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Author Topic: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.  (Read 14097 times)

Captain Mayday

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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2008, 12:23:00 am »

As for the first vote, I propose a combination of 3 and 4. Digging to get as much as we can out of the ground, but building the fort in the first 4 levels down.
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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2008, 12:46:00 am »

Recovered Document: List of Supplies. Obsidian 29th

Turtles x51
Dwarven Beer x21
Dwarven Wine x31
Dwarvem Ale x31
Dwarven Rum x31
Sweet Pod Seeds x6
Plump Helmet Spawn x6
Horse Leather x4
Pig tail thread x1
Cave spider silk thread x1
Bitumious coal lumps x12
Wax Opal x1
Iron Anvil x1
Copper Pick x1
Mountain Goat Meat x6
Horse Meat x1
donky Meat x1
Mule Meat x1
Clown Loach x1
Gray gibbon Meat x1
Silvery Gibbon Meat x1
Bilou Meat x1
Pileated Gibbon Meat x1
White-handed Gibbon Meat x1
Black-handed Gibbon Meat x1
Hoary Marmot meat x1
Guppy x1
Banded Knifefish x1
Longfish x1
Bonbo Meat x1
Gazelle Meat x1
Black-crested Gibbon Meat x1
White-browed Gibbon Meat x1
Gorilla Meat x1
Resus Maraque Meat x1
x1 Cat
x2 War Dog

I have no idea what possessed Hollywars to bring so much Gibbon meat. However he insists that I not mix it and instead spare the barrels for each type individually. Although the barrels will slow our progress, I cannot find myself willing to go against him. Once I am elected mayor I can stop this nonesense once and for all

Relationships and Dieties

[ March 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2008, 05:01:00 am »

I'll claim a migrant.
Name : Istrian
Gender : Male
Give me a sword and enlist me in the Fortress Guard (as soon as there is need for one, of course). I'll wear leather or chain, no plate please.
Oh yeah, and I'd like to be off-duty in summer, no matter the circumstances.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2008, 01:50:00 pm »

I finished the first year, will be posing shortly.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2008, 02:33:00 pm »

Granite 1st, 1061

The Muskoxen brayed loudly as the dwarf driving the large wagon finally pulled them to a stop, their cries echoing across the Jagged white peakes of their new home. Jalek shivered in the brisk air as the sun wearily rose in the east, reflecting off the fresh snowfall in a blinding glare. With a weary glance she looked at the rocky boulders around her. To the south a caulk plateu streached into the sky, reflecting the sunlight in a blinding glare, while to the north the low mountainous terrain sloped into a field of frozen shrubland just above a small gorge that contained a narrow brook. Far in the sky above a giant eagle circled the lonely site, it's ragged caws echoing in the empty region.

The military dwarf mumbled to herself softly, wrapping the thick woolen blanket that she had appropriated the night before when it had become her turn to drive. With a short grunt she hauled herself from the front of the wagon, her thick leather boots leaving deep impressions in the fresh snowfall as she walked to the back of the wagon and stuck her head inside. "Wake up you lazy lumps! We're here. It's time to strike the earth!"

Wayfarer's Log, Obsidian 1st.

We have arrived at the site outlined on the map we stole from the baron today. After three long months of travel spent constantly looking over our shoulders for fear of discovery we have finally arrive at the site of our new home. Under dwarven law no dwarf, not even the king, can challenge our right to live here now.

Opon arrival our first order of business was to elect a temporary leader. to my suprise Carin nominated me, forgoing running himself, and the others nearly unanimously voted to have me as the acting executive. Without hesitation I immediatly handed out the jobs of Broker, Bookeeper, and Manager to those with the appropriate skills. With Carin watching our books, VeryInky managing our jobs, and Disuth as a temporary broker things should run soothly.

However, the folly of our flight has caused problems. While Hollywars had brought with him her own pick, being our only miner, it appears that Bearded Sack, Disuth, and VeryInky all forgot to bring any battle axes for us to use!

Not to be disuaded, it was Holly who found the solution. Pointing to a near hillside, he told us that he could see some hematite in a nearby hillside. Carin and Inky both had some experiance with forging, so I set them about immediatly to setting up a temporary wood furnace, smelter, and forge. Conveniently, the area that Holly mined out for Hematite also appears perfect for our entryway as well.

For the rest of us, I asked Jalek to mark off some stockpiles for our supplies so we could move them inside once the storooms are built. Right now we are hauling the inumerable barrels of food and drink we have brought with us toward the steeply sloping incline that Holly is digging into the ground.


