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Author Topic: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)  (Read 72354 times)


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #210 on: March 18, 2008, 01:57:00 pm »

Demons, fuck yeah!
Great storytelling, I was definitely moved.


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #211 on: March 18, 2008, 02:12:00 pm »

Wow Valcon, great storytelling! Glad Imp's made it!
I'll have to think up some more background and post some Binty story soon. Have been too busy at work lately..
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #212 on: March 18, 2008, 04:43:00 pm »

I'll take a marksdwarf named Salty (male preferred, but whatever).  No real preferences for personality, except not some frou-frou elf-lover.

Nice story- good to see an unusual setting.

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #213 on: March 18, 2008, 05:12:00 pm »

Thank you guys SO much, I really appreciate it the comments!  

Kagus:  Yes, I'm having to re-learn the English language from a form AND function standpoint so I am finding as I go over some of my posts that I do indeed mess up apostrophes and tenses and I'm sure plenty of other things.  I'm learning again as I go so thank you for the helpful critique and I will try and put it to practice!

Splime:  Aye, I had no idea how much work a "moment" would entail, gathering up all the screenshots and other stuff, but, thanks for bearing with me and checking back =)
Tigerbunny & martinuzz, don't worry about it, the ship will (man, HOPEFULLY) still be afloat when ye get time to check it out =)

Okay so during the process of naming, I discovered something horrible:

Out of the 7, only ONE of them was male =/  I've placed Akroma as the male as his request was chronologically first, but I've filled out the others into females, if anybody would like a name change to suit their new set of breasts please let me know, otherwise, I will forge ahead with the names given.

Akroma:  'Akroma', Male Scoundrel

Jamini: 'Hypa', Female Buccaneer (my re-wording of Marksdwarf)

Silveron: 'Giken'(dwarven for lightning), Female Buccaneer

Toaster: 'Salty', Female Buccaneer

This leaves us with 3 unclaimed females.

I'm going to compile the current profiles for EVERY dwarf on the ship who has been claimed, so hang out a second and I'll post them up.

Still doing Let's Plays, still got a gold toof. 

Adventure Mode:  The Movie!

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #214 on: March 18, 2008, 05:22:00 pm »

Woo! Bigger expanded ship! Sweet!

I'd love a dwarf by the name of "Ruby", female.

A proud sort, somehow got persuaded by a friend that this would be just the right sort of place for a young dwarf looking for some action, but she's been secretly regretting this ever since stepping foot on the ship and realizing how much work all this is. Plus, there's just not very much stone. How un-dwarfish.

Somewhat broody and hard to please, and lazy as stone itself when it comes to actually doing something productive, though not rebellious about it, she just needs a good kick and the space to grumble about it and Ruby'll get it done with some reasonable competence.

Would never back out this whole thing though... too stubborn for that... feh... ideally crossbow dwarf (she thinks she's less likely to get killed that way), but, on the other hand, Ruby loves a good landing party and any chance to actually walk on something that isn't a glorified pile of dead trees floating on salt water...

Of course, experience could change all this.  ;)



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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #215 on: March 18, 2008, 05:50:00 pm »

Jonathan S. Fox: Ruby it is, I've selected the one with the profile most fitting out of those remaining.  It's not an exact match, but she does at least love mules for their stubbornness =)  Her profession is now listed as "Unwilling Buccaneer", hehe.

Okay, gonna have to split the profiles into a couple of posts due to image restrictions:  

Here we go!


Kalen sit's alone in her office, scribbling in her journal.  She's taken to an obsessive habit of keeping track of the developments amongst the crews morale, ever watchful for the next mutineer.

She takes a moment to consider writing about herself in the journal, but thinks better of it.  No need for the possiblity of the other dwarves getting their hands on it and learning of her own personal problems.  Chewing on her quill a moment, she does reflect on the past years work:

The caged goblin swordsman next to her hisses something foreign and she offers it a swift kick to the knuckles, still wrapped around the cage bars.  Delighting in it's yelp, she turns back to her journal.

Fishgut Led has been a less than formal acquaintance and most of what she knows about him was not learned at the pillow or in the bunk but garnered from Skipper, her official emissary to the crew.  Led, like her, and many others, is ready for death and willing to face it.

Horatio, however, ever the pessimist, is in less high spirits but hardly a danger to her rule.  Socially he is a bit of an anchor to the less civilized ways of the pirate life, which assists her in keeping order, and on the battlefield; he fights like a tentacle demon.

Jaina, Horatio's lover by chance and fate in battle, has been ecstatic since her recovery; reveling in the reconstruction of the ship, she has been nothing but a success and loyal crewdwarf since their journey began.

