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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 15140 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1125 on: Today at 01:46:10 pm »

I think current votecount:
Crystalizedmire (3): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
Krr1ss (3): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack
VermillionSkies (2): notquitethere, notquitethere
toastercultist (1): TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (3): Crystalizedmire
Mb, I missed my own vote change.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1126 on: Today at 01:49:46 pm »

One thing bothers me about Toastercultist's claim, is that Fallacy probably wouldn't use "Innocent" to mean not-mafia. Now probably TC is just using the terminology from his or her home site. But still, it does give me pause.

Toastercultist, what was the specific term used? You can't quote your whole PM (absolutely don't do this) but you can say a single word.

This doesn't seem like something you'd ask as town. It's pretty gimmicky and won't result in anything (toastercultist probably won't even post before deadline).
This is absolutely something I'd ask as town, because I am town and I'm asking it. It's not gimmicky. There's a questionable element to his claim that I want clarifying. What's not town about that??

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1127 on: Today at 01:58:05 pm »

One thing bothers me about Toastercultist's claim, is that Fallacy probably wouldn't use "Innocent" to mean not-mafia. Now probably TC is just using the terminology from his or her home site. But still, it does give me pause.

Toastercultist, what was the specific term used? You can't quote your whole PM (absolutely don't do this) but you can say a single word.

This doesn't seem like something you'd ask as town. It's pretty gimmicky and won't result in anything (toastercultist probably won't even post before deadline).
This is absolutely something I'd ask as town, because I am town and I'm asking it. It's not gimmicky. There's a questionable element to his claim that I want clarifying. What's not town about that??

If he's mafia he'll just ask Fallacy what the result would be. Gimmicky might not be the best word - "cheesy" is better. I don't know you that well, but I didn't think you'd be someone who'd try to catch scum in a cheesy way, such as asking about the exact wording of a night result.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1128 on: Today at 02:28:48 pm »

3) I am the one who spread Threads of Fate. I wanted to hide that and only hint to Imp and maybe Verm but that's down the drain as it's pretty obvious now. I have no idea why NQT's action failed on me, I lied about being Jailed simply as cover for Threads of Fate. Why? Because if I had got this Status, every single alarm in my head would ring loudly twice. I also wanted to see if people would lie and to what degree and try catching them in that lie. But now as I think about it, such dreams are futile and quite unlikely to happen so it may be better to come clean and try cooperating with town (I did say my ability required cooperation from the start). Yes, I threw so many hints that it was me from the day1 that I decided that anymore lying would probably just harm me after Verm specifically singled me out.

Unfortunately, this ability is pretty useless.
1. I can target someone to spread it only for that night and only by successful actions.
2. I can learn how many people have it.
3. I was begged by Fallacy not to let it reach Omega hahah (26th night iirc) as it's Alpha, Beta, etc..., Omega.

That's pretty much it. There's another ability linked with this one and it allows me to make use of those Threads for more than learning how many people have but I'll be honest here, I don't plan on using it and I find it particulary useless. I wanted it changed by Imp, perhaps make it into a killing ability or something and let me dominate the thread but after further consideration and careful inspection of my role (my talk with you Imp made me look at my role twice and realize I misread it twice hahah) I think that that's unlikely to happen. As such, for now, I am forgoing any and all plans of my role being changed. I'll make do with what I have and won't reveal anymore until the time comes. Not like there's much more to reveal to be honest. If I, by any chance, find hope in changing my role I'd love for Imp to reserve me priority as, with correct change/growth my role could potentially mechanically win the game alone.

I forgot what else I wanted to talk about so make do with that ig.
I am so uninterested in Krr1ss / VermilionSkies being the competing wagons today.
I still can't wrap my head around on Crystal. I get that you want him, and here, I'll do you a favor, but explain. I'll move my vote back to Verm otherwise.

I did explain it, here

Near the end I speak about how she hasn't updated her read on ToonyMan despite being presented with contradicting evidence. I think that's the strongest point.
I literally unvoted Toony because of updated evidence. I don't think we should risk eliminating Toony even if I don't vibe with Toaster.

