Imp can you explain to me how your ability works? I really wish for one of my abilities to be altered but only in N3 or N4. It's not really a harmful ability to me, nor am I on time limit or anything. It's just that the ability is kinda useless or uh, specific and hard to get sure benefits out of. It's powerful but hard to control if you get me.
So, from what I understood, you "understand" the name of an ability, target the player that has it, and somehow nudge it to "grow" or "change" in a certain direction but you can't control it. I am curious about what "grow" would do to it but "change" is too scary for me rn if it's random. How do you control it and in what manner is it possible? I know that this is vague and kinda role baity but I am planning my course of action rn and I seriously need to consider how your ability may affect this all. Because, if it brings a positive change, I believe that we can win the game just with that.
I need to be vague about it, I am a type of magician and words are power. The ability itself has limits and rules built throughout my role and what I discuss about it must stay vague.
However, the ability itself is also vague. And so far I have used it once.
We have what Verm said about it post change:
I didn't perform any actions last night, free or otherwise, because I didn't want to risk Imp's randomizer turning my ability into an Auto that did something... bad.
On the bright side, it turned my Negotiations into a very useful night ability that doesn't cost Escalator, so that's good. It's simultaneously multiple-person Watch and Hat-thievery denial, at the cost of only affecting the Theatre.
Kriss: As I mentioned in the post you quoted fairly recently, using my abilities is what kills me - for the most part.
Honestly, I wouldn't say my active abilities are actually that powerful. I have an investigate that I think would bypass protections, due to what it's looking for, but it's not anything special past that, other than the 'sends my soul down towards hell' thing.
Negotiations lets me reduce my life counter (Downwards Escalator) by one, and in exchange I get to see if someone is a Sinner. It has some extra effects, but nothing else too important.
I will, however, say that Negotiations would be much nicer if it didn't decrement Escalator.
My role has two abilities, one of them kills me at the end of the next day, and the other sends a sixth of my soul irreversibly to the abyss.
It'd be really funny if there's only one investigative role, but they have a Super investigate that pierces anti-invest.
Topically, I have an investigate that might bypass some defenses depending on the wording, but it also gives up a piece of my soul so I'd really rather not for the most part.
What I get from that, Verm was gonna die faster if he used the ability (either of them, but he declined the unnamed one to be touched; that's fine), it was an investigate-type ability and still is, a different sort than before, from 'sinner?' to 'multiple-person watch', and it gained hat-thievery denial but became locked affecting only his theatre, I guess that means the members of the theatre. Not sure how, if he can only watch them or what. It may be a better investigate than it had been, he seems to think it's more useful now than it was before, maybe on top of the 'oh, and it doesn't speed my death either!' side of things as well.
But that's random. I wasn't kidding about being worried it might prevent him from posting in the thread even while alive (though Fallacy has answered me clearly about that; no - extreme post restrictions of maybe any sort could possibly happen, but posting would still be possible).
Verm was concerned that it could become a horrible auto - I believe that is possible in many different ways, as well as it could become a wonderful auto or a wonderful or horrible non-auto. It could become self-conflicting or otherwise nonsense. it could become anywhere between extremely weak or extremely strong. It could become nearly anything, it even could have sped his death instead of no longer adding to that counter of his.
I think changes in specific, narrow directions with blenderize are unlikely, because so much else is possible. So, I think the odds that it would sped up his death-clock were relatively low because there's so many ways to do something else instead; I think it could have possibly left the death-clock part alone and changed only other aspects about it - but that's lower odds than it changing the death-clock part.
Now, what I expect if I had used 'grow' on it:
Something about it would build towards some kinda outcome. Outcome unknown. It's already 'growing' towards his soul-loss. It's growing towards finding sinners. He said it had some other minor effects.
I would guess it more likely to grow towards those directions than random other directions, but random other directions are possible. I would expect it to 'weaken' something about the ability only if the 'growth' in some area blocked out or over-grew some other part. I'd expect it to be 'about the same ability', just growing.
And I haven't used it yet, to 'grow' so I have no examples of what that looks like. I can use it to do so any night I please, but then I don't do anything else with it, so testing is limited and narrow. The game probably doesn't go long enough for me to experiment enough to really understand this ability, and that's fine. I love it, but we are playing a mafia game and clearly we're not just no-elim and clearly anti-town didn't just say 'no kill' either!
I should be annoyed, but I'm really not. I could actually make a no lynch work for town this time, though.
Wolfkey for the no lynch, honestly.
Sigh. CFD, here we are. The final countdown and no good idea where to go. Unvote.
People need to commit yeah?... No Lynch might as well given th complete lack of information. Why not.
It's not ideal - I'd rather lynch Magma or one of the do-nothings - but it could work really well with my plan here... IF I can trust the rest of town to do a good job. No Lynch
This is one of the weirdest vote patterns I've seen in any of these games. And one of the few games where I'm open to it.
No elim
I think that's 5, we need 1 more to hammer it.
Good luck all, I bet tomorrow's going to be fascinating for everyone alive to see it. I'd love to be one of those.
I really don’t like it, but unless we want to gamble I think this is right.
I’ll do my best for this night.
No Lynch.
+ No Lynch: Wolfkey, AnimePigeon, TricMagic, Maximum Spin, Imp, VermillionSkies (6)
Perhaps the Lernean Hydra's death was just a prank? Or, failing that, the work of a surviving wizard? Even if not, who could have done it? Better not to resort to violence—not so hastily, anyway...
Nobody was executed!
It is now Night 1!
...Was it just a prank after all? But then, what on Earth is this...?
Nobody died in the night!
The sun is missing from the sky! It's too dark out to safely assemble. Day 2 was skipped!
It is now Night 2.
The assembly gathers again for the first time in two days. It's as if not a minute has passed.
Nobody died in the night.
The sun has returned to the sky.
Day 3 will end Tuesday at 8:30 PM PST (about 5 days and 10 minutes from now).
Well, town, what do you have for me?
They're rare and even there I wouldn't have learned everything about this role and what it can do.
But sure, we can talk about your ability and what you want to happen to it.
You said...
It's powerful but hard to control if you get me.
Thing is, I cannot specifically 'make easy to control'. If I grow it, there's a chance that the 'hard to control' grows and gets harder.
I could potentially turn it into something easy to control, but the path with the highest chance of that is the blender route, because if it's already hard to control, there's probably more ways to make it easier to control than there are to make it even harder to control than now - but that could happen. Since 'anything possible is possible' with blender, it could even become very powerful and very easy to use. It may stay similar to what it is, or become vastly different.
So you have to decide. I have directions I can take it that literally inform me I can make it harder to use - clearly we don't want that. But I can make it both 'more meta' and 'more difficult to use'. However, I don't have a way to 'with control' make it 'less difficult to use' - but that may happen with blender as a likely result, along with potentially any other changes to it.
Amusingly, blender seems likely to come out with usable stuff, maybe simply because the odds of usable stuff seems pretty high in general. But I'm guessing, and this is all as it Pleases God.
Bows deeply to Fallacy and holds the bow for a long moment.