I'll go sleep soon but I'll ask. Imp, did you lie at all during pregame? Is your role still a moonshot that's middle ranged power but can't target yourself? Surely something changed, I know that my role did. It went from S tier to B tier hahah.
Krr1ss, I don't remember what I claimed pre-game except that my role request was rejected 1+ times (that is true, or I claim it is true). I don't remember claiming if I could self-target or not - I can't see a reason why I would claim if I could self target or not pregame - I don't have my role yet so I don't know if I can or not at that point?
But my last game that wasn't canceled, NQT's BYOBoardGame, I had a role that could only self target until after town would have lost; then I gained a 1-shot kill that forced the maf kill to go where I chose, and all my other abilities upgraded; my self target became a self or other target but would have been very hard to use by then, I was designed to run out of ways to use my self-target and each could be used only once on myself.
I remember talking about moonshots pregame, aha! You brought it up, I said, "A moonshot... that isn't a jackpot. I guess that is how most of them are. Fail early...."
Yeah. I literally meant that, about my not-accepted role request(s). Most moonshots fail. They're designed to fail almost instantly if they are not going to succeed. That saves so much money - if you're not going to succeed, failing like in seconds, before full investment, works great. Lets you immediately start a new attempt as well, one that might work.
In that sense, my current role is a moonshot, it hasn't burned out/failed yet. Can you quote what you thought was me talking about "middle ranged power but can't target myself"? I think you misunderstood, because until I saw my role, it could be any level of power and target any way FoU chooses for it. That's FoU's call not mine unless I expressly rolename-request it... and in my case, get accepted by FoU too

I mean, literally. Unless you submit to Fal a role name of "middle ranged power but can't target yourself" I don't think we should pre-game expect to know that's what we'd get. So, I don't think I claimed that. Happy to explore what you're trying to ask about though!
Imp: Hi, hello! I don't think I can be saved.
The Devil loves a good chase, after all, but they always claim what's due.
Verm... I'd like to introduce myself as 'Imp'. I don't know much about you inside this game, but I know you are one of my favorite players to play beside and so far (I'm not caught up) you seem likely pro-town. I don't need much persuasion, helping fix problems is arguably part of my role. Or I can twist it to that.
If you insist, I'll call myself 'The Devil' (I am sure 'a devil', as Imp) and chase you, insofar as possible but that's probably not a great use of either of our time and I might miss the catch.
Also, I don't know you are my due. But I do know I can probably reduce your volatility or at least change your situation in some way, under some circumstances. And what I do isn't exactly 'claiming'. So decide if you accept help, and we'll explore what can be done, or not. There are risks, but if you think your wincon is favored by my sticking my nose or whatever into your problem(s), we can explore that.
Agentt is town.
Nobody inspect me or bad things happen.
I could go for a tuna sandwich.
Toony, you're safer than you were in CYOS1, and that call for a sandwich isn't a call for help, right?
I hope this restaurant serves drinks, no one likes me when I'm dehydrated.
I do know Imp is a very scary person
Imp is a bunny rabbit.
Wub you,
I'm not claiming to be a restaurant employee and none of the rest is exactly a claim either - but I can probably get you a glass of something or dump a bucket of cold water on you or
something if you literally have a thirst problem. Teleport you into a lake (hopefully near the surface), you suddenly have a Ringer's solution IV, whatever. Maybe your thirst is just gone for no obvious reason.
But if you're hinting you need help, we can discuss if you choose to.