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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 378727 times)

Flar Moonchill

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1830 on: February 23, 2009, 05:29:01 am »

Ooooh it's all kicking off Migrursut way! Great work as always Heavy!
I'll miss that bear! He never did much except giving Aryn bonus kudos points but still very cool!
It'll be interesting to see how Aryn reacts when he realises he was saved by Telamon as well!
- If you know what I mean, and I''m sure that you do.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1831 on: February 23, 2009, 06:17:27 pm »

The journal of Lieutenant Hikan Riddlewire, hidden in the wastes.
Entry for the week of 22nd Galena, 1068.

I haven't written in nearly two months. I've been otherwise occupied, and I haven't had the chance yet to transfer my notes and thoughts until now. Mostly, it's been trying to get Makrond's damned signal to actually summon the dwarf vigilante. So far, no luck.

Anyways, I always knew the justice system was a farce, but Aryn has turned it on its head, making the judges and the prosecutors the laughing stock instead of the victims. After being 'elected' mayor, Aryn ignored the trial, and siezed the human caravan's goods as retribution for even considering putting him on trial. As an added bonus, all the smugglers didn't get a profit. What a tragedy.

Aryn has been quietly muttering about his bear. The thing kept him safe at night, which meant that I could do other things, like invade the homes of known conspirators and intimidate them. Now, I'll have to divert resources to protecting Aryn from an assassin. Looks like I won't be sleeping with Udib for the next couple weeks, which is both a blessing and a curse at the same time, and looks like Athel will be doing double shifts at Aryn's door.

When I asked Aryn about what happened to the bear, he said that a black leather clad dwarf rescued him and Glacies from the Dread Camels, so I know that asshole is out there somewhere. I feel like I'm being stood up, and I wish he hadn't rescued Glacies. I'm still pissed about being attacked by a multitude of idiot child copies.

Stravitch's temple to Lenod is finally complete, the abomination that it is. Much like its patron, it is large, extravagent, a blight upon the city, and inherently fatal. May Stravitch shout his praises to Lenod and in the process tear down the temple upon him.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1832 on: February 23, 2009, 10:43:07 pm »

Also, by the way Heavy.. the phrase I said in the trial... I've seen it before but still dunno wtf it means.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1833 on: February 24, 2009, 08:53:36 am »

Also, by the way Heavy.. the phrase I said in the trial... I've seen it before but still dunno wtf it means.

It's a quote from Metal Gear Solid 2, when -
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ahem.  Anyway.  Wilber is a wee bit off :D


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1834 on: February 24, 2009, 06:49:06 pm »

Well yah, he slays ninjas and spars with tables.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1835 on: February 25, 2009, 08:32:31 pm »

The events of the 1st of Limestone, 1068

Fast movement; blur of engraved walls.  Boots ringing out on stone steps, a half dozen.  A harsh cry as a dwarf spilled out on the steps.  No one stopped, he was lost for the moment.

Varen, Kandor, Sparrow, and Sarek and Wilber burst topside, their weapons drawn at the ready.  Mookie looked a mess, her dress and face splashed with blood, her makeup running down her cheeks from the harsh sobs that racked her.  Wilber almost took a swing at Hikan as he muscled through the assembled troop.

"What happened," Hikan shouted.  "Spit it out!"
"Ou-ou-out the gate," Mookie said.  Her voice was quiet, barely heard above the winds.  "The Du-dungeon master."

With a shout, Sarek had bolted towards the gate, followed closely by her squadleader Wilber, the other three following quickly on past.  Hikan cursed and drew his extension spear, jogging quickly to the main gates.  He saw the Dwarves rushing down the main road, and growled out a curse.  In their haste they'd missed the blood trails.  He followed them to the side of the standing gate tower and saw the Dungeon Master laying in the sand.  His left arm was missing from the shoudler, spurts of blood spraying out slowly to his weak heartbeat. 

Squatting beside him was a small figure, her hair lanky and thinned.  Her clothes were tattered, a purple coat and rough-spun pants over top a green vest.  Her face and hands were hidden with a thick makeup of ash and bone dust and water, but burn marks and scars could still be seen underneath.  She held a wickedly curved knife in her left hand, her right, smeared with blood, gripped the Dungeon Master by his face. 

"Oh, my.  This girl wasn't expecting a visitor so soon."
"Back off," Hikan warned.   The faint snnnk of his spear extending and locking into place sounded quietly.  "And raise your hands up, this ends now."
"One might think that.  Why is the Esteemed Captain not out to great this girl a second time?"
"Back.  Off!"