Duncana has taken swiftly to the role of ships nurse in Boucher's stead.  At first, she took her loss harshly, but through The Professors rapidly recovering strength and mind and the continued success of the urine still, she remains in high spirits.

Her lover, The Professor, has been of indispensable assistance at the charts as well as on the field of battle.  He is a bit slow to respond, though Kalen is starting to respect his methodology for slowly, deliberately, and decisively conquering problems which have arisen on the ship.

Q-Tip has been quiet lately, but, Kalen notes;  that is a good thing.  Q-Tip seems to work best when her mind is busy and the pressure is piled on.  Not one to be embarrassed or cowed in social situations, she has shown only a hint of her joy at Kalen's approval of a caged cow being constructed in her room.  However, with Q-Tip, a hint of emotion can go a very long way.

Q-Tip's lover was wisely chosen.  For a dwarven lass who does not show emotion easily, who better than the stoic viking.  Sigurd is becoming known across the land and sea, mentioned PERSONALLY by the King in his letter of commendation and has been offered a governorship of a fledgling dwarven municipality.  Kalen grumbles at this; unsure of whether or not to let him know.  He will likely turn it down, but, his viking father was the leader of his tribe and Sigurd may wish to live in his tradition as he is highly respectful of such things.  Kalen thinks a moment and decides it best not to inform him;  she needs him.  They ALL need him.

Bear with me;  I'm getting through the older dwarves first, moving on down the line.  Continuing on!

Still doing Let's Plays, still got a gold toof. 

Adventure Mode:  The Movie!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #216 on: March 18, 2008, 06:13:00 pm »

Is there a dwarf available ? If so, I'd like to claim one.

Name : Istria (F)/Istrian (M)
Labors enabled :
Hunter (After all you need someone to bring in meat when you are docked)
Job title : Scout



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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #217 on: March 18, 2008, 06:16:00 pm »

Continuing the captains log:

Kalen turns the page, licking the quill and dipping into the ink to carry on.

Imp.  Grim, deadly, professional Imp.  Close to death twice on this journey, Imp has shown he has a remarkable ability to rebound from tragedy, is quite sociable, sincere, and forthcoming.  All valuable traits for a potential leader.  

And then there is Skipper.  Kalen sighs, refilling her quill, closing her eyes to think.  Skipper, if anything, is sincere.  Occasionally too sincere, but, he has found ways to make up for it with his decisiveness when she is not available.  Kalen ponders a moment and decides she would not rather have any other dwarf as her executive officer.  His love of dogs was what first drew her to place him in this position as he is just as loyal as his beloved pets.  

Little Binty ... though rushed through her short and tragedy strewn childhood, Binty has asked for no-ones permission to be an active member on the ship.  She required no instruction nor requested any compensation;  she seems to live and breath the life she was thrust into.  Kalen, smiling, can see herself reflected in the lass's eye's ... err, at least one of them.  Kalen grins fondly writing notes about Binty's integration, a complete and resounding success, into the active crew lifestyle.

Tiny has been causing her problems.  Minute, insignifigant problems, but problems none-the-less.  His refusal to discard the disgusting piece of dwarf meat was, at first, a near mutinous act which she had considered either jailing or executing him for.  Not out of vengeance or stubbornness on her part;  Kalen just saw it as a way of solidifying her authority amongst the crew.  However, she has come to be quite happy at her decision to leave him be.  Not only has he shown that he can use that rotten chunk of flesh in remarkable ways on the battlefield (Kalen smiles remembering the way even goblins could not stomache the idea of being charged at by a brawler wielding rotten flesh), he has also been of great assistance on the deck.  His inability to compromise must be dealt with, she notes, but due time will present such an opportunity.

Knifer, on the other hand, is still relatively unknown to both Kalen and Skipper.  He, like Imp, was wounded and out of action for an extended period of time.  Kalen notes her plans to slap a blade in his hand and see what he can do.  He, like Fishgut, appears to have the makings of a cold and remorseless killer.  'Perfect', Kalen notes, briefly, differing to another time to gather more information about the recently recovered formal tribal dwarf.

Barnacle, sweet and devilish Barnacle, has not shown a shred of remorse since the passing of her mother.  If anything, she seems relieved.  Kalen smiles, empathizing, again, seeing herself reflected in the young lasses ey-- Kalen stops herself in frustration.  She touches her eyepatch gently, wishing for nothing more than to throw it off, or, better yet, strangle a bloody Kobold with it.  Barnacle's rescue has been a huge relief in Kalen.  She lives vicariously through the firey little girl.  Kalen herself can never let her emotions show or her facade of leadership slip, so, seeing the young lass bounce about the deck like a firefly gives her no end of happiness.

