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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 103840 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2008, 12:26:00 pm »

((There would be large valleys further north in a larger moutain range, but right there the valleys are very narrow and nearly as sparse as the mountain ledges. I fixed my Fo Pa in the descriptions. Just don't expect Vime to always refer to gods by their names.   :p))

"I'm only omipotent, not omnecient."  Vime said as he grinned slyly at Fenneth, watching as their champions continued in different directions. "Nor do I always catch thing right of the bat." He continued, turing to Ukko, "What was your name again old man?"

To Kagus: the board game aspect is carried over so we don't get a civ expanding at the speed of forum post (which is just slightly faster than the speed of sound, but much more intermittantly placed) in a similar manner to how Dark's dwarves did. That isn't to say some races won't grow faster than others, but with this system everyone has a reasonable time to get an action in. The board itself is just a backdrop for a world that we are fighting (or not fighting, depending on our own goals) over. It could just as easily be a .png, a chess board with little icons, or a tabletop. The meat and potatoes of this will be how we roleplay interactions between our races. That's why scale for both time and distance is so highly abstract.

Besides, it's pleasurable to watch your civ grow.))

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

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GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2008, 12:31:00 pm »

I think the rules of this version are pretty important. Looking at the old tread, it is hard to follow the whole mess. I think we might use this round to establish even more rounds, so that by round 3, we will have a complete game.
Also the inconsisty in turn-length is somehwhat bugging me. The civs grow much too fast,a nd any heroes or migrating groups will have hardly cover any distance before going anywhere. Of course we could just improve moving speed, but then everyone would reach their destination very very quickly, without the others being able to react to that.

Maybe we could simply stretch the world a bit, lets say, now it is 16x48

lets make that a 64x128

this way distance would actually be DISTANCE even with reasonably fast traveling units.
Also, more gods will be able to join without overcrowding the world with settlements.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Akroma ]

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2008, 12:36:00 pm »

I was referring to the fact that there's a bunch of "gods" clustered around a table that displays the world that the mortal creatures live in.  That's the part that I never quite got into and which seems far more prevalent now.  I'm quite happy with the new rules and regs, it's just that one part of the roleplaying that I have trouble working around.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2008, 12:37:00 pm »

Originally posted by Akroma:
<STRONG>I think the rules of this version are pretty important. Looking at the old tread, it is hard to follow the whole mess. I think we might use this round to establish even more rounds, so that by round 3, we will have a complete game.
Also the inconsisty in turn-length is somehwhat bugging me. The civs grow much too fast,a nd any heroes or migrating groups will have hardly cover any distance before going anywhere. Of course we could just improve moving speed, but then everyone would reach their destination very very quickly, without the others being able to react to that.

Maybe we could simply stretch the world a bit, lets say, now it is 16x48

lets make that a 64x128

this way distance would actually be DISTANCE even with reasonably fast traveling units.</STRONG>

If enough people feel that heros and groups move too slowly, we could increase it. I had originally envisioned that each square on the map is equivilant to several miles of wild terrain (untill we have roads), and that any moving group will have a tough time gong cross-country. Obviously if you prefer a terrain type you would move faster over it, but without proper roads and tunnels movement would be exceptionally slow. Not to mention that a traveller has to feed themselves while traveling.

I'm somewhat against expanding the map too much. As it is civs will still take some time to meet each other. Even if we increase the speed of groups overland it'll be some turns before many of the civs properly meet.

What do you guys think? Should we increase footspeed a bit?

To Kagus: Well, that's a flavor thing that I liked about the old thread. That's why I carried it over. :/ the dual-roleplaying system is really pretty fun to work with. At least for me. As we get into the game the interactions of the gods will take a backseat as our champions and people interact more.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2008, 12:46:00 pm »

alternatively to increasing the world size and movement speed, we could simply decrease the rate at which the populance grows. That way we could even simulate a proper feeling of time, making a turn something like, 3 months.

However, that would slow the game down to a crawl, since for a proper war between civilizations, you need more than just 30 men with spears, that needed weeks to come into existance.

I am simply for a bigger map because not only it would make the whole speed-time issue easier, it would also allow some pretty epic battles, fought by some pretty epic civilizations. Nations, Empires, Countries, not just small strips of land with a few hundred people on them. This is afterall a battle of gods, who create an entire world as their gameboard.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Akroma ]

Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2008, 01:01:00 pm »

Yeah, I'm going to put in a vote for a larger board.  Breathing room is nice to have when you're being creative.

