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Author Topic: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.  (Read 14085 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2008, 06:47:00 pm »

Wayfarer's log
Galenta 27th

Cerol has finished her work. She has created an Ashen Scepter whe insists on calling Sibrnirthikut. An ashen sceptre. Although I fail to see what is so particularily useful about it, BS has informed me that that it is indeed an artifact of significant value, estimatied at a worth of 4,800 coins on the market.

When I asked him how much that was compared to some of the artifacts made at the legendary fortress of Seasearch, he rapidly changed the subject to our plans for the adamantine deposits.

I rapidly changed the subject to a less sensitive subject, like that of recent liason with Disuth. Needless to say he knew when he was beaten at his own game.
3rd Limestone
Carin has finally finished updating our recordbooks. I can honestly say he's never looked more fit in all of his life, having spent the last six months racing all around the town to take inventory of what we have.
17th Limestone
The dwarven caravan has returned today, I've sent BS to go trade with them inturrupting his break so that we can clean out our excess of stone crafts and replacing it with fresh food and drink before winter strikes. He seemed reluctant at first, but when I offered to have the cooks make a good syrup roast for when he finished trading he seemed to reconsider his position. Especially since it got him out of work.

20th Limestone
Udib, the migrant gem cutter, was out collecting wood for our stockpiles when he came upon a goblin snatcher. The creature seemed as suprised as he was when they nearly ran into each other and proceeded to race off into the north. Needless to say, I'm happy that Udib didn't get hurt.

[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2008, 07:17:00 pm »

22nd Limestone, the foothills of the Hellish fingers

Olin Kekalosov walked wearily down the worn path that led though the grass, shivering in the cold autumn breeze that whipped across the temperate mountainside. His thick beard swaying in the wind as he hefted the heavy woodcutters axe onto his shoulder and walked out to the far-off treeline. The vegitation around Ulengoddom, not particularily thick when he had first arrived, had thinned out even further as the days had rapidly grown shorter. Though the work of the industrious work of the burners and carpenters a large rise in the demand for wood had arisen. The land directly near the enterance of the fortress had been clear-cut for nearly two years now. And there was little wood to be found without taking a long trek into the surrounding lands.

However, Ulengoddom had laid claim to a relitivly large area, and for dwarves distance is hardly a bar. So thus with industry the three woodcutters and numerous haulers were able to keep up with the speed of the smelting and furnishing aspects of the fort, if just barely. However, it seemed daily that the woodcutters had to go further and further into the untamed lands that extended past the enterance to the place that the dwarves of Ulengoddom had decided to call home.

Olin grunted as he worked his way down the steep incline that seperated the enterance plateu of the fortress from the wooded vally below. Using his little spare breath to whistle softy to himself as he thought hard about why he came to this little fortress in the first place. Trying to figure out what had possessed him to leave his comfortable position in his home to help the pioneers of this experimental community make a fortress worth living in. He was so wrapped up, in fact, that he hardly noticed the squad of axegoblins untill they were nearly upon him.

The first clue he got was a glitter in the afternoon sun, striking the iron shirt of the sneaking foes. The second was the whistle of an axe as it knocked the cap from his head. With a cry he fell backwards nearly losing his footing as he noticed the creatures had surrounded him. To his lips he heard the ancient cry come without bidding, nearly as ingrained into his being of a dwarf as a love of earth and stone. "An ambush! Curse them!"

With a cry Olin began to run, he didn't really care where as long as it was away from the goblins, who immdiatly left in hot pursuit.

Wayfarer's log
25th Limestone
Three days ago I recived news from VeryInky that a squad of goblin axemen had ambushed one of our woodcutters. I feared the worst had happened, that we had lost a dwarf without a fight in only our second year becoming established. However, he also told me that the woodcutter was very much alive and was making his good time in leading the gobins away from the fotress. Suprisingly, he was significantly faster than his adversaries and was using his advantage to turn his dire prediciment into time for us to get ready.

Well, that's how Inky put it. I think that he just forgot where home was and didn't remember that the merchant's guards and a wall of stone traps were there to meet the goblins if they dared to enter. Either way I ordered that no dwarf without military skill can go outside and told everyone that under no circuimstance were they to do any jobs outside.

