Okay I'm back and my mind feels a lot less cloudy and more refreshed. Guess that sleepiness and small fever did me much more dirty than expected although that state has been going on for several days already for some reason.
First of all, I'd like to say something.
I am pro-town. No, I'm not ally-town, neutral, or whatever other madness this setup could have. I am simply and purely
town.Every decision that I made is something I considered to be pro-town, at least at that moment. Now that I feel better, I've noticed big flaws in this, uh, weird playstyle that I tried in this game. I'll try to amend however much I can and it's on you guys to judge.
For that matter, straight out of gun and without any actual ISO or backread, I want to address several things.
1) First of all, my read on Toony, Urist, and Jim.
1. Toony's posts have been severly lackluster and mostly reactory. I didn't notice active aggressivness and the desire in his solving was down in the dumps. His reads looked like he was reading the thread and trying to find a consensus that will not stick out too much but just different enough not to be called out. Just like a wolf putting on sheep's clothing.
About the ISO Case, I did it with intention of trying to dig every single thing I could, trying the same with others, and then comparing cases. That ISO is
not the reason I suspected him. It's the points I just brought up in this post + several posts of his that felt weird. I didn't even reach those which is why it looked so bad. From now, for both my and yours mental health, I'll limit my cases purely to the pinging posts and anything else I feel is worthy enough to mention.
2. Urist/Magma. Do I even need to explain this one?
3. Jim's posts feel weird. I just can't put my hand to it. I will try later doing a proper ISO or maybe even skimming the thread (no I won't) but they feel "manufactured". As if every single one has a purpose of appearing like town. And more than that, it's people's reactions to this. As stated in my noted about Crystal which I am assuming everyone ignored for God knows what reason, multiple people had the same notes of "hyper focused on Jim" or "weirdly aware of Jim" or similar. Oh, I also noticed an unnatural amount of awareness towards Toony too.
Try reading those. Unfortunately, I didn't put post numbers in but I can guarantee you that as you read from the start of ISO you'll be able to find each post and how I judged it. It's basically post by post analysis put into simple noted.
Crystal noted EOD1:Crystal:
-Low confidence and probably good attitude for people.
-Has hat destroying ability
-Mentioned bad role name when investigating them. Feels towny unless paired with Tric. This entire post feels towny in fact.
-Likes Kitten and Toaster's posts. Will check on later ---------
-Specifically pointed out Sal being quiet. Plus vote.
-Added that alignment cops work on him. Feels towny.
-Poked me on unanswered question. Seems to care about it. The question is stupid tho so no brownie points cuz it might be just scum overawarness.
-Considers other people's reads.
-Still voting Sal and questioning them.
-Feels frustrated with Sal but doesn't want them out yet due to low info.
-Absolute mindmeld on when they answered instead of me. Super towny.
-Tentative unpairing with Verm, Agentt, Tric, and Cat
-Seems aware of themselves. Likes to answer in place of others.
-Seems a bit aversive of Jim vote.
-Again pointing to previous questions. This one feels more important. Feels a bit towny.
-Tentative Unpaired with Sal.
-The attention on Jim feels unnatural.
Imp - Town - She's town and helpful. Trying to help Verm.
Vermillionskies - Town - Imp says they're town then they're town unless Imp not town.
Tricmagic - Town lean - Everyone more experienced than me always says that town!Tric is wacky and aggressive, and if this Tric isn't wacky or aggressive then I'm not sure what either of those words mean anymore
Euchrejack - Town lean - Aggressive energy, I think they're town trying to hunt down mafia
Krr1ss/Agentt - Townish lean - I think that I've permanently wired my brain to think that engaging = town and I'm trying to cut back on that logic. But good vibes from them.
NQT - Townish lean - They had a strong start with posts I liked and they disappeared with only one post after the car crash. Their last two posts aren't really good either.
Canadian Kitten - Townish lean - Not talking a lot which I am concerned about. But this is to be expected and they did have a pretty good post. I can't really see scum in them.
Magma Mater - Scummish lean - Their posts confound me with faulty logic it's as if it's trying to be faulty on purpose. Which is why they're down here. But it also happened the first time I played with them and they were town there so it's mostly null
Salvatore Monday - Scummish Null - Has done about nothing besides vote Jim. Needs more from. Actually, I think that by themself they aren't suspicious, it's that Toony thinks they're good which

? what
Toonyman - Scum lean - Thinks that Salvatore Monday is good. Scumreads Tricmagic for being wrong which Town!Tric has done
-Forgot about Jum and Toaster. Tentative unpairing.
-Considers Fallacy not giving overpowered abilities. Towny.
-Doesn't like Imp and Mater's posts. Tentative unpairing.
-Anti hat. Likely not to go for hat victory
2. Now, with those Crystal notes out of the way, I'd like to present something else entirely.
Verm and NQT.Those are my day1 notes and thoughts on them (I paraphrased a bit of a rough language because I didn't expect to share them):
-Has super weird role that I don't care about except that it can target someone and see if they are a 'sinner' (?)
-Literally did one single confused town half-readlist where they mentioned everyone being town except Jack.
-RVS on Cat and Jim.
-Hyper Aware of Agentt.
-Suggests town lying about roles. Feels a bit scummy.
-Suspicious wording on Tric's suspicion on them:
--Asking them to stand down purely because of a stupid read on two votes.
