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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 386622 times)


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2175 on: September 22, 2009, 01:37:28 pm »

It was hinted at a very long time ago already, with Stravitch saying to himself at the end of the post: 'He's back'

I've just spent most of my free time, the past 10 days, reading the full story from the start. I once started out and finished chapter 1, but then RL intervened.
I knew I had to come back to it, to read more, and so I did.
Wow. Amazing work, Flak. My hat is off to you!
Also, great work, all those people who contributed to the story with their journals, pictures, and backstories. It really adds exceptional dyeing to this masterfully woven thread.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 01:41:57 pm by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2176 on: September 22, 2009, 10:59:16 pm »

The events of the 9th of Limestone, 1070

Neo was drenched in sweat, his drawn face and pale skin looked even worse due do the dampness running off of him.  His armor hung loose from his emaciated frame, and it seemed that ever sword swing came a little bit slower.  But he was smiling, a huge, ear-to-ear grin that had been in place all practice. 

Eita was smiling as well as she deflected the sword swings with the metal handle of her hammer.  "You're doing quite well, Neo.  Quite well indeed.  To think, you've been out ... how long has it been?"

"No one brought me a calendar," he said, taking another swing.  This last one sapped the remains of his energy and the swordsdwarf leaned against a weapon rack, sucking in air.  "I think... over a year, easily."
"That long?" Eita mused.  "But you're all better now?  No lingering injuries?"
"None at all, ma'am.  Dojango may not be the brightest, but he patched me up well.  A few weeks of good cooking and some training, and I'll be back in top-shape in no time."
"Excellent, very good."

Merkil strode into the barracks, and the soldiers snapped to attention.  Merkil gave a stiff salute, and the soldiers went at ease. 

"Carvan's arrived from Stukos Matul, so I expect an escort down with them.  Sergeant Towersacks, Varen, see they make it up alright."

"Yes sir!" the pair barked, and rushed out towards the stairs.

"First guard at the depot will be Eita and - ah!  Neo, well rested, I see.  You fit enough to stay standing?"
"Y-yes sir," Neo panted, "Just winded from training, is all."
"Get a few pints in you, then get under the shade of the depot.  Kandor, Sparrow, get to the battlements and watch for thieves.  You four are on the first six hour shift.  The rest of you?  Get back to practicing."

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2177 on: September 27, 2009, 08:56:15 pm »

The events of the 11th of Limestone, 1070

Sergeant Towersacks reached over, and placed her hand on Varen's forearm.  He continued to bounce his leg nervously, but he glanced over at his commanding officer and offered a smile. 

"It'll be fine.  You have nothing to worry about," Towersacks said.
"I understand the words that you're saying, Ma'am, but I respectfully disagree.  There has never been a conference for Military Negligence and Irresponsibility before."
"I'll give you that, Varen..."

The door to the small office opened, and Duke Whippedentries strode in.  He was looking stern, his brows knit together as he stared down at a few sheefs of paper in his hand.  Behind him came the philosopher Channelpainted, followed by Aryn and his surly guard Hikan.  They took their seat at the long table situated by the back wall.  The Duke tapped his finger upon the paper and glared at the duo.

"Four are dead."
"None of ours, sir," said Towersacks. 
"It's inexcusable.  Merchants visit our town because of the safety and the trade, and before even reaching the gates they are set upon by the vicious beasts that roam the sands.  According to the notes by Major Merkil, your squad was assigned to escort the merchants into the base and..." a shifting of papers, "they obviously never made it.  Not even close.  Why."

"We never left the fortress, Sir," Varen said.
"And why not!" The philosopher snapped.  "Your inaction cost these Dwarves their lives."
"Because we were getting outfitted for the excursion," Towersacks.  "As has been decreed by your office, sir."

