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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 13181 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #345 on: March 05, 2025, 07:41:23 am »

Umm, I'll reread and make earnest effort later. Kinda busy atm. I did read it all tho and preliminary thoughts for people I do remember:

Vermillion - The whole role thing kinda makes them town and even if they aren't, idgaf as they will die soon enough anyway.
Imp - I hosted a game where she was scum and although it's been for a little while only due to the game ending early, I managed to get a preliminary idea of her thought process as well as scum play. Here, she is different from my POV.

Probs town:
Kitten - Feels towny for me, idk what Urist sees in them. Maybe Urist is trying to get people's opinions on this?
Tric - Probably just someone trying for hat victory but they are still town. I'd appreciate it if we all decided to collectively have only one person mug them while another assesses them. Vermillion mugging seems like a good option as their chances of hat victory seem as slim as mine. Imp can assess cuz I town her.

Netural: I remember there being some crystal person, and then uhh, jack or something idk, I forgot them all. Got no reads as I can't even remember them. Will take out a notebook as this is my first big game and ngl, it's more complicated then I thought.

Scum leans:
Urist - Don't like the vibes. I understand that's his usual vibes but all games I had with him were when I was scum so I can't properly judge. I do see him as somewhat different here and I don't like it too much. Maybe because he is taking this more seriously? Either way, I definitely don't mind him gone.
Agentt - Vibes and I forgot why but I found him scummy yesterday.

I forgot more than half the lobby so forgive me, I'll reread hahah. This time, with notes, and will try to be as proactive as possible.
Oh, that roleplaying forgotten being, throw them in neutral but slightly scummy. Purely based off the fact that they definitely can contribute more but just choose not to


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #346 on: March 05, 2025, 09:01:13 am »

I did a quick scan on TricMagic's posts and I'm going to pull back on thinking I don't think he's working towards a town wincon and just leave my iffy feeling about him at he's not being super pro town productive.
I also feel this way.

I think Jim is right about Agentt and Toasterlovescults.

I don't know why Jim doesn't like Imp, but I haven't been reading Imp's posts and just registering them as "Imp post" in my head since they're town.

I like Vermilion because Imp likes Vermilion and they also died and came back to life, and I feel have been genuine and honest with their role like I have.

I also agree with Jim that Jack looks better. I think Jack feels I'm town (which is true), but is probably genuinely frustrated with my behavior and that I'm able to "get away with it" because of my status. I don't see how that comes from a place of malice.

So who are the bad guys? I'm leaning more towards Crystal and NQT I guess since while NQT has been supportive, I am unsure of their intentions are true compared to others.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #347 on: March 05, 2025, 09:03:29 am »

On the other hand I scum read Imp-chan because that much blood thirst to kill someone is... >.> For D1 atleast, she seems to be wildly motivated that twe have to kill one of her pick. I don't find her reasoning scummy, just that it is too early on to be that aggressive for D1.

Agentt?  I'm confused... are you mixing up what I say and my case on Toaster?

Please quote what makes you say,
she seems to be wildly motivated that twe have to kill one of her pick.
  I mean, where do I say that or what have I said that you infer means that?
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #348 on: March 05, 2025, 09:15:00 am »

Probably Town: Imp, Toastercultist
Maybe Town: Jim, Crystal
Theater Kids: Tric, Skies, Cat, Agent T. Krr1ss.
Maybe Mafia: Jack, Magma, NQT
Probably Mafia: Toony, , Salvadore

On thoughts, missing Krr1ss from this shorthand list. Eh you can go into Theater.
... On Active Crystal, Mafia Crystal seems a bit aloof when I played with them, so wouldn't an active Crystal mean town?
Scumreading the two people posting with restrictions is so lazy, you can do better.
Are you deliberately not giving reads on the people you're in a chat with, or is that coincidental?
That's the thing, Toony doesn't have a restriction. Their first post was perfectly abnormal.
You can consider the Theater Kids Null and Void. There is probably scum in them, but there might not be. If Toony flipped mafia I'd suspect their pockets.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #349 on: March 05, 2025, 09:19:46 am »

The Canadian kitten

forgot that votes were reset
... You just got on me on a low-effort readlist, but that's a really low-effort vote given they just asked to be replaced.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #350 on: March 05, 2025, 09:22:21 am »

Magma Mater convince me, I respect your reads so I'm willing to sheep if you can do it. I'm gonna be on phone for most of the day and will probably be able to spend about 2-3 hours to reread and take notes somewhere around 8-9pm. For reference, it's 15:24 rn. Since the day is going to end, I'm willing to hear you out. I won't be there for EOD, it's in 5am.

