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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 13488 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #870 on: March 09, 2025, 01:14:58 pm »

Crystal, I'm compiling claims.  I get you are, "Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message."  Anything else to claim?
I have nothing else to claim because I got only action failure.
Scumteam is Crystalizedmire, Jim Groovester, and EuchreJack. Boom, game solved, Magma out.
Why Euchrejack?
You've explained why you scumread me and Jim but what does Jack have to do with us?
I've made your favourite points, but you are town-reading the guy I'm making points about. What's the deal with that?
Cat is a good guy, I think they're misunderstood here.

I don't agree with all of Jim's points either and Jim has my second favorite points! For example, they didn't like Spontaneous Monday which I disagree with.

Also, Magma, you are a cat yourself, isn't that a little hypocritical to vote your Canadian brother?

"Cat is a good guy" too confident. Feels contradictory with earlier low confidence in reads. Bit TMI-ish.
I put TCK as a townish lean despite defending them, how come you only started to suspect me on day2?
I didn't even mention you tho? Wdym?

Also, you got action failure but who did you target?
I know you didn't mention me in the post but you did start to double guess me on a post I made on day 2. I defended TCK as well despite my low confidence read, it looks a bit hypocritical if you're scumreading Toony for something that I also did.

I targeted TCK, Imp and Sal. I was trying to redirect all actions on Imp to Sal in order to protect Imp.
I couldn't scum read you day1 over defending town when I didn't even know they were town.

Uh huh, you targeted two dead people and wanted to protect Imp huh? Wow. No wait, how could you even target TCK? By digging their hat? And wait, you were met with failure because Sal died?

Doesn't it also make sense that you targeted me and are trying to hide that? Can you share something about your powers?
Okay, got it

I was blocked. I tried to graverob TCK. I suspected that Imp may be the maf kill so I redirected all actions targeting Imp onto Sal. Looks like it didn't matter anyways.
Okay, this makes sense somewhat if we assume there's 1 scum in theater and so they have info in theater powers so they wouldn't bother with those. Then, excluding Sal who is NK and Urist who claimed redirect, not many are left as potential block targets. Still, why not just block Imp? Her power was very obviously destructive for scum. It makes more sense to block Imp unless Verm is scum or you are lying.

Imp, Urist, Tric opinion on this?

So, N1 the only person dead is TCk.

She says she tried to graverob TCk, that likely explains that.

"Why not just block Imp" --- who do you think would do the blocking?  Agentt said he tried to roleblock Mater.  Are you saying Agentt should have done that instead of target Mater?  Why do you think Imp should be roleblocked?

Crystal's saying she directed anyone targeting me, Imp, to instead target Sal.  Except, someone blocked her.  That's what I think she is claiming.

She may not have a roleblock she herself can use, she didn't claim one, but she's saying she thinks I'm town and wanted to protect me from actions, trying to send them to Sal, but was stopped from doing that.

What do you mean by 'potential block targets'?  Who are you even trying to talk to and ask?

I imagined that Crystal was likely blocked by scum because no one else claimed otherwise and roleblock is not dangerous enough power to lie.
If you are town and blocked Crystal, voice it. (but late tho as most town would bother saying it during our claim phase)

So, my idea was, since Crystal was Roleblocked by scum team (assumption) that would mean that they specifically decided to roleblock him over you. Which makes almost no sense since all Crystal claimed (that I remember) was having some ability to deal with hats. So why block hat destoryer (I believe that Tyrant chasers would still put priority for their primary alignment win condition over secondary hat one + jack had same power) over someone who very clearly makes town overpowered? The explanations are as following (assuming I am right about all this):
1. Imp is scum (unlikely)
2. Verm is scum (more likely)
3. Crystal lied (somewhere around middle of likliness).


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #871 on: March 09, 2025, 01:15:28 pm »

I'm not sure what Toastercult did I don't feel like reading until Imp finishes that list. I kind of just have Toastercult in the same space as Verm for me right now.

Finished except for you!

Will update with you later, here you go:

N1:  Sal dead town

Imp:  Thinks Sal visited N1, leaving stories detailed in reply #551.  Successful blender of Verm's 'negotitations'.  Gained status 'Thread Alpha' (from Sal's once ability?  From somewhere else?), spread it to Verm.

