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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 15255 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1080 on: Today at 10:35:29 am »

Looks like Toonyman and Crystalizedmire could have a big influence on the outcome, if they wanted to do so.
Hello kind sir, may you please explain why I am your top scum read?
You care too much about being voted out. At this point, you've posted so many times it's gonna be impossible to review all of them, which makes me think you're trying to cover up something.
Duh, I haven't had a game where I wasn't top poster. This read is just... sure.

And these defenses remind me of 4maskwolf after he was redchecked.  I can pull those from that game if anyone cares.  I don't.  I just want this flipped.
Let's forward time and I flip town. Imagine that scenario.

What would you say then?

Play better next time, maf.  4maskwolf tried similar too.
Let's talk after the game then


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1081 on: Today at 10:35:40 am »

I am so uninterested in Krr1ss / VermilionSkies being the competing wagons today.

They don't have to compete.  Was freakin' hard to get Web out too the game he was maf.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1082 on: Today at 10:36:48 am »

Why vote him twice if he is probably town :/
I wrote that and then clicked Post and I got

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Telling me that Tric is voting me and Toaster, which isn't a coherent pairing, so I want to know what's up with that. Vote early and often is my motto.
In this case it's me putting my votes on two suspects, rather than an actual vote. As for the Claimed Cop bit, I want toaster to post more. An innocent verdict is as nebulous as a sinner verdict from Verm. And Verm can only tell if someone is a killer or not. So is it the same here?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1083 on: Today at 10:37:32 am »

Sure, but I am serious. I don't care even if they are town, hammering early despite everyone telling you not to is enough for me no just vote for them and stop caring. Bad town is potentially worse than scum (cope).

Well, I have removed 'bad town' too - removed folks that many were sure were town and I was sure were going to hurt town.  'Worst' in FBYOR6, where we had a suicide-bomber of a many-votes role, who gleefully responded to my taunts and challenges about my concerns he was anti-town by killing us both... me supercop and very likely town and while the rest of the game was busily killing the deadly Max SK that was unbelievably powerful.  What a D5.  But the playstyle had to go.

Thing is, if a playstyle has to go, it's not because they rushed a vote.  That's a reasonable mistake, one I like us to stay far from.  A playstyle that has to go is one that's consistently making harmful-for-town choices; they're likely anti-town as well.

I'm uncomfortable with your delight in 'even if they're town, I'd permavote them' - maybe you don't mean it and just posture.  If you meant it, that alone hurts town/disguises you pretty well for a while.

I noted you... well.  Hey, these postures.  I don't get them. Like right now you're heroing and saying you don't back down?

Unfortunately I still can't make cases and think straight as I just returned home and it's time for sleep but for now, I'm still on Toony, Urist, and Jim. I get Imp's unwillingness to consider my play good and I admit that I'm a newbie that often makes mistakes and quite probably does right now, but I'm not moving my vote for now. Considering Urist's overwhelming presence as town and plays I had seen him do, this whole claim fiasco and reasons behind it are somewhat dubious to me to say the least. Toony did nothing to improve his impression too.

Which makes me wonder now that I'm typing this, Jim's impression improved in my mind, am I crazy for finding that suspicious?

I mean... you literally say "I am not moving my vote" then less than 50 words later in the same post you... move your vote.  I get you're sleepy.

But you're really inconsistent.  I dunno how much of this is 'fun for you, a pose', how much is your literal personality.  How much is maybe something alignment meaningful.  It makes me attempt to build meta on you... insane for me.  You basically tell me, as I evaluate stuff, that I cannot trust what you say.

Sure, that's not a lie about an action claim.  But you... are a very hard to believe and predict and understand and feel safe with player.  It's going to get easier for me as we keep playing together but literally if you are town you are in my 'this player is insane' basket.

