Hii, I am Kriss. Or Kris. Or Krr1ss if you prefer typing out long names for some reason. I am new to mafia with about 2 full months of experience although I'd say that you can definitely expect surprises. This site will take time getting used to and except for returning to thread box and 50 posts per page box, I'd love to hear more useful things I can check that may make my (ours) experience more enjoyable.
[A being which has never been has turned its gaze upon you.]
What's that? Did this happen in role PM or are you roleplaying?
Agentt: How experienced are you with mafia?
Kr1ss: I havent played with you before, what is your playstyle?
Since I'm too passive in mafia(especially last game), my new years resolution is to be much more proactive in mafia. So Im premptively voting Tricmagic.
[A being which has never been has turned its gaze upon you.]
How interesting...
Do you have the dunce cap?
I am assertive town that is often wrong but is also often right. For reference, my first two games, I caught scum fairly early. My third one, I protected both... that was a unique game tho so idk how much it can count. Assassins in the palace was the setup. No one made reads, people just voted randomly mostly, and scum made an interesting post that related to King and made me town them. Anyway, that aside, you can already expect myself to be proactive and asking questions, pushing for things, and stuff, you know the deal. Town Leader kinda style just that no one is making a newbie leader hahah.
Anyway, do you have meta/experience with every player here other than Agentt and me? Mind making a small TLDR like I just did? I don't mind it ending up long. Also, what did you find interesting in that post? What do you mean by dunce cap?
NQT is a doublevoter eh
Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.
Okay that's interesting. How did you conclude NQT is a double voter? Who is NQT even, a person from the playerlist?
Second thing, did you not consider that revealing your role function is a bad idea? From what I understood, if two people target you, your role wil redirect the action to another person targeted by two people. Isn't that a good thing? If you are town, that means that your role is effectively preventing town (and scum and whatever else there is Fallacy you should have told us at leastttt) from mishitting you and potentially hitting someone else. Chances are, that someone else is more likely to be scum simply by the fact you are town-allied (is that how I write it? Or do I just conclude it's town? I am new to those ally things). And scum is more likely to hit on town while town has a chance to hit on scum. Yada yada, you get the point, just tell me why did you reveal that so easily when it doesn't sound like a bad thing.
Oh, I also just realized that NQN is a person and is written twice in vote count so yeah, I get it now.
What a wonderful day to have nothing bad happen to me whatsoever.
In other news, votes don't matter quite yet, for reasons that should be apparent on the next votecount.
I'm not interested in hatting this game.
My role is, uh, a little volatile. I'm not sure how long I'll be around.
Tric: Do you plan on performing with the rest of the group?
Canadian, Agentt, and Kr1ss: You're new to me here, is there anything you'd say is important to know about you?
Watching for NQT's answer on the doublevoting.
What do you mean in a little volatile? Also, by hatting this game, you mean by going to achieve a win condition like HATLO? Also, I already introduced my playstyle so there's that. I'll tell a bit more at the end.
Canadian, Agentt, and Kr1ss: You're new to me here, is there anything you'd say is important to know about you?
It been full year since I played, but I say that I am still a newbie and tended to activelurk though I am making an effort to actually contribute to the game.
NQT is a doublevoter eh
Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.
Is it really a good idea to do a claim now, so early in the game when discussions haven't been fully picked up?
What would be the benefit of waiting? Discussion isn't going to change my role pm (I assume???)
I didn't think far enough about that but I assume some benefit would be that Maf's night game could be messed with as I am thinking that night game would be far more Mafia dominated?
My main reason for claiming is that inspection results don't contain the target's name. So if someone targeted me with a cop inspect, it's possible that they'd end up targeting mafia instead and would just be told "Mafia" as their result, without knowing that they were redirected. I'd rather not wait until that happens to try to claim this.
Likewise, a cop targeting mafia could be redirected to me, giving them a result of "Town".
It's going to be a little painful to play around, not gonna lie.
Okay that's fair.
NQT is a doublevoter eh
Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.
Thanks Magma. Maybe everyone should just leave you alone then.
Is it just me, or does this feel extremely suspicious? Not the roleclaim, but the suggestion that everyone should "just leave you alone then." An unconfirmed roleclaim doesn't really warrant not taking actions on Magma at all, and this could really benefit Mafia if Magma was mafia.
And because EuchreJack may be trying to cause this, I'll vote him.
Is this vote an internal joke or something?
NQT is a doublevoter eh
Part of my role is bus-driver-esque. Going to do my best to paraphrase. If I'm targeted, I switch that person's target(s) with that of a random other person who has the same number of targets. Claiming this now because I feel like it has the potential to royally screw up the night game otherwise.
Thanks Magma. Maybe everyone should just leave you alone then.
[A being which has never been narrows its eyes.]
Okay uh, a roleplayer? What can I expect from
a being which has never been? Actually a bit funny, but my role describes me above being all so that's fun. It's pure flavor and unrelated to my power tho.
Is it just me, or does this feel extremely suspicious? Not the roleclaim, but the suggestion that everyone should "just leave you alone then." An unconfirmed roleclaim doesn't really warrant not taking actions on Magma at all, and this could really benefit Mafia if Magma was mafia.
And because EuchreJack may be trying to cause this, I'll vote him.
Why Jack instead of Magma?
Because Magma roleclaiming in and of itself isn't that suspicious, but Jack coming to his conclusion is. So Jack is more suspicious than Magma, and might just be roping Magma into this.
Ah, I didn't see who replied to what. Makes sense now, thanks.
I hope this restaurant serves drinks, no one likes me when I'm dehydrated.
@NQT: Is your double vote for today only, or every day?
One of these possibilities:
1. I gain +1 vote each day up to ∞ votes.
2. I have two votes every day.
3. At the start of each day I can pick a new power and I decided today was a two vote day
4. Something else entirely
I come from the Scribblehub and Novelupdates forum.
Pleased to meet you! Are you a reader, a writer, or both?
I do know Imp is a very scary person
Imp is a bunny rabbit.
Part of the game is a mindreading exercises where we have to imagine what Fallacy would think would be reasonable. I think it's unlikely that player would have an always-on redirect-to-someone-random ability of the kind magma is claiming, so I would guess there's something more going on there. Still, if he really did have that role (or something like it: it could be the side-effect of doing some other more useful thing), the pre-emptively clearing things up makes sense for town in this case.
In other news, votes don't matter quite yet, for reasons that should be apparent on the next votecount.
Consider me curious! Let's create some votes:
The Canadian kitten - What's your opinion of town players lying? Ever a good idea?
JimGroovester - In the many years playing mafia, have you ever seen random votes do anything useful?
Okay so, I am too lazy to quote out specific parts as it may mess up with the post, it's long as is, but here it is: I believe that there's a high likelyhood of him having such ability simply due to the fact that I know my role and how balanced it is. So I can see that being true. It's at the level of balance that makes sense as long as his other abilities aren't particulary strong or he's anti-town.
Okay I'll just note down some things. I'll reread what little we wrote, ask questions, and stuff later. For now, I want to note down some things.
My role is simple. It's kinda useless in fact. It can be of use but it requires immense brainpower that is very questionable if I'll be able to use. It's a cooperative role of sort? I won't explain much. Either way, don't expect much from my role. I'll focus on reads and stuff instead and you guys make sure to use your roles effectively. If you do, my own role will be more useful as well. Is it a broken role like probably every other role in this game? Yes. But when I mentioned that I considered my role strong for my standards, Fallacy laughed in my face. Multiple times. So yeah, if nothing else, I expect anti-town factions to have some brokenly powerful roles at the level Urist's ability but like, double that probably.