Same goes for Imp.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #351 on: March 05, 2025, 09:23:21 am »

Magma Mater convince me, I respect your reads so I'm willing to sheep if you can do it. I'm gonna be on phone for most of the day and will probably be able to spend about 2-3 hours to reread and take notes somewhere around 8-9pm. For reference, it's 15:24 rn. Since the day is going to end, I'm willing to hear you out. I won't be there for EOD, it's in 5am.

Same goes for Imp.
Or well, anyone else. I'm just more familiar with them so I am more willing to trust my judgement on their judgment.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #352 on: March 05, 2025, 09:28:31 am »

Imp, why do you read VermilionSkies as town?

Meta and multi-game experience with him.

Our first game together, his first on the forum, we were both town and together led a town win.  And he was my top town pick by his 3rd post, lucky me he was town.

A few other happy games, not all town, one a BYOAlignment, all could have won.  Verm was very honest about a scary role and wincon, got heavily stopped (not by me).  Managed to help sort that out, all players except Crystal (just Crystal lost, I think) were able to win, was complicated by the time most of us finally went honest about wincons (FoU didn't go honest until after the game was over; despite that allowed the rest of us possible to win).

Then, Verm was anti-town.  And I was town.

His 4th post, I was pretty sure he was not town.

VermilionSkies - Feels wrong x3.  This could be due to the travelling he's been doing???  This is not any Vermillion I have played with before, to my feel.  I think this may be anti-town, but I'm going purely on feel and reaction and the differences between my meta-connection-sense of Verm in other games, where from first-contact I read him likely town and he was.  Definitely willing to look longer/look more.  But this feels wrong, kinda bigtime.

Course, you were in that game, you might remember:

I don't think it's VS but I'm also not really in a position to fight hard about it. Low activity arguments in this game feel pretty weak against VS but also against all players more generally.

I can't argue with Imp right now and wouldn't really want to anyway even if I could. I'm not partners with VS.

To me, Verm has a very strong presentation, it is alignment indicative.  Maybe he can fix that when anti-town, but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet, and he's only been anti-town once.  Would be a big fix to do in one step.
I'll point out Town Imp is scary good about reads. If Imp says Skies is town, they're probably town enough to take off my null list. With Cat replacing that leaves Agentt. (and me.)

Krr1ss isn't part of the chat so still null. But that also reinforces my suspicion on Toony. If Agentt is scum, Toony is probably scum. Alternatively they're in a mason chat.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #353 on: March 05, 2025, 09:32:07 am »

I did a quick scan on TricMagic's posts and I'm going to pull back on thinking I don't think he's working towards a town wincon and just leave my iffy feeling about him at he's not being super pro town productive.
Should I be going on and on like the song that never ends? ♫ I'm in a chat, that may have rat. Don't get the bat, and don't give a whack. ♫


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #354 on: March 05, 2025, 09:33:10 am »

Imp, why do you read VermilionSkies as town?

Meta and multi-game experience with him.

Our first game together, his first on the forum, we were both town and together led a town win.  And he was my top town pick by his 3rd post, lucky me he was town.

A few other happy games, not all town, one a BYOAlignment, all could have won.  Verm was very honest about a scary role and wincon, got heavily stopped (not by me).  Managed to help sort that out, all players except Crystal (just Crystal lost, I think) were able to win, was complicated by the time most of us finally went honest about wincons (FoU didn't go honest until after the game was over; despite that allowed the rest of us possible to win).

Then, Verm was anti-town.  And I was town.

His 4th post, I was pretty sure he was not town.

VermilionSkies - Feels wrong x3.  This could be due to the travelling he's been doing???  This is not any Vermillion I have played with before, to my feel.  I think this may be anti-town, but I'm going purely on feel and reaction and the differences between my meta-connection-sense of Verm in other games, where from first-contact I read him likely town and he was.  Definitely willing to look longer/look more.  But this feels wrong, kinda bigtime.

Course, you were in that game, you might remember:

I don't think it's VS but I'm also not really in a position to fight hard about it. Low activity arguments in this game feel pretty weak against VS but also against all players more generally.

I can't argue with Imp right now and wouldn't really want to anyway even if I could. I'm not partners with VS.

