In my experience, scum was always actively voting, however, my town experience is pretty limited so I can't trust it very much. In my scum games tho, either by my influence or other reasons, all scum voted too.
To be clear: most scum players vote most of the time. The day they're less likely to end up voting is day one. Some players (like myself) will always vote regardless of alignment. The other classic scum move is to keep a weak RVS vote on their target all through the day. Because, again, they have no real suspicions.
Well, if you're gonna go for that, leave Agentt. He's almost surely town
I would be very surprised if more than two of them were scum.
Anyway, as you're not wholly convinced, here are two more games where mafia didn't vote at end of day. The two previous games in Fallacy's BYOR series! FBYOR5 (14 players):
Not Voting: NJW2000, NJW2000, Nakéen
(Aside to TricMagic, look! It's a town double voter in a Fallacy game...)
D2 of FBYOR6 managed to have two scum not voting (16 players at that point):
Not Voting (4): Egan_BW, Imp, sofanthiel, The Canadian kitten
But, for good measure, to show that this isn't always right, here's a game where a lot of town players didn't vote end of day, d1:
(4) Not Voting: Knightwing64, Shakerag, Egan_BW, Jim Groovester
That game only had two scum, there a town player was self-voting, and the hammer happened quickly. So ultimately you always have to keep in mind other factors. One factor is the meta. Jim is playing again this time, and he
even acknowledged why he wasn't voting D1. He has a lazy old man persona, slowly roused to action if he survives to later in the game.
I think Vermillion especially was more than capable of making a vote, and yet managed not to.