Granite 2nd

Kib "Bearded Sack" Zonmis leaned against one of the heavy barrels that had been haphazardly piled outside of the now-dissassembled wagon. Taking a short break after disassembling the wagon. The first day here at Ulengoddom had been full of mixed blessings for him. Disuth, bless her, had been keeping busy, already having constructed the carpenters shop that both of them would be able to use. However, without an ase cutting wood was virtually an impossile task. And given the speed at which Inky was working, he wouldn't have a proper axe for another month at least.

With a sigh Kib stood up. Wayfarer, for all of her good naturedness, really didn't like seeing folks idle. It was too early to call in a break, and he knew that winter was a long way away. Streaching slightly, he leaned down to grab the heavy barrel when a flurry of motion caught his eye.

"Oh bloody hell..." he muttered as his legs carried him in the opposite direction as fast as they could move.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2008, 02:59:00 pm »

9th Granite

Wayfarer frowned slightly at VeryInky and Carin as the two approached her on her daily rounds from the wagon to the temporary stockpiles. The two had a serious look on their faces, their thick beards ashen with the soot from the furnaces.

"Carin, Inky! What is the matter?" Reg shouted, he voice carrying over the snowy plains toward her two companins. "Aren't the axes ready for B.S. and Disuth yet?"

"That's just it Wayfarer." Inky replied as she finally reached Reg, "We've got iron bars, yeah. but..."

"...But what?"

Inky shuffled nervously for a moment before softly replying, "well, we have all this Chalk around here and you brought all this extra coal..."

"...and we think that we'd do better to make proper steel!" Carin finished, his bright eyes glittering beneath his blackend face.

"Steel?" Reg said disconcerted, "You want us to make steel before we have a proper forge set up?"

Carin grinned, "Hollywars left enough hematite to make a bunch of shields, weapons, and a few sets of proper platemail. All we really need is flux, which we have in abundance, and coal, which we have more than enough of."

Reg looked upward for a moment, lost in thought as she watched several grey storm clouds move in over the frozen earth. Then she returned her gaze to Carin and grinned, "Sounds like a good plan. Make a hammer and three axes. That covers the military professions of everyone. Make two suits of platemail for Disuth and BS, three shields, and one pair of greaves. BS said he saw some undead the other day, so it will be a good idea to have the best weapons and armor we can make.


Wayfarer's Log
24th Granite
The first two axes are finished, Bearded Sack and Disuth have begun chopping down trees and building beds for everyone. Good times.

1st Slate

At long last our farms are ready. Jalak, the only one of us unskilled in any civilian professions, has "voulenteered" to brew, cook, process plants, and plant. I hope she won't be too upset at me, but she is the only dwarf with the free time.

14th Slate

The lazy bums! BS and Disuth promised me that there would be a free bed for me to sleep in if I took the late shift while constructing tables and doors. Now I'm stuck sleeping on the floor. Such a dirty trick, I'm shure Jalek masterminded this to get back at me for putting her on field duty.

Oh well, it could be worse. I could be sleeping outside, in the mud.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2008, 03:12:00 pm »

Wayfarer's log

1st Hematite
Summer has begun, Disuth and I now take our seasonal break. I eagerly await the fall when I can begin construction of the main entryway.

The work log Hollywars Rageanus, acting leader
16th Malachite
Excavation of our living quarters has begun. I expect to be done with these rooms by the end of the month

26th Malachite
Migrants! Oh no, I had just finished the bedrooms for everybody too. Now I need too go back and dig out another six bedrooms. Curse that Wayfarer for taking summers off!

x1 Craftsdwarf
x1 Weaver
x1 Fishery Worker
x1 Herbalist
x1 Peasent
x1 Metalcrafter
x2 Donkey

One of the migrants, calling himself "Jayfrin" seemed particularily eager to work. I sent him to go bother Reg so that I don't need to deal with it.

Logan "Jayfrin" Savotdumat

For some reason he demanded I give him a cat. He seemed upset when I told him we didn't have any. I gave him a nice pat on the back out the door of the room I was working on. Fortunatly, he didn't break anything when hitting the wall.

Two more gods that the Ashen Lashes Worship, for referance

Wayfarer's log
6th Galena
Autumn is here. I've begun construction of the main entryway as well as building a proper gate on our surface enterence. When I am finished, no man, dwarf, or beast will be able to enter Ulengoddom without going though a gauntlet of dwarves and traps.

Hollywars has begun building mechanisms so we can raise the drawbridge.