To me, Verm has a very strong presentation, it is alignment indicative.  Maybe he can fix that when anti-town, but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet, and he's only been anti-town once.  Would be a big fix to do in one step.
I'll point out Town Imp is scary good about reads. If Imp says Skies is town, they're probably town enough to take off my null list. With Cat replacing that leaves Agentt. (and me.)

Krr1ss isn't part of the chat so still null. But that also reinforces my suspicion on Toony. If Agentt is scum, Toony is probably scum. Alternatively they're in a mason chat.
I don't get this part. I am null because I'm not part of your mason chat?

Speaking of, that mason chat is either a hat ability (unlikely) or part of someone's role. Someone that's in the chat. I am leaning on Agentt purely because he's an anxious person who needs people to encourage and reinforce his beliefs


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14)
« Reply #355 on: March 05, 2025, 09:35:40 am »

Imp, why do you read VermilionSkies as town?

Meta and multi-game experience with him.

Our first game together, his first on the forum, we were both town and together led a town win.  And he was my top town pick by his 3rd post, lucky me he was town.

A few other happy games, not all town, one a BYOAlignment, all could have won.  Verm was very honest about a scary role and wincon, got heavily stopped (not by me).  Managed to help sort that out, all players except Crystal (just Crystal lost, I think) were able to win, was complicated by the time most of us finally went honest about wincons (FoU didn't go honest until after the game was over; despite that allowed the rest of us possible to win).

Then, Verm was anti-town.  And I was town.

His 4th post, I was pretty sure he was not town.

VermilionSkies - Feels wrong x3.  This could be due to the travelling he's been doing???  This is not any Vermillion I have played with before, to my feel.  I think this may be anti-town, but I'm going purely on feel and reaction and the differences between my meta-connection-sense of Verm in other games, where from first-contact I read him likely town and he was.  Definitely willing to look longer/look more.  But this feels wrong, kinda bigtime.

Course, you were in that game, you might remember:

I don't think it's VS but I'm also not really in a position to fight hard about it. Low activity arguments in this game feel pretty weak against VS but also against all players more generally.

I can't argue with Imp right now and wouldn't really want to anyway even if I could. I'm not partners with VS.

To me, Verm has a very strong presentation, it is alignment indicative.  Maybe he can fix that when anti-town, but I haven't seen any evidence of it yet, and he's only been anti-town once.  Would be a big fix to do in one step.
I'll point out Town Imp is scary good about reads. If Imp says Skies is town, they're probably town enough to take off my null list. With Cat replacing that leaves Agentt. (and me.)

Krr1ss isn't part of the chat so still null. But that also reinforces my suspicion on Toony. If Agentt is scum, Toony is probably scum. Alternatively they're in a mason chat.
I don't get this part. I am null because I'm not part of your mason chat?

Speaking of, that mason chat is either a hat ability (unlikely) or part of someone's role. Someone that's in the chat. I am leaning on Agentt purely because he's an anxious person who needs people to encourage and reinforce his beliefs
If it's Agentt tho, why not pick more familiar people like Urist, Imp, and me? Unless it's random. Maybe he hates our guts? I don't think that's the case so it's possible that it's someone else. You guys should explore that as I believe that town knowing what they can expect each other will help us overwhelmingly more then just everyone hiding what they can do and not being cooperative enough to help scum who likely have much stronger abilities, won't miss probably, and are cooperating to boost each other


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #356 on: March 05, 2025, 09:40:47 am »

I did a quick scan on TricMagic's posts and I'm going to pull back on thinking I don't think he's working towards a town wincon and just leave my iffy feeling about him at he's not being super pro town productive.
Should I be going on and on like the song that never ends? ♫ I'm in a chat, that may have rat. Don't get the bat, and don't give a whack. ♫
Say, why are you not going for hat victory


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #357 on: March 05, 2025, 09:46:24 am »

Ok, I probably won't destroy the hat of Krr1ss.

Unless I come up with a better idea, I will just destroy the hat of TheCanadianKitten or whomever replaces them.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #358 on: March 05, 2025, 09:46:46 am »

The Canadian kitten

forgot that votes were reset
... You just got on me on a low-effort readlist, but that's a really low-effort vote given they just asked to be replaced.
Being replaced typically doesn't change one's alignment.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 1 - Car Crash (14 / 14) - 1 Replacement Requested
« Reply #359 on: March 05, 2025, 09:50:22 am »

The Canadian kitten

forgot that votes were reset
... You just got on me on a low-effort readlist, but that's a really low-effort vote given they just asked to be replaced.
Being replaced typically doesn't change one's alignment.
That's funny hahahah
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