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Author Topic: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)  (Read 13746 times)


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1005 on: Today at 06:06:32 am »

The amount of times I missed s for d and said noted instead of notes is embarrassing...


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1006 on: Today at 06:14:56 am »

Another thing to note is that, in my world, town!Verm would find his fix to suck somewhat due to being limited only to Theater chat as that would mean that he is almost assuredly going to be limited to to his theater buddies which is honestly just frustrating while scum!Verm would much more enjoy the ability because he could use it on two town in the theater chat.

Another thing to note is Sal's death. No one really questioned it much. The original impression I got was "Sal died because he got super OP ability that is a game-changer" but after this post, I realized that it's quite possible for another reason.

Tric is town and he dies if everyone else in theater is eliminated. In other words, eliminating people from the Theater would essentially give scum +1 kill eventually. But that info was only known in the Theater at the time. Which means that there's likely scum in the Theater.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1007 on: Today at 06:47:45 am »

Currently, those are the reads I am comfortable flipping:

Magma (Urist), self explanatory, flipping them is essentially telling us on whether we should trust their reads or not. In this case, dead Urist may even be more helpful than alive one. The thread is pretty divided on their opinions on Urist and flipping him will prove to be a big info flip no matter the alignment. It's a fact that people are uncomfortable with trust Urist right now. Also hate Usurper role. It does make me wonder if he'd get Threads if someone targeted him that had it.

Vermillion, just read everything I said above. I think that it's likely there's scum here. Sorry Imp for not shipping your read, I respect your playstyle and opinions but I have my own too and yours is based on the past meta which could very well be changed. Especially if you pointed out to him what made him scummy or he has good teammates or just bothered actually learning and playing without you.

Toony I feel a bit less of an urge about this slot. It feels slippery and flipping them may not prove as helpful as I thought. It doesn't change the fact that I am uncomfortable with it and will keep an eye on it. Same goes for Jim.

Out of all those, the best flip would probably be me due to the amount of alignment indicative reads I made. Flipping me will surely help town organize themselves better but I don't believe that it will help much is scum hunting specifically because I am town and if I do flip, the only real happening would be "Ah, his reads were trash, he was town, gg wasted flip, let's move on.". At least I see it coming like that.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1008 on: Today at 06:49:12 am »

Currently, those are the reads I am comfortable flipping:

Magma (Urist), self explanatory, flipping them is essentially telling us on whether we should trust their reads or not. In this case, dead Urist may even be more helpful than alive one. The thread is pretty divided on their opinions on Urist and flipping him will prove to be a big info flip no matter the alignment. It's a fact that people are uncomfortable with trust Urist right now. Also hate Usurper role. It does make me wonder if he'd get Threads if someone targeted him that had it.

Vermillion, just read everything I said above. I think that it's likely there's scum here. Sorry Imp for not shipping your read, I respect your playstyle and opinions but I have my own too and yours is based on the past meta which could very well be changed. Especially if you pointed out to him what made him scummy or he has good teammates or just bothered actually learning and playing without you.

Toony I feel a bit less of an urge about this slot. It feels slippery and flipping them may not prove as helpful as I thought. It doesn't change the fact that I am uncomfortable with it and will keep an eye on it. Same goes for Jim.

Out of all those, the best flip would probably be me due to the amount of alignment indicative reads I made. Flipping me will surely help town organize themselves better but I don't believe that it will help much is scum hunting specifically because I am town and if I do flip, the only real happening would be "Ah, his reads were trash, he was town, gg wasted flip, let's move on.". At least I see it coming like that.

I wanted to say, after all those mb


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1009 on: Today at 06:50:22 am »

ToonyMan, can you give me the 120 second rundown on why NQT and TricMagic are suspect to you?
How about you give a rundown on who are your top suspects and why


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1010 on: Today at 06:52:08 am »

Currently, those are the reads I am comfortable flipping:

Magma (Urist), self explanatory, flipping them is essentially telling us on whether we should trust their reads or not. In this case, dead Urist may even be more helpful than alive one. The thread is pretty divided on their opinions on Urist and flipping him will prove to be a big info flip no matter the alignment. It's a fact that people are uncomfortable with trust Urist right now. Also hate Usurper role. It does make me wonder if he'd get Threads if someone targeted him that had it.

Vermillion, just read everything I said above. I think that it's likely there's scum here. Sorry Imp for not shipping your read, I respect your playstyle and opinions but I have my own too and yours is based on the past meta which could very well be changed. Especially if you pointed out to him what made him scummy or he has good teammates or just bothered actually learning and playing without you.

Toony I feel a bit less of an urge about this slot. It feels slippery and flipping them may not prove as helpful as I thought. It doesn't change the fact that I am uncomfortable with it and will keep an eye on it. Same goes for Jim.