She laughed quietly and stood, the sound setting Hikan's teeth on edge.  He could hear the clattering of soldiers from below; sweat beading his brow.  I could take this little tart he thought, but with all the mayhem she's caused, she wouldn't make it out alive.  We need her for interrogation.

Hikan made the briefest of movements, a slight shifting of his shoulders, lowering them to get into position.  Quick as lightening, the little girl had tossed her knife in his direction, her mad cackles drowning out all other noise.  Hikan twisted, his trench coat flapping around and caught the knife, knocking it aside, but the damage had been done.  Lieutenant Riddlewire had been momentarily rattled, and when he looked on he caught sight of her purple cloak billowing behind her as she bolted into the dunes.

Fumbling inside his coat pocket Hikan pulled out the lantern and tinder kit that Makrond had given him.  He fumbled with the flint, striking it near the lantern to try and catch the spark inside.  Five strikes in, he bellowed with impotent rage and pitched first the flint and tinder kit towards her fleeing form, then the lantern. 

When the soldiers finally arrived, he plowed through them, his face purple with rage. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 11:23:02 am by Heavy Flak »

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1836 on: February 26, 2009, 10:35:39 am »

Diary of maggarg
Had to run out of a game of cards with a surprise alarm. Someone lopped off the Dungeon master's arm, but we didn't get there in time to catch whoever did it.
I blame Riddlewire. If he'd kept hidden we could'a surprised it and taken it apart.
As it is this would-be murderer escaped from him and that stupid spear and left him a mark to remember them.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1837 on: February 26, 2009, 05:48:30 pm »

The notes of Lieutenant Hikan Riddlewire, kept on his person.
Entry for the 1st of Limestone, 1068.

Useless! Fucking useless! All of them! The signal, the vigilante, Makrond, and the most useless of all, the soldiers!

That was her. That was Migrursut's serial killer. The same girl Zako described well before he died, the same one who tried to gut Stravitch. The targets fit: the dungeon master, one of the leadership of the fortress; the weapons fit the injuries: guts spilled all over the place or other mutiliations. At least now I know what she looks like. Too bad I don't think I'll ever be able to catch her in the act ever again.

I had her, but if I hadn't tried to call the vigilante, I might've caught up to her or at least pointed her out to the soldiers and told them to take her alive. Or something. Anything but that useless lantern.

Makrond will be deaf after I'm done shouting at him how fucking useless he and the vigilante are for that stupid lantern.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1838 on: February 26, 2009, 08:08:27 pm »

The events of the 10th of Limestone, 1068

Torch-light played off the stones in the crypts, bobbing and weaving as the pair of Eita and Neo stalked through the quiet halls.  Both were morose and shirking their duties for the day - the loss of their squadmates, their brothers-in-arms, had never quite lifted it's weight from their consciences.  The pair glanced down towards the deeper darkness, the gaping maw that would be the recently ordered extension onto the crypts, and the disquiet grew.  More bodies, more soldiers, more citizens, their corpses slowly getting interned under the cold stone of the fortress.

Neo pushed slightly ahead, leaving the foot-dragging Eita behind to stare at the many, many engravings across the floor.  Rounding the corner, Neo gasped out in surprise, his hand dropping down to his sword hilt.  Jotwebe gave a happy wave, the sack slung over her shoulder rattling as she moved. 

"Hiya, fella, what are you doing down here?"
"Visiting old friends... what are you doing down here?" Neo asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. 
"Oh, I'm... getting inspiration!" Jotwebe said with a laugh.
"Inspir-... Oh, no... yeah, listen.  Stay away from the soldiers tombs when you're looking for your inspiration.  They're to remain untouched."
"I'm not sure I get what you're talking about!"
"I'm positive that you do."

Jotwebe giggled, her bag rattling still.  "Well alright, I'll keep it in mind.  Tah, then!"

Neo shook his head slowly as she left, giving a shrug as he saw the quizzical raise of the eyebrow Eita was giving him.  "Just forget it," he said.  "No concern."

They passed down the row, pausing outside of War'dunell's cell, their heads bowed respectfully.  With a cough, Eita turned, her eyes narrowed in the torchlight as she looked around.

"Is that cell set for Major Merkil?" she asked, pointing her free hand towards one of the unfilled.  Neo squinted and took a few steps towards it, looking down to the engraving in front of it.  Rice's signature was at the bottom, a picture of Major Merkil Paintlengths the Famous Union of Wads, striking down the goblin commander Smunstu Vileauthor during "The Outrageous Bell" of 1065.  It was exceptionally done.

