In the flavor my robot device fizzles and crackles before going silent or something and I'm like "darn it broke!" And then it said I took out binoculars to check that Jack had nothing on his head.
Then at the bottom it said in three bold lines that my ability had gained the Disabled modifier, that my action was successful, and that it was 0 hats. It didn't say anywhere that my action failed.
I also noticed that NQT didn't mention Disabled until after I had said that word, I think. As far as I can tell that ability I have is completely unusable until the modifier is removed. Nobody has claimed doing this to me so I assume it was malicious intent of scum. NQT could be innocent in this too of course I would just like some clarity.
Toastercult hasn't claimed anything? I see, thanks for the info so far!
Thank you!
Aha, dug through the OP. Here's the two places it mentions 'disabled', this helps clear my mind and maybe I didn't quite link that it's about the same as locked here too.
(Disabled): This ability cannot be used and has no effect. Either seen as an inflicted condition, or as a locked ability you must fulfill prerequisites to use.
(Innate): A very special ability. Cannot be Disabled, modified, or stolen. Generally immune to being affected in any way, except by a (Super) ability. If your entire role is moved, you will still keep your Innate abilities, though this may produce odd results.
I have a post to Toaster explaining claiming actions (or not) that he hasn't replied since (was just a few hours ago).
I'm currently treating Toaster as a quite-newbie and trying to help make sure he knows his options and has some support towards recognizing the various directions he can go before I decide what I think of the decisions.
Back to that disabled thing. I didn't cause it, but I can possibly help equivalent of fix it at the risk of changing the ability in unforeseen ways, you might like it better or worse but with any luck at all, it won't be 'disabled' anymore, and you can use the new form (I think that's likely, but I can't ensure). I would have to randomize, or as Verm and I have been calling it, 'blenderize', to likely get over disabled (I can try 'grow' but no idea if that would/could overcome disabled effect).
I am already targeting between two people tonight, if you want me to consider that ability as a target to try and fix for N3, we can discuss D3 if we're both alive. Maybe you have it un-disabled some other way by then.