That's an understandable suspicion of Jack. I'm not sure if it means he's scum or just doesn't give a fuck.
EuchreJack gave a fuck for TCk on D1.
VermilionSkies can be read by smarm. More smarm means more town.
I'm not detecting a lot of smarm in VS's posts.
This is basically why I'm scumreading EuchreJack, yeah. He's too tolerant of my lies LMAO.
aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh you're infuriating arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh
I spent the last hour and a half trying to skim through D2 as fast as possible for reads. I glazed past most of Imp's posts and I don't feel guilty about doing it.
I don't want to let toastercultist, VermillionSkies, or EuchreJack off the hook for activity.
I read toastercultist as town on D1 but the same schtick was also a lot less endearing during D2. Hasn't done much during D2 aside from bristle at being voted by NQT.
VermillionSkies ranges from middling to okay when they post, and there hasn't been a lot of that. PPE: If VS keeps up posts like this I probably look elsewhere, but that's if they do so.
EuchreJack cared more on D1 but maybe doesn't care that much during D2. PPE: If EJ keeps up any activity I probably look elsewhere.
CrystalizedMire played a lot more actively on D1 and I suspected them then. D2 has been very lackluster. Perhaps running out of steam to keep up the act?
Agentt is probably town and I'm not sure there's a universe where I don't think this.
ToonyMan is probably town.
Magma Mater is probably town but fuck me man how hard do you have to make it for me to think this. I'm reminded of other instances where I got spun up over something and didn't let it go and ultimately got my way and it was a mislynch.
notquitethere is fine by my reads; curious what ToonyMan suspects in them.
TricMagic is fine by my reads; curious what ToonyMan suspects in them.
Imp probably flips town.
Krr1ss is active and engaged but then has weird reads and says weird things. His analysis post on ToonyMan was not great. Can't decide how I feel they would flip.
Given this I probably shoot within CrystalizedMire, toastercultist, VermillionSkies, or EuchreJack. Maybe if a convincing argument for Krr1ss comes my way I could see that too.
Let's go with
CrystalizedMire and see what happens.
I was very badly tempted to continue OMGUSing Magma Mater because I am angry.