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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 13364 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #945 on: March 09, 2025, 05:49:41 pm »

Alright, so I probably have 10 pages to catch up on, and if I put this off, I'll have another 10 pages to catch up on.

Magma is probably town.

His hat was a Metal Bucket that prevented one night kill.  It is now destroyed, so that knowledge does not need to be kept secret anymore.

I was in fact hit with Magma's Usurped ability, which means I can't destroy anymore hats while Magma is still alive.

I currently suspect Krr1ss, and I am voting them.  I'll keep reviewing the thread though.

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #946 on: March 09, 2025, 05:51:34 pm »

That's an understandable suspicion of Jack. I'm not sure if it means he's scum or just doesn't give a fuck.

EuchreJack gave a fuck for TCk on D1.

VermilionSkies can be read by smarm. More smarm means more town.

I'm not detecting a lot of smarm in VS's posts.

This is basically why I'm scumreading EuchreJack, yeah. He's too tolerant of my lies LMAO.

aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh you're infuriating arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh

I spent the last hour and a half trying to skim through D2 as fast as possible for reads. I glazed past most of Imp's posts and I don't feel guilty about doing it.

I don't want to let toastercultist, VermillionSkies, or EuchreJack off the hook for activity.

I read toastercultist as town on D1 but the same schtick was also a lot less endearing during D2. Hasn't done much during D2 aside from bristle at being voted by NQT.
VermillionSkies ranges from middling to okay when they post, and there hasn't been a lot of that. PPE: If VS keeps up posts like this I probably look elsewhere, but that's if they do so.
EuchreJack cared more on D1 but maybe doesn't care that much during D2. PPE: If EJ keeps up any activity I probably look elsewhere.
CrystalizedMire played a lot more actively on D1 and I suspected them then. D2 has been very lackluster. Perhaps running out of steam to keep up the act?
Agentt is probably town and I'm not sure there's a universe where I don't think this.
ToonyMan is probably town.
Magma Mater is probably town but fuck me man how hard do you have to make it for me to think this. I'm reminded of other instances where I got spun up over something and didn't let it go and ultimately got my way and it was a mislynch.
notquitethere is fine by my reads; curious what ToonyMan suspects in them.
TricMagic is fine by my reads; curious what ToonyMan suspects in them.
Imp probably flips town.
Krr1ss is active and engaged but then has weird reads and says weird things. His analysis post on ToonyMan was not great. Can't decide how I feel they would flip.

Given this I probably shoot within CrystalizedMire, toastercultist, VermillionSkies, or EuchreJack. Maybe if a convincing argument for Krr1ss comes my way I could see that too.

Let's go with CrystalizedMire and see what happens.

I was very badly tempted to continue OMGUSing Magma Mater because I am angry.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #947 on: March 09, 2025, 05:54:28 pm »

Other than what I previously mentioned?
I find your tendency to flipflop votes in a manner that tends to go along with whatever the 'strongest' players are thinking at any given time is distressing. While rapid vote swapping is something I can hold some manner of respect for when coming from someone with experience, a self-proclaimed novice doing the same is less towny to me.
Additionally, I believe there should be a higher standard of understanding when it comes to entering conversations. You're far from the only one to be doing this - I dislike Jim doing it as well - but I've seen several posts that show a clear lack of reading the post that it's being made in response to. This is likely partially the cause of the rapid vote-flipping mentioned above.
Furthermore, you have a tendency to fold on your opinions in strange places, and be entirely inflexible in others. It's made me somewhat unsure what parts of your play are actual, solid beliefs, and what parts are made of cardboard that'll be knocked over the first time they're questioned.
I believe in Towny lying, it's what won me my first game on this site, but I can't see a point to this.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #948 on: March 09, 2025, 05:55:30 pm »

I agree about Magma.

Krr1ss feels like town to me because they're just jamming all of their thoughts down and saying haughty things like how town they are. I feel like if they were mafia they would not be this brazen. In addition they claimed to roleblock Vermilion, or at least, attempt to, and this feels believable to me since I don't think both are mafia together.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #949 on: March 09, 2025, 05:56:33 pm »

Krr1ss is active and engaged but then has weird reads and says weird things. His analysis post on ToonyMan was not great. Can't decide how I feel they would flip.

Guys, what's so wrong with my reads... I literally made a small cases on toony based on his first few posts I didn't even scum read him back then and then I stopped because i've been outside for too long and wind got to me.

As for voting Jim (you), it's literally just a random vote within the trio. What's so bad in all that...