Kai, the shifty eye'd fellow who somehow managed to outpace his other reinforcements, is an extremely even tempered fellow.  Almost TOO even tempered.  His desires are muted, and he does not seem to have a breaking point.  Thus far, anyway.  His sense of duty is unrivaled and he truly seems to enjoy being tasked with menial labor.  Kalen notes extensively about him and has had Skipper keep an eye on him recently; his arrival, shrouded in mystery, offends her sensibilities.  However, until he overtly shows some sort of activities which might indicate he is a spy, Kalen assumes, cautiously, that he is simply an over-achiever.

Malanga is the first of the new recruits to have settled in properly.  Perhaps it was the role she so quickly stepped into, caring not for the legacy of Boucher but more for her own standings amongst the crew.  She truly seems to care deeply for the booze she brews, slaving over it constantly and protecting her recipes as if the crew around her were kobold recipe snatchers.  Despite her unwillingness to share in her distillery practices, she has adapted well.  The urine still fascinates her and Kalen desperately hopes she does not try to experiment with it in relation to the booze.  Oddly enough, Kalen ponders, Malanga has needed little instruction once she was pointed to her bunk.  The lass is a born pirate, and the crew are glad to have her grog.

Still doing Let's Plays, still got a gold toof. 

Adventure Mode:  The Movie!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #218 on: March 18, 2008, 06:24:00 pm »

can you please put a updated video in DF map archive of the ship and the crew?
 like how you neglected to mention that Giant Cave Spiders are satanic Dwarf-killing machines. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #219 on: March 18, 2008, 06:26:00 pm »

glad you like her brew its special.its made of the finest goblin bloo*cough*MEAN PIE.

[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: othorocksmoms ]

 like how you neglected to mention that Giant Cave Spiders are satanic Dwarf-killing machines. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #220 on: March 18, 2008, 06:51:00 pm »

Istrian, yes, absolutely:  

Istrian:  'Istria', Scout

This leaves us with only ONE unclaimed dwarfette.  


Kalen ponders her newest recruits.  She's sent out Skipper to gather information on them and he reports back continuously, but their temperaments are largely unknown.  

Akroma has gotten situated quickly as he is sociable and relaxed.  Kalen has an idea that in, perhaps a previous life, perhaps the current one, he was or is still a master thief.  Her life sailing with scurvy salty dogs has given her a keen eye (She groans to herself, shaking her head) for the movements and ways of a thief.  Far from being put off by this;  She is glad.  The older crewmates had given up their lust for loot long ago in favor of the cold and deadly wealth of battle.  His eye for gems and metals will keep an anchor on the ship to guide them to plundering once again, something Kalen was nearly unwilling to bring up after her previous promises and oaths.  Akroma has kindly opened the door for her, and she writes well of him in her log.


Hypa is ... well, Hypa is just that.  Kalen can only assume her given dwarven name was Hyper, but she shortened it because she grew impatient.  She is never more happy than when in the galley, sharing tales, rapid fire, with her crewmates.  Imp personally recommended she join his forming squad of marksdwarves as she has the right stuff to rattle of bolts; providing he can find a way to tame her crazed enthusiasm.


Giken has cold and unforgiving eyes.  Something haunts her past, another trait Kalen has come to recognize and rely on.  She, like Hypa, will make a fine addition to the crows nest as her lack of pity will be very useful when dealing with the less obvious enemies, the humans and the elves.


Salty is much like Giken, sharing her inability to show pity and a remarkable love for all things crossbow related.  Kalen notes her willingness, enthusiasm, and aptitude for the role of a marksdwarf and is certain Imp will find her acceptable.  Her self-discipline, combined with Imp's steady tutelage, will see her as a deadly force on the rails.


Ruby is ... difficult.  Imp insists that she be given a posting to his squad, though, Kalen cannot understand why.  Frankly, Kalen cannot understand the girl at all.  She's like a wall of granite;  only way to go is around it.  Unmoving and unconcerned, she may not even take the posting.  'Her stubbornness,' Kalen ponders, 'will be tested soon.  Hopefully I shall not have to make an example of her, but, if she does well as a marksdwarf as Imp has predicted, I'm sure I can, like I have with the others, find a way to work with her ... on my OWN terms.'


Istria has volunteered to take a job hunting when we are at port;  a fine thing to request, as, with Imp's duties keeping him confined to the training area's, none of the other dwarves seemed likely to offer to head ashore, save Fishgut, who would open the very pits himself if he thought there were fish on the other side.  She's declined Imp's training in favor of learning the old fashioned way.  On the hunt, in the wild, stalking her prey.  Those skills, skills of ambush and disguise, will become equally handy in battle, Kalen notes, happily.


