The Events of the 20th of Granite, 1054Aryn and Istrath stood on top of wall, staring out to the east. A hand shielded the scorching sun from the Jewelers eyes, and it took him a few minutes to smile and point towards the slowly moving figures, "There! See them? Elves are coming with goods."
"Wonderful! Rally the haulers and get the goods up. Make sure there's no blood on them, they ha-...wait, what is that noise?"
From down below came a shriek, "Oh, no! AAAMMBUUUSHH!"
There was a mad scramble as Dwarves fought to get underground and away from the leering, grin skinned hammerers marching up from the south. The sounds of battle carried from the east, the poor elf merchants getting slaughtered by a group of lashers. A few of the planters were trampled, leaving them dazed but relatively unscathed. A hush fell over the crowd is Mayor Catten stormed up the steps, flanked by Geshud her second, and the stoic squad of Marksdwarves.
Crippled by Cecabuna the Dread Camel, she spent a year recovering broken arms, and a mangled leg, but her spine never healed, leaving her bent into an ungainly question-mark. Geshud had been mauled by a leopard, leaving him with one always-deflated lung, and there was gossip floating through the tunnels of their fortress being protected by a "standing army of cripples" - a slur that would not be uttered again.
The two squads met the goblins on the southern bridge. With cover supplied by the marksdwarves, Catten and Geshud made swift work of the hammers, leaving a pile of limbs gathering sand in the dusty wastes. Pausing so Geshud could catch his breath, Catten grabbed him by his armor and pulled him close for a passioned kiss, before pushing down the hill towards the lashers.
A group of four goblin snatchers rushed down the aquaducts, spilling onto the sand below. They looked fearfully upwards at Olngo Matongom. He glared down at them, slowly twirling one end of his long, waxed mustache.
"Master, we were spotted on the stoneworks! They gave chase and we just escaped with our lives!"
"CURSES!" Snarled Olngo. "Curses, curses, and double curses. You've won This time, Dwarves! But I will have what I seek!"
He flourished his black-and-red-lined cape as he turned. Adjusting the large, black stovepipe hat atop his head, Olngo headed north, flanked by his snivling group of unsuccessful snatchers.
Edit: Damn me for leaving out words...
[ March 30, 2008: Message edited by: Heavy Flak ]