Either way, Olin arrived safely today, just as the last stragglers of our small militia have finished getting ready and grabbing axes from the woodcutters. If those goblins want us, we will give them hell!

1st Sandstone

Today is a grim day for Ulengoddom.

We met the invaders at the gates to our home, forcing them back as they tried to force their way down our ramped entryway.Hollywars traps provided an excellent assist, maiming and killing many goblins who passed underneath the stones he so painstakenly set into the cieling. Our soldiers were excellent, incapacitating foe after foe, while Jalek and Disuth forced their way back out into the open. The only dwarf missing, BS, was downstairs trading. I had insisted that he not join us this time, reminding him that life must go on even in the face of a deadly foe.

Unfortunatly, we did not have victory without loss.

VeryInky, leading the charge up the ramp, killed he first goblin he came across with a single fell swoop of his axe, and then met with another. However, luck was not on his side, and his shield failed to catch the blow to his chest that sent him hurtling backward into the far wall of the tunnel.

We will mourn Inky's death, I asked Hollywars to take his place as manager and had him order a coffin made. While our engravers are already smoothing out a tomb for him to lay peacefully at rest. Although he died young, he died with honor. Although I have lost a friend, I will never let him be forgotton.

Tonight we drink in his honor. And tomorrow, tomorrow we live in his name.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2008, 07:17:00 pm »

I know what it feels like to have hours of work deleted... painful...

Nice story you have going on!

..."I bumped Nist Akath and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2008, 07:21:00 pm »

Oh yeah, a random note.

If anyone feels like they want to contribute stories or log entries for their characters they should feel free. By no means is this my fortress alone, and I would welcome the help in writing up this tale.

Death be no barrier, if you lose a dwarf feel free to apply for another one. ^^

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2008, 07:48:00 pm »

Bearded Sack's diary
1st of Sandstone

Today the foul goblin menace attacked us.  Killing VeryInky and nearly killing our woodcutter Olin.  I have shamed myself, hiding away with the traders in the depot.  I have withdrawn from society for a time...saddened with a kind of rare sorrow that even ale cannot drown.  I keep replaying the days events.  Had I left my merchant duties even briefly, to join VeryInky in defending our fine home, would he still be alive?  

There can be no answer.  For he is dead.  Erib rest his poor soul.  I ponder hurling my dishonored body into a stagnant pool nearby...but that would not well serve the fortress that I have failed.  I vow to Erib and all that is holy, that as long as there is breathe in my lungs, and rum in my gut, I shall fight for Ulengoddom!  If I must die a thousand painfully slow deaths at the ends of countless pointy things, then I shall do it!  I will not abandon my friends again!

Thus ends the official written history of the fortress known as Boatmurdered. May their tortured souls rest in peace.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2008, 08:38:00 pm »

The log of Jayfrin, the dawn of bloodshed

Once more I live to be no hero but simply live, Inky a dwarf I myself had known, was slewn the night before this morning, he died heroicaly in battle, to live on in many hearts, how I aspire to protect the place that harbors my lost soul, but after the loses I have faced, I fear to not only return to the military but to make friends at all, I believe though the very past I was tryign to escape will return to me bigger then ever before, so the decision is made, I will seek out our leader in hopes to return mysefl into combat, and don these weapons nie craft them and spill blood not clean it. For Ulengoddom! The Harbinger of blades breathes once more!

erm... note to self next tiem you have and epipheny don't yell out you old combat nickname...espically when there are dwarves standing at the door of the workshop...Hollywars and Carin both think I'm crazed now .... they're stil lthere, I'd better say something, they said they think I should get some ale cause I'm drinking too much water...  

Anyways I'll enlist with Wayfarer today, see if I will be allowed to begin training as a swordsman.


If you have room in the military Jayfrin would like to be a swordsman, if so name his occupation "Harbinger of blades" if not don't change anything.