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Mater:  Used an ability that lowers the # votes required to lynch by 2, specifically involving hammers (doesn't discuss the regular elim really); Mod's vote count has no evidence of this.  Says "I didn't target anyone" and implies Agent was probably redirected #631.  Got a street fighter video from Jim.  Roleclaim #683:  Is Usurper, "Anyone who targets me with an ability will lose it, and I gain it instead. Although, I don't know what the abilities do."  "I was only targeted by three things last night, two of them being claimed."  "I also received the Street Fighter video and didn't lose my hat." + "Nah I was lying about that too, I did lose my hat."  Jim says, "learned what ability Magma Mater used during N1 and it's called The Mafia Experience."  "someone used an ability on me that targets 6 people."

Tric: "theater chat was less than useless" + "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"  Used Bloodstained Sunglasses again after self-voting, gained 2 votes for D2, started D2 with 1.  To Agentt:  "You are welcome to spew all my abilities if you wish. The one good thing is I still have my shotted action."  Recommended to all theatre chat to "just mugging each other was a good idea, and then one of you would have an extra vote today. Or for later if you wanted."  "You're welcome to assess me and realize I don't have any hats. Heck you can steal the hat I have right now, it's completely out of shots".  "revealing all of my role" in theatrechat.  "Agentt offered a good bit more than Skies, but Skies had the perfectly logical reasoning of thinking I might be scum."  Still has hat.

Krr1ss:  "I spent my night action on Verm and saw that he didn't target anyone. At least not successfully" (said before Verm said he did not action)  "What are the chances I got jailed tonight? I am starting to realize that that may make the most sense. My action returned failure and now that I think about it, it would return something else if Verm targeted no one."

Crystal: Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message.

Jack:  Took Mater's hat/Mater's hat was destroyed.

Jim:  Gained Usurped status, now can't use funniest part of role; still has funnest part but amount of fun per night reduced.  Took CM's hat and sent message featuring M. Bison.  Targeted Mater and set Mater a message.

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Agent:  "The vote on [Mater] is just what the theatre chat decided"  "I do wanna announce I do still town read Magma. Infact I mafia lean my own neighbors. Things are just difficult right now."  "I am vomiting [someone else's terrible opinion, as Mater asked] straight up right now. I don't even know why you would be sussed. Tric is just a very scary person. Immedietley demanded absolute unity in everything we do."  "There are a whole lot more reasons to suspect tric, but at the same time: his idea of restricting who we vote and night actions do ensure if there is a mafia among us they won't be able to act well." "[Theatrechat] kinda just talked about who to vote today, and who to use our powers on."  "One of my ability is to roleblock a person outside of the theatre if they are targeting the theatre ... I targeted Magma with it."  "Magma, if he was attempting to target the théâtre, was blocked.  The aforementioned ability to roleblock has now been suppressed by the Usurped modifier. This makes it so that I can no longer use that ability while the user of Usurp is alive. 3. Someone messed with our hats!!" "Well to prevent any of us from stealing hats from other people, we decided to just steal from each other in rotation. It also helps in having an alibi when someone says their hat got stolen  And looks like the system worked because, something did get stolen. And I would like to hear my neighbours side first before talking more."


@Imp don't forget this claim by Crystalizedmire:

I think I should mention that my role name is misleading and ability cops are useless when investigating me.

Thanks!  I tracked only D2 stuff, N1 claims, in that post - you will spot if you choose to look that I don't have anyone's D1 claims in there.  That is quite important to track too, some number of folks said stuff about anti-investigate or other 'you can't to me' stuff D1.  I personally don't at this time have an investigate, I have not been tracking super close who claims that.  As more info comes up, I reread then and handle it.  Best I can do this game.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #872 on: March 09, 2025, 01:26:28 pm »

I imagined that Crystal was likely blocked by scum because no one else claimed otherwise and roleblock is not dangerous enough power to lie.
If you are town and blocked Crystal, voice it. (but late tho as most town would bother saying it during our claim phase)

So, my idea was, since Crystal was Roleblocked by scum team (assumption) that would mean that they specifically decided to roleblock him over you. Which makes almost no sense since all Crystal claimed (that I remember) was having some ability to deal with hats. So why block hat destoryer (I believe that Tyrant chasers would still put priority for their primary alignment win condition over secondary hat one + jack had same power) over someone who very clearly makes town overpowered? The explanations are as following (assuming I am right about all this):
1. Imp is scum (unlikely)
2. Verm is scum (more likely)
3. Crystal lied (somewhere around middle of likliness).

