Non-Voters - A RetrospectiveDay One ended with five players not voting. One of them was Canadian Kitten who was eliminated. The other four are all still alive.
At the start of Day 1, I said I wanted to eliminate from this pool. Quite often I'll get to the end of a mafia game and see that I was right about something and then talked myself out of it, and on reflection this is probably one of these times. I think it's more likely than not Vermillion Skies, toastercultist, Jim Groovester, or Agentt are scum. Perhaps more than one of them. While anyone can play passively, scum are the most likely to do so for reasons I've rehashed loads of times before.
So I'd like to eliminate from this pool. But who? Let's see our suspects:
Vermilion SkiesGot off on D1 with a bang, with a lot of claims around a role that sells his soul. On D2, arrives late on with some reads and a claim to have got "Thread Alpha" (which we now know was given by Kris). He votes Kris for pressure over action. What does Thread Alpha do?
CM: Thread of Fate is a Status that gives itself to anyone I visit on the same turn I gained the status - so it would also give itself to whoever they visit, and so on. It'd make sense if Agent was the one who inflicted it, especially since they were upset with me not taking an action. They say that they didn't, though, so who knows.
So now anyone will know if tonight VS targets them, but as it's just a status it wouldn't show up in roleflip. Still, that seems like a very useful pro-town ability and I'm not sure why Kris doesn't see it this way.
Later Vermilion has some discussion with Imp about improving his ability, and also defends the Kris vote some more (like
here). And that's it.
(Addendum: see the Agentt section below to learn how Vermilion also fails to enact the night plan agreed upon in the theatre chat. Have any of the theatre people acknowledged this?)
Summary: "Wake up late, tunnel Kris".
toastercultistNotably, the player who Salvatore was voting end of D1. Arrives late and starts arguing with me because I said his play was passive on D1. He eventually votes me over this and that's where the vote has been all day. Promises a couple of times to come back with some actual reads.
Eventually feels under pressure as votes climb up and claims to have inspected Tric's glasses (free) and investigated Toony as "innocent". Eventually delivers some reads on Kris (null) and Magma (townish). And that's it! Doesn't change the vote, or consider ISOing the person he says he has suspicions on (me). Basically, as the heat died down after the cop claim he could afford to go back to not doing much.
Summary: "OMGUS, cop claim, and chill"
JimComments on the kill. Claims to have been Usurped (and so presumably not on a team with Magma). Votes Vermilion for legit reason of not doing anything. Claims to have stolen Crystal's hat and sent both CM and Magma a message. Comments on a few different bun fights. Has very real concerns about Magma's weird lies.
Magma claimed to not have his hat stolen but EJ stole it... but then Magma flips around again and claims to have lied about not losing it. This seems like a senseless and non-strategic use of lying, as the first lie was to say that the Streetfighter video couldn't be to do with losing a hat because he didn't lose his hat... but he did lose it. Why would you just spread misinformation with no gain like that? What's really going on there? Magma says it was to bait hat tyrants, which is possibly believable, if poorly considered, but very weak.
Jim follows up on this feeling, noting it's weird that EJ doesn't think it's weird.
Has a lot of well considered reads. Eventually settling on Crystal who he thinks has settled back into her lurker meta. Good range of suspicions for D2. I think this is a town player.
Summary: "Just one more thing..."
AgenttJumps into the day with a vote on Magma apparently mandated by the theatre chat. We learn that Tric was making demands in the private chat. Shares a belief that scum were voting on the Salvatore wagon (Zenon's Law). The theatre club (Tric, Agentt, Vermilion) apparently enacted a hat swapping scheme but it failed. Vermilion had no hat and Agentt's hat wasn't stolen by Tric (consistent with his claim to have forgotten to submit an action), and Vermilion didn't manage to steal from Tric: Tric still has his sunglasses (he used them again today). So there is no evidence any part of this plan was successful.
Later comes back to the thread to vote Jim for how Jim was talking about Kris. Pretty abstract. We haven't really got any clue what Agentt really thinks about the goings on, and Agentt has achieved nothing of note today.
Summary: "Lurk a bit and defend Kris"
So that was worthwhile. I now have a better sense of four of the players.
- Jim is a good. Quality over quantity.
- toastercultist has done almost nothing except OMGUS me and give some reads on two unrelated player. The cop claim is a reason to keep alive for at least one more cycle
- Vermilion has scum hunted exactly one person to day. It's not much but it's something when the bar is this low. The Alpha ability should mean we'll be able to track hostile (non kill) actions.
- The best you can say about Agentt today is that two votes were made which is more active than a lot of players. But that's that.
Vermilion and Magma can both have their actions confirmed to some degree: them living another night promises to be informative one way or the other. Same is not true for
Agentt, Agentt who has slunk back into the background.
To answer Tric's Pick Three question, it's:
VermilionAgenttEuchrejack (who has done next to nothing today as well)