ToonyMan, can you give me the 120 second rundown on why NQT and TricMagic are suspect to you?
I'm flipflopping really hard between the two.
I think Tric has been more open with us than NQT, but they've admitted to being stressed out by the game and wanting to replace out which feels like something mafia!Tric would want to do. They also apparently did no action on N1 because they missed the deadline which feels hilariously Tric if they're town, but I'm not sure.
Thinking about it again I think I like Tric more than NQT of the two.
Yes, it's possible both are town and I'm wrong. I think both being mafia is nearly impossible at least.
You caused the Thread of Fate on Verm and Imp, got it.
Also, you're annoying. Stop posting unless you have something worth saying. I can't follow how erratic and incoherent you are. You have the energy and motivation of a 10 year old child.
Don't bother with Krr1ss. You're better than them (I still won't read most of your posts either).
The quote pyramids in this game make my eyes bleed.
I am so uninterested in Krr1ss / VermilionSkies being the competing wagons today.
I agree. Neither player should be voted today.
I think
NQT is hiding from us. I think they know why my ability was Disabled. I don't feel like they have scumhunted or become personally invested in the game whatsoever. If they have been invested in the game it has not been
publicly in this game thread.
I also think
Crystal is suspicious, but I would rather focus on NQT currently.
I think Toastercultist is probably being truthful with their claims, however I want to hear their D2 reads or else I feel like they just quickly gave some claims to get heat off of them. They said they were making a big post, but felt the need to quickly drop their claims because of the votes on them. I don't think they've made their reads since then, it's hard to tell due to certain people shitting up the thread.