Or expect RL to let you write.
I have no words. This is so me today!

And probably for a LONG time to come.
Where is Imp? I'm not allowed to do any scumhunting until she shows up to tell everyone how awesome I am. It's in my contract.
EVERYONE! I need to introduce you to
Urist/Magma Mater. This player rocks!
Mater, you are so awesome; you are the way and the light and the path and the door for those who are seeking that they might be found.
Granted, this game Fallacy is God to me. But you are still very valued and precious.
I'm a bit less blinded to you this game than last; more time has passed since you were my current mod that absolutely rocked and ruled my gameworld; since I danced between your palms and by your power and glory of game design, and whatever incidental luck also was involved, I got to have so! much! joy!
Plus I was maf that immediately-after and soon canceled game. And if anything's gonna muck up my ability to read you, try that!

So, Awesome One. How else may I satisfy your contract? I am eager to watch you play. One of these games we both have to be town again! I'm eager to see and feel if it's this one.
Where is Imp? I'm not allowed to do any scumhunting until she shows up to tell everyone how awesome I am. It's in my contract.
Dw, the amount of "Urist" I heard in my dms and scumchat during the 72 hours of King's Gambit is more than enough for me to know how awesome you are.
Krr1ss, you didn't have a chance to fully capture my attention during your modship; the game ended before EoD1. But Mater... yeah.
You're awesome,
Mater!!!! Mater Matters.
Everyone: Do you think that everyone should claim how many hats they have in order to prevent Hat Victory?
CrystalizedMire, I don't know yet, and I'm not sure that can be so easily controlled.
(Free, Night) Mug [target]: You must have hats... You steal a random Hat ability your target possesses at the end of the Night. If you do not currently possess a Hat ability, you instead steal all the Hat abilities your target possesses. Caveat: if multiple players attempt to Mug the same player, then instead a random player among those players steals a random Hat ability from each player attempting to Mug your target.
So... If one of us claimed to have 3 hats and 8 of us decide to mug that player. 3 of the 8 have no hats, the other 5 have 1+ hats.
The Caveat comes into play. One of the 8 will steal a random hat ability from the other 7; 5 have hats so no matter which of the 8 is the randomly chosen one, that one wins because they end up with 5 hats.
So, this is my first hat game and there's a lot I can't see how to control or help about it.
I can see plus and minus for claiming the hat number, and it could help or hurt town.
I cannot, in good faith, offer up one of my abilities to be altered, considering its a little close to breaking the game if you remove some of its effects.
I will, however, say that Negotiations would be much nicer if it didn't decrement Escalator.
squirmsVerm, your wording is odd. If
Negotiations is a complete and accurate
ability name that you have, I can try to alter it.
I will try to alter it so that it doesn't ... since I have to steer this. Right now I think what's going on is it affects a status you have that is a countdown to your death.
eyes thisMy most likely effective way to steer this is to actually.... effectively drag it to hell and back. Hard to say what it will look like after. Almost certainly it will not continue to 'decrement Escalator' (if Fallacy is willing and luck doesn't interfere). But much else about it might also change. You might like it more - or less. Some things I could 'less chaotically trim'. But we can go the 'oh hell no' (or try).
I also care about consent.
Want me to do what I can (and presuming nobody effectively interferes)? Or want to stay as is for now?