KrisOnto the second thing. NQT targeted me for some reason. I refuse to believe that I was the most scummy person in the lobby in that moment. I refuse to believe that I was anyone's (maybe Sal's) top scum read and likely not even top3. Which makes me question, why target me? If you wanted a friendly target, go for Imp or Agentt. If you wanted to hunt scum, go for one of your scum reads, iirc it was Toaster at the time.
I'm not going to explain my whole role on D2, but I think it might instructive if you read the role from the last game I played in:
Hello notquitethere! You chose Reversi, and you have rolled Town.
Place Disc (Active, Free)
You can't win a game without placing a few discs.
Target any player. Mark them as a colour, alternating between White and Black, starting with White. If that player dies, the mark is flipped to the opposite colour. You may use this on Night 0.
Control Edges (Passive)
Pieces placed on the edge are difficult to take. And if you get one in the corner, watch out.
If one player is marked as Black, you are immune to abilities that modify investigation results. If two players are marked as Black, you are also immune to redirections. If three players are marked as Black, you are also immune to kills. If four players are marked as Black, you are also immune to roleblocks.
Feint (Active)
The right play at the right time could tell you a lot about your opponent.
Target another player. If one player is marked as White, you will learn the name(s) of that player's General Abilities. If two players are marked as White, you will also learn how many Personal Abilities they possess. If three players are marked as White, you will also learn whom they targeted this night. If four players are marked as White, you may additionally choose another player to redirect the actions of your target to that player.
In that game, I had a role which did something harmless when targeting a player (the place disc action), with the purpose being it could empower the useful part of my role. The mechanics are different but my current role has this same basic pattern. I don't think it's that uncommon. In fact, it sounds like your role also fits this pattern!
Unfortunately, this ability is pretty useless.
1. I can target someone to spread it only for that night and only by successful actions.
2. I can learn how many people have it.
3. I was begged by Fallacy not to let it reach Omega hahah (26th night iirc) as it's Alpha, Beta, etc..., Omega.
If it was helpful I would have just told you it was helpful. If it was harmful I would have said nothing! I didn't need to claim at all here, other than that as you'd also claimed to be jailed, I thought it might shed some light on the setup.
My first thought was that there could have been a chain of blocks, as Toony was disabled when targeting me. But as I was writing it out, I realised all three of our claims were quite different. Hence why I concluded that a lot of blockers in general seemed to be happening.
Only, it turns out you were actually lying about your role. Which, to be clear, I think is your perogative. But it does make your read of me on D1 pretty funny/hypocritical:
-Suggests town lying about roles. Feels a bit scummy.
I'm most suspicious of Crystal, Tric, and NQT. I think Tric and NQT are mutually exclusive though, if one is scum the other is not.
I think that Tric is town. If you trust me, by that logic, NQT is scum and I am definitely willing to jump onto that wagon.
This is actually a classic logical fallacy. Toony is saying if I'm scum, Tric isn't and if Tric is scum then I'm not. We both can still be town. You saying that Tric being town makes me scum doesn't follow from what he said at all.
Your argument:
1: NOT ((Tric = scum) AND (NQT = scum))
2: NOT (Tric = scum)
C: (NQT = scum)
Or more abstractly:
1. Not (A & B)
2. Not A
C: Not B
Or much less abstractly:
1. I can't walk and take a train at the same time
2. I didn't walk
C: So I took the train?
Actually I took a bus and neither walked nor took the train.