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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 15744 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Non-Voters - A Retrospective
« Reply #1155 on: Today at 03:47:47 pm »

So now anyone will know if tonight VS targets them, but as it's just a status it wouldn't show up in roleflip. Still, that seems like a very useful pro-town ability and I'm not sure why Kris doesn't see it this way.

Nope, the Thread Alpha is ended for spread.  And I can never catch Alpha again.  I can never spread it again.  Last night, the night I got it, or never; or there's some 'other person power' that makes it spread again despite what it says.  I suspect a Thread Beta is more likely.  Krr1ss ran with the Beta through Zeta idea and joked about a 26-night game.  I could have guessed right or he just keeps playing with lies, I won't know until he flips.

But the way to track spread tonight is by whomever gets a new thread tonight, the current threads will not spread 'as is' (maybe someone not-me can change them to spread again, but looks 'ended' based on what I see in the status text)
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1156 on: Today at 03:50:47 pm »

Crystalizedmire (4): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss, TricMagic
Krr1ss (4): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack, Crystalizedmire
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
VermillionSkies (3): notquitethere, notquitethere, TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
toastercultist (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (0):

I believe this is the current votecount:

Krr1ss (4): VermillionSkies (724), EuchreJack(774), imp (1051), Crystalizedmire (1128),
Crystalizedmire (4): Magma Mater (580), Jim Groovester (946), Krr1ss (1003), TricMagic (1151),
notquitethere (2): toastercultist (718), ToonyMan (1092),
Agentt (2): notquitethere (1047), notquitethere (1047),
Magma Mater (2 supposedly per Mater's claim otherwise (0)):
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt (988),
VermillionSkies (1): TricMagic (1151),
toastercultist (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Imp (0):
EuchreJack (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer. (supposedly only 6 visible votes for Mater, per his claim)

Not Voting (0):

For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1157 on: Today at 03:54:25 pm »

Crystalizedmire (4): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss, TricMagic
Krr1ss (4): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack, Crystalizedmire
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
VermillionSkies (3): notquitethere, notquitethere, TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
toastercultist (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (0):

I believe this is the current votecount:

Krr1ss (4): VermillionSkies (724), EuchreJack(774), imp (1051), Crystalizedmire (1128),
Crystalizedmire (4): Magma Mater (580), Jim Groovester (946), Krr1ss (1003), TricMagic (1151),
notquitethere (2): toastercultist (718), ToonyMan (1092),
Agentt (2): notquitethere (1047), notquitethere (1047),
Magma Mater (2 supposedly per Mater's claim otherwise (0)):
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt (988),
VermillionSkies (1): TricMagic (1151),
toastercultist (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Imp (0):
EuchreJack (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer. (supposedly only 6 visible votes for Mater, per his claim)

Not Voting (0):
Oh thanks, you are keeping better track of it than me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Non-Voters - A Retrospective
« Reply #1158 on: Today at 03:56:47 pm »

Nope, the Thread Alpha is ended for spread.  And I can never catch Alpha again.  I can never spread it again.
Ah I see where I misread Vermilion. Thanks for the clarification Each thread is still a useful investigative role though, as you it can be used to confirm chains of action. The players that don't have the role know they weren't targeted by anyone that had it. For instance, my role failed and I know it wasn't because you or Vermilion targeted me. That's useful information.

I absolutely don't want to ISO Kris now, as there's a million posts. But I probably should take a look at Crystal. If I can stay awake for it, I could decide the elimination.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1159 on: Today at 04:11:39 pm »

... Crystal VermillionSkies actually. Verm I am quite disappointed you've done nothing today other than want Imp to fix you.
We're on the exact same page with Vermilion. I might have missed it, but do you know why weren't your sunglasses stolen?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1160 on: Today at 04:17:41 pm »

... Crystal VermillionSkies actually. Verm I am quite disappointed you've done nothing today other than want Imp to fix you.
We're on the exact same page with Vermilion. I might have missed it, but do you know why weren't your sunglasses stolen?

Vermillion just chose not to act last night, at all. The spread of the Thread ends with them apparently.

I know what Agentt can do since they did share one ability.
Vermillion can spend a sixth of his time on this thread to watch someone in theater, along with telling if the original target is a Sinner. Supposedly this will tell if that person has killed. If they can target others don't know?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #1161 on: Today at 04:20:18 pm »

As of ISO:
Town Reads:
Strong Town Leans:
Weak Town Leans:
Weak Scum Leans:
Strong Scum Leans:
Scum Reads:

Feel free to ignore this post, I am too lazy to make notes. This can also be used for you guys to question me or smth, idk.
Boy, did Crystal yap things that are alignment indicative.

