Speaking of, Trik, Agentt, Verm what was your night chat about? I'd love details. Also glad we solved early on whether it was an ability
We kinda just talked about who to vote today, and who to use our powers on.
I believe Tric has the same reason to sus Magma as Crystal mentioned, that we killed a member of town who wasn't even able to defend themselves.
One of my ability is to roleblock a person outside of the theatre if they are targeting the theatre
That last bit was something I never noticed so...
But orz, I targeted Magma with it.
Oh, that sounds interesting. The ability of yours, I mean.
As for the reasons to sus Magma about pushing afk town or something, it's just bad reasons.
Also, considering that there's a high chance scum is in that chat, not sharing what happened here is essentially same as withholding information from town while giving it to scum which is just uhh, dum
Mmn, chance that there is scum among us is why communication is difficult. This is kinda my first time in a non alignment indicative chat so, I just have no idea what to even do with it.
But that is why we agreed to decide the vote and night action before hand. If there is a mafia amongst us, we are greatly restricting them. It's also nice to know our actions are potentially influencing what mafia can do.
So really no info that can help town...?
Did you send memes at least. I wanna be includeddd
How funny because that's the exact same thing Tric said.
I'll post memes from now on ah. I guess Tric posts a pokemon picture.
One weird thing that I do wanna share with everyone, including people from the theatre group are my night results.
Here are the 3 things that happened:
Magma, if he was attempting to target the théâtre, was blocked.
The aforementioned ability to roleblock has now been suppressed by the Usurped modifier. This makes it so that I can no longer use that ability while the user of Usurp is alive.
3. Someone messed with our hats!!