The Baron pursed his lips but said nothing.  Hikan tugged on his beard and yawned, loudly.
"Bored with the proceedings, Guardian?" The Duke asked.
"Actually, yeah, I am," Hikan said.  "This is a circus act, let the guards get back to training, and let me get some damn lunch."
"That's highly inappropriate," The philosopher snapped. 
"And so is this.  The merchants were killed both on, and behind, our borders," Hikan snapped back.  "And, if you had actually talked to me - or the soldiers on scene, or that idiot hauler Cokho who had to dump the corpses - you'd have seen it was a single merchant and three of their guards who had successfully allowed the caravan to escape the camels."

Aryn's laughter made the Philosopher jump; Varen couldn't suppress his smile.  Aryn knocked his fist on the table and stood up, the chair scratching on the stone.  "The next one of these you decide to have, Sir, I hope it's more fun than this.  This was a waste of ten minutes.  Come along Hikan, it's lunch time.  Towersacks, Varen, why don't you join us."

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2178 on: September 28, 2009, 10:00:29 am »

Diary of maggarg
Bad luck. I've heard there's an inquiry into military incompetence, and they might be doing background checks on us, or so I've heard. None of the others have remotely shifty backgrounds, as far as I know. I do. The kind of shifty that involves shifting valuables out of boxes and into my pockets.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2179 on: October 04, 2009, 01:36:05 pm »

*cough* Bump *cough*


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2180 on: October 04, 2009, 03:26:39 pm »

Log of Wilber (in microcline dust on the walls)

Happy rainbows and shouting clouds today. Saw a poor kitty with a hurt foot. I'm going to visit my uncle soon. He lives inside magic. Dinner for the Donkeys. Time is going!
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2181 on: October 05, 2009, 09:54:46 pm »

The further events of the 11th of Limestone, 1070

Nish Arrowgulfs knelt in the sand, his fingers clutching at his shirt, and once that ripped, at the flesh on his chest and at his beard.  Tears streamed from his eyes as he laughed, his voice hoarse from the sound.  Soon there were ripping sounds, as hunks of flesh and beard detached from his chin, bloody chunks dribbling down over his bare chest.  Nish Arrowgulfs looked at the carnage around him, and in the middle of laughing he vomited, a spray of bile spewing from his mouth and soaking the sand in front of him in an arc.

The camels had followed the caravan.  Of course they had; It was folly to think that they wouldn't.  As the sun began to set, the clattering hooves of the unholy beasts roared around the diminished caravan.  The merchants, and some of their steeds, were driven mad from the attack.
Mebzuth Lashmoistens, gibbering insanely, lept upon the back of a speardwarf trying to fight off a dreadcamel.  He screamed as the Dwarf bit his ear off, and was soon set upon, trampled to death. 

Others roamed the sands in circles, their eyes glassed over, their faces masks of terror and hopelessness.  They didn't bother to scream as they were run over, their flesh ripped from bones as the camels feasted.  Feb Bodiceumbras turned in time to catch a hoof to the jaw from one of the pack animals.  His world exploded as the beast shattered his jaw, knocking him to the sands where he quickly bled out.   

Lokum Blazedspeech dropped his axe to the sand, his arm burning from fatigue.  He watched as his brethren and friends were slaughtered, and he fought to stay standing, to take his death like a true Dwarf should.  A shadow fell over him, and he turned, expecting death.  Instead he saw a shape standing upon a boulder, blocking out the sun.  It swept into the group, a maelstrom of metal, a mace swinging madly as it shattered camel, and pack animal, and insane merchant alike.  Only a few soldiers were left standing, a few wounded left to groan in pools of their own blood. 

Blazedspeech turned to his savior, fighting back tears at the corners of his eyes.  "Words alone can't thank you enough for saving us," he croaked.  "You're a saint, a living saint, and-"

He was cut off as the shirtless dwarf dropped his mace and reared his head back, bellowing, "HEY!  Someone come give me a damned hand, there are wagons of free stuff here!"


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2182 on: October 06, 2009, 05:33:51 am »

Woohoo an update!!
me =  happy now
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2183 on: October 06, 2009, 02:34:59 pm »

Finally got done reading the whole thing. Been working on reading this on and off over the course of a couple of months. So many references, although I only caught a few of them myself (Such as the comment about Bomrek on the last map update).