Nodding to herself, Kalen closes the book.  Skipper has yet to report to her on the last remaining dwarf, whom Kalen has not had the time to meet with yet either.  Should she not soon speak up, she may find herself nothing more than a bone hauler, perhaps an assistant to Malanga, or, better yet, Kalen could have Jaina craft a goblin mask and place it on her head to insight the mighty Sigurd to ignore his neck injuries and spar once more.

Only time, and the brutal fate of the sea, will tell.

Downing an entire mug of rum, Kalen grabs a letter on her desk.  Popping off the wax seal, she see's that it is Duncanas calculations of their current wealth and supply levels.  The new crew, 23, 'no, 22 and a half', Kalen corrects herself, smiling and thinking of Barnacle, will need plenty of food and booze on the dangerous mission ahead.  Scanning it briefly, she is pleased, though she hopes to divert attention from their quest for revenge with a bit of old fashioned plundering soon.  The new pirates will need to be welcomed to the lifestyle properly, she reasons.


Slipping the note into her locked desk, Kalen stands, heading to the map on the wall.  Many 'X's are marked, some circled, some crossed off as their plotted journey zig-zags the unforgiving seas.  She looks at a corner of the continent, no marks, no lines, no indication of her desire to head there.  She will keep their next mission a secret even to Skipper.  Her plans depend on the possibility of word of the King's request slipping into the open ears and loose lips of her crew, and should any of them turn out to be a spy, could spell disaster for her entire ship.

Pulling the King's letter from her blouse once more, she pulls out a flintlock and sparks the page, her eye intent upon the name he has scrawled in Elven on the crease of the page, a language he knows Kalen can secretly understand.  Tentacles of fire leap up and claw at the name, the ink boiling under her gaze and the heat.

As the page dissolves to ash in her hands, the image of the name remains etched in her mind.  Discarding the now minute strip of smoldering parchment to a stone bin nearby, Kalen adjusts her eyepatch and heads to the deck.  She takes a moment to collect her thoughts and prepares story for what she would like them to think is their next target, but she cannot and will not forget the King's wishes.  

Many will die in the quest for this.  Kalen, a sturdy pirate, knows that the crew has little idea that they would be doing official bidding.  She is content to let them see themselves as bandits, for, in many ways, they are.  They gladly steal from fellow dwarves, but they do not know that the only reason they remain above reproach is because of promises Kalen had been forced to make at the hands of her King.  'My King,' she thinks, snorting, before shuddering a moment, remembering the sleep deprivation, starvation, dehydration and torture she'd met in captivity in the mountain homes.  Worse yet, she remembers the oaths that her unwillingness to comply would leave her locked on land, no water in sight, for the rest of her days.

Clearing such thoughts from her mind, Kalen formulates a faux mission before heading to the deck.  Never for a second, though, does she let that name, their real target, slip from her mind.


[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: valcon ]

Still doing Let's Plays, still got a gold toof. 

Adventure Mode:  The Movie!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #221 on: March 18, 2008, 07:00:00 pm »

Quick follow up notes:

I hope I didn't miss anybody, if I did, smack me around a bit with a carp and I'll straighten up and post it.

othorocksmoms:  I'll try and get a movie up soon, definitely in the next update.

And now we have 1 female dwarf remaining and nobody on the waiting list.  Make a post and I'll sell her cheap =)

Still doing Let's Plays, still got a gold toof. 

Adventure Mode:  The Movie!

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #222 on: March 18, 2008, 07:24:00 pm »

Woohoo! Ruby's perfect.  :D I do love me them Floor Hatches.


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #223 on: March 18, 2008, 07:48:00 pm »

Give her to the men as entertainment then when they get bored toss her to the fishes with a boulder tied to her leg.
 like how you neglected to mention that Giant Cave Spiders are satanic Dwarf-killing machines. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


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Re: Pirates of the Fondled Waters (Community Pirate Ship)
« Reply #224 on: March 19, 2008, 06:16:00 am »

A bit of backstory for my "pirate" :

Since childhood, Istria has had an obsessive interest in the hunt. Soon enough, the creatures populating the forests surrounding her native village became boring to hunt. Thus she decided to travel a fair bit around the world hunting the most exotic of creatures. She would always keep the pelt of the first creature of a kind she killed.

She is also known among the rich and powerful as a purveyor of rather unique services. The most challenging creatures she has hunted so far happened to be humans, elves, dwarves an goblins.

When she heard of a ship sailing around the many seas, she decided to join in. After all, who knows what kinds of creatures populate the islands and lands beyond the azure waters.

OOC : You can have her be a Tanner/Leatherworker when sailing.

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