I don't think verm or NQT are scum.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1129 on: Today at 02:32:05 pm »


No, it's serial killer if it was already a killing power? I don't get your reasoning at all. Also, I bet you first skimmed the thread, saw Imp's suspicion, and then came here to say that. Feels scummy

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1130 on: Today at 02:32:54 pm »

It's funny because my opinion of ToonyMan hasn't changed at all due the inspect - I already said that we shouldn't consider lynching ToonyMan unless toastercultist flips mafia.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1131 on: Today at 02:35:47 pm »

Krr1ss (4): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack, Crystalizedmire
Crystalizedmire (3): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
VermillionSkies (2): notquitethere, notquitethere
toastercultist (1): TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (0):
At this point, Imma vote anyone for self pres.

Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1132 on: Today at 02:36:50 pm »

Krr1ss (4): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack, Crystalizedmire
Crystalizedmire (3): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
VermillionSkies (2): notquitethere, notquitethere
toastercultist (1): TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (0):
At this point, Imma vote anyone for self pres.

Voting the double-voter seems like a poor choice if the goal is self-preservation.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1133 on: Today at 02:38:12 pm »

Krr1ss (4): Imp, VermillionSkies, EuchreJack, Crystalizedmire
Crystalizedmire (3): Magma Mater, Jim Groovester, Krr1ss
notquitethere (3): toastercultist, TricMagic, ToonyMan
VermillionSkies (2): notquitethere, notquitethere
toastercultist (1): TricMagic
Jim Groovester (1): Agentt
Magma Mater (0):
EuchreJack (0):
ToonyMan (0):
TricMagic (0):
Agentt (0):
Imp (0):

No Execution (0):

8 votes to hammer.

Not Voting (0):
At this point, Imma vote anyone for self pres.

Voting the double-voter seems like a poor choice if the goal is self-preservation.
I am not sure what to do to be honest hahah. Worst part is that EOD is at 4:30am my time and I don't know if I'll have will and energy to wake up so early just for this game


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1134 on: Today at 02:42:42 pm »


No, it's serial killer if it was already a killing power? I don't get your reasoning at all. Also, I bet you first skimmed the thread, saw Imp's suspicion, and then came here to say that. Feels scummy

Actually... be you inno or not.  Because inno is easy to fake here, Threadster.

This was the end of D5.  Sorry for the bad memories for many.

And your power does look quite in line for what an SK in a FBYOR might do.  And we're literally informed in the OP that an SK may be unable to directly kill.

Maximum Spin looks up from where he's playing with some oddly named collectable cards. "Look, are you really thinking of executing me? Can't you see how Esteemed I am? All my actions are explained. I'm the towniest of all of you -"

That's about as far as he gets before just about all of you decide you've had enough and bury him in votes. Secretdorf, meanwhile, is chanting ominously in the corner, and glaring at Imp.

Maximum Spin has been executed. Maximum Spin was a Serial Killer.

Quantum Macroshaper (Serial Killer)
(Auto) String Theory: Everything is connected, and only you can see it. Each Night, you may choose a player. Actions targeting you that Night are redirected to them, and vice versa. However, if a kill action is redirected via this ability, the player it would kill is protected. You also gain a (Temporary 1, Free) copy of any action redirected.
(Night) Spooky Action [target1][target2]: A butterfly flaps its wings, and a kingdom falls. Any action used on one of your targets is copied to your other target. You also gain a (Temporary 1, Free) copy of any action copied.
(3-Shot, Superfree, Night) Demon Box [action]: You perpetually unobserve an unstable object. Choose a copied action you possess, and remove any number of modifiers of your choice from it.
(1-Shot, Night) Redshift Room []: Time is a form of light, and what is said to be present is actually past. This Night, you may use every action you have previously lost, once each. Additionally, you cannot be roleblocked, redirected, or have your abilities Disabled, this Night.
(Free, Night) Broken DOOR [target]: You shatter the path to your Progenitor. Every player using an investigative action on you or your target is roleblocked, and you kill your target.
(Temporary 1, Free, Night) Courting the Esteemed [target]: You trap your target in an endless, frustrating web of words. Their targets are randomized to random players that do not possess Court of the Esteemed. While catching them in your web, you learn whether or not they possess Esteemed of the Court. If they don’t, they gain it, if they do, they lose it.
(Temporary 1, Free, Night) Haunting Void [target]: You haunt your target with feline tread, a black-furred void. You learn their alignment. If they use a kill action or visit you, you kill them.
(Reference, Modifier) Superfree: More free than Free. This action may be used any number of times per valid phase without counting towards your actions-per-phase limit.
(Reference, Modifier) Temporary X: This ability is destroyed after X Cycles have passed since its creation.