My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2008, 01:11:00 pm »

Istrian's discussion with his inner self

"First blood has been spilled. The first death of this fortress happenned today during a goblin ambush."
"What was his name again ?"
"VeryInky, they say."
"Anyone you knew ?"
"Only met him once or twice, but he was improtant to the fortress."
"Ah yes, this fortress must not fall."
"I know. This is probably the only place where our deposed House can be reborn."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2008, 07:23:00 pm »

Wayfarer's log
5th Timber

Our discovery of Adamantine has reached the mountain halls. Another group of migrants have approached us today, asking to join our swelling community. They asked the first dwarf they came upon, who happened to be Bearded Sack, where they could find our Baron and get set to work.

I'm slightly miffed that I missed the horrer on their faces when he told them that we have no baron... nay... no nobility here. I fear for our very way of life, and for the process of equality that we have enacted, with these people.

But I can hardly turn them away. When I talked to Disuth about it she mentioned something about a retractable drawbridge and the demon pits however...


14th Timber
I find the decorations in this small town to be lacking, thus I have told Carin to pass the word that some golden items should be made immidiatly in order to spruice up this place a bit. He did what I asked, but he definatly gave me a strange look when he left.

It must have been something on my face.

1st Moonstone

Our stonecrafter, Morul Cerolkikud, has become very secretive of late, not unlike how the Brewer Cerol was when she made Sibrnirthikut. I am curious what he intends to do, but he has said nothing to anyone.


[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2008, 07:30:00 pm »

Wayfarer's Log
5th Moonstone
Two things happened today, nearly right after one another.

Firstly, our miners have found a vien of Garnierite. With that, the zinc we found, and some tetrahedrite we can use it to make nickle silver. Although the effort involved will be... somewhat excessive.

Secondly, Morul has finished his artifact, a Gabbro mug that he has dubbed Mostoducim Kobem Zeber.
I suspect he wanted to show Cerol how to make a useful artifact. I've asked it to be placed in my dining room. The total value of it being 16,800 coins is a nice bonus to having a proper mug to drink Beer with.

[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2008, 08:08:00 pm »

17th Moonstone, Adamantine mines

Sibek Dodokakmesh dug, carefully removing the stone as he moved forward. Every swing was rewarded with a fresh thunk as his bismuth bronze pick worried its way at the hard stone that held the adamantine vien in place. He didn't dare touch the stuff, on no. Wayfarer would have her head if any miner but Hollywars dug the ore proper. But he and the other two journymen could dig the stone around the vien free, revealing the long strand of bright blue that extended at an angle though the mine.

As he worked a thin, sourceless cry echoe though the mine, causing the miner to pause. The sound of a young girl mournful and sad filled the tunnel and then vanished. The dwarfs face knitted into confusion as she looked down the long shaft behind him. Tracing his steps back to the staircase poked his head over the solid floor and called down the tunnel. "Urdim? Did you hear that?"

The sounds of a distant pick stopped, its constant clanging turning into a careful walk as the other on duty miner rounded the corner, his tired face puzzled as he hoisted his newer copper-red pick over his shoulder. "Sibek? What's the matter?"

"I thoug' I heard something. Someone crying. Is one of the kids down here?"

The younger miner scratched his head, his beard bouncing as he shook his head from side to side, "Nobody that I saw, and this tunnel is straight." He replied, walking over to the rough stairway and joining his friend on the lower level. "You've been working too hard brother? You seem spooked."

"It's just... I could swear I heard something crying. Right here, in the mine."

It was then that another cry rose in the mine, the errie voice setting both miner's hair on end as it coiled though the air like a pitiful whisp of smoke. Alert this time, both miners attention snapped towards the green olivine stone at the end of the tunnel. In a hushed voice that was barely more than a whisper Urdim replied. "it's over there."

Without hesitating both miners grabbed their picks and made towards the wall, Sibek reaching it a mere handsbreath before his companion. "There musta been a cave-in. Someones in there."

Urdim grabbed the pick, pulling Sibek back and glaring into his eyes. "We 'ent dug this far down Sibek. It can't be a cave in!" he said, his voice filled with urgancy. But he had underestimated the strength of his friend, who wrenched the pick from his hand and drove it into the wall.

"Ye gods!" the Sibek shouted as the stone tumbled forward, nearly losing his pick as he fell into a thick pile of vomit and slime. Wrangling about, he gazed from side to side, the thick smokey torches that lined the walls. Beutifully engraved walls depicting what could only be described as an orgy of flesh and deprevity. Men and women of all races coupling with partners of all species and sexes. Their act a pale shadow of the piles of living flesh below it.