And I find the "parlor room of the gods" part difficult because it's hard to embrace and act out the deeper secrets of a particular faith when that god is sitting around with a few buds and popping snacks.  

For instance, the god of death and silence.  A powerful force that waits at the end of the mortal path, a great and influencing sentience that cannot truly take form but can impart some of itself to a particular location (say, the capitol).  How does that work when he's sitting in the Laz-e-dwarf and moving pieces around on a board?

And the demon Malkethaz, a greater infernal who managed to find a planar rend large enough for him to fit through into the mortal realm and then draw forth minions to serve as his forces.  How do you move yourself on a board?

Anyways, I found ways of working with it in the last thread, so if I do decide to join up with this one I'll find a way of working with it again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2008, 01:04:00 pm »

you could simply decide to create an uber demon-god sitting at the table and Malkethaz as your immortal hero. You could still create lots of other heroes as you want, they just wouldn't be immortal (and probably wouldn't have the same amount of plot-armor)
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2008, 01:06:00 pm »

The traveling speed is good for the proportions of the map i think.

The pop should somehow depend on the avaibility of food. Lets say say a Farmer (of any kind) could produce on the preferd Terrain 5 Food on not prefered 3 each year. A creature eats 1 Food a Year. So you have to use 3 farmers for 15 People. For each 40 Creatures you (or maybe a Gamemaster) role a D6 for offspring and a d10 for emigrants.

How do we handle the availability of resources like ore?

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Heph ]

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Heph ]

[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2008, 01:09:00 pm »

wouldn't it be annoying to keep track of dozens of numbers and math for dozens of tiles, for dozens of civs EACH round ?
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2008, 01:15:00 pm »

turning to Vime Ukko mutters "name? Ukko, the old storm god, man of stature unlike some would be -storm controllers- here..." quickly Ukko switches the places of his pieces a bit and mutters something about "detailed terrain" and grunts.


As Hrafn, lord of storms was kicking around some rocks while waiting for the logging teams to return, the Oracle slowly walks besides him and *coughs*
"o' lord of storms... it appears our grand gods orders were a little obscured..."
"whad' do you mean?" "it seems that we're in the wrong place, the grand god is angry o' lord of storms." "is that so?" "why, yes it is. it is -suggested- that we move our capital site more towards the south." Hrafn grunts something and walks off to tell of the change in plans. Certainly annoyed.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Nhiphanter ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2008, 01:16:00 pm »

Your right Akroma. It was just a thought and i was forgetting that we have no automation for such things. Well im not so firm in roleplaying an entire Civ.
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2008, 01:19:00 pm »

i vote for larger map. simply because: the larger the map, the larger the civs. which leads to: the larger the civs, the larger the havoc!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2008, 01:19:00 pm »


I was asking about passage of time because I want to determine pop growth for my civ. I think we should have base pop growth which is a multiplier depending only on fecundity. To that we add dividers and multipliers due to sicknesses, available food, population living on a tile, etc...

Therefore the population of a village would be determined at the beginning of a turn by multiplying the population at the end of previous turn by the growth multplier.

As for resources, maybe we should do random rolls when we send explorers to a tile to determine the resources present there.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Istrian ]



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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2008, 01:30:00 pm »

Originally posted by Kagus:
<STRONG>Yeah, I'm going to put in a vote for a larger board.  Breathing room is nice to have when you're being creative.

And I find the "parlor room of the gods" part difficult because it's hard to embrace and act out the deeper secrets of a particular faith when that god is sitting around with a few buds and popping snacks.  

For instance, the god of death and silence.  A powerful force that waits at the end of the mortal path, a great and influencing sentience that cannot truly take form but can impart some of itself to a particular location (say, the capitol).  How does that work when he's sitting in the Laz-e-dwarf and moving pieces around on a board?

And the demon Malkethaz, a greater infernal who managed to find a planar rend large enough for him to fit through into the mortal realm and then draw forth minions to serve as his forces.  How do you move yourself on a board?