Also, I never had any doubt about who Telamon was. It was fairly obvious, especially once he actually got some dialog in with his distinct accent.

But yeah, this really is quite the ☼Story☼. I think the only logical course of action is to try to invent a dorf that is interesting and fun to write. I'll jump in the queue when I accomplish this. Until then, Holy dogshit this has been fun to read.
Decency and Logic have been struck down

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2184 on: October 06, 2009, 07:30:31 pm »

The events of the 16th of Limestone, 1070

Jools picked up a large stone in his palm, testing it's weight.  Beside him, Vash and Rackreleased goaded him on.  His face clouded with anger, he stretched his arm back and pitched the rock.  It sailed through the air and connected with the stained glass window.  The glass shattered, tinkling down to the stones below.  A few seconds later the rock hit the floor, clattering to silence. 

Then a bellow from inside the poison temple, "Whoever threw that rock is going to get dropped into the magma!"

The doors burst open and Stravitch barreled out onto the sands in just a pair of shorts.  His face was red with anger, and Vash, and Rackreleased, stepped backwards from his fury.  But Jools stepped forward, practically frothing at the mouth.  "You ignorant jerk, you can pick on us all you want, but why did you have to go and harm the animals, huh?  Couldn't get your jollies unless it was something innocent and loving that you hurt?"

Stravitch actually stopped, confusion washing over his face.  He started to speak, but nothing came out, and after a moment of deliberation he asked, "What are you talking about?"

"That poor beast you killed and left in my bed!" Jools snapped, "Were you drunk?  That's no excuse - and you need to be punished for it, you ... jerk!  You bully!"

Before Stravitch could speak, he was cut off by Hammerer Postrose.  The noble strode forward calmly, his palm resting on the handle of his weapon.  "Perfect!  Dear Captain Fillwhip, it's so good to find you outside of your temple... on public grounds.  Perhaps I could have a word?  I've heard some very tragic things about your doings and I'd like to hear them refuted, from you, personally.  May we speak?"

"He's a little busy," Jools snapped.  "Because he's a donkey murdering monster, and he's about to get his punishments for it."
"My my, quite the busy little boy, aren't you, Captain?"

Stravitch's jaw was slack as he looked between the two.  He gave a helpless shrug, shaking his head slowly.  "I have no idea what either of you are talking about... fantastic, yet another jerk, coming to accuse me of things I have no clue about."

It was Kuli, dashing towards them through the sands.  He looked worried, his robes and boots dusted with sand from his flight.  "Stop!  That is ENOUGH, all of you, we don't have time for this folly!  There should be no infighting, regardless of the God's we have chosen, there are-"

Jools took a hard swing at Stravitch, the words, "I'm sorry, Maester," barely heard over the cracking bones.  Stravitch had caught his left arm by the wrist, and the elbow.  Snarling, he jerked the wrist back, and the elbow up, snapping it at the joint.  Jools howled as he dropped to the sand, clutching at his broken arm.  Kuli pressed his hands to his face, muttering an oath. 

"Fool... Vash, bring him to the temple, and fetch Dojango to set this break.  And you, Captain, I hope that you're proud.  You've disabled a member of the guard that should be protecting us.  The Goblins are on the march.  A vile force of darkness has come, again."

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2185 on: October 07, 2009, 02:36:09 pm »

Oohhh, so that's why my game has been lagging recently...

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2186 on: October 07, 2009, 07:53:34 pm »

The events of the 23rd of Limestone, 1070

"Why's it so damp out here?" Kandor asked.  "It's like a marsh."
"Quote and Lugnut screwed up, they don't understand the intricacies of water pressure," Sparrow explained.  "But could you please focus?"

Kandor sighed, and lifted his crossbow.  He braced himself against the bridge railing leading to Dodik's, and let loose.  Sparrow fired a few himself, but the goblins ducked and dodged.  One caught one in the chest and dropped to the sand, blood pooling from his mouth, but the others were unharmed.

