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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread  (Read 106381 times)


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1020 on: June 16, 2008, 02:36:44 am »

((Just noticed something wrong on the map : there is no Thelash party on the island. It's supposed to be a (now extinct) Drogar army.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Death and I, we have an understanding
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1021 on: June 16, 2008, 05:12:57 am »

Turn 30 - winter

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♣♣│♣♣....⌂⌂▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
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((Because the Drogar settlements are nothing but NPCs by now, this is how I will write the story. The dwarves get the intelligence of average DF dwarves))

Sanae's rage had almost transformed into a blind fury. Destroy destroy destroy. And she had the perfect plan to bring victory to the Tengu. Along time ago, in an old book abour dwarves, she read about their one and only weakness. Their inabillity to recognize fire as dangerous. And in a plan the merges genius and madness in perfect unison, she set a pair of pants on fire and dropped it in the Drogar settlement. It only took them 2 minutes untill the first Drogar decided to pick it up, hardly noticing that he was also soon engulfed by flames. As he made his way to the alcohol stockpile, the carnage way on it's way. Within just a few minutes, there were burned body parts everywhere. Drogar were tantruming, killing each other, or jumped of cliffs, killing themselves. The once proud mountainhome of the Drogar was reduced to a ghost town, within just one day...
As the fires were still burning, Sanae decided to sent her priest towards the cistern. With ritual chantings, they thrusted their staffs into the ground, causing the cistern ground to collapse. With that, even the deepest part of the city were now destroyed by the raging masses of water.

((I know, it was kinda boring and selfish end. To make it more interesting, keep in mind that all Drogar tresures, lots of gold, jewels, weapons and many many socks of highest quality are hidden down in the flooded cavern))


The Tengu diplomats were getting impatient. They had been walking through the burnt forest for months, and it was getting colder every day. The vulpian didn't seem to mind, due to it's thick fur, but the Tengu hated having to walk to the meeting place.
The forest was outright creepy. The trees were pitch black skeletons and the ground was covered in ash and coal. Many months after the forest fire, the ground was still covered in numerous dead animals, some burnt beyong recognition, others picked cleaned by countless carcass feeders that were circling above the forest. After a long march, they finaly met the place they told Madara to meet them at, an especially huge tree at the top of a hill. The shivering wind of the starting winter ran through it's branches, singing the song of the dead. In it's crown rested a swarm of crows. For the Tengu, crows had nothing threathening, but for the Vulpian, their calls and their cold dead eyes were unnerving. Then, in a flash, the wind picked up. In a tornado, blackened by the surrounding ashes, Madara decented from the sky. Before hitting the ground, he slowed down to decrease the force of the impact, but the moment his shoes (which he enchanted before the meeting) hit the ground, a seismic wave went through the ground, sending countless sharp stone shards to stick out of it all around Madara, resembling a nest. Not wearing his usual orange and red kimono, Madara was dressed in a completely white kimono with a black interior. His usually crimson red face was painted completely white, looking like a terryfing mask. Out of the rope he had swung around his hip, there were 4 metal poles sticking from it, with hanging paper charms. This pompous entrance, together with the already gloomy athmosphere of death left the Vulpians mortified. Next to him, the Tengu fell on the ground.
The diplomat whispered to the Vulpian:" On your knees, quickly."
His voice was filled with fear, rather than the usual serious coldness of the tengu voice.


((Level 2 wind magic: enchantments part 1/2: The level 2 magic will be split into 4 parts, 2 enchantments, air barriers and vacuum. it will take 5 turns to teach them all))

It has been a few months, and the aspireing Vulpian wind-priests were now proficent in the use of the Hauchiwa-fans.Now it was time to kick it up a notch.
With seemingly great effort, the Tengu mage lifted a stone from the ground.

"Catch !"

