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Author Topic: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible  (Read 31753 times)


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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39a compatible
« Reply #76 on: July 16, 2008, 01:36:00 am »

Hey. Can you add this?
Code: [Select]

[NAME:upwards facing arrow:upward facing arrows]

[NAME:downwards facing arrow:downward facing arrows]

[NAME:left facing arrow:left facing arrows]

[NAME:right facing arrow:right facing arrows]

[ADJ:finely designed]

[ADJ:exterior of a]
[ADJ:interior of a]













[ADJ:well earned]


Sean Mirrsen

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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39a compatible
« Reply #78 on: July 16, 2008, 04:18:15 am »

List looks nice, only it "monastery" not "monestary". :)
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39a compatible
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2008, 07:14:29 am »

What's wrong with "monestary"? I have never thought about THIS way of spelling, however I keep encountering it, even on mp3 sites.

Also "there's an image of two rain" is a bit strange; maybe replace it with a raincloud?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39a compatible
« Reply #80 on: July 16, 2008, 08:09:34 am »

Here's what I changed:
1. reduced arrows to one and made "leftwards, rightwards, etc." to adjectives
2. changed tables to dining rooms because tables can already be engraved in game (although they will be lifted or admired)
3. removed "interior of a/exterior of a" from shops. Also removed "fantastic".
4. changed churches to temples because a church is very specific (much like a Masjid to Islam) and there aren't any Christian dwarves. Again, removed "fantastic"
5. "monastery"
6. removed barrels
7. changed "rain" to "rainstorms"
8. Symbol is too abstract I think. It would be weird to see the symbol of a civilization being a symbol.
9. I already have beasts, unfortunately.
10. Flasks and five removed.

I've updated the engravings mod... but I think I'll leave the main small things mod un-updated to avoid hogging the top spot of dwarf fortress file depot... for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39b compatible
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2008, 02:44:13 pm »

"Fear me, for I am your apocalypse!"
"It pains me to know that your unclean blood will stain this place."
"Your skull had better not be thick enough to nick my weapon."
"Listen, [AUDIENCE:RACE]!  The whispers of the wind speak only of your death.  The world itself begs for your blood!"
"Once I've killed you, I will hunt down your friends and your family and they will curse your name before they die long and painful deaths."
"I grant you a moment to consider your path and repent of your sins.  Good.  Now you will perish."
"If only there were a bounty on your head.  Then, I'd soon be a little richer and a LOT happier!"
"I salute you before your death."
"Ugh, you're covered in blood and vomit!  I had been hoping to clean my blade on your cloth once it had slaked itself on your blood."  *note: this assumes the adventurer is just like every other adventurer... covered in the remains of previous creatures
"I am destined to be your last foe."
"Embrace the end that awaits you!"
"May the jackals feast on your flesh when I am through with you!"
"May you find your forebears in the world beyond."
"Look into my eyes and see that there is no victory for you.  My determination is absolute.  You WILL fall here and now and by my hand!"
"Finally, you have come to me.  Know that I am your doom, [AUDIENCE:RACE].  Your training means nothing, for I am better than you.  Your strength means nothing, for I am stronger than you.  Your speed means nothing for I am faster than you.  Your anger, fear and determination will wash against me and turn their flows to your destruction.  Hope will die in your heart even as I wrench the life from your body.  Yes, worm, I will end you."


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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39b compatible
« Reply #82 on: July 16, 2008, 02:49:07 pm »

Hurr, I was working on threats too.

Here's mine. I'll integrate yours and release them soon. Thanks!

