And because EuchreJack may be trying to cause this, I'll vote him.
Please make sure to vote in
red or
bold red for easy visibility. I'll count the vote this time.
There's a rumbling in the background, a roar in the distance, wheels on the road.
None of that bothers you all, of course, you're far too focused on tallying up the votes, and deciding who's going to eat a shotgun blast to the chest.
That doesn't prove too difficult, despite some of your voices ringing louder than others.
Magma Mater (0):
TricMagic (0):
Crystalizedmire (0):
VermillionSkies (0):
notquitethere (0):
Imp (0):
Salvatore Monday (2): Crystalizedmire, Krr1ss
toastercultist (0):
EuchreJack (1): toastercultist
Jim Groovester (1): notquitethere
ToonyMan (1): TricMagic
The Canadian kitten (2): notquitethere, Magma Mater
Krr1ss (0):
Agentt (1): TricMagic
No Execution (0):
9 votes to hammer.
Not Voting (8): VermillionSkies, Imp, Salvatore Monday, EuchreJack, Jim Groovester, ToonyMan, The Canadian kitten, Agentt
The rumbling is much closer now. Some among you look out the window to see a red sports car, a trail of fire behind its wheels. You've all seen weirder, of course, but this car in particular is aimed directly at the restaurant window you're sitting at.
Glass shatters. Most of you dive for cover.
VermillionSkies turns and tries to run, but the car crushes him. The real tragedy is the loss of the remaining tuna sandwiches.
VermillionSkies has been killed. Votecount reset by kill.Of course, despite all of that, he still manages to get back up, miraculously intact, as far as any of you can tell.
VermillionSkies has revived.Well. Looking at the ruins of the tuna restaurant's front, you all opt to abscond before the owner can show up and try to get you to pay the bill.
This way, at least, you'll have money for food tomorrow.
The shotgun and smeared votecount sheet come along, as well.