Hey, Toaster buddy. Do you think better with less or more pressure?
I already tried the less pressure route once. I do believe in reward towny behavior, punish scummy behavior.
I'll try this
unvote thing
once.I can kinda get why you would 'assess Tric'.
You get a free and a not-free action.
Assess is a free action. If you lie about having used it but you (or a scumbuddy) read it, you know you need to know the name of a hat someone had N1 and the total number of hats they had N1.
That's easy, for probably everyone it's 1 hat or 0, and hey, we all know the name of Tric's hat.
If you're honest and clueless, you didn't even read assess so you don't know it literally says:
(Free, Night) Assess [target]: Do they have... hats? Learn how many Hats the target has at the end of this Night, as well as the name of a random Hat among those.
So... you literally don't know and don't check (but somehow know you can use it!) to find out only and exactly what you and everyone already know about Tric and only Tric; he for sure has 1 hat N1 and it's Bloodstained Sunglasses (if that's even a hat. If it isn't, nice guess, and I'm sorry. We'll see what Tric says)
Hey, that makes loads of sense, potentially at least, either way.
But all D1 you were totally focused on either Jack or Mater, mostly Jack. Pretty heavily Jack. Even said as your last D1 post:
Think what you want about me, but I'm going to be really stubborn on the EuchreJack and Magma Mater issue.
So, I figured some nebulous other, lesser players would vote me out because they wanted to win via HATLO rather than actually play forum mafia.
As a nebulous lesser player, I am not voting you because I want to win via HATLO, but because I want to vote out mafia in forum mafia.
Earlier you talked about the need to investigate... Hey. These are your words...
Think what you want about me, but I'm going to be really stubborn on the EuchreJack and Magma Mater issue. It's one of the only actual pieces of evidence that we have on day 1, and the night game's complexity could be lessened if we got it over with and investigated Magma first thing instead of avoiding it till we have no choice.
As someone (I forgot who) said, this is a perfect excuse for the mafia to not get read, and the extra complexity with the bussing sounds like it was hastily added in to make it seem plausible.
So... you who apparently ignore Toony D1. Now you're investigating Toony despite all the fuss you made about Jack and Mater D1?
You literally never mention Toony until you're back here apparently trying to save your own skin by making claims.
Now, hey. If I could investigate and I was gonna, I might leave zero clue that I was gonna investigate my actual target. I consider that pretty high level play.
If you're using high level play... you sure aren't showing it.
What the bleep is going on.