Well, I said I was willing to skim over the entire game and think about my stances, so sure, I'll try to write down my thoughts about each person.
I'll kill two birds with one stone here and actually put effort into reads then.
One more thing I wanna ask you to put serious thought into.
At night, most of us can do actions. It's actually really rare, but sometimes happens, that someone doesn't (or can't) do at least 1 night action. Rarely some of us can do a day action (it's more common than being unable to night action).
Many of us on Day 2 have made a claim about what we did N1. This does not have to be true or complete. Because you are new, I
highly recommend you
do not lie about your night actions, however, 'Not ready to say yet' and 'nothing to report' are commonly accepted for when you don't wanna say yet or at all this day.
Generally, it's best to have some kinda pro-town reason why you don't report what you did, but that can be kinda advanced to figure out what good reasons not to report are. It can look really scummy too, it nearly got me as town dead the last game I played because I refused to report or discuss what I did that game even when other players caught me doing it and revealed stuff about me to the rest of the game.
Generally, town tells the truth and anti-town lies. But there are townie lies and scummy truths and all in-between.
However, someone killed Sal (who is now confirmed town, but dead) and nobody's claimed it yet, so probably done by anti-town. There's a few other puzzles too, I haven't sorted out all the claims yet but I'm weaving them into a story for us all to easily see.
So far, I see no claims from you at all, so do think about if you wanna make any.
For example, this is my summarized claims for N1:
Imp: Thinks Sal visited N1, leaving stories detailed in reply #551. Successful blender of Verm's 'negotiations'. Gained status 'Thread Alpha' (from Sal's once ability? From somewhere else?), spread it to Verm.
If you know anything about that Thread Alpha status especially, love to hear about that or anything else you choose to claim, thanks!