He hurled it at his students. Frightened to be hit by the heavy stone, they put their paws infront of their faces and tried to duck away as the stone...simply bouced off. Still breathing hard from the shock, the Vulpians turned to their master.
"This is what i will teach you. To make things as light as a crows feather. As the great one and only godess created the universe for the first time, all materal was of the same origin. And still nowadays, this origin remains. We Tengu use that affinity of all matter to be altered, changing the density of mana. The mana is the substance that exists in every kind of matter. There are many different kind of mana, air-mana, stone-mana, wood-mana, steel-mana and many others. Mana carries the information of it's respective element in it. If you force air-mana into a stone, it will become light and floaty, like stone stone I showed you. But this stone doesn't exclusively have it's stone-mana. All matter, by default, posses all kinds of mana. If there was no air-mana in the stone to begin with, lifting it would be impossible. And this is another thing you can do when changing the balance of mana. Make things heavy. Impossible to lift even.
To move mana from one source to the other, you have to picture the process in front of your inner eye. The surface of the stone has openings. tiny little openings, all over the place. Now do as you did when using the Hauchiwa for the first time. Picture the wind. See the wind. See it floating around the surface of the stone. Now lay your hands on the stone and make it breath. Open the holes and force air-mana in and out, like it was breathing. focus on the rythm, the rythm of your own breath. Breath like stone. Make the stone breath like you. Breath in to make the stone light as a feather, breath out to make it heavy like lead. Breath in, and out. And when you reached the level of mana you want, take your hands off.

Mohayiga+harbour: Metropolis : 145
Eientei: city : 120
Murakami: town : 115
Makai : city : 78
Divine shrine : cloister : 15

Sanae's army: 53 men, 40 trained soldiers, 13 priests .On their way home
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 06:24:20 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
  • King of the mountain
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1022 on: June 16, 2008, 06:06:20 am »

Cenna looked at Maxim with a myriad of expressions passing her face. Happy, desperate and finally shifting to angry. She ripped her hand out of Maxims grip.
"Why would your mother care about where ive been? It is no business of yours where i have been! But since you have asked i have been at the home of those... Those who helped me! Now im off to sleep"
She walked out of the door, slamming it open. Her footsteps echoed in the hallway leading out.
Before the footsteps faded away there was a sound of something being kicked and a scream of despair.


The sergeant looked around in the forest and sighted the old camp left as a mark.
"Allright men, we camp here and wait for further orders!"
With that, the giants began to set up makeshift tents.


Taranis lread the message at his hand again. Hrafn was making him the ruler of the giant settlements by the time he was away. There was also an order of sending an outpost group of 20 giants to the east of Hrafngard.

Taranis hurried away to fulfill the orders and enjoy his new power.

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« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 06:13:54 am by Nhiphanter »


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1023 on: June 16, 2008, 06:22:13 am »

((Some RP))

Shel watched the far-away smoke with his telescope. He could see flames engulfing the dwarven settlement. Although he had no idea how the fire started, he knew it was no accident. He could see how the fire had spread and where it had started. It was impossibe for it to be an accident. Now, whether it was suicide on the part of the dwarves, or some other foreign influence... Still he warned Thlash and Helesh about possible hostile presence in the south.


Thlash had something else entirely on his mind. He could feel a presence. A dark and sinister presence somewhere far to the west. It felt like anger. And it felt like something out of the shadow world was there, somewhere. He wanted to investigate it, but at the moment he had a mission. The flame, then the light. Though it would not be impossible for him to justify a small trip to the west, just to confirm his suspicions. If they were confirmed, he knew that the Shadow Council would be glad for the news.


Helesh too was busy. He was preparing a presentation before the City Council for the creation of a pillar responsible for the study and use of soul magic and crystallurgy. He did not have much except his research material to go by, but he would have to convince the Masters of the fact that magic could be predicted.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 06:27:51 am by Istrian »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1024 on: June 16, 2008, 06:23:39 am »

Code: [Select]
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((No RP simply because there is nothing to say. I'm still waiting for Armok's !!elves!! to get to my settlement from the underground magma flow. And also, please no colors in map, I'd go crazy every time I have to edit it.))

Alchemia: 83
(the one in middle of desert, btw its on a low hill tile not desert tile)
- 1 Platinum Golem decorated with bands of Gold and implanted with a Star Ruby in hist chest and inscribed with many glowing runes throughout his body (Orion Primus, Guardian of the Seals of the Ancients, Hero)
- 1 Large Steel Golem master miner (Ferrum Animus, Chief of Diggers)
- 1 Glass Golem reinforced with bands of Steel, master glassmaker (Abro Vas, Prince of Prisms)
- 12 Iron Golem miners
- 30 Clay Golems
- 23 Copper Golem engineers
- 15 Glass Golems reinforced with bands of bronze, glassmakers

Terra: 81
(the one west of desert)
- 20 Iron Golem miners
- 31 Clay Golems
- 15 Copper Golem engineers
- 15 Bauxite Golem smiths

