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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 12270 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #795 on: Today at 02:08:55 am »

This is simply drunk on drunk violence. I told you weekends are a bad idea Fallacy!

After some more thought from reading Imp's current list I think Toastercult and Crystal are other possible Sal killers. Toastercult more than Crystal. I think Tric and NQT are more likely than either though.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #796 on: Today at 02:11:51 am »

In the flavor my robot device fizzles and crackles before going silent or something and I'm like "darn it broke!" And then it said I took out binoculars to check that Jack had nothing on his head.

Then at the bottom it said in three bold lines that my ability had gained the Disabled modifier, that my action was successful, and that it was 0 hats. It didn't say anywhere that my action failed.

I also noticed that NQT didn't mention Disabled until after I had said that word, I think. As far as I can tell that ability I have is completely unusable until the modifier is removed. Nobody has claimed doing this to me so I assume it was malicious intent of scum. NQT could be innocent in this too of course I would just like some clarity.

Toastercult hasn't claimed anything? I see, thanks for the info so far!

Thank you!

Aha, dug through the OP.  Here's the two places it mentions 'disabled', this helps clear my mind and maybe I didn't quite link that it's about the same as locked here too.

(Disabled): This ability cannot be used and has no effect. Either seen as an inflicted condition, or as a locked ability you must fulfill prerequisites to use.

(Innate): A very special ability. Cannot be Disabled, modified, or stolen. Generally immune to being affected in any way, except by a (Super) ability. If your entire role is moved, you will still keep your Innate abilities, though this may produce odd results.

I have a post to Toaster explaining claiming actions (or not) that he hasn't replied since (was just a few hours ago).

I'm currently treating Toaster as a quite-newbie and trying to help make sure he knows his options and has some support towards recognizing the various directions he can go before I decide what I think of the decisions.

Back to that disabled thing.  I didn't cause it, but I can possibly help equivalent of fix it at the risk of changing the ability in unforeseen ways, you might like it better or worse but with any luck at all, it won't be 'disabled' anymore, and you can use the new form (I think that's likely, but I can't ensure).  I would have to randomize, or as Verm and I have been calling it, 'blenderize', to likely get over disabled (I can try 'grow' but no idea if that would/could overcome disabled effect).

I am already targeting between two people tonight, if you want me to consider that ability as a target to try and fix for N3, we can discuss D3 if we're both alive.  Maybe you have it un-disabled some other way by then.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #797 on: Today at 02:13:40 am »

Mater:  Used an ability that lowers the # votes required to lynch by 2, specifically involving hammers (doesn't discuss the regular elim really); Mod's vote count has no evidence of this.  Says "I didn't target anyone" and implies Agent was probably redirected #631.  Got a street fighter video from Jim.  Roleclaim #683:  Is Usurper, "Anyone who targets me with an ability will lose it, and I gain it instead. Although, I don't know what the abilities do."  "I was only targeted by three things last night, two of them being claimed."  "I also received the Street Fighter video and didn't lose my hat." + "Nah I was lying about that too, I did lose my hat."  Jim says, "learned what ability Magma Mater used during N1 and it's called The Mafia Experience."  "someone used an ability on me that targets 6 people."

Oh right I forgot that plurality is a thing. Yes, it counts as two votes against me so I'll die at deadline if someone else doesn't have at least two more votes than I have.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #798 on: Today at 02:15:03 am »

Also, I've had a few and I probably shouldn't play too much more mafia tonight even if drunk mafia is more fun.

I've had a few as well. It's the weekend, after all. Not sure what else there is to do but get drunk by myself in front of the computer.

Please remember you are awesome.  I prize you, value you, and outside of game delight in you.

I thought having played in your game I would find it much easier to read you!

I am still working on that.  But learning as fast as I can!  And I like you just as much as always, and I want you to take great care of yourself and your incredible, valuable and loved mind.  Not too much pickling of it, please!
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #799 on: Today at 02:18:03 am »

Oh right I forgot that plurality is a thing. Yes, it counts as two votes against me so I'll die at deadline if someone else doesn't have at least two more votes than I have.

It just drives me crazy that the votecount doesn't show those two votes already on you in the (0) - you have a (2) instead.

My brain just wants to fixate on that and why/how that isn't there.

I read you explanation that not-that is written into your role and you'd do the same thing as the mod.  I still struggle.

No matter your alignment I utterly prize you, and value you so much even if I'm confused as heck!!!
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #800 on: Today at 02:21:05 am »

Oh right I forgot that plurality is a thing. Yes, it counts as two votes against me so I'll die at deadline if someone else doesn't have at least two more votes than I have.

It just drives me crazy that the votecount doesn't show those two votes already on you in the (0) - you have a (2) instead.

My brain just wants to fixate on that and why/how that isn't there.

I read you explanation that not-that is written into your role and you'd do the same thing as the mod.  I still struggle.