--They plan on winning by pursuing town win condition.
-Too invested onto Sal. Tentative unpairing.
-Defended Toony a bit.
-Pretty aware of Toony.
-Voted Toast and Verm.
-No real read on my spot.
As you can see, a bit funny, but those two combined don't even make for half the space of Crystal's. That funny thing aside (but it does ping a bit, no?),
I'd like to point out
Verm's strange tunneling onto me. If I remember correctly from last night, he didn't seem to care about my alignment. Instead, he was more focused onto the fact that I gave him a Thread and felt threatened by it. Even willing to push onto me with everything he had, calling me a valuable info flip just because of my role, and stuff. I believe that there's real possible scum motivation behind that. He never actually did any valuable reads, pretty much didn't participate at all except for crying about his role, didn't even do night action. Nothing. The only real push he ever did was a push on me and that was simply because "I am a newbie while others aren't"? Pretty good reason buddy.
Now, he never bothered with me until I pointed out the possibility of him being scum through "roleblocking" theory I had (in fact he even went as far as to say we are buddies and that I am his town read if I remember correctly). The theory that suggested that scum had a roleblock and that, unless Verm or Crystal were scum or liars, Imp herself was scum. And Imp is almost surely not scum from my current reads which suggests that either Crystal lied (possible) or that Verm is actually scum so there was no need to block town helping scum. It was natural to keep Imp alive and safe. The absolute lack of scum reads and participation that Verm showed day1 basically cements the idea in my head. The only real scum read he had was when he felt threatened by me, either by Threads or by the theory where I found him likely scum in that scenario.
Another point, I'd like to add, is Verm's utter lack of participation in Theater chat. Yes, if you guys remember, he's in the Theater chat with
Tric and Agentt both of which I town. Both of which were open about their roles and cooperated at least to a degree. Instead, Verm was the one who refused to share his own role for the reason of "scum reading" Tric which is understandable but sus somewhat. I simply didn't see anything pro-town from Verm this game except for crying about his role and being happy when it was fixed.
Speaking of, from what I remember, this fix was limited only to the Theater chat. Granted, now he can live longer (as if he couldn't, his role would allow him to live until end-game anyway even without fix and then all he needed to do was not use it once or twice. Most town wouldn't even bother not using it like that since they'd know that there's a very real and even likely chance of being: 1. ML 2. Night Killed.
Granted, he "was afraid" of using it and it might be just his personality but I'd definitely take the risk. Either way, there's likely scum in Theater chat, and if there is, it's him.
Onto the second thing.
NQT targeted me for some reason. I refuse to believe that I was the most scummy person in the lobby in that moment. I refuse to believe that I was anyone's (maybe Sal's) top scum read and likely not even top3. Which makes me question, why target me? If you wanted a friendly target, go for Imp or Agentt. If you wanted to hunt scum, go for one of your scum reads, iirc it was Toaster at the time. Instead, you targeted me with "nothing." Yes, you literally brushed off targeting me as if it was nothing. It's not nothing. It wouldn't be a target ability if it didn't have a harmful or beneficial effect even if it was a slow one. Your explanation was that "you targeted a random person with an ability that did nothing so that your own ability (two votes) can grow." It makes little sense to me for several reasons and I know that second guessing how Mods, in this case Fallacy, design the game can prove disasterous but I find that explanation severely lacking and honestly, lazy.
Additionaly, I'd like to point out that in addition to what little of notes I had, this slot always seemed scummy to me to a degree. I cannot really point out now as I'd need to ISO but it's a fact that that's how I felt this entire game with this slot.
Now, onto Juicy stuff, Imp you'll love/hate it!3) I am the one who spread
Threads of Fate. I wanted to hide that and only hint to Imp and maybe Verm but that's down the drain as it's pretty obvious now. I have no idea why NQT's action failed on me, I lied about being Jailed simply as cover for Threads of Fate. Why? Because if I had got this Status, every single alarm in my head would ring loudly twice. I also wanted to see if people would lie and to what degree and try catching them in that lie. But now as I think about it, such dreams are futile and quite unlikely to happen so it may be better to come clean and try cooperating with town (I did say my ability required cooperation from the start). Yes, I threw so many hints that it was me from the day1 that I decided that anymore lying would probably just harm me after Verm specifically singled me out.
Unfortunately, this ability is pretty useless.
1. I can target someone to spread it only for that night and only by successful actions.
2. I can learn how many people have it.
3. I was begged by Fallacy not to let it reach Omega hahah (26th night iirc) as it's Alpha, Beta, etc..., Omega.
That's pretty much it. There's another ability linked with this one and it allows me to make use of those Threads for more than learning how many people have but I'll be honest here, I don't plan on using it and I find it particulary useless. I wanted it changed by Imp, perhaps make it into a killing ability or something and let me dominate the thread but after further consideration and careful inspection of my role (my talk with you Imp made me look at my role twice and realize I misread it twice hahah) I think that that's unlikely to happen. As such, for now, I am forgoing any and all plans of my role being changed. I'll make do with what I have and won't reveal anymore until the time comes. Not like there's much more to reveal to be honest. If I, by any chance, find hope in changing my role I'd love for
Imp to reserve me priority as, with correct change/growth my role could potentially mechanically win the game alone.
I forgot what else I wanted to talk about so make do with that ig.