I haven't really been following development much so I'm not sure what's supposed to be a placeholder or not, but some feedback from what I've noticed.
As Iklistkel mentioned, the zoomed in map doesn't seem to work on my end either - makes the fast travel map unusable as it has no indicator of where the player is. (47 had the flashing X on the "world" map, and @ on the local one).
In character creation, it seems to prioritize giving the player items with armor levels (helmets, high/low boots, greaves, gauntlets, etc.), but neglects basic clothes. I figure its based on player habits and whatnot but it might be good to have both given to the players so one isn't running around completely nude if a civ has no armor items (more of a modded world concern than a vanilla one, I know, but still)
Throwing functionality and the hotkey are both still clearly there, but they don't show up on the bottom row. Wouldn't it be better to have that be present next to i.e firing, or taking up the place of where wrestling is now? Might just be me, but wrestling and basic attacking being separate icons feels redundant, as both also offer dodging/parrying/blocking, and its not like there wasn't space in the window to have wrestling be present as an option right underneath attacking.
Also in arena testing mode, if the window is resized in a particular way it cuts off the "control creature" button - I wasn't able to scroll it down with mousewheel (instead it resized the map behind the overview window).