Altus Tumulosus: 49
(settlement NE of Terra)
- 13 Iron Golem miners
- 26 Clay Golems
- 10 Copper Golem engineers

Eterna: 32
(east of desert)
- 5 Iron Golem miners
- 13 Clay Golems
- 14 Copper Golem engineers

Nova: 23
(SE of desert)
- 13 Iron Golem miners
- 6 Clay Golems
- 4 Copper Golem engineers
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 06:45:13 am by Poltifar »
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1025 on: June 16, 2008, 06:28:32 am »

Poltifar, your map is incorrect again
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1026 on: June 16, 2008, 07:58:57 am »

The wind whipped at Yori's face and robe savegly as the greatest of the tengu landed, forcing his face away from the stark contrast of Madara's attire. A short moment later he realized that the tengu on all sides had fallen to their knees, a stark reverance and fear in their expression as the muted voice of the diplomat reached his ears. They were terrified, and perhaps with good reason. This Madara, the stories that the diplomat's bodyguard had told of him were truely both amazing and appalling. This man, this magician, was merciless. His command of the magical arts that the tengu held so highly was exceptional, and his drive irrefutable. Behind and at his sides the tengu immediatly fell to their knees in respect to their leader, the whispeing voice of the diplomat urging Yori to do the same. Far behind, the female herbalist had already postrated herself, whimpering as she felt the force of Madara's power.

However something in Yori rebelled at the thought of kneeling, a something that quickly caused him to recover from the shock of Madara's enterance. As the Tengu overlord settled Yori stood straighter, raising onto his hindpaws and narrowing his eyes while his forepaws crossed over one another. So that only the diplomat could hear he murmered quickly, "No Vulpinan lord bows to another."

For a long moment there was silence in the glade, broken at first by the Vulpinan. "You are Madara, overlord of the Tengu then? The city of Aveceleba sends its greetings."


Tomoe walked home from his lesson, the early flakes of snow drifting down to obscure his tracks as she walked from the glade where the vulpi youths practiced, the quickest of them juggling three large stones as if they were mere cloth. Not for the first time, he thought back on her situation here and his place amoung these strange people. For the first time in his long life, he found himself a priest of one. After hours of searching and asking probing questions he had discovered that none here in the vulpinan capital knew of the twin goddess, or of any other form of worship he could determine. Nor did they seem to care, or even fully understand the question when asked. Amoral, calculating, and devlish when creating deals, it was little wonder that these people survived at all, much less thrived as they did.

And indeed they did thrive, Tomoe was amazed at the lifestyle of these people, so different from his own. Constantly active, constantly moving, there seemed little social difference between most vulpinans. Even the lords, whom he had been introduced too on his first day in Aveceleba, were on nearly equal terms with the others. Their positions and power mere titles for a voice of a segment of the population. That is not to say he had not seen differences of rank. More than once a vulpinan of a lesser station would move for a vulpinan noble, and even from the outside he could see many different cliche's based upon family and profession. However, as a whole the vulpinans seemed to... get along, in their own way. The oft-present cheerfullness and easygoing nature leading to even the old priest opening up slightly to his students and their friends, something that would have been frowned upon greatly back under the eyes of Madara. Something that seemed almost ... expected... by his hosts.

A deep voice that that rumbled with the earth disturbed the old priest's thoughts, breaking his reverie, "I hope I am not intruding."

At once Tomoe turned around, his tall shoes making a wide pattern in the snowfall as the overcast sky began to send down heavier flakes. His hands already reaching for the Hauchiwa fan that was looped at his belt, his eyes widening as he saw the creature that had addressed him.

Brilliant violet scales, riveted close together in such a way that they seemed almost leathery except for the gleam they caught in the muted sunlight. All of them uptop a sleek, slender, and muscular body of the female dracon. She wore a robe made of leather, it's stiff confines enhancing her body while it's color brought out the color of her eyes: A vicious blue pair, as icey as the snow that fell around them and burning with a passion that took the priest back long enough that his Hauchiwa fan dipped downward.

Within a second he felt the consistancy of the air change, the mana within it shift and become alien. A cold tendril of something... a foreign something, something even he could not classify, wrapped itself around his arm. Immediatly immobilizing the limb and causing it to go numb.