"Water rises as it's forced into areas," Kandor said.  He fired another bolt, and it lodged into a goblins shoulder.  "Upon the increase of fluids, it rises through the levels.  Anyone who's seen a rain barrel after a storm should understand."
"I know.  It's very simple.  But please, the goblins are on the bridge now; could we focus?"

A dozen goblins marched across the bridge, red eyes glowing, teeth gnashing in anticipation.  The wrestlers led the charge.  Kandor stepped back to clear a jam, and Sparrow swung his crossbow like a hammer, cracking one in the skull and dazing it.  Kandor lifted his crossbow and fired, puncturing a goblins chest, and after a quick reload repeated the action with another goblin.  Both dropped, spitting up blood, their eyes dimming. 

Lights exploded in front of Sparrows eyes as a mace came from the side and connected with his head.  He staggered and dropped his crossbow, blood trickling down his cheek from under his helmet.  He vanished under a pile of green bodies, bolts thudding into the mass of flesh.  Seconds later the goblins untangled themselves, furious, and Sparrow lay lifeless on the bridge, blood leaking over the wides to the pooling water below. 

"Oh.  This isn't good," Kandor said quietly.  He notched a bolt and fired and quickly pulled another from his back, resigned to his task to the very end. 


"Walking foliage," Wilber complained.  "Look at it all, encroaching on our lands, attempting to take root.  Foul sticks, be gone with ye."
"Those are goblins," Eita corrected.  "They're coming to kill us."
"FO-LI-AGE!" Wilber bellowed, and leaped from the hill.  His mace whistled as it swung through the air, and the goblin shrieked as it took the weapon to the side.  It punched a hole through the simple leather armor, and Wilber was happy to beat the goblin's face into pulp. 

Eita had more finesse, ducking and stabbing, skewering three holes into her Goblin's stomach.  The beast was noticeably slowed, and the blood leaking from it's side was black and unhealthy.  As it stumbled on a rock, she gave a hard upswing and disconnected it's head from it's shoulders. 

"What folly, they're felled like... just like..."
"What Wilber," Eita said with a wry smile.  "Like trees?"
"No, stupid!  Like Goblins."


"The Goblins are in retreat, your grace," the Philosopher Channelpainted sniveled. 

Duke Whippedentries looked up from his dinner of roast chicken.  Calmly he wiped his hands on his napkin, than folded them in front of him on the table.  "Their losses?"

"Massive, sir.  Two full squads decimated, the third on retreat.  They flea in the night, like pedophiles, afraid to be seen for their heinous crimes during the day."

"And ours?"
"Mmm, the Boltslinger Sparrow and his apprentice died defending the Whore's palace.  A thresher attempting to flea was struck down, as were a donkey and a horse."
"Acceptable losses.  Is that all?"

"No, your grace.  The soldiers are talking of rewards."
"Rewards?  For what!"
"Defense, and for head-totals.  Wilber struck down two, Eita four, Sgt. Pepper five, and it seems Stravitch, ah, Eight.  With the bodies on the bridge, Sparrow and Keldor brought down six themselves." 

"Bah.  There are no rewards for patriotism!  Give the soldiers as a whole an extra ration of beer, and call it a day.  I assume there is no more?"
"Correct, sir."
"Then bury the dead, and strip the corpses.  I expect a few totems in my room by the beginning of the week."

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2187 on: October 08, 2009, 12:24:41 pm »

Diary of Maggarg
Sparrow and kandor died today. dammit, I should have been there, those goblins would'a never got into swinging range.
Once again, I seem to have been forgotten by that noble, so I guess it's life as normal.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2188 on: October 08, 2009, 05:23:21 pm »

Well you can't get too much more of a dramatic death than standing on a bridge defending a massive tower as the ground around you slowly floods.

As far as the spillage I guess the only solution is to put up a retaining wall and have a lake around Dodik's....(oh yes, i'm sure this wouldn't lead to far worse flooding in the future)
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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2189 on: October 08, 2009, 07:45:58 pm »

I return from my school-imposed hiatus, only to find myself dead? Ah, but 'twas a good death. I may consider rejoining at a later date, when I can be a bit more active in the story.
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.
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