Krr1ssI'd love to hear more useful things I can check that may make my (ours) experience more enjoyable.
It looks like you know your way around the quote tags. Being able to [spoiler] is also useful if you have something really long that doesn't need to be displayed immediately, like a load of quotes.
What's that? Did this happen in role PM or are you roleplaying?
Fallacy has been known to include post restrictions in the past. This isn't necessarily happening here, but it's possible Salvatore is required to post a certain way to unlock a power or somesuch.
Okay so, I am too lazy to quote out specific parts as it may mess up with the post, it's long as is, but here it is: I believe that there's a high likelyhood of him having such ability simply due to the fact that I know my role and how balanced it is. So I can see that being true. It's at the level of balance that makes sense as long as his other abilities aren't particulary strong or he's anti-town.
Sure, it could be precisely as he states, the powers in the game are quite powerful. I think he's unlikely to be straight up lying about it, however, that there will likely be a counter ability or some condition to it.
I expect anti-town factions to have some brokenly powerful roles at the level Urist's ability but like, double that probably.
Powerful, yes, certainly. Hopefuly not too broken. If well designed, town should have the tools in our toolbox to take down scum. And besides, most mafia team lose because of playing a poor day game.
In the places where you've played before, what are the norms around...
Random votes - Are you used to having a Random Vote Stage?
Sheeping - Is it normal for players to copy other player's votes or are you expected to have your own case?
Random questions - Do you ask each other random questions at the start of the game, or is everything meant to be strictly game-relevant?
Meta - Do players try to make arguments about how other players usually play like?
It might be useful to get answers here from
toastercultist and
Agentt too.
Agentt(If that gif doesn't work, it says "If everyone is super then no one will be"
To make gifs work, right click the gif and choose "copy image link", as you need gif link to end in .gif. Like:

Mmn, from my experience, games like these don't give mafia just straight up overpowered abilities.
On the contrary, I think it's very likely mafia have powerful abilities. The BYOR setup tends towards high power. Fallacy's goal will be to have balanced it out by giving town lots of tricks too.
It is also very common for games like these for the host to first come up with roles for players and then give them allignment
I know the kinds of games you mean, but in this setup it's more likely that the alignments were given first and then roles were made to fit those alignments.