No matter your alignment I utterly prize you, and value you so much even if I'm confused as heck!!!

Yeah they're intentionally secret. They'll be revealed if I'm lynched today.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #801 on: Today at 02:23:36 am »

This is simply drunk on drunk violence. I told you weekends are a bad idea Fallacy!

After some more thought from reading Imp's current list I think Toastercult and Crystal are other possible Sal killers. Toastercult more than Crystal. I think Tric and NQT are more likely than either though.

I'd be fine with lynching toastercultist, he was supposed to be here hours ago to post something.

Why does Imp's list give you that impression?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #802 on: Today at 02:51:15 am »


Toony, my action explicity failed. The flavour made it seem like it was me failing it rather than my target being missing (i.e. jailed), but that could be a possibility. If I said "disabled" I meant it as a description of the effect I was under, to make a distinction between being roleblocked— the OP says I would be told if roleblocked— I definitely didn't reveive any modifiers saying "disabled" and it wasn't my intention to make any confusion on this point.

Also, for the record, I didn't target Salvatore.

If I was roboticised, would I be informed?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #803 on: Today at 02:52:40 am »

Here's the complete updated N1 claims, it probably lacks any updates made in the last 2ish hours especially from those nearer the top of the list.  I include comments about the theatre chat because that's a night only chat and seems to have heavily influenced some action choices, is full of claims and reads or suspicion, and seems worth including with other claims because it's something 3 can discuss.

N1:  Sal dead town

Imp:  Thinks Sal visited N1, leaving stories detailed in reply #551.  Successful blender of Verm's 'negotitations'.  Gained status 'Thread Alpha' (from Sal's once ability?  From somewhere else?), spread it to Verm.

Verm: No action.  Lack of reports of further spread of 'Thread Alpha' supports this.  Reports negotations changed in a beneficial way by Imp's blender (Imp says blender is random!)

Toaster:  No claims about actions

Mater:  Used an ability that lowers the # votes required to lynch by 2, specifically involving hammers (doesn't discuss the regular elim really); Mod's vote count has no evidence of this.  Says "I didn't target anyone" and implies Agent was probably redirected #631.  Got a street fighter video from Jim.  Roleclaim #683:  Is Usurper, "Anyone who targets me with an ability will lose it, and I gain it instead. Although, I don't know what the abilities do."  "I was only targeted by three things last night, two of them being claimed."  "I also received the Street Fighter video and didn't lose my hat." + "Nah I was lying about that too, I did lose my hat."  Jim says, "learned what ability Magma Mater used during N1 and it's called The Mafia Experience."  "someone used an ability on me that targets 6 people."

Tric: "theater chat was less than useless" + "on top of any communication going silent, causing me to miss submitting an action at all"  Used Bloodstained Sunglasses again after self-voting, gained 2 votes for D2, started D2 with 1.  To Agentt:  "You are welcome to spew all my abilities if you wish. The one good thing is I still have my shotted action."  Recommended to all theatre chat to "just mugging each other was a good idea, and then one of you would have an extra vote today. Or for later if you wanted."  "You're welcome to assess me and realize I don't have any hats. Heck you can steal the hat I have right now, it's completely out of shots".  "revealing all of my role" in theatrechat.  "Agentt offered a good bit more than Skies, but Skies had the perfectly logical reasoning of thinking I might be scum."  Still has hat.

Krr1ss:  "I spent my night action on Verm and saw that he didn't target anyone. At least not successfully" (said before Verm said he did not action)  "What are the chances I got jailed tonight? I am starting to realize that that may make the most sense. My action returned failure and now that I think about it, it would return something else if Verm targeted no one."

Crystal: Lost hat, gained streetfighter ending video as a message.

Jack:  Took Mater's hat/Mater's hat was destroyed.

Jim:  Gained Usurped status, now can't use funniest part of role; still has funnest part but amount of fun per night reduced.  Took CM's hat and sent message featuring M. Bison.  Targeted Mater and set Mater a message.

NQT:  "I was also messed with. My action failed, which was probably due to someone's interference."  Has discussed if should claim who was targeted, has said ability was disabled - may mean failed.  (I'm thinking of Locked from Mater's Board Game mafia; not the same thing, whoops).

Agent:  "The vote on [Mater] is just what the theatre chat decided"  "I do wanna announce I do still town read Magma. Infact I mafia lean my own neighbors. Things are just difficult right now."  "I am vomiting [someone else's terrible opinion, as Mater asked] straight up right now. I don't even know why you would be sussed. Tric is just a very scary person. Immedietley demanded absolute unity in everything we do."  "There are a whole lot more reasons to suspect tric, but at the same time: his idea of restricting who we vote and night actions do ensure if there is a mafia among us they won't be able to act well." "[Theatrechat] kinda just talked about who to vote today, and who to use our powers on."  "One of my ability is to roleblock a person outside of the theatre if they are targeting the theatre ... I targeted Magma with it."  "Magma, if he was attempting to target the théâtre, was blocked.  The aforementioned ability to roleblock has now been suppressed by the Usurped modifier. This makes it so that I can no longer use that ability while the user of Usurp is alive. 3. Someone messed with our hats!!" "Well to prevent any of us from stealing hats from other people, we decided to just steal from each other in rotation. It also helps in having an alibi when someone says their hat got stolen  And looks like the system worked because, something did get stolen. And I would like to hear my neighbours side first before talking more."

