I'm waiting for someone. 
Who are you waiting for, Mater? You're awesome, I hope you remember and my saying it echoes in your ears.
How does waiting on them help your goals?
Imp, Imp, are you progressing with your read list? What do you think of my vote on cat?
I think Cat is likely town. I have played with Cat before, one of our less strong and confident players. I don't remember if I've seen Cat be anti-town, but this is The Canadian kitten's typical town play. I won't be shocked if TCk flips anti-town, but I will be quite surprised, and will review the game extra close because it's the first I think time I've seen TCk be anything but town. I'm not at all surprised if kit's some pro-town alignment.
Your vote on Cat is fine. I much more sus toaster, I'd vastly prefer an anti-town elim. I get that others don't sus toaster very much, that's not uncommon for my early anti-town leans. If Kit flips anti-town I very much want that elim, and I can be wrong.
Also, this is mater's top scumread. My first town-town game with Mater, his sus on a person I didn't sus led me to decide to inspect them N1. Not only were they actually maf - they had the kinda role that can only be caught by inspect N1. Would have perfectly matched something else every later night. Would have been a fine D1 elim (that particular game we didn't elim D1, but we had weird mech offered to go from D1 to N1 to N2 to D2 to D3. And I agreed and we as a whole agreed. There were no kills, was crazy (I had a strong town guardian, which was Verm, this was also my first game with Verm, who I picked as extremely likely town by his third post).
Since N1 I got a red inspect, N2... since D2 hadn't happened yet, I couldn't tell people or otherwise elim the very dangerous maf; Verm continued to guard me and I investigated Verm - town.
Town won that game well, but the solid core hero was Mater, who picked out the deadly-dangerous maf 4maskwolf.
So I am interested if TCk is anti-town and sure could be, this is Mater, even though I think I see the normal weaker-townie TKc. Definitely can't say it's a bad vote.
My precious D1 reads are finished!
VermillionSkies, extremely likely to be pro-town, or learned so much since last anti-town game I can't believe it. High confidence.
Salvatore Monday, Medium pro-town, zero confidence, entirely intuition/feel.
EuchreJack, low-medium townlean, low-medium confidence. He's tricked me once when anti-town. But this looks and feels quite good.
The Canadian kitten, Seems explorative, I catch no antitown intention or feel. Weak to moderate town lean, low confidence.
TricMagic, weak townlean, low confidence. I'd be more confident and higher lean if I hadn't seen him as maf, and interacted so much with him in NQT's CYOS2 where he was maf. I think this is slightly more likely to be the pro-town side.
Magma Mater, weak townlean, very low confidence. My last, cancelled game with Mater, I was maf and he town, on an unfamiliar forum. He seemed more relaxed there. But he isn't necessarily relaxed on this forum other games either. Want to see more from
Krr1ss, weak townlean, low confidence (no meta, very active, very inquisitive)
Agentt, weak townlean, low confidence (want to see settle into play more. Play is similar to D1 of the early-canceled maf game Krr1ss was host of; there posts were all 1-2 liners (but the forum style was mostly short posts), similar balance of fluff and reads.
Crystalizedmire, null, medium confidence. I love this game's playstyle, it's motivated and feels great. Annoyingly, that's more often Crystal when anti-town than when pro-town. I want to reward townie play, punish scummy play; if this is true-pro-town Crystal playing well, I'm thrilled and it'll be clear in the days to come. I'm watching.
ToonyMan, Null, needs more time/posts/stuff to read. Low confidence, want to townlean, but have seen him as maf in difficult conditions. Definitely want him alive D2. Interestingly likes Sal as well.
notquitethere, null. I need to relearn how to read NQT after my last game with him, and he seems different here as well (than many earlier games, and also than last game when he was town but I couldn't read his play as townie). I want to see more, not eager to vote here today, but I can't justify strong defense either (I would consolidate here over townier folk, and this could be anti-town)
Jim Groovester, weak anti-town, low confidence
toastercultist, medium anti-town, medium confidence