I repost this without the broken quotes!
So, I'll paraphrase back just to confirm whether I understand everything perfectly:
1. This thing spreads based on who you target or are targeted by.
2. It most likely comes from Sal. Unless a new one appears.
3. It is potentially lethal (highly doubt that someone can just kill entire lobby N1/2. It's probably either less harmful, or beneficial, or needs a trigger of sort like multiple threads you mentioned.)
4. Only you and Verm possess it and you are likely the source.
5. It probably comes from scum but if it doesn't, for some reason, town is keeping it a secret.
Can it spread still? If it can, doesn't that mean that the entire lobby is likely to get affected in time? This is a bit ominous...
1) The way it is worded, it spreads to whomever you target
the night you get it.
There's nothing in Sal's role except his 'describe it' one-off that could be connected to Thread Alpha. There's also no visible death trigger or whatever in Sal's role - nor should there be (he is town!), unless he wrote it to kill all the anti-town it touched or something.
Fallacy, do statuses we have at time of death show in the flip?He's town and a genius, I'd expect it to destroy anti-town and not just show off his brilliance. But inside the status I have, all it is, it's about spreading to others the night it is gained, with a limit on who can get it, there's some conditions there.
Typically in FoU's game, statuses really may not give you the needed info to understand what is going on in full - here's an example from FBYOR6:
TricMagic has been killed. TricMagic was Town.
Dragon That Turns People Into Morally Dubious SK-Allies (Town)
(Innate, 1-Shot, Auto) Bloody Beast’s Awakening: If you successfully kill players for two Nights consecutively, your nature awakens, and you become a Serial Killer. If this happens, every living Town player with Fallout Fumes becomes a Serial Killer-Ally. Players that are converted this way learn your alignment.
(Auto) Dubious Dragon’s Hide: It’s really hard to tell whether you want everyone dead or not. You alignment inspect as a Serial Killer.
(Night) Noxious Neurotoxin Breath [target1][target2]: You breathe out a wave of brain-rotting, noxious fog. Your targets have their actions delayed until the next Night (they are told their actions failed), and gain Fallout Fumes.
(Night) Feverous Fang Bite [target]: You nibble on your target, gently. Your target’s abilities are all Disabled for the Night. If they have Fallout Fumes, you also kill them.
(Reference, Status) Fallout Fumes: Cough, cough! What is this stuff? You alignment inspect as a Serial Killer-Ally.
So, this status, the player with it only knows the flavor and the inspect-reveal alignment change; Thread Alpha status, I only know how it passes to others, and it's really specific, and
the night I got it.
Tric's role has abilities that interface with the status he can give, he can give it, and he can act on players with it, all they know is the status info.
So I and Verm may be marked for someone SK-like or something else to now be able to kill, potentially convert if there are conversions, whatever I dunno. Except... if it's a true mass-effect, which Status Alpha could be, it's literally too powerful for a direct kill type thing.
And because Verm was careful about the risk of my changing his ability and no-actioned, he didn't spread it onwards.
However yes, I do believe someone targeted me to give this to me. And I'm pretty sure Sal targeted me, no idea if anyone else did besides Crystal's claim that she tried and was blocked.
2) Yes, I think Sal alone can explain it. And if there's never any more, well Sal's dead and known town, I stop worrying.
3) It is not necessarily 'possibly lethal'. Read fallout fumes status above: There's nothing in the status to indicate 'haha, you're dead sucka!'. And not all status are deadly at all. Also from FBYOR6:
Kill-Immune Randomizer (Town)
(Auto) Court of the Esteemed: The gift and curse you have been given by the Most Esteemed FallacyofUrist. As long as you refer to every player only as ‘Esteemed <exact username>’, and the moderator only as ‘Most Esteemed FallacyofUrist’ during the Day, you are immune to being killed or protected during the following Night. If a player fails to kill or protect you, they gain Esteemed of the Court.
(Night) Courting the Esteemed [target]: You trap your target in an endless, frustrating web of words. Their targets are randomized to random players that do not possess Court of the Esteemed. While catching them in your web, you learn whether or not they possess Esteemed of the Court. If they don’t, they gain it, if they do, they lose it.
(2-Shot, Night) Courtier for the Esteemed [target]: You make overtures as to your target’s allegiances. If your target possesses Esteemed of the Court, they lose it, and gain Court of the Esteemed and Courting the Esteemed. Otherwise, this action’s shot will not be expended.
(Reference, Auto) Esteemed of the Court: You are bound by many maddening unspoken rules. If you do not refer to every player only as ‘Esteemed <exact username>’ and the moderator only as ‘Most Esteemed FallacyofUrist’ during the Day, you cannot use kill or protect actions during the next Night.
Esteemed of the Court interfaces tightly with Hector's role, but it's not deadly.
What's Thread Alpha about? Dunno. Someone is connected to it, and it shows in their flip
or Sal pulled something genius just to show off (I can imagine Sal doing that, though I would expect woven into it something to help town... not necessarily though. And it gets filtered by Fallacy too, who openly wrote mockery into the role (why do we ever risk annoying God? God is all powerful and Good. Most Esteemed FallacyofUrist is a very worthy God!)
4) I'm definitely
not the
source of Thread Alpha. I definitely would by the rules of the status I see have spread it to Verm. Someone else is the source, I really really really really really hope Sal is.
Otherwise I am very concerned about the source of these Threads.
5) I hope it probably came from a showcasing Sal. If not, I'm only deeply worried if it's anti-town, and if I were spreading it I may claim it or not, even as town there's reasons to claim or not, depends on exactly what it is, which the source knows and everyone else, have fun figuring out.
6) You didn't put a #6 on your concern at the end, but no. Thread alpha is worded to only spread the night it is gained. So, there's no warning for the person about to spread it. N1, I didn't know I was gonna gain it and spread it to my target(s) who would spread it to their target(s) who would spread it to their target(s) and so on. Also, once you have it, you can't get it again. A Thread Beta or other different thread, totally different thing, but I'm now immune to thread alpha spread, I can't get it because I already have it. I can't spread it tonight because I got it N1, and it spreads the night it is gained.