Every surface was coverd in all manner of body fluids. Sweat, blood, vomit, and more coated both the entire room and it's inhabitants. Everywhere Sibek looked, he could see beutiful adamantine walls  and floors, piled chest high with filth and living, breathing, inhabitants.

Sibek returned to his feet, his jaw dropping as he took a step into the festering pits. Ignoring the cries of Urdim, he entered the vaulting room, and so entranced was he, that he didn't see the clawed tentacle untill it wrapped around his arm.

With a cry Sibek struck at it, his pick glancing off the steely skin as he felt his body lifed from the ground. A writing mass of flesh lifted him, breaking his arm and pulling him from his feet, towards a nearby staircase.

Urdim stopped, frozen as he watched his friend grab onto a nearby chain, pulling himself free and dragging the wreched creature to the ground with him. The miner grabbed the creature by the waist, squeezing as hard as he could against it's rubbery body. His voice shouting to Urdim above the cries and moans of the horde of sentients that were literally stacked head to foot in the pit. It seemed that Urdim might have survived, wrestling mightly against the tentacled beast, when another emerged from the pile of bodies, slowly pulling itself toward the exit.

Urdim fled, flying up the stairs as fast as he his feet could take him. Without pausing he grabbed a nearby stone, throwing it down onto the staircase. With the  strength of sheer terror he grabbed another, and another. Tossing the stone into the staircase untill he ran out of nearby rock. Then throwing down the mining gravel untill the tunnel was bare.


Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2008, 08:21:00 pm »

23rd Moonstone

I've had Urdim sketch me a diagram of the pits we have unearthed underneath our home. From now on an engraver is following every miner, digging a small fortification before we dig so as to be able to identify the size and shape of the pits. No demons will keep us from our Adamantine, and I intend to have every last one of them pay for what they did to one of our own!

We also had some kobald thieves spotted in our entryway today. A cow calf chased them away before they could get anything of value.

Finally, I've ordered that the rock of the cliff we dug into shaped into a proper watchtower. although it may take some time to get it perfect, we should be niegh impregnable to any goblin ambushes once we are finished.

10th Opal
Collapse! Eytur was crushed under falling stone when a segment of cliffside that I had thought solid had actually been dug out previously. We mourn her death, and I've ordered that the Urdim take exceptional care from this point on. Some of the new migrants have been muttering that the admantine may be cursed, since three of the four who have found it have died grusome deaths.

I fear this is not the case, for if Hollywars were to die... well... I don't know if I would be able to stand losing another friend so soon.

20th Obsidian
This last month we have had much sucess in cleaning out the revealed demons in the pits. Solon, our only dedicated marskdwarf, has felled six of the beasts though the fortifications we have dug into the walls. Because of his valor I have given him a tital, "Mivid Nom", The Shrieks of God, a fitting name. However, I have no allusions that we have killed them all. The rest must be hiding, waiting for me to reopen the pits so that they may kill us all and turn our home into a new goblin stronghold. I will bring up what we should do about this problem at the meeting in ten days.

Sadly enough, all of the captives below have perished. It appears the demons we killed were but mere servents that were feeding the dozens of insane sentients.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2008, 09:35:00 pm »

End of Year Report


Granite 1st

Another spring, another year.

Once again the community of Ulengoddom meets, the mead hall overfilling with the fifty-six dwarves that called her their home. Faces are grim in the cold fortress, a cool wind flowing in though the still-dry well and causing the few dwarves nearby to shiver with the chill.

Or perhaps it was the fear.

Like a palpable thing it hung over the assebly, killing laughter as it rose and causing the occational joke to hang and cease in the cool wintery air. Not a single dwarf could escape it, only betraying their fear of what lay below them in the way each one of them would look downward occationally, a silent shiver goes though thier body as memories of the images seen downstairs when one was hauling, carving, or simply passing by. The military kept their weapons close, many still wearing their armor as they talked in low, nervous voices about the year to come.