Toony:  Toony:  "I tried to turn NQT into a robot but somebody added a Disabled modifier to my ability so it's now unusable and I did not robotify NQT.  I also checked how many hats a certain player had and it was 0.  I still have my 1 hat, safe and sound."  "In the flavor my robot device fizzles and crackles before going silent or something and I'm like "darn it broke!" And then it said I took out binoculars to check that Jack had nothing on his head.  Then at the bottom it said in three bold lines that my ability had gained the Disabled modifier, that my action was successful, and that it was 0 hats. It didn't say anywhere that my action failed."
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In which votes are made
« Reply #804 on: Today at 02:54:26 am »

Also, V semi-delivered, so lets ratchet things up...

Toastercultist Toastercultist


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #805 on: Today at 03:12:08 am »

I thought Toastercultist had claimed something but don't feel like checking since me tired. Imp's list says they've claimed nothing so I think they could be Sal's killer.

Okay, I understand. Your ability wasn't disabled, but your action failed in some way (because of scum?).

It would be very obvious if you were a robot. It would have modified your entire role. I think technically it's a modifier for your role itself. It would have given you a useful ability, however with some downsides as well. I think the ability would have been useful on you NQT which is why I targeted you.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #806 on: Today at 03:33:54 am »

I thought Toastercultist had claimed something but don't feel like checking since me tired. Imp's list says they've claimed nothing so I think they could be Sal's killer.

Toaster has so-far made only 5 D2 posts.

I couldn't find an action claim in them, I peeked again and still don't think I missed one.  I'm choosing to be patient and mentoring, it's early D2.  If there's any chance Toaster's around for endgame I want Toast to learn absolutely as much as possible right away.  If we send Toast back to the Tuna Shop, well, I was ready to do that D1 but this is more fair, feels better to me, explain and teach and make sure Toast knows the choices and has some of the 'why'.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #807 on: Today at 05:14:32 am »

I spent my night action on Verm and saw that he didn't target anyone. At least not successfully. I just got curious about what you are talking about

What are the chances I got jailed tonight? I am starting to realize that that may make the most sense. My action returned failure and now that I think about it, it would return something else if Verm targeted no one.

Maybe that also explains others "not doing any actions". Maybe they did it on me?

I get Imp's unwillingness to consider my play good and I admit that I'm a newbie that often makes mistakes and quite probably does right now, but I'm not moving my vote for now. Considering Urist's overwhelming presence as town and plays I had seen him do, this whole claim fiasco and reasons behind it are somewhat dubious to me to say the least. Toony did nothing to improve his impression too.

Which makes me wonder now that I'm typing this, Jim's impression improved in my mind, am I crazy for finding that suspicious?

Only a specific action in your play, what really matters if the whole game.

Krr1ss, let's discuss.  Reminder, can only paraphrase your results and any other private message from our Mod or chats you're in.

However, let's sort our what may have happened to your action last night.  Tell us about your results?  I think I get that at first you thought that Verm did nothing (and Verm claims he did nothing, with that Thread Alpha status thingy that I know I passed to him if he could get it being suggestive of him no-action too if nobody else got it).   But then you think you're specifically Jailkept?  That's different from roleblocked and whatever - what specifically happened, in paraphrase?
For the whole of night, all I got was: "Your action failed." In this Role Madness game, it does make me wonder what's going on since no one targeted me (at least I'm not aware) and my own action failed. Since Verm got Thread, it means he wasn't blocked from receiving actions, as such, it's a problem on my end most probably. Not dying aside, the biggest thing is that I still have my hat, which logically, should have been stolen unless a town also tried stealing it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #808 on: Today at 05:16:15 am »

Three people targeted me with non-hat actions last night. I know this because I usurped three abilities. Anyone want to claim being usurped?
not me


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #809 on: Today at 05:32:32 am »

Kriss tried to target Vermillion, that failed.

I tried to target Kriss, that failed.

Toony tried to target me, but was Disabled. I didn't do that.

There's a lot of action blocking floating around, which makes me think this is the technique Fallacy is using to balance this game: there are a lot of high powered gonzo abilities, and so one way to try to manage complexity is to make it likely that on the early nights of the game when there are still a lot of players, a good chunk of actions are going to fail for one reason or other.
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