Code: [Select]
Hm hm hm hm hm hm... heh heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha ha... Hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
Behold! POWER!
Run! Run you little fool! Run as far as your little legs can take you! Make this fun!
Every kill I make leads me on the road to salvation for every murder I have sown. Free me in death!
Say your last words, [AUDIENCE:RACE].
You DARE challenge me?
Count your steps child, you shall be dead by the tenth.
Not even the power of Armok himself can save you now.
Fool! Perish at my hand!
This is your atonement!
Lavish these final moments, they will be beautiful.
Don't panic. I don't want your bile polluting your flesh.
Bear witness to power incarnate!
You will scream for torture before I'm done with you!
My body SCREAMS for your blood! It is time to drink!
I sharpened my teeth for this?
Imbecile. The time for talk is over.
It does not matter who is right... only who wins.
We shall not be finished... for a long, long time yet.
Cower before my might and I might just crush you quickly.
Call upon all the gods you want. Even they bow before my strength!
Hah! Was that an attack?
You will cry tears of blood today!
This is an act of mercy on my part; I sin so you may be absolved.
Will you not die for me?
Fight with honor! Die with dignity!
Do you not see? You are dead already.
The string of fate has led us to this battle. Prepare yourself.
I can see the insatiable thirst for violence looming within you. Good...
Even if you do not deserve it, I will grant you a fair fight.
Why aren't you running yet?
You are nothing more than gravel beneath my feet.
Away with thee and ye might live to die another die.
It has been awhile since I last feasted on [AUDIENCE:RACE].
Be a man. Do the right thing.
Mercy is a trait you'd best hope is universal.
Extreme death...
I have waiting long for this moment. Do not disappoint me.
It's time to suffer!
This hand yearns for your soul!
I shall strike you down!
You have already made your final mistake!
Your next move will be your last!
You have not felt suffering yet!
I will smack your head around like a little ball!
Say hello to my little friend!
Your blood will flow like the crimson sea!
I will purge you from these lands!
No more words! We fight!
You don't believe my might? Then it is time for a live demonstration.
I will rip your beating heart out of your chest!
This will be over soon.
Mortal combat!!!!
You had a chance to turn back long before this. Now you will pay the price for your arrogance.
You are already shivering in fright? Pathetic.
This is your final hour!
I will kill you and the very land you walk on!
Unbridle your fear. This is your last chance to let it show.
You are but a stepping stone in my path to glory.
I see you are wearing your own metal coffin. Makes things easier for both of us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2008, 12:18:16 pm »

Updated this at last. I also plunked in the old, no_family.txt inside the pack. Also, I'm stopping support for the small minimods. It's way too much work to update each and every one manually. Sorry.

I'm currently working on a mod to make the game super hard. Imagine firebreathing, [NOPAIN] carp.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #84 on: August 05, 2008, 05:22:06 am »

I have a couple of quotes if you fell like adding it
"Your head is ridiculously proportioned! soon it will rest by your legs! or arms. I don't care which."
"I will feed the earth with your blood and give it your brains as a dessert."
"I am completely drunk and don't care who you are! have at thee!"
"Waugh! were did you come from? At least I know where you are going! DIE!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #85 on: September 22, 2008, 09:57:41 pm »

  • Your skull will be an excellent mop.
  • I shall make [AUDIENCE:RACE] leather socks with you.
  • Greetings, would you like to have tea and biscuits? By tea I mean death, and by biscuits I mean more death.

Those are obviously for threats.

Earthquake Damage

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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #86 on: September 22, 2008, 11:07:30 pm »

Since we're reviving this thread...

I didn't notice anyone suggest "Blood for the Blood God" yet.


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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39b compatible
« Reply #87 on: December 07, 2008, 10:56:45 pm »

umiman, i notice you said "Away with thee and ye might live to die another die.", should be die another day

awesome list of threats +++  ;)


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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #88 on: December 07, 2008, 11:19:47 pm »

More threats!

"Blood for the blood God!" (I thought of that. Go me! ;))
"The voices in my head beg for your death! And I shall comply!"
"Snivel and cry wretch! I have killed greater adventures than yourself."
"Tonight I feast on [AUDIENCE:RACE] flesh!"
"[AUDIENCE:RACE]! Tonight you dine in HELL!"
"I shall take your liver and feed it to the dogs!"
"I am Armok incarnate!"

Earthquake Damage

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Re: [10sm]It's the small things v0.2 - .39d compatible
« Reply #89 on: December 07, 2008, 11:47:46 pm »

"[AUDIENCE:RACE]! Tonight you dine in HELL!"

If there's a way to name the current location, we need an accompanying "Madness?  This is <insert location here>!"
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