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #950 on: March 09, 2025, 05:59:41 pm »

Other than what I previously mentioned?
I find your tendency to flipflop votes in a manner that tends to go along with whatever the 'strongest' players are thinking at any given time is distressing. While rapid vote swapping is something I can hold some manner of respect for when coming from someone with experience, a self-proclaimed novice doing the same is less towny to me.
Additionally, I believe there should be a higher standard of understanding when it comes to entering conversations. You're far from the only one to be doing this - I dislike Jim doing it as well - but I've seen several posts that show a clear lack of reading the post that it's being made in response to. This is likely partially the cause of the rapid vote-flipping mentioned above.
Furthermore, you have a tendency to fold on your opinions in strange places, and be entirely inflexible in others. It's made me somewhat unsure what parts of your play are actual, solid beliefs, and what parts are made of cardboard that'll be knocked over the first time they're questioned.
I believe in Towny lying, it's what won me my first game on this site, but I can't see a point to this.
Ykw, I won't even comment. VermillionSkiies

I'll just go sleep, night guys.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #951 on: March 09, 2025, 05:59:55 pm »

How strongly do you believe there's mafia inside myself/Magma/Jim? Can you give a percentage?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #952 on: March 09, 2025, 06:00:07 pm »

I agree about Magma.

Krr1ss feels like town to me because they're just jamming all of their thoughts down and saying haughty things like how town they are. I feel like if they were mafia they would not be this brazen. In addition they claimed to roleblock Vermilion, or at least, attempt to, and this feels believable to me since I don't think both are mafia together.



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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #953 on: March 09, 2025, 06:00:41 pm »

How strongly do you believe there's mafia inside myself/Magma/Jim? Can you give a percentage?
80% SOD, 60% or less now.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #954 on: March 09, 2025, 06:02:05 pm »

For what it's worth, when I saw Krr1ss play as mafia, he tried a lot harder to make good points and back up his reads with evidence.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #955 on: March 09, 2025, 06:02:57 pm »

I am quite concerned about krr1ss, about low-mid scumlean now, low confidence because I don't have any meta.  Krr1ss hosted and chattered as a pre-game-host and during-game-host very briefly with me.  I don't have a solid read.

The very stuff I'm absolutely disturbed about and picking up could be NAI for Krr1ss, this could be a somewhat slightly Max Spin-like player; I had to go rounds with Max and see Max use his 'this-game flavor' and methods powerfully towards town wins to even tolerate him.  Now I miss him; player I value, player I can't necessarily read but know how useful he is when compatible wincon.

I don't know if Krr1ss is as useful as Max when pro-town, I don't know how consistent Krr1ss is between games.  But without meta allowance (thus low confidence) I think Krr1ss is anti-town.  If this was Max I'd just growl about Max-flavor not tasty this game.

If this was NJW I'd be trying to elim with however much patience it takes.

It's the lying style and the feel of discussing it, and worse, the sense that I'm not in the same game as krr1ss.

That said.  I'm very scared about Toaster and urgently want/need to hear more from Toaster.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #956 on: March 09, 2025, 06:04:02 pm »

I agree about Magma.

Krr1ss feels like town to me because they're just jamming all of their thoughts down and saying haughty things like how town they are. I feel like if they were mafia they would not be this brazen. In addition they claimed to roleblock Vermilion, or at least, attempt to, and this feels believable to me since I don't think both are mafia together.

You're right, my bad.

How strongly do you believe there's mafia inside myself/Magma/Jim? Can you give a percentage?
80% SOD, 60% or less now.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #957 on: March 09, 2025, 06:11:01 pm »

On the smarm thing, I do tend to be more confident when I believe that there is a game-state that is coming together, and I guess it shows pretty transparently.
Regardless of my alignment, if I think the situation is going downhill without a recovery plan, the panic will also likely come through.
I still have no clue how Imp read me so well during CYOS2

I'll step back from the Kriss situation while they aren't here, but I don't think I'm changing my mind. Even in their first couple of posts of today, they mention that they're working backwards from assuming one of Toony, Magma, or Jim, because they wanted to start with the challenging part.

I'd like to hear from NQT when they get back, honestly. I'm interested in how the last while has changed their opinion on things.
(Honestly, not much probably, they'll still be on Toaster's case for fair reasons.)

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #958 on: March 09, 2025, 06:11:33 pm »

Guys, what's so wrong with my reads... I literally made a small cases on toony based on his first few posts I didn't even scum read him back then and then I stopped because i've been outside for too long and wind got to me.

As for voting Jim (you), it's literally just a random vote within the trio. What's so bad in all that...

For the post you made about ToonyMan, I think it's coming from the perspective 'i will find evidence of Toonyman being scum in these posts', i.e., you've already decided on a conclusion and are trying to find evidence to reach it. I could probably generalize this to your suspicions about myself, ToonyMan, and Magma Mater.

You made another post (not going to dig it up) where you said you think Magma Mater's elimination was inevitable, even if all his reads pan out. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me since I'd think if a player's reads are all panning out then they're probably not scum, because otherwise they'd be bussing their teammates really freaking hard.

There's a handful of other statements like this that I may or may not have highlighted in my posts.

Your perspective and mine about what makes a player scum and how games will play out and how to prosecute suspects are significantly different and I have difficulty trying to see where you are coming from with some of your points. And I therefore have a difficult time gauging how sincere you are about the things you say and what you are attempting to accomplish. For the most part I'm not concerned but then you say weird things like I highlighted above (and in other posts) that make me doubt that your perspective is a town one.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #959 on: March 09, 2025, 06:13:42 pm »

I am tempted to just replace out with how stress inducing this has been today. All that work only to get BRUSHED OFF!
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