At once Tomoe felt fear, not the terror for one's life that he had experianced neigh-daily... no. Rather, a gut-wreching fear that only came when he had observed the fury of Madara. The fury that had caused the eventual destruction of the Valtan city Zurinth. At once this strange mana surrounded him, blocking his powers and clouding his mind. Groggily he murmered to the dracon, his eyes fluttering against the nausea that threghtened to overcome him, "What... do... you want?"

A sharp claw grazed his cheek, it's razor edge tenderly caressing the skin without damaging it. Shivers flooded through the tengu's body, his naturally reserved nature rebelling against the sensuality of the touch. In his ear her voice rumbled gently, her hot breath coursing down his back, "I simply want to talk. Now release your weapon and I will release your arm, Tomoe."

"My name, how do you know it?" The priest asked, shivering slightly as his fan hit the ground as hit feet.

The dracon simply waved her claw offhandedly, releasing his arm and withdrawing the alien energy that had so effectivly blocked his power. Cooly she walked away, motioning for Tomoe to do so.

((Akroma, I would like to request that the activities of Tomoe be reserved for myself from this point forward as the activities of Mranna have been, except for your wonderful descriptions of the lessions obviously. If you wish for an explaination I will gladly give it to you, however I would prefer that the activities of the two of them remain somewhat of a secret.))
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1027 on: June 16, 2008, 09:25:26 am »

((Well, first of all I'd like to know how the Dracon is walking through the thick snow, which should bother a reptile greatly. Anyway, whatever actions you chose to let him take, remember he is a man of duty and a true servant to the godess. He will always stay loyal to his people, his faith, and most of all he can keep secrets.
Also, I don't like it if you keep the actions of my very own units secret. I demand an explanation on what they are doing, even in secret, as it is my unit to witness what is happening

Was...was this creature not kneeling in front of him ?
How... how could it be ?
With a voice so hard it could sever metal as though it was fresh wheat, Madara only voiced a single word.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 11:58:45 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1028 on: June 16, 2008, 10:31:19 am »

((Polifar can you come to the IRC chanel sometime today, I need to discus a few things before next turn.))
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1029 on: June 16, 2008, 12:11:01 pm »

- Rugkadest -

"How far are you"
"Almost ready Aris."
"And you think they will work?"
"Trust me i had build things much more complicated. They will work"

- Karatomca one week later -

"My lord Ter has send us 8 units what do we do with them"
"Ah yes i want to send them to Silis along with some Sketches and other things. Has ter stated how many he can produce at Rugkadest?"
"Maybe a dozen more. All the Meatl we have so far is shipped to us."
"Good send a message that he may come back we could use his knowledge. hows the Flamer project going?"
"Very well. There were some problems in the beginning but it works now over 25 meters. We have some problems at Irumathra because its very cold this year."
"I see they dont have the advantage of an natural heated lake so we should send some pelts and maybe ter can invent something for that problem. how are our guest behaving?"
"they are fine and nothing was stolen so far."

- Rugkadest at he same Time-

A loud crash from the other Room of the quarter as Ter and Aris were working on a Chronometer for training.
"What was that?"
"I dont know Ter."
"Well then lets look"
In the other room a broken statue was lying on the ground.
"Were comes the statue from?"
"It was here the entire time."
"No it wasnt there was a table."
"A table?! Are you feeling ok Ter"
"Yes yes so if there was a statue what did broke it."
"Oh i think it was Argus."
"Argus? Who is Argus?"
"My black cat. Are you really ok Ter?"
"Since then have you a cat."
"huh? ... I have him since 5 years! You have seen him! You had feeded him this morning!"
"No you dont have a cat and there was a table."
"Ok lets go back to work and then go to bed Ter."
"If you think so."

As they turned Aris freezes.
"Ter the Chrono had changed."
"What? No its the same Chrono as in the last two hours."
"But i am sure we had made one from silver."
"Why should we? And i tell you its the same chrono we are working on for hours."
"Ter i think something really strange is happening here."


ooc: No population rising in winter for me. 3 Flamers are added to the defence of Almeftikbo and Irumathra.

The flamers need 3 Roshani to work. 2 are pumping and one does the aiming. The flamers use an special booze that was made from an eucalyptus like tree. An suplycaravan will start to the Ipetian capital as soon as Spring arrives.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 12:57:59 pm by Heph »
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1030 on: June 16, 2008, 01:04:49 pm »

((Ok, a coment post before my turn to.))