Secretdorf has finished compressing their votes into a designation, which they promptly hurl at Imp, whose eyes widen in shock before the designation pierces her heart.

Imp was killed. Imp was Town.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Secretdorf's eyes widen in a similar shock. "I-impossible..." they utter, before their heart collapses exactly as Imp's did.

Secretdorf was killed. Secretdorf was Town.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Crystalizedmire is looking at the proceedings in shock (much the same as the rest of you).

Crystalizedmire has been unbanished. (This occurred when Maximum Spin died.)

Despite all of that, the game continues.

Night 5 has begun. Night 5 will end at 8 PM Central time, Wednesday January 3rd, 2024.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1135 on: Today at 02:46:27 pm »

I should add on that the reason I don't think that toaster is scum because claiming a false investigation puts a lot of pressure under the false investigator so logically, I think it clears both Toony and Toaster.


No, it's serial killer if it was already a killing power? I don't get your reasoning at all. Also, I bet you first skimmed the thread, saw Imp's suspicion, and then came here to say that. Feels scummy
My reasoning is this:
Serial killer has weak killing power and another weak ability.
Serial killer wants more killing power so it wants another player to turn it's weakest ability into a super killing power akin to arsonist.
If you were town you probably have asked for something else instead because town doesn't want to kill too many players.
I could also see you as a mafia member due to the fact that killing many people is not a protown ability.
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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1136 on: Today at 02:48:14 pm »

And if you wanna say 'lookie all them kills' that the last game's SK had.

He didn't start with any.  He started with copy abilities and weirdstuff.  He had to find and harvest from killers to get kills.
For every trouble under the sun, there is an answer, or there is none.
If there is one, then seek until you find it.
If there is none, then never ever mind it.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1137 on: Today at 02:49:53 pm »

Think what you want, I don't have anymore energy to humor your tinfoiling. I plan on revealing my whole role tomorrow anyway.

If I flip, I just wish that you learn from this lesson and never do something like this again.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1138 on: Today at 02:55:13 pm »

Gun to my head if there's three mafia it's Crystal, Jack, and Tric as the team. I think Magma was saying Crystal/Jack/Jim but I'm not seeing Jim as mafia here. I feel strongly there's a bad guy between Tric and NQT but I can't tell who. Jim reads both as town but that doesn't feel right to me.

I think Crystal being mafia is odd with the Sal kill though, unless they're actually the ones that killed Sal. Their redirect claim of Imp to Sal seems risky though because if anybody had targeted Imp we would realize their action was false. Crystal has already said that their action failed or something but...
If Crystalizedmire is mafia then she probably did target those people.

1) Targets Canadian kitten with Graverob (free).
2) Targets Imp with role ability.
3) Targets Salvatore Monday with mafiakill.

Even if all the actions were free actions, this would still be impossible. At maximum, a player can only use 2 actions due to how free actions work. I'm not sure how you got this idea from that I could've targeted all three players with different actions.
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Magma Mater

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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1139 on: Today at 02:56:10 pm »

@VermilionSkies: Are you unkillable? I have a good reason for asking this, please answer truthfully.
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