Krr1ss if you are town, for one, flip you.  For two, read your own bleeping quote and all the rest.  Flip you.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1084 on: Today at 10:39:21 am »

NQT feel free to calm down Imp, since this is the same reason I'm scared of you.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1085 on: Today at 10:42:21 am »

I don't think that Imp is willing to listen to me so yeah. You guys are free to help if you wanna.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Night 1 - Records Lost (13 / 14)
« Reply #1086 on: Today at 10:43:29 am »

Why vote him twice if he is probably town :/
I wrote that and then clicked Post and I got

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Telling me that Tric is voting me and Toaster, which isn't a coherent pairing, so I want to know what's up with that. Vote early and often is my motto.
In this case it's me putting my votes on two suspects, rather than an actual vote. As for the Claimed Cop bit, I want toaster to post more. An innocent verdict is as nebulous as a sinner verdict from Verm. And Verm can only tell if someone is a killer or not. So is it the same here?

This is still important.  And should be followed up on.  Thank you for doing so, I really appreciate it and I am concerned despite unvoting him.

Please, I absolutely beg.  Consider elim of Krr1ss today.  Not tomorrow.  Not right now either, yeah early hammers suck and there's still info needed.  Please help kill this thing.  Verm survives dying still I guess.  I may go with Krr1ss.  That's fine.  I go.  Better than many of us.  Or it severs the thread clean and safe.  We need this.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1087 on: Today at 10:43:53 am »

I don't think that Imp is willing to listen to me so yeah. You guys are free to help if you wanna.

... Absolutely please help. This doesn't get elimmed by me alone.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1088 on: Today at 10:45:47 am »

At least refer to me as a person...

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1089 on: Today at 10:47:59 am »

I don't think that Imp is willing to listen to me so yeah. You guys are free to help if you wanna.

... Absolutely please help. This doesn't get elimmed by me alone.

I'm listening, but you'll have to do a lot to convince me. Begging on your knees won't be enough.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1090 on: Today at 10:48:07 am »

At least refer to me as a person...

Presume I speak of your -slot- if you don't feel referred to as a -person-.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1091 on: Today at 10:49:05 am »

At least refer to me as a person...

Presume I speak of your -slot- if you don't feel referred to as a -person-.
Okay yeah, thanks, does make me feel better


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1092 on: Today at 10:49:11 am »

ToonyMan, can you give me the 120 second rundown on why NQT and TricMagic are suspect to you?
I'm flipflopping really hard between the two.

I think Tric has been more open with us than NQT, but they've admitted to being stressed out by the game and wanting to replace out which feels like something mafia!Tric would want to do. They also apparently did no action on N1 because they missed the deadline which feels hilariously Tric if they're town, but I'm not sure.

Thinking about it again I think I like Tric more than NQT of the two.

Yes, it's possible both are town and I'm wrong. I think both being mafia is nearly impossible at least.

You caused the Thread of Fate on Verm and Imp, got it.

Also, you're annoying. Stop posting unless you have something worth saying. I can't follow how erratic and incoherent you are. You have the energy and motivation of a 10 year old child.

Don't bother with Krr1ss. You're better than them (I still won't read most of your posts either).

The quote pyramids in this game make my eyes bleed.

I am so uninterested in Krr1ss / VermilionSkies being the competing wagons today.
I agree. Neither player should be voted today.

I think NQT is hiding from us. I think they know why my ability was Disabled. I don't feel like they have scumhunted or become personally invested in the game whatsoever. If they have been invested in the game it has not been publicly in this game thread.

I also think Crystal is suspicious, but I would rather focus on NQT currently.

I think Toastercultist is probably being truthful with their claims, however I want to hear their D2 reads or else I feel like they just quickly gave some claims to get heat off of them.  They said they were making a big post, but felt the need to quickly drop their claims because of the votes on them. I don't think they've made their reads since then, it's hard to tell due to certain people shitting up the thread.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1093 on: Today at 10:49:22 am »

I don't think that Imp is willing to listen to me so yeah. You guys are free to help if you wanna.

... Absolutely please help. This doesn't get elimmed by me alone.

I'm listening, but you'll have to do a lot to convince me. Begging on your knees won't be enough.

So you.  Literal -you-.  Who I have played with before and we were both town.

You who was sure TCk was anti-town is sure this isn't.  Wow you.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1094 on: Today at 10:50:11 am »

Don't bother with Krr1ss. You're better than them (I still won't read most of your posts either).

The quote pyramids in this game make my eyes bleed.

It's anti-town and needs dead.  You didn't help with Web CYOS1 either.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.
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