Seems you at least once lied about thinking Crystal was posting townily.  But a vote for you, the greatest sin of all, sure.

I'm digging for what you claimed you thought about Sal.

Since he died.  And you said this at first:

NQT is a doublevoter eh

Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.

Thanks Magma.  Maybe everyone should just leave you alone then.
[A being which has never been narrows its eyes.]

Okay uh, a roleplayer? What can I expect from a being which has never been? Actually a bit funny, but my role describes me above being all so that's fun. It's pure flavor and unrelated to my power tho.

I wonder.  Krr1ss, how did you feel and think about Sal?

And he admitted to having no abilities.

Another reason why I thought the threads might have come from Sal - a player with no abilities is immune to catching or spreading a Thread.  That's why I said Sal could have eaten the whole game if Sal was SK and made the Thread.  It would not have hit Sal ever.

But I dunno that Krr1ss is SK.  He could be maf, he or a teammate could have solved Sal.  Krr1ss is antitown, I think extremely likely, high confidence.

What Sal said here:

Ghost of Nonexistence: I have no role. I have no abilities, cannot gain abilities, and cannot wear hats.

I see Thread Alpha.  That claim, Sal could never have been statused by a Thread.  Even though he could target other players.  He's immune.

As of ISO:
Town Reads:
Crystal, Agentt
Strong Town Leans:
Weak Town Leans:
Verm, Toaster
Urist, Sal, Jim
Weak Scum Leans:
NQT, Jack, Tooney
Strong Scum Leans:
Scum Reads:

Here's a preliminary list without Imp's ISO and before I read Cat. I just added Cat in strong scum leans afterwards. I will try reading IMP but I don't know if I can rn (not because I don't find her posts fun, trust me, I may find her posts the most fun in fact) but because it's 1:30am and she seems to have LOTS of content hahah
By himself, Jim is NULL at worst. If we include other people's attitudes, he is Strong Scum Lean.

Null... on Sal, the Krr1ss thread immune.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm not mad, just disappointed
« Reply #1162 on: Today at 04:25:34 pm »

I think Tric or NQT are the likely Sal killer.
Kris was right, Toony does profess to believe this. On what grounds? I can split open a dove's guts and declre that the entrails tell me that tonight's killer is between Imp and Magma, and that would be more of a reason than what we get here.

Vermillion just chose not to act last night, at all. The spread of the Thread ends with them apparently.
Just rereading the claim now. He can also watch members of the theatre and block hat theft.

Vermillion can spend a sixth of his time on this thread to watch someone in theater, along with telling if the original target is a Sinner. Supposedly this will tell if that person has killed. If they can target others don't know?
This is itself something of a reason to keep V alive a little longer.

Magma, why wasn't Euchrejack bus driven with someone else last night? Didn't you claim that that would happen?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1163 on: Today at 04:27:44 pm »

... Crystal VermillionSkies actually. Verm I am quite disappointed you've done nothing today other than want Imp to fix you.
We're on the exact same page with Vermilion. I might have missed it, but do you know why weren't your sunglasses stolen?

Vermillion just chose not to act last night, at all. The spread of the Thread ends with them apparently.

I know what Agentt can do since they did share one ability.
Vermillion can spend a sixth of his time on this thread to watch someone in theater, along with telling if the original target is a Sinner. Supposedly this will tell if that person has killed. If they can target others don't know?

Since everyone is still confused, here's the paraphrased version of the status:
If whoever has this status targets others successfully they also gain it if they didn't. Only for the night tho. And non-free actions

I checked with Fallacy and this is allowed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #1164 on: Today at 04:30:17 pm »

As of ISO:
Town Reads:
Strong Town Leans:
Weak Town Leans:
Weak Scum Leans:
Strong Scum Leans:
Scum Reads:

Feel free to ignore this post, I am too lazy to make notes. This can also be used for you guys to question me or smth, idk.
Boy, did Crystal yap things that are alignment indicative.

Seems you at least once lied about thinking Crystal was posting townily.  But a vote for you, the greatest sin of all, sure.

I'm digging for what you claimed you thought about Sal.

Since he died.  And you said this at first:

NQT is a doublevoter eh

Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.

Thanks Magma.  Maybe everyone should just leave you alone then.
[A being which has never been narrows its eyes.]

