hey, hello, I'm here
Apologies for the delay in posting, I got a little crushed underneath a falling couch
I didn't perform any actions last night, free or otherwise, because I didn't want to risk Imp's randomizer turning my ability into an Auto that did something... bad.
On the bright side, it turned my Negotiations into a very useful night ability that doesn't cost Escalator, so that's good. It's simultaneously multiple-person Watch and Hat-thievery denial, at the cost of only affecting the Theatre.
I gained Thread Alpha, and did not gain or lose any hats.
I never agreed to hunt Magma in the nightchat, I just agreed that they were a possible suspect and didn't townread them.
I think Tric is fairly towny, considering their play last night and today.
Despite having spent a night chatting with Agent, I still don't have a better read on them, which is either a crippling skill issue or vaguely scummy (likely the former.)
Imp feels pushy enough to be towny this game? They sat back a little more during MVM4.
Kriss, I'm not sure why you believe I owed you an action, especially when the cost of that action could be used for so many other things, like notably - not dying.
NQT could be town scumhunting, or could be scum trying to form a bandwagon before town can gather themselves.
Magma's gambit was kind of scuffed, but also I cannot be mad at people for town-lying.
I dislike Toony's takes, but they're already under suspicion and I can move my vote later if necessary.
Jim going for hat things is unsurprising.
Also, votes on me appeared and then vanished into the ether while I was still occupied, so that's cool I guess.
I leave my computer open a lot, my 'active' status is incredibly unreliable. I've been trying to get better at it.
I think this is a solid pro-town Verm post.
Unvote. Note. I am not saying this is a townie post (it's fine in general, but some folks make post like this as anti-town), and I am not saying that anyone who made this post must be town. However, I do say that the Verm making this and the other posts Verm's made this game that I've seen - extremely likely to be pro-town Verm making these posts and I'm going to be thrilled and floored when Verm overcomes and successfully fakes the differences I see that trigger my town/anti-town assessment of Verm. I'm also okay with Tric for now, he's talking and making sense and I'm not ready to vote at this time - as usual I vote when I want something my vote can move towards - someone's behavior change or elim.
Glad you survived your couch misadventure, Verm. I hope you heal fully and soon.
Kriss: Because I'd like an answer to the question I asked, as it doesn't make sense to me.
I was assuming it was Imp, but on further thought, you're probably the one who gave me the Thread of Fate, which... is not a status that fills me with confidence.
The thread you have definitely came from me - you
could have gained it from others too. You would have spread it further N1, the same night we got it, if you had targeted anyone who had the key traits it describes.
I gained it N1. I don't know where it came from. Nobody's claimed it yet, you're the first to mention it specifically and it's what I said I was waiting on claims about. Presumably someone forced me to have it and since I targeted you, forced me to give it to you.
Anyone else get a 'thread alpha' status type thing? Anyone willing to explain that they caused it and what it is?
It has possible hallmarks of coming from an SK, it could be related to some slow-burn kill effect. FoU used a similar but nastier status ailment for town-SK-convertable Tric last FBYOR6. This is not clearly an ailment, and it could theoretically have spread through
every single living player in the game last night.
It has a happier possible source: Sal.
Once, during a single Night of the game, you may describe the actions you take during the Night. The more absurd your description, the less likely they are to succeed, but even so, there shall be a chance. The moderator reserves the right to refuse to answer questions about this ability.
It is possible Sal described something that caused and created this status I gained and passed to Verm. I don't see anything that controls it, does more about it, or explains what it was intended to do.
I don't know that it came from Sal.
If anyone gains it N2+, I think it's clear it didn't come from Sal (or Sal caused someone else to be able to generate them if it did come from Sal; that person's not me).
If nobody claims it today, and it didn't come from Sal I consider it extremely likely to be hostile, but it's also clearly super powerful. It literally could have spread between all 14 living players N1, all it needed was the target to have the qualifier to receive it. Verm deciding not to act N1 means it stopped there.
So. Anyone else want to talk about this status thread alpha thing?