Currently, those are the reads I am comfortable flipping:
Magma (Urist), self explanatory, flipping them is essentially telling us on whether we should trust their reads or not. In this case, dead Urist may even be more helpful than alive one. The thread is pretty divided on their opinions on Urist and flipping him will prove to be a big info flip no matter the alignment. It's a fact that people are uncomfortable with trust Urist right now. Also hate Usurper role. It does make me wonder if he'd get Threads if someone targeted him that had it.
Vermillion, just read everything I said above. I think that it's likely there's scum here. Sorry Imp for not shipping your read, I respect your playstyle and opinions but I have my own too and yours is based on the past meta which could very well be changed. Especially if you pointed out to him what made him scummy or he has good teammates or just bothered actually learning and playing without you.
Toony I feel a bit less of an urge about this slot. It feels slippery and flipping them may not prove as helpful as I thought. It doesn't change the fact that I am uncomfortable with it and will keep an eye on it. Same goes for Jim.
Out of all those, the best flip would probably be me due to the amount of alignment indicative reads I made. Flipping me will surely help town organize themselves better but I don't believe that it will help much is scum hunting specifically because I am town and if I do flip, the only real happening would be "Ah, his reads were trash, he was town, gg wasted flip, let's move on.". At least I see it coming like that.