How well are you tracking everything?

Crystal's only 1 of many who claimed some kind of action failure, that I don't see anyone claiming they caused:

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Tric: (trimmed to just action claim):  "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"

Toony: (trimmed to just action claim): "I tried to turn NQT into a robot but somebody added a Disabled modifier to my ability so it's now unusable and I did not robotify NQT.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #873 on: March 09, 2025, 01:28:08 pm »

I imagined that Crystal was likely blocked by scum because no one else claimed otherwise and roleblock is not dangerous enough power to lie.
If you are town and blocked Crystal, voice it. (but late tho as most town would bother saying it during our claim phase)

So, my idea was, since Crystal was Roleblocked by scum team (assumption) that would mean that they specifically decided to roleblock him over you. Which makes almost no sense since all Crystal claimed (that I remember) was having some ability to deal with hats. So why block hat destoryer (I believe that Tyrant chasers would still put priority for their primary alignment win condition over secondary hat one + jack had same power) over someone who very clearly makes town overpowered? The explanations are as following (assuming I am right about all this):
1. Imp is scum (unlikely)
2. Verm is scum (more likely)
3. Crystal lied (somewhere around middle of likliness).

How well are you tracking everything?

Crystal's only 1 of many who claimed some kind of action failure, that I don't see anyone claiming they caused:

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Tric: (trimmed to just action claim):  "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"

Toony: (trimmed to just action claim): "I tried to turn NQT into a robot but somebody added a Disabled modifier to my ability so it's now unusable and I did not robotify NQT.

NQT targeted me and his action failed. I targeted Verm and my action failed. I am confident I was jailed. Others mentioned no roleblocks. Makes me wonder what's with the disabled thing tho.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #874 on: March 09, 2025, 01:32:04 pm »

I imagined that Crystal was likely blocked by scum because no one else claimed otherwise and roleblock is not dangerous enough power to lie.
If you are town and blocked Crystal, voice it. (but late tho as most town would bother saying it during our claim phase)

So, my idea was, since Crystal was Roleblocked by scum team (assumption) that would mean that they specifically decided to roleblock him over you. Which makes almost no sense since all Crystal claimed (that I remember) was having some ability to deal with hats. So why block hat destoryer (I believe that Tyrant chasers would still put priority for their primary alignment win condition over secondary hat one + jack had same power) over someone who very clearly makes town overpowered? The explanations are as following (assuming I am right about all this):
1. Imp is scum (unlikely)
2. Verm is scum (more likely)
3. Crystal lied (somewhere around middle of likliness).

How well are you tracking everything?

Crystal's only 1 of many who claimed some kind of action failure, that I don't see anyone claiming they caused:

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Tric: (trimmed to just action claim):  "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"

Toony: (trimmed to just action claim): "I tried to turn NQT into a robot but somebody added a Disabled modifier to my ability so it's now unusable and I did not robotify NQT.

NQT targeted me and his action failed. I targeted Verm and my action failed. I am confident I was jailed. Others mentioned no roleblocks. Makes me wonder what's with the disabled thing tho.

Oh yeah, you too.  There's loads of 'action failed or maybe failed or weird stuff or lies' going on.

Maybe Toaster's action claim will explain some stuff.  Maybe there's 1+ lies going on that explain stuff.  I have nothing to do with the roleblocks/disable/redirect/weirdness.  My action was direct and simple, and I was told it succeeded, Verm says so too.

I'm watching this chaos fly around; the weirdness that affected me directly is this Thread Alpha stuff.

There's 1+ sources of action failure going on, and it can be 1 thing with some randomness thrown in, or many things, or I dunno what.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #875 on: March 09, 2025, 01:41:20 pm »

I imagined that Crystal was likely blocked by scum because no one else claimed otherwise and roleblock is not dangerous enough power to lie.
If you are town and blocked Crystal, voice it. (but late tho as most town would bother saying it during our claim phase)

So, my idea was, since Crystal was Roleblocked by scum team (assumption) that would mean that they specifically decided to roleblock him over you. Which makes almost no sense since all Crystal claimed (that I remember) was having some ability to deal with hats. So why block hat destoryer (I believe that Tyrant chasers would still put priority for their primary alignment win condition over secondary hat one + jack had same power) over someone who very clearly makes town overpowered? The explanations are as following (assuming I am right about all this):
1. Imp is scum (unlikely)
2. Verm is scum (more likely)
3. Crystal lied (somewhere around middle of likliness).

