Agentt is town.
Nobody inspect me or bad things happen.
I could go for a tuna sandwich.
Okay so, Agentt is town why? From what I know, Agentt barely made a couple posts, half of which were fluff (non-game related content) and the other half was "I'm bad, this person is scary, that person is bloodthirty, why did you do that?"
Certainly not enough to confidently say this. Another thing is, "nobody inspect me or bad things happen." way too defensive and frankly useless without much help for the start of the game. Reminds me of Urist's claim. If there's something, it's that you said this after him.
I don't remember this being brought up again and if it is, I'll find it now, but this really feels like low-effort scum trying not to get cop checked.
1. Towning too easily.
2. No explanation "if you check me you will suffer"
Krr1ss feels like town too.
Don't destroy my hat. 
I can read Agentt like a carefully folded newspaper. New players give away everything before me.
Also you're wrong about NQT.
We are new players on the forum, how can you even guess our alignments so easily? Especially since our playstyles are different. People still have trouble getting a hang of me due to playstyle clash and you easily guessed mine and Agentt's? We also both have different playstyles despite having same home forum.
That Jack mention feels forced. Out of 14 people present, as town, you should assume that no one would care enough to destroy your hat. The emoji also feels weird in a way, as if it's meant to be unserious post, which definitely fits scum talking to scum as theater.
Good for you for Agentt read ig? Still feels a bit forced but fine.
NQT line feels TMIish. You didn't say "You are right, let's push", nor did you say "I don't know man" but "You aren't wrong". This sentence, at least to me, is usually told when you know more than the other and as a teaching way in order to push them in a certain direction. It's reminding me of "interesting" scum tell, a tell that is meant to show how scum creates discord among town without outright saying things and implicating themselves. In another context, it can be a bussing tactic too, and I can't determine which one it is, but it feels scummy, that's for sure.
I'm not reading every word in this thread.
Imp feels town too.
Why you die Vermilion? Imp says Vermilion is town. I can believe that.
Don't care about Magma's bus claim, not alignment indicative. Are their suspicions of Canadian Cat correct? I'm inclined to say no I must see more of the kitty.
What about Jack? And Jim? I feel Jack is better of the two because Jim has done nothing so far. I feel overwhelmed. It's a lot of players to try to understand...
Tric...are you a bad guy? You'd tell me to my face, wouldn't you?
1. Lack of interest in the thread. Doesn't fit my "detective toony" persona that I imagined with how others described town you.
2. Shouldn't Imp always feel town? Her playstyle is literally pro-town as every alignment? Way too easy of a read, no?
3. Verm town too? Wow, everyone is town. It's not even your own read and yet you easily bought it with 0 care.
4. You literally made a similar claim. How come his is not alignment indicative? Shouldn't you gain at least somewhat of a positive impression since you did the same?
5. No to cat suspicions while leaving room for more feels just like scum fishing for town opinion in order to sheep what's best.
6. Jim done nothing = Jim not bad but worse. Clustering at it's finest.
Clustering is when you mention multiple suspects and put one or two of your teammates in there so when the time comes it's "See? I told ya." but you don't actually push for them.
I won't even comment Tric question.
Oh there's a mason chat, I didn't catch that the first time. I bet one player is scum between Tric, Vermilion, Cat, and Agentt.
Magma makes my brain feel good I hope they are town so they can carry.
Magma make me feel Jack bad. Magma make me feel Crystal bad. Magma don't really make me feel Cat bad.
Jim feel good now they post. Jim probably desire hats. Me hat- I mean my hat implies things but I don't want to add unnecessary details to clutter the thread when it doesn't mean these threats actually exist.
Toastercultist make big newbie post. They big newb but are they evil like Tric and Jack? Me no thinks.
"Oh there's mason chat, I didn't catch that first time." not as surprised as I'd expect him to sound.
Honestly, I don't know what to make of Magma comments. Would appreciate someone filling in on this. Sheeping on Jack bad despite saying they are good earlier? Why Crystal when Magma explained nothing of that read? Again, defensive of town (cat).
I do note however, that Toony pushed Jim down and then picked him back up but not without pushing him somewhat down (hats) again.
I'm gonna try to put all my reads down in a coherent list later today when I'm not busy. Maybe I'll vote a bad guy too.
I forgot what was the thread like at the time but I bet it was something like 1. Cat 2. Sal for elimination list. Both of which are conf!town (confirmed town)
This feels TMI-ish in the sense like he knew that the bad guy was not being voted and so he may decided to do it (buss).
Then there's the readlist which was half focused on hats as if hats were the real enemy in his mind. There's also this line:
I probably vote Jack the most right now. Tric probably isn't a good vote either from my instincts, I think. despite making Tric the most scum read person. Why is that? I am also sure that Tric was much more involved in the game and so his flip would reveal much more info.
Crystal - I don't like them voting S.Monday for their posting style I did the same thing, how come I was townread.
Jim - I like this post. I feel similarly to Jim in most areas (and most importantly I think his read on me being as interested as him in the game is very on point) so probably good dude. Chance of going for hat win = 69.69% This, I think, is the only read you bothered explaining the most. It's the longest text, and you even went as far as to link a post. Adding in the unseriousness of 69.69% I think that you may be a bit focused on Jim. Also, usually, scum are almost 100% likely to put one of their partners in NULL which you did.
Well, Toony made their line clear enough.
Toony Toony I just used the hat. Don't blame the player blame the game. If I was going for Hat Victory don't you think I would have saved it to Hatlo?
Yeah, you're right Tric. You don't want the hats, do you?
Wait, Toony has a post restriction too? Or who else besides Sal?
I don't have a post restriction, I'm just having fun.
I'm not kidding about the inspection thing though, it's bad for my health.
I think you're right about Tric. I don't think he's an enemy probably.
The Canadian kitten has requested a replacement.
Confidence in reads higher than Eiffel tower. Stick to them a bit at least. Also funny since Crystal was your second or third most scum read.
I've made your favourite points, but you are town-reading the guy I'm making points about. What's the deal with that?
Cat is a good guy, I think they're misunderstood here.
I don't agree with all of Jim's points either and Jim has my second favorite points! For example, they didn't like Spontaneous Monday which I disagree with.
Also, Magma, you are a cat yourself, isn't that a little hypocritical to vote your Canadian brother?
"Cat is a good guy" too confident. Feels contradictory with earlier low confidence in reads. Bit TMI-ish.
Again Jim focus.
And throwing shade at magma without saying much? Or is that a joke?