<Begin RP>
Yankee walked into the green glass palace   that the !!elf!! had constructed. He turned around and looked at his soldiers (Real, live, Zefie soldiers!). Yankee thought that they looked really imposing. A sight to scare the wicked! However, he wanted the !!elf!! to feel at ease when he spoke to him(?). "I'd like you guys to wait by the entrance. We don't want to scare him you know. Wait, better yet, Skid, (a sniper) you go and inspect the crossbow guard here. Rox (Melee zefie, carries medium spear, shield, and a shortsword), see how well their close range fighters are. Delta (sniper, carries a small bayoneted crossbow in addition to his long sniper), get us supplies and be ready to go asap." Yankee looked at his fourth zefie for a second, seemingly stuggling with memories. "Breunor, I'd like you to find Felu. Tell him that I thank him for sending out the settlement group north. Inform him of our mission. Tell the worthy blob that, in the event of my death, he is to share power with Gouzzi. (Breunor carries two spears, one relativly heavy. The other is more of a glave. It is light and has a long blade). Okay then, you have your orders. Move out."

The soldiers replied, "Yes sir!" and moved off.

Yankee walked into the palace and met with May, the zefie who had been assigned to be the ambasador to the !!elf!!. "Hello my lady, could you infom me of the elf's temperment and such?"

"Sir, call me May. The elf, who is named Amizoimi, knows common fairly well. He has taught me a fair bit of elvish as well. My helper, Zalbar, also knows a fair bit of the langauge. Although, I wouldn't trust him for anything complex. He, the elf that is, seems to really like it here and enjoy the zefie lifestyle (work hard, then relax for a while). It is probably important that you know that he loves nature. He has talked about his longing to be with the trees that he can't touch. I guess that it fourtunate that we built Allyaid almost entirely out of stone. We had suspicions, and stone was easier to get then wood anyway. I'm not sure what else you need Yankee . . ."

"That will do fine, May."

 The pair walked into the sitting (uncomfortably, glass makes bad couches) room where the elf was sitting. Yankee, with customary bluntness and politeness, said "Hello friend. You may remember me. I'm Yankee, the leader of the zefie people. My scouts have found a civilization about due south of here. Is this your people's location? I wish to establish diplomatic relations with them."

Armok, your cue here. After this question is asked, Yankee will also ask:
Can the !!elves!! be trusted?
Are they peaceful?
What are their needs?
What are their exports (I guess that the elf won't know about all of the tech, but that's what Yankee will be interested in)?
Would you be willing to acompany me to your city?
Is there anything I should know about your scoiety?"

If you want, you could do the RP for the conversation. I'd guess that you'd be too busy with the Golem Wars though. Just give me the answers to Yankee's questions, and I'll write the dialoge.
"Yankee! Indeed I remember thou well! What a pleasure to meet thou!
That must be Efil-inira yes, didnest not Felu give you the maps I drew?"
... Yankee asks questions ...
The Efil-inirans can be trusted to follow diplomatic protocol and are peaceful, the Ariquemerans can generally not be trusted.
The elves are really not in need of raw materials, but the knowledge the Zefies bring of a more advanced world would be worth more than any other to them.
For export they have heaps of all metals, as well as technology to some extent.
Amizoimi would be prepared to follow you, but will want to return to this his home afterwards.
About the society... I suppose he would tell them about The Seat of Authority. Also they will most likely only meet the Efil-inirans, those are rigid byrocrats.


So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1031 on: June 16, 2008, 01:26:56 pm »

Yori did not flinch as the creature before him seethed with a repessed anger. It's voice sharp and cold enough to cut steel. For a short moment the two of them stood off, a sharp wind catching and blowing additional ash across the field.

Then Yori began to turn, moving to walk away from the Tengu lord. "If you will not deal with my people any further on equal ground then so be it. The herbalist is yours, as was in the agreement for the knowlage of your priest. She will do as you see fit, which includes teaching some of yours how to create poisons if you will it. However, understand this. We vulpi do not deal from a position of weakness. Expect no further attempts for contact from my people, and do not contact us again until you are willing to treat us as your equals."