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2008, 03:20:00 pm »

Mind if I take that craftsdwarf?

The name, Svenge.



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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2008, 04:12:00 pm »

I thought you were gonna post that I got pecked to death by a zombie eagle the very first day.  lol
Thus ends the official written history of the fortress known as Boatmurdered. May their tortured souls rest in peace.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2008, 04:16:00 pm »

Limestone 9th
A loud knock on the door of the mason's workshop startled Wayfarer as she crafted yet another throne for the freshly carved dining hall, the chisel jumping free of her hands and the small rock hammer that she had been working with slamming down on her fingertips.

"Ouch! bloody... who is it?" She shouted, keeping back the tears of pain that threghtened to well forth in apologetic response to her battered hand as the hammer skipped away across the floor of the workshop. Her mood not improved when she saw Disuth at the door. "Arn't you supposed to be cutting wood at this time of day?"

Disuth gave the mason a hard stare, the worn edge of her axe glittering in the bright sunlight as she coldly replies. "I would, except for that cursed zombie eagle that keeps rushing me whenever I get too close to the area you want cut."

Wayfarer sighed, sucking on her abused finger while reclaiming her lost chisel and hammer with her uninjured hand. "Then take care of it. You were in the military before you came with us didn't you?"

"I need permission to use the community armor. Plus I'd like to take a few others with me. For security." Disuth sternly replied. Drawing a startled gaze from the weary leader's face.

"You should know that you don't need to ask me to use that stuff. We're making enough for everyone eventually anyway." Wayfarer replied. "As for the others, take whoever you like. I trust you enough to know who to take."

Disuth nodded at that, keeping her face neutral as she turned away from the distraught woman. "Thanks Wayfarer. By the way, one more request."

"What is it?"

"When we get back, you really should start considering who you want to be your sheriff. If Dastot chased off this group so fast, we're bound to be swamped soon. And a real town needs somone to keep order."

Reg smiled as the burly dwrf left, talking softly to herself."I'll think about it."
14th Limestone

Disuth took Bearded Sack, VeryInky, and Jalak with her. Each of them carrying the new steel weapons and armor we had recently forged. According to reports, the fight was quick. The axedwarves hardly got a swing in before Jalak solidly hit the Zombie Giant Eagle, bashing it aginst the ground so hard that the bird actually skipped nearly fifty meters down the hillside. I've ordered that the body be brought to our outside stockpiles so that we can make a few crossbows and bolts from it's bones. I feel that perhaps everyone here should have a little military training during their downtime... just in case.

17th Limestone

Traders! Our depot isn't ready yet, I must hurry so we can trade the few crafts we have made and some of the gems Jayfrin has cut for a little extra food. Anything to avoid eating Jalaks cooking, bleh!
9th Sandstone

More Migrants. Disuth was right, bless her broker soul. Six more hardy souls wanting to get out from Dastot's crushing heel have made the long trek to get to our small home. We need to build more beds, carve more rooms, and build more tables and chairs.

Disuth will be happy, I've assigned her to permanent military duty. Jalak will be joining her come this winter.

The whole list
x1 Bone Carver
x1 Fisherdwarf
x1 Stoneworker
x1 Peasent
x1 Woodworker
x1 Leatherworker

I've told the stoneworker to start smoothing out the fortress, for now. In a few months I may trade jobs with him, but right I'd prefer to build on my own.

Two of the migrants approahed me and introduced themselves. Both of whom had arrived a few months ago and have been too busy to say much of anything.

Vabok "Istrian" Onulthikut
Novice Grower, Competent Miner

The first told me to call him Istrian. Although he was unskilled, he claimed he wanted to be a swordsdwarf. Right now we don't need any more military, so I told him to mine for now. Not only will it toughen him up, but it will buy me time to make him some armor and a weapon. For some reason though, he refuses to wear Plate Armor. I tried to dissuade him, saying that survival is better than fasion, but he refused to listen.

Disuth told me not too worry, and that he would learn after his first few sparring injuries to appreciate thick armor.

Doren "Svenge" Gimrimtar
Competant Stone Carver, Novice Glassmaker, Novice Wood Carver

Svenge seems to be very prideful of his work. Which, considering his personality, makes me leery of telling him the whole truth about quality of his crafts.

Oh well, perhaps I'll have Disuth and Carin confront the hothead later. At any rate, I've was able to ask the him to make me a crossbow and a few bolts without many injuries.

16th Sandstone
The traders have left, promising to bring us more next year, with the added implication that we better have more to trade.

I say good riddance. Now if only I could get rid of this annoying diplomat.

