Hello Imp! You chose
Betrayal at House on the Hill, and you have rolled
Town. Please read the
game-specific rules before continuing, as it'll make some things in your role easier to understand! Once you've read this role, please confirm via PM or Discord.
Without further ado...
General AbilitiesNarrative (Genre)It's time to tell a story. A journey awaits you, fraught with peril and woe. But just when all seems lost, you will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.You possess a locked one-shot killing ability. It is unlocked when the specified condition is met. When it unlocks, upgrade all of your abilities.
Duel (Genre)It's time to duel. Mono a mono. Head to head. Just have to get rid of that third wheel first.You are in a neighborhood with the other players who share this ability. If there are only two players with this ability at the end of any night, they will each learn the Faction of the other player. Join the neighborhood by clicking
here. You may speak in this server during the night (starting with night 1).
Personal AbilitiesHaunt (Active, 1-shot, Locked)Over? No, the game has only begun.Target any player. The mafia will attempt to kill that player while minimizing the amount of information revealed about themselves. For this purpose they are omniscient - they will not choose a mafioso whom is blocked or tracked, if possible. This ability is unlocked if doing so could prevent you from immediately losing the game, while you possess the
Narrative General Ability.
Explore (Active)What new treasures await?Target yourself and choose a location you have not previously visited. That player is moved to the chosen location. If
Haunt is unlocked, you may instead target any player.
Brooch (Passive)Cool to the touch. Its citrine surface bears a reflective sheen.The first kill attempt against you is prevented. If
Haunt is unlocked, all kill attempts against you are prevented. This is unlocked once you visit
Magic Camera (Passive, Locked)This Polaroid camera contains no film, but still prints photographs. Eerie.You will learn how many players visited you each night. If
Haunt is unlocked, you will instead learn the names of the players who visited you each night. This is unlocked once you visit
North America.
Music Box (Passive)It plays creepy music when opened. There appears to be a microphone on the bottom.At any time, specify a message of at most 140 characters. All players who visit you will receive this message. They will not be told its source. If you do not specify a message, they will be told that they receive an empty message. If
Haunt is unlocked, the message recipients are told its source, and are also told your alignment. This is unlocked once you visit
South America.
Smelling Salts (Passive)These enervating minerals will have you burning the midnight oil.Your actions cannot be blocked. If
Haunt is unlocked, you are immune to all non-kill abilities. This is unlocked once you visit
Angel's Feather (Passive)The feather cannot be gripped, it simply floats above your hand.You gain a negative vote. Voting for a player in blue will subtract one from their vote count. You cannot vote for yourself with this ability. If
Haunt is unlocked, it counts as a normal vote instead. This is unlocked once you visit
Dormitory (Passive, Locked)A nice place to doze off for a while, if you don't mind the bedbugs.This does nothing. This ability becomes locked at the start of the next day.
Factional AbilitiesTown (Win Condition)Cheating at a board game is wrong. The only appropriate response is hot-blooded murder.You win when all of the mafia have been eliminated.