[A being which has never been reveals an attribute!]
[The constellation Ghost of Nonexistence smiles and offers to chat.]
Ghost of Nonexistence: Hi!
Ghost of Nonexistence: I have no role. I have no abilities, cannot gain abilities, and cannot wear hats.
Ghost of Nonexistence: To put it simply, I do not exist.
Ghost of Nonexistence: But I do have an alignment: Town.
Ghost of Nonexistence: And I have at least one thing up my sleeve worth keeping for later. 
Ghost of Nonexistence: For now, let me share a story with you in the form of the following list:
Magma Mater
Jim Groovester
The Canadian kitten
someone ban this guy for trolling me
What's the troll?
We don't ban for trolling here, though we have to be not-too-mean to each other, that's a B12 forum rule and we're all well inside how mean we can get in a mafia game (our head of community actually negotiated for special allowances for mafia games and meanness, we can be a
little rough. But nice is great if we can kill each other while using kind or neutral words that's best.
I easily read the text by highlighting it; I also modify the quote to make it easier to see for all.
I have a few guesses.
I don't think the categories used are necessarily are full reads and rankings; I bet they move as needed. I'm not surprised if our Ghost Sal is closely following the game, has reads and stuff he's choosing not to share in detail. I have no opinion if the apparent post restriction is real or not.
But I do think, again entirely from intuition - this is not backed up by mech - I think Sal is pro-town. I think we should keep him around and see what happens, it's probably a bad idea for us to elim him today. I get the temptation. I think there's so much more here we haven't seen yet, for one - but for two. What matters is if Sal is pro-town. If he is - then I say he can literally do anything he wants other than play really harmfully for town (the same expectation I have for all pro-town). I see no evidence of bad play or anti-town intention. Key - I infer no anti-townness. My personal 'psychic guess' if I have such a thing says 'this Sal can live, actually this Sal feels very good'. Maybe Sal can project that and trick me. But it's consistent, I keep feeling it.
If I die early, consider that maybe Sal wanted me dead before I noticed likely issues with Sal - before my 'this is likely pro-town Sal' could change. Still, anti-town can use that too, but if I'm gone and Sal around, consider how the game's going. If town is doing really badly, and I'm dead and Sal still alive, I tentatively recommend don't let Sal go past D3 unless you have evidence that he's very useful and there's other reasons town is doing badly.
I'm going to hope that is satisfactory to you, Sal. I don't know if you can and will discuss if it isn't. But that gives a lot of time for town to do well; if I am alive I will be reassessing as I can/have reason to too.