Okay uh, a roleplayer? What can I expect from a being which has never been? Actually a bit funny, but my role describes me above being all so that's fun. It's pure flavor and unrelated to my power tho.

I wonder.  Krr1ss, how did you feel and think about Sal?

And he admitted to having no abilities.

Another reason why I thought the threads might have come from Sal - a player with no abilities is immune to catching or spreading a Thread.  That's why I said Sal could have eaten the whole game if Sal was SK and made the Thread.  It would not have hit Sal ever.

But I dunno that Krr1ss is SK.  He could be maf, he or a teammate could have solved Sal.  Krr1ss is antitown, I think extremely likely, high confidence.

What Sal said here:

Ghost of Nonexistence: I have no role. I have no abilities, cannot gain abilities, and cannot wear hats.

I see Thread Alpha.  That claim, Sal could never have been statused by a Thread.  Even though he could target other players.  He's immune.

As of ISO:
Town Reads:
Crystal, Agentt
Strong Town Leans:
Weak Town Leans:
Verm, Toaster
Urist, Sal, Jim
Weak Scum Leans:
NQT, Jack, Tooney
Strong Scum Leans:
Scum Reads:

Here's a preliminary list without Imp's ISO and before I read Cat. I just added Cat in strong scum leans afterwards. I will try reading IMP but I don't know if I can rn (not because I don't find her posts fun, trust me, I may find her posts the most fun in fact) but because it's 1:30am and she seems to have LOTS of content hahah
By himself, Jim is NULL at worst. If we include other people's attitudes, he is Strong Scum Lean.

Null... on Sal, the Krr1ss thread immune.
I wanna applaud you because this actually sounds plausible. But it's not true and deep down you should know it. You are hard tunneling and trying to prove yourself through confirmation bias.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I'm not mad, just disappointed
« Reply #1165 on: Today at 04:33:22 pm »

I think Tric or NQT are the likely Sal killer.
Kris was right, Toony does profess to believe this. On what grounds? I can split open a dove's guts and declre that the entrails tell me that tonight's killer is between Imp and Magma, and that would be more of a reason than what we get here.

Vermillion just chose not to act last night, at all. The spread of the Thread ends with them apparently.
Just rereading the claim now. He can also watch members of the theatre and block hat theft.

Vermillion can spend a sixth of his time on this thread to watch someone in theater, along with telling if the original target is a Sinner. Supposedly this will tell if that person has killed. If they can target others don't know?
This is itself something of a reason to keep V alive a little longer.

Magma, why wasn't Euchrejack bus driven with someone else last night? Didn't you claim that that would happen?
Did you assess, graverob, or mug?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1166 on: Today at 04:34:50 pm »

The main issue with a verdict of Innocent or Guilty...
"Why don't we all think about this" says the Phantom Detective, Crystalizedmire. Sadly, the power has gone to their head.

"Why don't you listen? It's clear who the thief here is." says the Auctioneer, sofanthiel.

punch. Crystalized crumples like a sack of bricks from the Security, NJW2000. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But I'm not one to be fooled thrice." They frisk the detective, discovering the Treasure.

It's clear who was in the wrong. But were the winners in the right? Kept within the tophat, the Venus Fluorite Necklace is safely retrieved, the thief and criminal element found in their midst captured. As the boat docks, the police come in to take them away and the auction resumes. It's been a strange ride, but the true winners are the people who experienced this strange journey.

Town Victory

If you want to see the roles (mostly), here is a link.
Spec/Dead Chat Start
[Day] Frames of Mind: You check the target's mental state, determining if they are a Killer.

Not a Killer=Innocent, Killer=Sinner. Or in this game it could refer to hat theft instead.

This is mostly to Toastercultist mind you.

Magma Mater

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Re: I'm not mad, just disappointed
« Reply #1167 on: Today at 04:41:42 pm »

Magma, why wasn't Euchrejack bus driven with someone else last night? Didn't you claim that that would happen?

Yeah it turned out I was lying and trying to bait scum into targeting me so that I could steal their abilities. I stole abilities from EuchreJack, Agentt, and Jim Groovester. It would be pretty funny if this ended up being the scum team. Highly unlikely though, since none of the actions I took were Free (in other words, none of these people directly killed Salvatore Monday).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1168 on: Today at 04:42:16 pm »

Can we ask the names of the abilities at least?

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1169 on: Today at 04:45:24 pm »

Can we ask the names of the abilities at least?

The only thing I know about the abilities are their modifiers. I don't know their names or what they do.
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