Finishing his turn, Yori began to walk back towards Aveceleba alone. His ears pressed flat against his skull and highly alert to the gasps and sounds of movement behind him.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1032 on: June 16, 2008, 01:41:01 pm »

((excuse me if I have to say "not so fast". But I guess I deserve some sort of reaction))

Before the Vulpian finished turning around, Madara violently trusted his staff into the ground. Like waves on water, the ground started shifting, forming something akin of a tentacle, wrapping around the Vulpians foot tightly, but not breaking it.
With a movement of Madara's arm, the tentacle moved the fox in front of him. Another movement of his hand, and a pillar of stone rose under the vulpianan, just about chest height of Madara. The a gasp from the herbalist, the messenger was dropped unto the pillar, now eye to eye with Madara.

"Well said, I commend you on your bravery. Not many have stood up against me like that and had all body parts left you need to tell of it. So then, we are on equal terms now, eye to eye.
But I must still ask you for a little bow at least. We are not talking on equal levels when you are disrespecting our culture and tradition in such a respectless manner".

Madara nodded his head for a short second, barely what one would call a sign of respect, but for the supreme lord of the tenu a gesture that is hardly ever given during a lifetime.

"I am Madara, lord of the awe-inspiring wheel of fortune. Tell me what about my contract you cannot agree on, and I will lend you a ear."
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1033 on: June 16, 2008, 02:28:46 pm »

With hardly a pause Yori's attitude shifted, his face nearly breaking into  a wane grin before returning back into a hard, yet polite expression. Without hesitation he bowed his forelegs as best as he was able, the edge of his nose brushing against the pillar.

"I ment no insult to your tradition, High Lord Madara. My own culture dictactes that I not bow to duress while negotiating. At any rate, allow me to once again send my greetings from the council of lords."

Lifting his head and letting his ears perk back to their neutral state, Yori removed a scroll of parchment from his waist and unrolled it. Reading it's contents loud enough so that all assembled could hear, while restraining himself enough so not to offend the man he now stood face to face with.

"The council of lords from Aveceleba, first city of the vulpinan republic the Traders of Bracelets sends their greetings. With great interest we have read your proferred trade agreements, and we have an interest in meeting and trading with your people. However, we do not feel that the profferred terms of your agreement are suitable such as they are for a long lasting and effective liason between our people.

Thusly, due to the cumbersome method of communication between our people due to the distance as well as well as terrain, suggest that Madara, Overlord and Priest of the Highest order of the Tengu, and we the seven Lords of Aveceleba, shall meet one another in person.

In the interest of the protection and fairness of both partie, we suggest that a neutral meeting place be founded between our nations. Settled between our two cities. A palace built by both Tengu and Vulpin hands equally distant from our two local capitals. Enclosed with this letter is a proposed location for this embassy, a location with easy access to food and water situated in the burn zone from your confrontation with the Valtans.

Upon the suecessful return of our messenger in one year's time, we will send out construction crews exceeding no more than twelve vulpi, expecting from the tengu a group of at least two-thirds of the number to aid in construction of this embassy. Should he not return, we will consider your act an act of agression and respond accordingly.

<Here six signatures sit below a seventh, the rank and division of each leader listed after their name.>"


Raom led Hrafn through the streets of Liliaceleba, the presense of the six massive giants clearing thier path as effectivly as the sun over a snowy road. From the corner of every building dozens of eyes peeked out, watching the procession with interest... and a little fear. Overhead a great storm grew in the overcast sky, it's fierce winds kicking up dirt and sand from the ground.

A short time later the group arrived at the barracks, the sand that lay on the ground there whipped into a fury by the wind. Swiftly, but steadily the Giants and their escourt marched across the gritty bloodred sand, the grains pinging against the metal armor of the giants and scorind the leather and copper of the vulpinans with impunity.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods II: an RP Thread
« Reply #1034 on: June 16, 2008, 02:38:17 pm »

"Very well then so be it ! Please take this map and mark the place at which we will meet again, and the season at which your people will await us, and I shall send some of my most talented earth-shifters to erect a place of beauty only rivaled by the surrounding mountains !"

With a smile, Madara turned his face towards the mountains.

"This is a very special place. It was just a few years ago, that this land was completely flat grassland. The godess herself gave this mountain as a gift to us. It was build from the left eye of the devil, which she ripped out after a long battle. At it's top lay the highest sanctuary of the godess in the center of a lake. Come visit it some time, and I will tell you about the godess"


((Obviously, the Tengu do not use sucha  thing as masons. next turn, the herbalist will be brought to Murakami))
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos
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