How well are you tracking everything?

Crystal's only 1 of many who claimed some kind of action failure, that I don't see anyone claiming they caused:

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Tric: (trimmed to just action claim):  "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"

Toony: (trimmed to just action claim): "I tried to turn NQT into a robot but somebody added a Disabled modifier to my ability so it's now unusable and I did not robotify NQT.

NQT targeted me and his action failed. I targeted Verm and my action failed. I am confident I was jailed. Others mentioned no roleblocks. Makes me wonder what's with the disabled thing tho.

Oh yeah, you too.  There's loads of 'action failed or maybe failed or weird stuff or lies' going on.

Maybe Toaster's action claim will explain some stuff.  Maybe there's 1+ lies going on that explain stuff.  I have nothing to do with the roleblocks/disable/redirect/weirdness.  My action was direct and simple, and I was told it succeeded, Verm says so too.

I'm watching this chaos fly around; the weirdness that affected me directly is this Thread Alpha stuff.

There's 1+ sources of action failure going on, and it can be 1 thing with some randomness thrown in, or many things, or I dunno what.

I think that I have a preliminary idea of what happened with action failed if we include the Crystal block. I won't explain today tho.

Anyway, you seem to quote Thread Alpha a lot. Can you tell me in detail, but paraphrased, what is it?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #876 on: March 09, 2025, 01:43:36 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #877 on: March 09, 2025, 01:52:00 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life
(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

The one on Cat. Which is probably mine if they are themed on roles then passed around. Why would a theater kid have a bat you ask? No comment.
Rather obviously it's more useful to scum than town since it doesn't block kills. Same with my vote hat.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #878 on: March 09, 2025, 01:55:37 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life
(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

The one on Cat. Which is probably mine if they are themed on roles then passed around. Why would a theater kid have a bat you ask? No comment.
Rather obviously it's more useful to scum than town since it doesn't block kills. Same with my vote hat.

Are you allowed to copy paste from Private Messages hahah

Also fair, seems like you got Cat's hat? No wait, why did you get Cat's hat? I thought it was Crystal. I am confused now.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #879 on: March 09, 2025, 02:03:37 pm »

Anyway, you seem to quote Thread Alpha a lot. Can you tell me in detail, but paraphrased, what is it?

It's a status I gained N1.  I don't know how I got it.  It would have passed to Verm from me, unless he already had it for some other reason.  Nobody else has reported having it except Verm.  It's written to spread super widely N1, it potentially could have affected every player with the listed targeting conditions.

I believe it could have come from Sal using his once-per-game weird 'describe something' and fits with his stated claim that if I (or whomever he meant by takes up trifles... and he spread gold coins of stories before me, not that the flavor - and flavor involving him is related to 'reality', per his flip) and he were maf together, would be the game where town loses D1.

Town would have lost N1, but the last chance to prevent that loss would have been D1, with his elim.  If that didn't happen, we would have used abilities and any other scum members we had to use that dreamer ability of 'anything' to infect the game and ensure maf won N1.

I feel familiar enough with Sal's brilliance, and he left a lot of clues, he has learned how to 'talk so I understand'.  I think it's very plausible this Thread comes from Sal.  If so, it's harmless.

If it didn't come from Sal, it's strong evidence of a likely serious problem because:

(Uncommon) The Serial Killer wins when every player that is not themselves has been eliminated. If every player including themselves is dead, they will still win. They typically have some form of lethal ability to help accomplish this, though usually not so direct as the Mafia's kill.

Additionally, if there's 2 maf teams, one of them may also kill in an indirect manner:
In a game with a secondary scumteam, the Mafiakill may kill in a less direct manner, otherwise it will be a straightforwards kill.

However, this thread would potentially spread to all possible-to-infect players N1.  If they then just died, that's 'too simple' and 'too powerful' for this game I think, unless it's something like town Sal's display of shocking 'what if, you are all so lucky, watch me smile (omg his smile in my flavor)' power that actually doesn't harm anyone.

