i have done that for you" Aris whispered to Han.
"Yes thank you again." Han hissed back.
"Well shes pretty with her light green scales and that red ribbons. But the evening isnt done yet."
"Silence now. Shes almost here. Remember your name is Chatin"

"Welcome in my house Tira. Thats my daughter Chatin."
"Thank you for this invitation Aris and im honored to meet you to Chatin."

"Thats the best rainbow-trout i had eaten in years Aris."
"Oh thank you i wasnt sure how it would be."
"How had you meet my dad first Tira?"
"Chatin! how can you ask that?" asked Han with a terrified glance.
"Oh Aris she has a right to know that. Well i was working that evening at my uncles Tavern. I had served some beer then i had seen him and i smiled to him like i have to smile for everyone in that tavern. Well he had smiled back and crashed in the pillar that is standing in the middle of the room. The entire tavern had laughed at him but for me it was very cute. After that we have brought him to my uncles room because he was knockt out for some Minutes. As han was awake he had asked me out for this dinner."
"oh how rommmmmmm .... you know his true name?"
"Oh silly me this was a secret isnt it? Anyway the half Village already knows who you two are."
"The half village?"
"Yeah the half that isnt fixated on sex, that can count and can keep a secret."
"What are you two talking about?" Han asked.
"Han she had said that all woman of Irumathra know who we really are."

The ; is my Dragonfly.

I have send a seetlergroup from Karatomca to the northwest as you can see that means that Karatomca or Irumathra arent growing this turn.

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[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Heph ]

[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #329 on: May 24, 2008, 07:45:00 pm »

[OOC]I have raw entries for my Dracon already if you want them Jamini.  I play them more often then I do dwarves. (Heck last battle of the gods I even built settlements in the kind of terrain that they did on the gameboard.  One was in a waterless desert, one in a slightly forested desert with an aquifer, and one on a haunted ocean)

You can find them here User:Greiger - DwarfFortressWiki.  Also on the page is the plant, reactions, and metal to create the enhanced iron, called dracon steel ingame.

I couldn't do any of the summoner stuff without magic so I left it all out.[/OOC]

[ May 24, 2008: Message edited by: Greiger ]

Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!
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