Only one dwarf seemed relaxed on this new years. The marksdwarf who had spent the most time down in the pits, Solon Edemsefon Mivid Nom. She joked loudly, and laughed braudily at any joke she could hear. She seemed to project a bubble around her of authority, a bubble that dispelled the quinteint fear... if only for a short time. However, those who talked with her still would give a glance of discontent as she occationally recounted some of the things she had seen, and the number of men whom had flited with her often found themselves finding an excuse, any excuse, to avoid her after hearing of some of the ideas that she had for intamacy.

As the conversation continued to faltered, it's low and nervous rumble constantly shambling forward not unlike the demons that Ulengoddom faced, Wayfarer rose. Her copper-trimmed robe made specifically for the occation fluttering to the ground behind her as she rose the finly crafted mug that she had kept for the last few months.

"Friends, welcome to dinner tonight." She called, her clear voice gently halting the few remaining scattered conversations. All eyes were drawn towards her, like dark flies to the sound of a honey soaked flower. "We have again survived another year. Doing what many others have strove to done and failed. We have found adamantium, and the fabled demons that spawn from the pits of hell... and we are still alive."

All arond her the other dwarves murmered their agreement, her friends giving a weary smile as the mason spread her arms wide. "Do not be fooled by fear, my friends and comrade. We have made a great victory today. The demons below have been bottled up and you, as choosing me to lead for another sucessful year, have honored me beyond all possible doubt. I am eternally grateful, and I shall not betray the faith you have placed in me."

Around her the dwarves began to smile, a gentle and warm murmur that seemed to light up the room. However, Wayfarer was not done, cutting the conversation off with a brief cut of her fist into the air. "Yes. Although we have suffered great setbacks, and lost three good friends, we have been sucessful. Faced with goblins we held them back and sent them away. Faced with demons we locked them up and struck them down. Now, faced with a future yet to come we will stand proud and tall. For we are Ulengoddom! The free, the brave, and the enduring!"

The room erupted into cheers as Wayfarer rose, filling Mostodducim Zoben Zeber with a fresh flask of beer and raisingit toward the cieling. "For Ulengoddom. For us!" she shouted, drinking deeply as the rest of the assemply toasted with her. The aura of fear dispelled and replaced by a revelry that matched and exceeded that of the year before. Ulengoddom was ritch, Ulengoddom was famous, and Ulengoddom would last.

Finishing her drink, Wayfarer wearily walked out of the room as the revelry continued, behind her the remaining five forefathers quickly excusing themselves from the throng of a dwarven party.

"Good speech." Carin said, his farm face in a broad grin as he jogged after the Mayor. "You really got them excited, I havn't seen any of the migrants happy since we found the pit."

Wayfarer didn't smile, her eyes keeping low as she opened the door to her room. "It would be a better celebration if the three tombs below were not occupied Carin. Assemble every dwarf, dwarfette, and child tomorrow. We have much to discuss about next year.

Vote: What should we do with the Adamantine we have so far?
1. Armor
2. Weapons
3. Clothing
4. Crafts
5. Furniture - Metal
6. Furniture - Rock
7. Other

Vote: What should we do about the pits. There are definatly demons still in there.

1. Send in the military. (Warning! If our pit is average, we've only killed about 1/5 of the demons.)
2. Train our army up to legendary with metal weapons and armor, and THEN go into the pits.
3. Build a retractable bridge above it and throw every noble (except the queen) into the pit as bait.
4. Don't mess with the pits.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »

1 for first vote, 3 for second vote.

[ March 18, 2008: Message edited by: Doombringer ]

''ve always envisioned you as the lead singer of Torah Tragedy, the heavy metal band.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2008, 11:40:00 pm »

More weapons!!!!  KILL KILL KILL!!!

And throwing nobles to the demons is an AWESOME idea!!!

Three cheers for feeding the blue bloods to the tentacle demons!!!

Once weve drawn more demons up to be slaughtered by our marksdwarf, then maybe the other soldiers can brave the pit and finish em off.  Bearded Sack wants blood!!!

Thus ends the official written history of the fortress known as Boatmurdered. May their tortured souls rest in peace.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2008, 12:18:00 am »

Of course, I will retain the right to keep a baron/consort who does't make unreasonable demands. Fortunatly, those are few and far between.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.
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