In the places where you've played before, what are the norms around...
Random votes - Are you used to having a Random Vote Stage?
Sheeping - Is it normal for players to copy other player's votes or are you expected to have your own case?
Random questions - Do you ask each other random questions at the start of the game, or is everything meant to be strictly game-relevant?
Meta - Do players try to make arguments about how other players usually play like?
It might be useful to get answers here from toastercultist and Agentt too.
I haven't played online at all, but I do play in person sometimes.
Random votes - No, in almost every scenario we have a nightstart.
Sheeping - While I don't sheep and try to get everyone to state their own individual reasons for a vote, everyone else does.
Random questions - We don't even ask questions at all, we just vote after everyone says what they want. lol
Meta - I once almost won this game by assuming a Justice Wargrave kind of personality as mafia, so people usually make callbacks on this. Otherwise no.
TricMagic looks around at the various serious and not-so-serious expressions of those at the restaurant table, then puts on a pair of bloodstained sunglasses.
TricMagic possesses Bloodstained Sunglasses.
TricMagic gains 1 vote.
Whoa! At least we know part of his role, and I wonder what Bloodstained Sunglasses do.
Krr1ss, answer my question:
Why sheep on a rvs vote and a self vote?
Sheeping is when you trust someone's judgement, this is just band wagoning.
Cuz I felt like it.
Honestly I felt a really strong urge to also vote TricMagic because of nothing but the funny, but I decided against it when I saw the EuchreJack thing. So jumping on this band wagon can have innocent motives. I'm not saying to not vote Kriss, just that this small thing isn't significant.
Everyone: Do you think that everyone should claim how many hats they have in order to prevent Hat Victory?
Unseriously, I have one hat.
Seriously, no. This will only pollute the whole thing with people trying to figure out who lied and who didn't while one side sweeps in for a victory among the chaos.
can apparently ramp up votes, which is not a town power, it's a selfish power.
Extra votes is more often a town power than a scum power, but naturally it can be either. I said ramping up votes was a possibility. I also said something else entirely was a possibility. In sum, I said nothing. As such, you're voting for me based on you own poor reading comprehension. That's okay, I misread things too sometimes. You can stand down.
... NQT you just shot straight up to the top of my suspect list. That is not normal from you.
Unvote Doubt we will end up with an early hammer.. But man if that statement doesn't ping my instinct something fierce.
Why is that not normal and why does it make you suspect him?
The rumbling is much closer now. Some among you look out the window to see a red sports car, a trail of fire behind its wheels. You've all seen weirder, of course, but this car in particular is aimed directly at the restaurant window you're sitting at.
Glass shatters. Most of you dive for cover. VermillionSkies turns and tries to run, but the car crushes him. The real tragedy is the loss of the remaining tuna sandwiches.
VermillionSkies has been killed. Votecount reset by kill.
Of course, despite all of that, he still manages to get back up, miraculously intact, as far as any of you can tell.
VermillionSkies has revived.
Well. Looking at the ruins of the tuna restaurant's front, you all opt to abscond before the owner can show up and try to get you to pay the bill.
This way, at least, you'll have money for food tomorrow.
The shotgun and smeared votecount sheet come along, as well.
Hmm... so this is probably something to signal that Vermilion will come back after being killed (but not when superkilled like the claimed masons in the discord), and this shows Vermilion is probably correct in his roleclaim. Downwards escalator sounds like a good name for a band.
Currently the two players that catch my attention are of course Tricmagic because of his vote power and Vermilion because of the strange soul power thing.