"Thank all the Gods that Erith Othsindoren didn't do this one," Eita said, and Neo had to cover his mouth to stiffle a laugh.   There was a soft clearing of a throat, and the pair turned, staring into the calm face of their commanding officer, Major Merkil.

"I thought I saw you come down here," he said softly.  "I"m sorry to interrupt, but I need you top side.  Goblin's are on the march, and... Sulari's old squadmates have gone on strike.  They've dropped weapons and are nowhere to be seen.  I need you two to join with Varen and Sergeant Towersacks on the southern gate to hold the bridge against the shock troops.  Come along please, there's not much time to prepare."


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1839 on: February 27, 2009, 07:39:55 am »

Damn, you had me excited and had me thinking Zako's tomb was empty...

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1840 on: February 28, 2009, 01:28:43 am »

The events of the 17th of Limestone, 1068

Varen wasted no time in bringing the attack to the leering horde of greenskin wrestlers and lashers.  The first to reach them received a spear through the gut for his troubles, vomiting up the contents of his stomach onto the sands.  Eita swung hard with her warhammer, her lips pulled back into a sneer.  The hammer caught the wrestler in the face before he could lock a joint, and his eyes exploded from his head, goo the color of partially cooked eggs running from his hollowed sockets.  Through a mouth full of bubbling blood and broken teeth the goblin shrieked and reeled backwards, stumbling and sobbing in his attempt to get away from the warrior Dwarf.

With two of their kin dead, the rest turned to flee - quickly.  Neo cut one's retreat off literally, hamstringing the poor lasher.  He fell on his face on the road, screaming as he rolled over.  Neo lifted his sword high, and shouted with rage as Sergeant Towersacks swooped in, stealing his kill with a quick spear-thrust to the goblins face.  "Move," she shouted, "Run them down like dogs!"


"Aim steady," Sparrow said softly.  "Aim for the heart, these beasts are known to continue fighting even after the higher functions are lost.  No beast can live with no blood pumping through it's breast."

Kandor took quiet aim, and released a shot.  It pinged harmlessly off the ground beside the goblin's foot.  Sparrow sighed, and gave a slow shake of his head.  "No no, close, but watch.  Intake of breath - hold it.  Steady.  Aim.  Lead the prey.  Release the breath, squeeze the trigger, don't jerk - and FIRE."

The bolt flew true, and hit the goblin in the chest.  Wide eyed, the hammerer took a few steps forward before his heart convulsed around the barbed bolt-point.  He hemorauged quickly, blood spewing from his mouth.  The greenskin collapsed on the road, trampled without thought by his kins. 

Sparrow spared a glance to the cackling Likot, her bolts flying one after the other, each one striking home.  But unlike the careful sparrow, she hit targets where she found humor - Hammerers in the shoulders, wrestlers in the arms, the guardsman in the leg so he'd lag behind.  Occasionally a goblin would catch an arrow through the throat, dropping to the cobbled road, gurgling and thrashing. 

"Where are Maggarg, and Adol?" Kandor asked.
"That's of no concern, they- what?  They aren't there?"
"No, sir," Kandor said nervously.  "They aren't joining the battle.
Sparrow cursed loudly.  He raised his voice, a long-ago learned Hunters trick, "EITA!  TO ME!"

The clattering of steel-shod boots rang across the courtyard as Eita and Neo bolted to the western gate.  They were both sweat and blood streaked, but they carried themselves well, dodging Likot's bolts as they hurled themselves into the fray.  The goblins were hard pressed, and a trio - two wrestlers and a hammerer, made a mad dash towards the gate.  Neo moved to block their path, and shrieked in pain as a hammer caught him in the upper right arm, shattering the bone.  He stumbled backwards, collapsing against the wall to rest as the goblins attempted to flee through the fortress proper.

Citizens went in all directions, screaming, their tools and trash scattered in their wake.  The goblins, panting and grinning, nearly reached the southern gate when one of the wrestlers dropped, bones and brains leaking out onto the floor.

The pair stopped.  They turned, gawking at the leather-clad dwarf standing there.  He knelt down, wiping his blood-stained mace on the goblins leather tunic before he stood.  The mace was pointed towards them, his voice rasping out, low and gravely, "Give yourselves up, fleeing is futile."

They turned, of course, to flee.  The second wrestler was set upon instantly, screaming as his face and neck were crushed in with the mace.  The hammerer ran faster, his lungs burning, his muscles tight knots of pain.  He neared the southern gate, and was clotheslined, his legs flying out in front of him.  He hit the stones hard, the air knocked out of him - unable to draw any in as a heavy boot stomped down on his throat, crushing his trachae.

