I'm not sure what Toastercult did I don't feel like reading until Imp finishes that list. I kind of just have Toastercult in the same space as Verm for me right now.
Finished except for you!
Will update with you later, here you go:
N1: Sal dead town
Imp: Thinks Sal visited N1, leaving stories detailed in reply #551. Successful blender of Verm's 'negotitations'. Gained status 'Thread Alpha' (from Sal's once ability? From somewhere else?), spread it to Verm.
Verm: No action. Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this. Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)
Toaster: No claims about actions
Mater: Used an ability that lowers the # votes required to lynch by 2, specifically involving hammers (doesn't discuss the regular elim really); Mod's vote count has no evidence of this. Says "I didn't target anyone" and implies Agent was probably redirected #631. Got a street fighter video from Jim. Roleclaim #683: Is Usurper, "Anyone who targets me with an ability will lose it, and I gain it instead. Although, I don't know what the abilities do." "I was only targeted by three things last night, two of them being claimed." "I also received the Street Fighter video and didn't lose my hat." + "Nah I was lying about that too, I did lose my hat." Jim says, "learned what ability Magma Mater used during N1 and it's called The Mafia Experience." "someone used an ability on me that targets 6 people."
Tric: "theater chat was less than useless" + "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all" Used Bloodstained Sunglasses again after self-voting, gained 2 votes for D2, started D2 with 1. To Agentt: "You are welcome to spew all my abilities if you wish. The one good thing is I still have my shotted action." Recommended to all theatre chat to "just mugging each other was a good idea, and then one of you would have an extra vote today. Or for later if you wanted." "You're welcome to assess me and realize I don't have any hats. Heck you can steal the hat I have right now, it's completely out of shots". "revealing all of my role" in theatrechat. "Agentt offered a good bit more than Skies, but Skies had the perfectly logical reasoning of thinking I might be scum." Still has hat.
Krr1ss: "I spent my night action on Verm and saw that he didn't target anyone. At least not successfully" (said before Verm said he did not action) "What are the chances I got jailed tonight? I am starting to realize that that may make the most sense. My action returned failure and now that I think about it, it would return something else if Verm targeted no one."
Crystal: Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message.
Jack: Took Mater's hat/Mater's hat was destroyed.
Jim: Gained Usurped status, now can't use funniest part of role; still has funnest part but amount of fun per night reduced. Took CM's hat and sent message featuring M. Bison. Targeted Mater and set Mater a message.
NQT: "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference." Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed. (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).
Agent: "The vote on [Mater] is just what the theatre chat decided" "I do wanna announce I do still town read Magma. Infact I mafia lean my own neighbors. Things are just difficult right now." "I am vomiting [someone else's terrible opinion, as Mater asked] straight up right now. I don't even know why you would be sussed. Tric is just a very scary person. Immedietley demanded absolute unity in everything we do." "There are a whole lot more reasons to suspect tric, but at the same time: his idea of restricting who we vote and night actions do ensure if there is a mafia among us they won't be able to act well." "[Theatrechat] kinda just talked about who to vote today, and who to use our powers on." "One of my ability is to roleblock a person outside of the theatre if they are targeting the theatre ... I targeted Magma with it." "Magma, if he was attempting to target the théâtre, was blocked. The aforementioned ability to roleblock has now been suppressed by the Usurped modifier. This makes it so that I can no longer use that ability while the user of Usurp is alive. 3. Someone messed with our hats!!" "Well to prevent any of us from stealing hats from other people, we decided to just steal from each other in rotation. It also helps in having an alibi when someone says their hat got stolen And looks like the system worked because, something did get stolen. And I would like to hear my neighbours side first before talking more."