Anyways, I found ways of working with it in the last thread, so if I do decide to join up with this one I'll find a way of working with it again.</STRONG>

How gods appear to mortals and how they choose to show themselves to others is not neccecarily the same.

Your first example could be a taicturn god, one who doesn't speak much (or at all, perhaps indicating his plays by gestures). If he is totally immartial, he may be forced to exert his godly powers to simply move his pieces.

For the second, you could have him as a greatly scarred and Narissist god. He could have his champion be an avatar of himself on the board. (Actually, that's technically what all heros are. They are borderline immortal. While they can be slain, it is exceptionally difficult to do so and if not slain they will live indefinatly.) and all of his heros could take on or be an aspect of himself. It's implied that at least some of your god exists in the same plane as the others, else they wouldn't still be a god, thus that part should be able to move his pieces.

Akroma, exactly. That's why we use the common sense rule. Some civs will grow quickly. My own civ live in an area that has abundant food and wood, but has virtually no metal (excepting a little copper that might be found in the soil) and no real means or inclination to mine. Their population will grow quickly, especially since they prefer to live along rivers, but the individual sites will not be difficult to destroy if somone decided to destroy them.

Meanwhile Ukko's giants will probably have slower growth, but have vastly better metallrulogy. Biology and harder living conditions would make their numbers smaller, but since they prefer mountainous terrain and probably started with a lot of metal that is relitivly easy to find they will be very much a terror on the battlefield.

That's not to say they would roll my civ in combat. In the forest the Giants would be easy to spot, being out of place and not familier with the terrain as the much smaller and probably more agile Vulpinians. My civ would use hit-and-run tactics, taking advantage of their preferred weapons (bows) and terrain. They would drawing the giants out into the forest and pick their warbands apart one by one. To counter, the giants could potentially clear-cut the forest, transforming it into plains. However, doing that could alienate the Roshanians or Ipetians, who may very well have a use for the woodland of that area. No matter how agressive and potent the giants are, three civs against one is hardly an easy fight.

Play it by ear. Try and make it fun. Describe things and roleplay. The point of this isn't the game, it's having fun watching your civ interact with the others. That's not to say you need to describe every last action in detail, but important events should be mentioned and described.

Roleplaying is fun. ^^v

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2008, 01:41:00 pm »

Originally posted by Istrian:

I was asking about passage of time because I want to determine pop growth for my civ. I think we should have base pop growth which is a multiplier depending only on fecundity. To that we add dividers and multipliers due to sicknesses, available food, population living on a tile, etc...

Therefore the population of a village would be determined at the beginning of a turn by multiplying the population at the end of previous turn by the growth multplier.

As for resources, maybe we should do random rolls when we send explorers to a tile to determine the resources present there.</STRONG>

Resources are mostly determined by the terrain your on. Plains have extremly abundant food in the means of arable land, making them the best for rapidly expanding cities and some stone, some trees can also be found in plains. Rivers provide natural causeways that boats can travel down much more rapidly than individuals can on foot, while also preventing people from crossing them without a bridge or boat. Forests have an abundance of wood and a moderate amount of food, but lack any metal better than copper and have many layrs of loam over acessable stone. Hills provide a moderate amount of arable land, some game, most shallow metals, and a little wood, but don't excel in any type of resource. Moutains have an abundance of stone and metal, but lack arable ground or wood. However, mountains are where you will primarily find volcanoes and underground rivers. Deserts have little but sand, however as a natural barrier to most civs.

Like I said, common sense mostly.



Forest - High Wood. Medium Animal. Medium Plant (Gathering.). No stone. Little metal. High Cover.

Plains - Very High Plant (Fields). High Animal Low Wood. Low Stone. Low Metal. Poor cover.

Hills - Low Wood. Medium Animal. Medium Animal. High Stone. Medium Metal. Moderate cover.

Mountains - No Wood. Low Animal. Very Low Food. Very High Stone. High Metal. High Cover.

Desert - Low Animal. Low Plant. Low Wood. No Stone. Low Metal. No Cover.

Palm Forest - Medium Animal. Low Plant. Medium Wood. No Stone. Low Metal. Poor Cover.

Lake/Ocean Coast - High Animal. High Plant. Low Wood. Low Stone. Low Metal. Poor Cover

Obviously not everywhere is created equal. This creates conflict. Conflict is good.

[ May 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.
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