But, if more Threads appear - this is Alpha.  So, a Thread Beta status appears tonight or something?  It's not Sal and it's maybe likely connected to a kill, since if it's not a kill-related or other evil thing, where's the claimer.

If it's town, I don't care about secrets, though in confusion I might elim the person.  If it's anti-town, I've explained all I can to hopefully help us counter it, even if I'm lost tonight and can't help watch and warn about my ideas and concerns.
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If there is one, then seek until you find it.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #880 on: March 09, 2025, 02:06:47 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life
(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

The one on Cat. Which is probably mine if they are themed on roles then passed around. Why would a theater kid have a bat you ask? No comment.
Rather obviously it's more useful to scum than town since it doesn't block kills. Same with my vote hat.

Are you allowed to copy paste from Private Messages hahah

Also fair, seems like you got Cat's hat? No wait, why did you get Cat's hat? I thought it was Crystal. I am confused now.

Do not quote PMs or other private chat communications.  Double check with FoU before attempting that, in case you have some unique thing you can quote

However, we can quote this thread, and the mod in this thread:

The Canadian kitten was Town.

The Canadian kitten was 'The log driver waltz'.

The log driver waltz (Town)
Soft music, hard work, and fancy footwork will carry you down the river.
(Auto) Grand Theatre: You share a grand theatre with three other dancers. You possess access to a non-alignment confirmed private chat with three other players, though it may only be used during the Night.
(Auto) River Footwork: The river rapids are challenging, but you manage well enough. If you visit a player with an odd position on the player list during an odd-numbered Night, or a player with an even position on the player list during an even-numbered Night, with a non-Free action, you are protected.
(Night) Downriver Dance [target]: The water rushes by, as the log turns under your feet. You visit your target, and they gain the benefits of River Footwork for the Night. You additionally learn whether you met River Footwork's condition, and whether your target met River Footwork's condition.
(1-Shot, Night) Birling Waltz [target]: You perform a waltz for two. If your target is not within the Grand Theatre chat, you alignment inspect them, and they learn your alignment.

(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

That's where Tric's quote came from.  We can quote the thread, it's public.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #881 on: March 09, 2025, 02:08:37 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life
(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

The one on Cat. Which is probably mine if they are themed on roles then passed around. Why would a theater kid have a bat you ask? No comment.
Rather obviously it's more useful to scum than town since it doesn't block kills. Same with my vote hat.
That's from Cat's role flip.

Are you allowed to copy paste from Private Messages hahah

Also fair, seems like you got Cat's hat? No wait, why did you get Cat's hat? I thought it was Crystal. I am confused now.

Jim Groovester

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #882 on: March 09, 2025, 02:23:00 pm »

I've slept on it and

I still don't like it.

Magma Mater and EuchreJack make claims that contradict each other and then

avoid bringing it up altogether. EuchreJack is implicated by the contradiction but seems entirely unbothered by it, which I find strange. I guess it's possible that Magma Mater made the contradicting claim and through PSYCHIC TOWN LASER BEAMS EuchreJack instantly knew what Magma Mater was going for and instantly understood the pro town rationale with no communication whatsoever, but if that isn't the case then there's something off about this entire interaction.

Somebody convince me that I'm just old and bad and lame and that it's all actually totally fine go to sleep grandpa.

Can we not end today without hearing more from Toaster?

I'd also like to hear more from VermillionSkies as well.

I'm going to be pretty fed up if VermillionSkies doesn't meaningfully participate for the rest of D2 after showing up and doing the bare minimum to get people off their back.

I feel like I want to hear more from EuchreJack as well. Not necessarily about my issue though, just in general.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #883 on: March 09, 2025, 02:31:14 pm »

Anyway, you seem to quote Thread Alpha a lot. Can you tell me in detail, but paraphrased, what is it?

It's a status I gained N1.  I don't know how I got it.  It would have passed to Verm from me, unless he already had it for some other reason.  Nobody else has reported having it except Verm.  It's written to spread super widely N1, it potentially could have affected every player with the listed targeting conditions.

I believe it could have come from Sal using his once-per-game weird 'describe something' and fits with his stated claim that if I (or whomever he meant by takes up trifles... and he spread gold coins of stories before me, not that the flavor - and flavor involving him is related to 'reality', per his flip) and he were maf together, would be the game where town loses D1.