Out of all those, the best flip would probably be me due to the amount of alignment indicative reads I made. Flipping me will surely help town organize themselves better but I don't believe that it will help much is scum hunting specifically because I am town and if I do flip, the only real happening would be "Ah, his reads were trash, he was town, gg wasted flip, let's move on.". At least I see it coming like that.
Oh, forgot to mention NQT. Damn, so many people, it's hard to keep track of them all


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1011 on: Today at 06:54:41 am »

Guys, what's so wrong with my reads... I literally made a small cases on toony based on his first few posts I didn't even scum read him back then and then I stopped because i've been outside for too long and wind got to me.

As for voting Jim (you), it's literally just a random vote within the trio. What's so bad in all that...

For the post you made about ToonyMan, I think it's coming from the perspective 'i will find evidence of Toonyman being scum in these posts', i.e., you've already decided on a conclusion and are trying to find evidence to reach it. I could probably generalize this to your suspicions about myself, ToonyMan, and Magma Mater.

You made another post (not going to dig it up) where you said you think Magma Mater's elimination was inevitable, even if all his reads pan out. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me since I'd think if a player's reads are all panning out then they're probably not scum, because otherwise they'd be bussing their teammates really freaking hard.

There's a handful of other statements like this that I may or may not have highlighted in my posts.

Your perspective and mine about what makes a player scum and how games will play out and how to prosecute suspects are significantly different and I have difficulty trying to see where you are coming from with some of your points. And I therefore have a difficult time gauging how sincere you are about the things you say and what you are attempting to accomplish. For the most part I'm not concerned but then you say weird things like I highlighted above (and in other posts) that make me doubt that your perspective is a town one.
1. Kinda, yeah. But more than that, I was making a case and just putting out my thoughts in the open. That case wasn't why I wanted Toony eliminated. It's for other reasons.
2. I explained my "inevitable" magma read just a few posts above.
3. Welp, try and see how sincere I am now?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1012 on: Today at 06:55:29 am »

I am quite concerned about krr1ss, about low-mid scumlean now, low confidence because I don't have any meta.  Krr1ss hosted and chattered as a pre-game-host and during-game-host very briefly with me.  I don't have a solid read.

I can easily provide you with both my town and scum games if you so desire.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1013 on: Today at 06:55:47 am »

I am tempted to just replace out with how stress inducing this has been today. All that work only to get BRUSHED OFF!


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1014 on: Today at 06:56:12 am »

I am tempted to just replace out with how stress inducing this has been today. All that work only to get BRUSHED OFF!
Also towny


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1015 on: Today at 06:57:16 am »

There is a reason I moved away from that sort of wall content posting. It stresses me out. Like at this point just vote me out instead if you think I'm scum of the earth, none of this "he's probably scum let's vote y" business. Put your vote on me if you want me gone.
relatable x2


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1016 on: Today at 06:58:32 am »

Well, I guess I shouldn't have waited to post my claims.
  • Assess Tricmagic -> 1 Hat, Bloody Sunglasses
  • Investigate ToonyMan -> Innocent
Do you talk only when voted? Should I perma vote you just so you can grace us with your presence for just a bit more?


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1017 on: Today at 07:01:36 am »

I'm most suspicious of Crystal, Tric, and NQT. I think Tric and NQT are mutually exclusive though, if one is scum the other is not.

I'm also suspicious of you and Jack, however it is not as much and I think your N1 claims here are probably the truth. I know that I am town and I think it makes sense you would want to hold onto an innocent result this early in the game so I don't blame you for keeping that to yourself.

I think that Tric is town. If you trust me, by that logic, NQT is scum and I am definitely willing to jump onto that wagon.

Can you explain your reads tho? I want to understand why you are actually suspicious of them. Throwing names like this is no better than random clustering with no actual reasoning.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1018 on: Today at 07:02:27 am »


I told people not to investigate me...

What are your thoughts on the game, Toastercultist? Who raises your suspicions?

Toony.  While he works on what he was working on, supposedly, from last night.

You told us:

Agentt is town.

Nobody inspect me or bad things happen.

I could go for a tuna sandwich.

You were apparently inspected.

You didn't appear to know you had been.

You appear to immediately believe you were inspected when Toaster claims he has.

You immediately unvote Toaster.


So.  Ummmm?
You noticed the same points, yay, glad we mindmeld. I do indeed find that theatrical between the two of them.


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Re: FBYOR 7 - Day 2 - Ineffable (12 / 14)
« Reply #1019 on: Today at 07:02:57 am »

Toastercultist has a lot of votes already I don't want a cop claim to get accidently hammered.

You'll have to come to your own interpretation about my "don't inspect me" claim (hint: I wasn't aware that I had been inspected, it's not what caused my ability to be Disabled). Just like Magma I like to fool around.

Doesn't easy me one bit
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