11th Timber

15th Timber

Hollywars has become mighty fearful with that pick. The sheer amount of stone he leaves behind has led me to worry that we may have problems clearing out our workshop area once he finishes excavating it.

At least we have silver.

13th Obsidian

Today a group of Rhesus race straight for our pile of cut gems, which we cannot bring underground untill the workshops are cleared. Fortunatly, Carin's On-duty squad was ready to meet them. The result was quick and bloody, the worst injury being a wound to Bearded Sacks right kidney.

How he knew his kidney was battered was beyond me, but who am I to question the mind of an axedwarf?


Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2008, 04:42:00 pm »

Granite 1st, 1062

The cold air whistled as it passed the wide ramp that served as the one and only entryawy to Ulengoddom. The last snowflakes of the year settling on the half dissassembled outdoor workshops. Small piles of gems and wood, neatly stacked and covered in a thin leather tarp creaked as the dark night sky let loose it's final fury.

Deep inside of the fortress, a faint murmer could be heard. Cheerful drinking songs and happy voices bubling and clamboring over one another in a calaphony of cheer that fiercly contested the cold snow.

In the main dining hall, Nineteen dwarves sat along the walls, cheerily eating and raising their mugs to one toast or another. In the center of the room, Svenge and Jalek were singing and dancing merrily around a pair of copper statues, accompanied by Disuth and Carin playing a drum and flute from their seats. The room seemed vibrant with color, the half-smoothed floor occationally tripping up the two blery singers and causing them to fall over into even more humerous positions than the pair dwarves who featured in their songs.

As they finished and bowed, nearly toppling head over heels, Reg Wayfarer stood up and rose her cup of beer in a toast. "To Ulengoddom, and to us! We beat Dastot!". The room erupted into a rowdy cheer, migant and founder alike returning the toast, the Leatherworker adding his own praise for their entertainers.

After a few moments, the cheers died back down and Reg continued. "Yes friends, this is the first anniversity of founding our home. Here, where no noble can touch us, and where no king's law can force our hands." She paused as another cheer lit up the room, waiting for it to die down before continueing, "where no king's law can force our hands. We have become self-sustaining, and we have dug deep into this mountain to forge our own home. However friends, we have another year ahead of us. So now, now it is time for us to vote on what we will do next year."

"In the last year we have found numberous deposits of gemstones thoughout this region. We hardly can carve out a room without finding another deposit or three. We could easily make ourselves rich on agates and axlexandrites alone, however, there are other concerns.

As you are well aware, We do not live far from a goblin stronghold. Although we have escaped their notice for long we will not do so forever. Near the brook we have found a large deposit of magnetite when we built the channel to bring fresh water to our feast hall. Mining it would be difficult, but once we do so we easily have enough fuel to make enough steel to outfit a large army. enough to keep ourselves safe and, if need be, attack those who have oppressed us Dwarven, goblin, or kobald.

Our third option is to search where we are. We have recently found a vien of Tetrahedrite in the workshop area, meaning we have much copper and some silver to work with. We could keep ourselves inside, venturing outside only to cut wood  and make ourselves rich from the more precious ores we have not yet found. Who knows, there may be more iron or platinum beneath our feet!

I leave it to you, my friends. Vote as you will, or abstain. We must decide how to progress for this next year if we are to be sucessful."

End of year report
I plan on having Carin start actually bookeeping now that she's off-duty. As you can see, our drink stockpile is good and our food stockpile is decent. Even though we have no proper growers, we are definatly working on it.

Our dining hall will soon have a water source. The floodgate is installed and I'm just waiting on our stonecrafters to clear the loose stone out of it before I let the water in. The well should be functional by next spring at the latest.

Also, from this point on i'm going to be saving these with a lower compression. I've noticed that the blue text is very hard to read.

So, let's hear your votes. You have 24hours from now to cast your votes for how we progress.

[ March 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2008, 04:42:00 pm »

Bah...Ive got two kidneys anyways!  lol

Good story!

Oh and I vote we go get that steel!

[ March 15, 2008: Message edited by: MrGimp ]

Thus ends the official written history of the fortress known as Boatmurdered. May their tortured souls rest in peace.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »

A map of the current fortress.

Gems: 0
Steel: 4
Precious Metals: 0

[ March 15, 2008: Message edited by: Jamini ]

Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2008, 05:29:00 pm »

I vote for steel too. Better safe than sorry.


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Re: Ulengoddom : The First Dwarven Democracy.
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2008, 05:42:00 pm »

Steel! Hear, hear!
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