Town would have lost N1, but the last chance to prevent that loss would have been D1, with his elim.  If that didn't happen, we would have used abilities and any other scum members we had to use that dreamer ability of 'anything' to infect the game and ensure maf won N1.

I feel familiar enough with Sal's brilliance, and he left a lot of clues, he has learned how to 'talk so I understand'.  I think it's very plausible this Thread comes from Sal.  If so, it's harmless.

If it didn't come from Sal, it's strong evidence of a likely serious problem because:

(Uncommon) The Serial Killer wins when every player that is not themselves has been eliminated. If every player including themselves is dead, they will still win. They typically have some form of lethal ability to help accomplish this, though usually not so direct as the Mafia's kill.

Additionally, if there's 2 maf teams, one of them may also kill in an indirect manner:
In a game with a secondary scumteam, the Mafiakill may kill in a less direct manner, otherwise it will be a straightforwards kill.

However, this thread would potentially spread to all possible-to-infect players N1.  If they then just died, that's 'too simple' and 'too powerful' for this game I think, unless it's something like town Sal's display of shocking 'what if, you are all so lucky, watch me smile (omg his smile in my flavor)' power that actually doesn't harm anyone.

But, if more Threads appear - this is Alpha.  So, a Thread Beta status appears tonight or something?  It's not Sal and it's maybe likely connected to a kill, since if it's not a kill-related or other evil thing, where's the claimer.

If it's town, I don't care about secrets, though in confusion I might elim the person.  If it's anti-town, I've explained all I can to hopefully help us counter it, even if I'm lost tonight and can't help watch and warn about my ideas and concerns.

So, I'll paraphrase back just to confirm whether I understand everything perfectly:
1. This thing spreads based on who you target or are targeted by.
2. It most likely comes from Sal. Unless a new one appears.
3. It is potentially lethal (highly doubt that someone can just kill entire lobby N1/2. It's probably either less harmful, or beneficial, or needs a trigger of sort like multiple threads you mentioned.)
4. Only you and Verm possess it and you are likely the source.

5. It probably comes from scum but if it doesn't, for some reason, town is keeping it a secret.

Can it spread still? If it can, doesn't that mean that the entire lobby is likely to get affected in time? This is a bit ominous...


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #884 on: March 09, 2025, 02:31:48 pm »

Also funny how I still have this mafia-sided hat ngl. I can't even use it properly and I also am denied of other hats. What is this life
(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

The one on Cat. Which is probably mine if they are themed on roles then passed around. Why would a theater kid have a bat you ask? No comment.
Rather obviously it's more useful to scum than town since it doesn't block kills. Same with my vote hat.

Are you allowed to copy paste from Private Messages hahah

Also fair, seems like you got Cat's hat? No wait, why did you get Cat's hat? I thought it was Crystal. I am confused now.

Do not quote PMs or other private chat communications.  Double check with FoU before attempting that, in case you have some unique thing you can quote

However, we can quote this thread, and the mod in this thread:

The Canadian kitten was Town.

The Canadian kitten was 'The log driver waltz'.

The log driver waltz (Town)
Soft music, hard work, and fancy footwork will carry you down the river.
(Auto) Grand Theatre: You share a grand theatre with three other dancers. You possess access to a non-alignment confirmed private chat with three other players, though it may only be used during the Night.
(Auto) River Footwork: The river rapids are challenging, but you manage well enough. If you visit a player with an odd position on the player list during an odd-numbered Night, or a player with an even position on the player list during an even-numbered Night, with a non-Free action, you are protected.
(Night) Downriver Dance [target]: The water rushes by, as the log turns under your feet. You visit your target, and they gain the benefits of River Footwork for the Night. You additionally learn whether you met River Footwork's condition, and whether your target met River Footwork's condition.
(1-Shot, Night) Birling Waltz [target]: You perform a waltz for two. If your target is not within the Grand Theatre chat, you alignment inspect them, and they learn your alignment.

(Hat, Night) Baseball Cap [target]: Comes with a wooden baseball bat, twice lacquered. The ideal backup weapon. You roleblock any non-lethal actions your target uses this Night.

That's where Tric's quote came from.  We can quote the thread, it's public.
oh thanks
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