"YOU!" Hikan screamed, pointing his spear at the vigilanti.  "What is wrong with you, because of you-!"
"Stand aside, citizen.  Perhaps you should speak with my assisstant and inventor, for now, I depart!  Away!"

The Dwarf ran quickly, his cape flapping behind him, and in seconds he was up and over the wall, his grappling hook carried with him.  Hikan cursed, his boot heel lifting and falling a half dozen more times, the goblins face turning to a sickly green mush against the sand covered stones. 
« Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 12:20:31 pm by Heavy Flak »

Jim Groovester

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1841 on: February 28, 2009, 04:31:26 am »

Hikan still doesn't have a kill, does he?

The Notes of Lieutenant Hikan Riddlewire, kept on his person.
Entry for the 17th of Limestone, 1068.

You know, I'm getting sick of being ignored by that vigilante. Says I'm supposed to help him, but never bothers to tell me what he has in mind.

He may be quick, but obviously intelligence isn't his greatest asset, judging from the blunder his signal was, so I'm sure he can be outsmarted. I wonder how surprised he would be when he hurdles over the wall only to find Udib and Athel tackling him on the other side. I wonder if Aryn would notice that they were gone from his door. I wonder if it would really be that simple to catch him.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1842 on: March 02, 2009, 04:56:11 pm »

I did not just see this on page two.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1843 on: March 02, 2009, 07:41:25 pm »

The events of the 27th of Limestone, 1068

Cokho Roknut, fifth-generation hauler extraordinaire, went about his daily duties.  Well over a hundred, the old man was mostly skin and bones; his hair thinned out to almost missing on top, his beard having turned a very regal white many years ago.  With the death of his beloved Zasit, Cokho had traveled from fort to fort in a daze, sure of only one thing - his time would come soon.

That was well over fifty years ago, his life prolonged by terribly good luck.  It wasn't until he'd heard Aryn's fortress in the wastes that he made the trek out, dodging goblin patrols by miles, finding oasises sprinkled throughout the wastes, eventually coming to what those in the Mountainhomes lovingly called, "Swift Death".

It never came, but the stones did.  And the goblins, with all their heavy armor and corpses.  Lifting a dirt smeared wrist, he wiped it across his pate, smearing dirt from forehead to center of his skull.  He groaned, old frame leaning down to heft the corpse of the goblin up on his corded shoulders.  There was a soft applause from inside the gate.  When he lifted his head, he saw Varen staring down at him, a smile on his face.

"Well, Master Minedlauded, how are you today?"
"Oh, same as every day," Cokho said in his morose monotone, "buried under dead weight that isn't my own."

Varen chuckled, leaning onto the haft of his spear.  He nudged his helmet farther up onto his head.  "I don't mean to sit and stare, sir, but Merkil set me out here as a gaurd for the haulers, I'm sure you understand."
"Of course, but I don't see any of the others today?"
"Right, well, Aryn pulled them off to just move some stones from around Howard's construction.  He said you'd be fine up here by yourself."

Cokho sighed, shifting the goblins weight on his shoulder. "If I fall in the magma with this corpse, don't bother trying to get me, alright?"
Varen chuckled again, and gave a little nod.  "Of course.  I'll see you back here in a few minutes, sir."


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #1844 on: March 03, 2009, 02:40:13 am »

Cokho Roknut 27th of Limestone, 1068

"Today I swallowed a fly.
I don't honestly know why.
Perhaps tommorow I will die.

Cokho dutifully trudged along with his latest burden while talking to himself. His behavior would be rather depressing to humans and elves, but among the dwarves he was loved for it. They knew it helped with the time worn duties of a Hauler. Hell, some of them even found it to be the best of entertainment to talk about how Mr. Minedlauded claimed this would be his day of final rest  over dinner while admiring the fine dwarfmanship in the dining room.

A Grov came bounding up to Cokho while he beat a well worn path to the lava with yet another green carcas.
"What you got there? Can I see? Want some help?" Grov practically beamed with the enthusiasm that only a dwarven youth could possess.
"Listen here you little whippersnapper, I've seen your magic show..."
"I like magic!"
"Yes, yes, that's nice. Back in my day we would let the old haulers go deep into the mountain..."
"I like raccoon!"
"Uh huh." Cokho arrived at his latest load's destination and tossed it over the edge into the lava below as Grov squeeled in delight.
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