Yes, I am a Hated Townie. I am hammered at 6 today (7, +1 due to Bloody Sunglasses, -2 due to my action).
Crystal, Magma, Imp, What do you think about Toony?
I'm null on Toony. I love playing with him, I feel bad about how things went.
My first game with him (since I came back to B12) was FBYOR6, where he was a superdoc, I was a dreamer that made dreams real, and Webadict was a supercop. N2 Toony ripped me out of my role and threw me into the supercop's role, who had protections so this destroyed my role; it also killed Web (and Toons could have just protected me and nobody would have died that night; instead my precious to me role was destroyed and I gained a soul-bleeding post restriction of 'be calm and nice' (happily 'calm' didn't mean couldn't even be happy... which I first believed) and could supercop, and gained an endless dream of getting that role back, which explains all my later odd behavior that game - just me trying to get my role back, keep it alive whereever it was, whatever. Note my 1+ initial role requests this game were refused, too... lotta emotion there, oh well). My role was really precious to me and I absolutely hated Web's.
But it was good service for town, and Toons was a heck of a supercop, and somehow he wasn't killed either. I lived until D5, when town elimmed the SK and a very dangerous townie got to live his dream by destroying himself and me (I still think he would have made town lose later if he had lived).
Toons went kinda insane when he lost me, and I thought I had my partner-player. I love partners; Verm's a partner-player to me, though there's a range of possible ways that can play out.
Next game, NQT's CYOS1, Toony towned me on first post and I gave that back to him, then rescinded it, I doubted him. He was town that game, and trapped in Jack's 'care', Jack had an instakill loaded on Toony and a private chat with him. Toons had a load of stress that game, town won and Toons lived to the end I think, but our play was strained.
We never got 'close' after that.
Later, he subbed into... the
third player in that slot that game into a role that I strongly believed was maf.
He talked me down, somewhat. He was maf.
So, he's a great player. As any alignment.
He keeps me at kinda arm's length now?
I think I liked him way way way way way more than he liked me. But I just like playing around with others' having power over me and using it benignly or beneficially - which he did as my devoted and focused destroying-my-favorite-ever-better-than-could-be-role and 'I ruin you, and I won't even let you die' superdoc behavior, somehow keeping us both alive through that huge and hugely chaotic game...
I had a problem there, an auto that the maf had and Pirates had (except there were no pirates) and that also applied to SK (and there was an SK, Max, but he didn't claim it before he was killed) but they all got all my items if they were the role that killed (not elimmed) me. The role-switch fixed it, I had no items for them anymore.
But I'm so weird, as town in a 'I kill you at will, you are mine until I decide you are nothing' chat with my captor, who is talking with me and using pressure, and is likely also town just suspicious - I tend to relax and enjoy that. Not fun for Toony, would be fun for me. And how Toony handled me that first game, was awesome but hasn't happened since.
And I know I can't read Toony well. He's still null to me, I'll read him on the outcome of his actions and how he moves towards a wincon. Same as everyone else just... with lost confused puppy-imp eyes.